le pen treats africans like they were primates


le pen treats africans like they were primates
Total Respect & «Non à Guerlain»
intend to lodge a complaint.
Rivière-Pilote, Monday 28 March 2011
Press release No. TRF2011-17D
Following the National Front (FN) victory in which the obtained two local
councillors in elections to the Cantons, the Honorary President of this party
of the extreme right, Jean-Marie LePen, declared (according to the Libération
newspaper, which said he made his remarks on 27 March at 22 :11hrs)
Africa should rejoice this evening, it is the victory of the primates.
This statement was meant to be a sort of response to Claude Goasguen,
a Parisian MP, who on Tuesday is supposed to have called the FN
a “party of primates” (or, according to his version of the facts,
“a party of primaries [first rounds]”.
In the mind of the general public, primates are monkeys, animals.
To compare Africa – and so people of African descent - to primates
is evidently to bring up the good old racist and colonialist cliché according
to which such people are are supposed to be not quite human,
but something in between animals and “man” (a white man, of course).
In this view of the world, the fact that a human being is biologically
an animal and that primates are in fact an order of mammals,
which includes monkeys and lemurs but also human beings,
becomes either insignificant or is denied to the last gasp.
Now that the UMP of Jean- François Copé is engaged in an (unacknowledged)
policy of electoral collaboration with the FN, these remarks by Mr Le Pen
come just in time to remember the true nature of the party, which nowadays
is presided over by the smiling, and almost squeaky clean, Marine Le Pen.
As of this moment, TOTAL RESPECT and the NON À GUERLAIN Collective
intend to lodge a complaint against Mr LePen for incitement to racial hatred.
Contact : 06 10 55 63 60 (Hexagone) - [email protected]
Total Respect - Tjenbé Rèd Fédération | Fédération de lutte contre les racismes,
les homophobies & le sida issue des communautés afro-caribéennes
Courriels : [email protected] | MSN : [email protected]
Site Internet : www.tjenbered.fr/federation | Myspace : www.myspace.com/tjenbered
Ligne d’écoute et d’information : +33 (0)6 10 55 63 60 (24h/24, répondeur à certaines heures)
Siège social : Pont-Madeleine, F-97211 Rivière-Pilote
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TOTAL RESPECT - TJENBÉ RÈD FÉDÉRATION est une fédération de lutte
contre les racismes, les homophobies & le sida issue des communautés afro-caribéennes.
LE COLLECTIF «NON À GUERLAIN ! NON À LA NÉGROPHOBIE !» (Collectif anti-négrophobie)
a été fondé le 14 novembre 2010 en réaction aux propos négrophobes tenus sur France 2
le 15 octobre 2010 par Jean-Paul Guerlain. Il comprend les associations suivantes :
1°) Collectifdom (Collectif des Antillais, Guyanais, Réunionnais & Mahorais) ;
2°) Total Respect - Tjenbé Rèd Fédération (Fédération de lutte contre les racismes,
les homophobies & le sida issue des communautés afro-caribéennes) ;
3°) APCK (Association panafricaine pour la célébration de Kwanzaa) ;
4°) Cégom (Collectif des États généraux de l’outre-mer dans l’Hexagone) ;
5°) Les Amis du collectif du 10 mai (La Marche des esclaves) ;
6°) MNH (Mouvement pour une nouvelle humanité) ; 7°) Pluricitoyen.
[3] 28 mars 2011 - Le FN obtient deux conseillers généraux : Total Respect & «Non à Guerlain»
condamnent la politique d’alliance avec l’extrême droite entamée par l’UMP Communiqué de presse n°TRF2011-17C
http://www.tjenbered.fr/2011/20110328-00.pdf [fr]
http://www.tjenbered.fr/2011/20110328-09.pdf [en]
http://www.lepost.fr/ [fr]
[2] 26 mars 2011 - Total Respect & Non à Guerlain appellent à voter contre le FN Communiqué de presse n°TRF2011-17B
http://www.tjenbered.fr/2011/20110326-00.pdf [fr]
http://www.tjenbered.fr/2011/20110326-09.pdf [en]
http://www.lepost.fr/ [fr]
[1] 25 janvier 2011 - Le Pen (Marine) tombe le masque,
le Front national est toujours à vomir (Le Blog de Total Respect)
English translation of this French original text. In the event of any differences between the
English translation and the French original, the French text shall prevail. Translated by T. E.
28 mars 2011 - Le Pen traite les Africain/e/s de primates (Total Respect
& «Non à Guerlain» entendent porter plainte) - Communiqué de presse n°TRF2011-17D
http://www.tjenbered.fr/2011/20110328-10.pdf [fr]
http://www.tjenbered.fr/2011/20110328-19.pdf [en]
http://www.lepost.fr/ [fr]
http://www.humanite.fr/ [fr]
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Total Respect - Tjenbé Rèd Fédération | Fédération de lutte contre les racismes,
les homophobies & le sida issue des communautés afro-caribéennes
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