4x4 is een vierdaags experimentele platform dat


4x4 is een vierdaags experimentele platform dat
1­>4 September 2005
(substantif masculin)
• Ornement comportant des motifs entrelacés.
Ornement composé de motifs dont les courbes s'entrecroisent et
s'enchevêtrent :
1. Il [le Charles IX de Clouet] est là tout entier, aussi réel que s'il
posait devant vous, dans son justaucorps de velours noir rayé
d'entrelacs d'or...
GAUTIER, Guide de l'amateur au musée du Louvre, 1872, p. 164.
2. Toute une plastique différente s'élabore de ce fait; elle joue
surtout sur le graphisme et la tache (...) elle explique les entrelacs et
les sinuosités de la miniature irlandaise et du décor viking, aussi bien
que les motifs tourbillonnants de la Polynésie; elle anime encore en
notre temps les emportements jaillissants d'un André Masson, ou de
peintres abstraits plus récents tels que Hartung, Soulages, Mathieu
ou Michaux...
HUYGHE, Dialogue avec le visible, 1955, p. 191.
B. P. anal. Réseau formé de fils, de branches, se croisant les uns
les autres. Frédéric la saisissait [la main], doucement; et il
contemplait l'entrelacs de ses veines, les grains de sa peau, la forme
de ses doigts (FLAUB., Éduc. sent., t. 2, 1869, p. 91). Le ciel limpide
parmi les entrelacs de la vigne et des roses (ROLLAND, J.­Chr.,
Buissonard. 1911, 1343).
Au fig. Enchevêtrement, imbrication. Si vous vous donniez la
peine d'embrasser cet ensemble, vous tireriez de l'entrelacs de tant
de faits grands et petits de bien frappantes conclusions (GOBINEAU,
Corresp. [avec Tocqueville], 1850, p. 150). Je connais si bien le
réseau nerveux, l'entrelacs de mes défauts et de mes qualités! (DU
BOS, Journal, 1926, p. 32) :
3. L'entrelacs des intérêts privés, collectifs et étatiques et la
compénétration de la recherche, des études et des réalisations défie
toute procédure d'imputations.
PERROUX, L'Écon. du XX s., 1964, p. 272
• syn: entrecroisement, entrelacement, enlacement, natte, tresse,
réunion, union, lien, nœud, réseau, bifurcation, carrefour, contexture,
croisée, croisement, embranchement, entrecoupement, intersection,
jonction, chaîne, contexture, courbure, écheveau, enchevêtrement,
entremêlement, mélange, réseau, canalisation, chaîne, lacis, lacs,
organisation, piège, résille, réticule, rets, tissu, toile d'araignée, voie.
• english • tracery.• knot.• twine.
http://atilf.atilf.fr/tlfv3.htm ­ les trésors de la langue française informatisé
4x4 is a project of Les Bains::Connective, a socio­artistic laboratory in Brussels, whose concept of
“entrelacs” emerged from its philosophy. Its keywords are processes, development, multidisciplinarity,
connectivity and laboratory. They include different parameters and values as research, time, space,
respect, doubt, individual, collective, autonomy, link, curiosity, risk, openness, interrogation, generosity,
humility, sharing and exchange.
4x4 is a four­day multidisciplinary experimental platform which opens up the fragility of the artistic
process and its interdisciplinary dialogue by the public encounter of individual artistic proposals in a
one specific location, following an entrelacs preparation phase. 4X4­2005 [M3C] 20/07/2005
Its elements are: &
11 artists from 3 different disciplines (visual art, performances and music) presenting one
individual work, Time: January­September 2006 with preliminary “Bubble” meetings, two­three weeks of
production, one week of building­up and 4 public evenings
Location: the specific spaces of the renovated former swimming­pool of Les
Audience: mobile, moving along their own parcours in the evolving works.
________First edition
The first edition of 4X4 took place in Les Bains::Connective from the 8 to 12 of September 2004. It
was the final part of a collaborative process between 11 artists and a curator with a scenography,
technical and production team.
Each of the artists had two duties:
To propose a finished solo piece to an audience. This piece could be a part of a work in
progress, could be a creation or an existing piece with an in­situ value.
To get acquainted with the artistic proposals of the 10 other artists. In addition to
seeing each other works whenever possible, all of the artists had to meet at least once, but
preferably at least twice, during three “bubble” evenings. They took place in April, June and
August 2004 in Les Bains::Connective. These Bubble meetings allowed getting familiar with
the specific spaces of Les Bains::Connective, getting to know the other participating artists
and considering progressively some possible “entrelacs” between the works and the artists.
This resulted in a very rich programme of 11 works presented during 4 evenings where audience could
get in at 19.00 and leave at 24.00, having experienced all different and very diverse artistic proposals
at their own pace. _________Selection of the artists:
Mariane Cosserat, the curator, chose the artists as individuals, not according to a piece. It has been
made following artistic medium and process, gender and human criteria. Beside the quality and interest of the artistic work and development as first criteria, she looked to
get the same number of artists: 4, with preferably a balance between genders in each discipline being
Visual arts, Performances & Music.
To mix different paces and experiences, she found it important
To choose artists from very different contexts and as a consequence to propose to some
of them to work in a different environment than their usual circuit To choose artists who have an openness towards other artistic disciplines, and search in
their work these collaborative processes 4X4­2005 [M3C] 20/07/2005
To include one or two artists leaving abroad when most of the artists are (or partly) living in
Belgium, even if they have different nationalities. To include in each discipline, one artist who never worked in Les Bains::Connective before. To compose an heterogenic group of persons, media and expressions to aim for
complementarity and homogeneity as final result
It resulted in a choice of the following
4 musicians:
Boris Balstchun – electronic musician and composer
Anja Kowalski – singer with a traditional folk songs repertoire
Elie Rabinovitch – pop & rock drummer
Annelies Van Parys – pianist and composer in contemporary classical music
4 visuals artists:
Mariane Cosserat – sound and visual installations
Christelle Fillod – videos and installations
Lawrence Malstaf – optical and mobile installations
Els Van Riel – films and videos
3 performers:
Gaëtan Bulourde: Performer with video and sound
Antonija Livingstone: Dancer, performer and choreographer
Yokiko Shinozaki: Dancer and choreographer
_________“Entrelacs” concept
All the artists have a multidisciplinary approach to their work, even if they choose one specific
medium to relate to an audience; they work with musicians, visual artists and performers in developing
their own work or other’s creators’ works or they have themselves develop expressions in different
media. Gaëtan Bulourde is also a musician, Antonija Livingstone a great singer, Elie Rabinovitch a film
director, Mariance Cosserat an actress and a theatre director, Lawrence Malstaf a scenograph,
Christelle Fillod a performer….
They all have professional experiences of both being interpreters and creator themselves. This
is of most important concerning the preparation phase of the process to develop the entrelacs concept.
Each of the artists having an individual proposal is as vulnerable as the others and feed­backs,
comments, suggestions: all “entrelacs” proposals are made on respectful and equal basis. This
means that by getting familiar with the other’s artistic processes and developments, it makes it possible
to have interaction in the elaboration of the other artists’ work, each artist being fully in power to
apply them or not. This exchange and sharing are possible because time is one constructive element of the 4X4
concept. All participants meet altogether several time and share their ideas months before the
finale public part. They take full part on equal basis in the general development of the 4X4. The role
of the curator remains important to maintain a global coherence and a communication flow but is not
central after the selection process has been completed.
4X4­2005 [M3C] 20/07/2005
Those different interests, educations and experiences help to have a specific concern and approach to
audience. The role of the public is one essential element of the 4X4 concept. The former
swimming­pool of Les Bains::Connective offers an appropriate setting to allow subtle interactions
between the works while preserving the necessary space to present each work individually respecting
their own rhythm, breathing, space and needs and also pace and needs of the audience. The public by going from one work to the other, according their own path gets influences and through
those various experiences have a different approach of the following works and vice­versa. Each
spectactor/visitor has a different evening, does not experience all the same works or maybe at different
moment, find their own way in the evening schedule to make their own parcours.
The presence of works from different disciplines in a collective space, with full respect of their
own needs of space, environment and time is the finale entrelacs as such. The curator and the
scenographes worked together with the artists to find out the best location for both the work and the
audience. The mobility and autonomy of the audience is an essential aspect of the public phase. To
reach a balance between the individual/collective relation to the space and works, to respect
the various paces of each of the visitor/spectator, different parameters are important to allow the
visitor/spectator to get an active role and become himself actor of his/her own evening: &
the possibility to get in at any moment from 19.00 to 23.00
the different settings which are proposed: walking, standing, laying, on a swing, seating on
chairs, cushions, sofas, stools, darkness, headphones, silence… have the safety and
comfort of the spectator/visitor as main concern especially if he/she is not put in a
conventional passive, frontal, seated position;
the discreet presence of the artists in/next to their work and during the complete evening
as host, audience and artist;
the important role of the team of scenographes, curator and production assistant to
maintain the rhythm of the evening and making the transitions smooth, mobility of the
audience easy;
the presence of two additional “guardian angels” on each of the three floors, to inform,
explain, indicate, under the supervision of the scenograph, the curator and the production
The bar always open to drink and eat but mainly to rest, talk, exchange, meet and share in
between, audience and artists together;
________2005: Second edition
After the evaluation of the first edition and despite of the financial difficulties of this first edition, all the
participants agreed to be part of a second edition if the appropriate budget could be raised.
On artistic and human values, the 11 artists are now functioning as a group and wishes to remain
connected to develop the 4X4 concept further.
The concept & the team of the 11 artists will remain identical as well as some elements of the
production team with Hege Pålsrud as scenograph, Luea Ritter as production assistant and Ludo
Engels as technician: &
If sufficient financial support will be gathered, the preparation phase will start in January
2005 by a first bubble meeting to share the first ideas and present the first draft of all
individual proposals.
4X4­2005 [M3C] 20/07/2005
In order to follow­up more closely the artistic development of the artists, a permanent forum
will be open on Les Bains::Connective website to circulate information about the on­going
presentation of pieces and works of all the participating artists.
The next Bubble meetings will take place during one full day or week­end (instead of one
evening) around a public presentation of a work of one of the participating artist or for a
specific workshop, e.g. all the artists from the same discipline have to work together to
propose a workshop of one or two days to the other artists.
The individual production period would be spread over July and August in Les
Bains::Connective., Les Bains::Connective would provide a production budget and technical assistance.
All the works have to be ready for the 25th of August, so to give time to develop possible
As finale element and main target, the audience would come in during 4 days : 1st to 4th of
September 2005.
________2006: Third edition
In addition to the development process of the second edition, and in order to prepare the third edition
which would likely take place in Norway in 2006, some Norwegian artists, at least one in each
discipline would be invited in the finale week of August 2005 (building­up and finale entrelacs period)
and during the public phase of the 4X4 (1>4 September 2005) as guest and guardian angels. This invitation to attend the second edition is very important so to start to include them in the group
of artists.
It is presently not possible to know if all the 11 artists will be able to take part in the third edition but the
number of participating artists should not exceed 16 to build up links. So a number of five Norwegian
artists is a maximum. The balance between gender and discipline will be a criteria of selection as well
as the other listed criteria.
In 2007, the fourth edition could take place in Belgium with all the Norwegian artists.
This idea of doing a third edition of 4X4 in Norway and especially Tromsø came out of different
successful collaborations &
between the artistic scene of Tromsø and les Bains::Connective since 7 years. After “Too
much is not enough” in 2002, “Sauna in Exile” in 2004 or Liquid Quantum” in 1997, strong
links have been developed between the Tromsø artistic scene and audience thanks to
collaborations and co­productions with Hålogaland Teater, Nordlys Festival and Rådstua
teaterhus, &
the evident excellence quality of work and commitment in this project of the Norwegian
scenograph, Hege Pålsrud, living in Tromsø who would be part of the next edition.
the participation of the artist Lawrence Malstaf living partly in Tromsø making also an evident
link between Belgium and Norway. &
The good response of the audience in Tromsø for the different performances/installations
that have been presented there since 1997 and the demand which now exists make this idea
very grounded.
In the first half of 2005, Mariane Cosserat in collaboration with Hege Pålsrud and Lawrence Malstaf will
select at least three artists, one musician, one visual artist and one performer working in Norway. A
Norwegian production team for the 2006 edition will be set up between the different foreseen partners
4X4­2005 [M3C] 20/07/2005
which are Hålogaland Teater, Rådstua teaterhus and The Festival of North Norway. This aspect is
under preparation and discussion.
As an example of possible collaboration for the 2005 edition, a technician assistant could be sent by
the Hålogaland Teater to work together with his Belgian colleague, Ludo Engels. In reciprocity, the Art
Centre De Singel would give one month time to a scenograph assistant to work together with the
Norwegian scenograph Hege Pålsrud in Brussels.
________Foreseen support & partners
The foreseen budget for the 2005 edition is 89.000 euros, including the prospective trips to prepare the
2006 edition.
To gather the 89.000 euros, different subsidy applications will be sent to and financial support will be
asked to &
The Flemish Community ­ Music, Performing Arts and Visual Arts and International
The Region Bruxelles­Capitale
The Commission of the Flemish Community ­ Arts and urban funds departments, to support
the production costs
The Goethe Institut to support the cost of fees, travels & lodging of the artist Boris Baltschun
The Canadian Art Council and Embassy in Brussels to support the cost of fees, travels and
lodging of the artist Antonija Livingstone Norks Kulturrad – the Norwegian Arts Council
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, The Norwegian Embassy in Brussels
The Belgian Embassy in Norway to support the cost of fees, travels and lodging of the
scenograph Hege Pålsrud, the prospecting trips of the curator Mariane Cosserat and the
costs of travel and lodging of the Norwegian artists.
Hålogaland Teater (Tromsø, N) for a technician assistant.
De Singel, (Antwerpen, B) for a scenograph assistant
OCA­ Office for Contemporary Art in Norway Dance and Theatre centre in Norway
The Frenchspeaking Community Wallonie­Bruxelles – Commissariat Général aux Relations
internationales, Performing arts and Music department for financial support.
________Appendix :
CV’s On demand by post, press reviews and documentation on the first edition.
4X4 is a project of 4X4­2005 [M3C] 20/07/2005
Les Bains::Connective
Rue Berthelotstraat 34
BE­ 1190 Bruxelles/Brussel
Tel/fax : +32 (0)2 534 48 55
Email : [email protected] / Website : www.bains.be
Contact person :
Mariane Cosserat
GSM : +32 (0)479 530 602
[email protected] / [email protected]
4X4­2005 [M3C] 20/07/2005