Ecole doctorale "LOGIQUE DU VIVANT


Ecole doctorale "LOGIQUE DU VIVANT
Ecole Doctorale COMPLEXITE DU VIVANT – Fiche Projet CONCOURS
Nom et prénom du directeur de thèse (et si besoin du co-directeur) : Tambutté Sylvie
Le directeur de thèse et le co-directeur doivent impérativement être habilités à diriger les recherches (HDR)
Tel :
+377 97 77 44 70
e-mail : [email protected]
Nom et prénom du co-encadrant (non HdR ) (s’il y a lieu) : Venn Alexander
Coordonnées Tel : +377 97 77 44 72
e-mail : [email protected]
Nom et prénom du responsable de l’équipe : Tambutté Sylvie
Nombre de chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs statutaires de l’équipe titulaires d’une HDR :
Nom et prénom du responsable du laboratoire : Allemand Denis
Intitulé du laboratoire et N° d’unité :
Centre Scientifique de Monaco
Spécialité : Physiologie_Biologie moléculaire
Titre du projet de thèse : Physiologie des transports ioniques et moléculaires chez les coraux, implications
Résumé du projet de thèse (1 page maximum, en anglais)
Coral calcification builds the structural foundation of coral reefs that rank among the most
ecologically and economically valuable ecosystems on the planet. For many years now our team has
specialized in research into the physiological mechanisms that drive coral calcification, with a view to
advancing fundamental understanding of biomineralization and determining why coral calcification is
sensitive to aspects of climate change such as ocean acidification (1).
The physiology underpinning calcification is complex. This process involves both transport of ions
(e.g. Ca2+ and HCO3-) from seawater to the coral’s internal calcification site and the synthesis of
organic molecules by calcifying cells. The formation of coral skeleton is under biological control, but
environmental parameters also play a role. For example, light stimulates calcification while ocean
acidification inhibits it (2). The proposed project will focus on two questions that are critical to a better
understanding of the influence of the environment of coral calcification: A) How do environmental
parameters influence ion transport used to supply calcification? B) Do properties of ion transport vary
between species of coral? To answer these questions the Ph.D. student will characterize tissue
permeability using a broad array of physiological and molecular approaches. This will equip the Ph.D.
student with a diverse skill set of laboratory techniques that will also be applicable to cell biology
problems in other fields.
Our work has already shown that ion transport is partly achieved via paracellular route pathways
(between cells) (3). This pathway is dependent on intercellular junctions called septate junctions that
retain tissue cohesion and that control ion exchanges between the apical and basal sides of tissues. We
have developed in vivo confocal microscopy techniques to analyse the paracellular pathway and
determine tissue permeability using fluorescent markers such as calcein in coral microcolonies grown
on glass slides (3). Using this approach, the Ph.D. student will determine how tissue permeability is
affected by changes in environmental parameters. Experiments will also be conducted using inhibitors
and changes in the ionic composition of seawater to improve mechanistic understanding of ion
transport process. Imaging techniques will also be employed to directly assess calcification by crystal
growth (2). Physiological investigations will be complemented by analysis of the expression of genes
Ecole Doctorale COMPLEXITE DU VIVANT – Fiche Projet CONCOURS
and proteins involved in the formation of septate junctions.
The research will focus initially on the model coral Stylophora pistillata for which we have
accumulated physiological and molecular data for over 30 years. As this coral has the distinction of
being particularly resistant to ocean acidification, the Ph.D. student will also conduct comparative
analysis with more sensitive corals like Pocillopora damicornis. This will help decipher how
paracellular ion transport properties are linked to resistance versus susceptibility to ocean acidification.
During their time at CSM, the Ph.D. student will work in a vibrant and growing institute that conducts
world class research in the diverse fields ranging from ecophysiology to biomedicine. See for more details.
1) Tambutte et al. (2015) Nature Communications. 6 (7368) doi:10.1038/ncomms8368
2) Venn et al. (2013) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS). 110 (5) 16341639.
3) Tambutte et al. (2011) Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0733.
Thèses actuellement en cours dans l’équipe
Nom et Prénom du doctorant
Le Goff Carine
Nom du directeur de thèse
Tambutté Sylvie
Année de 1ere
inscription et
Ecole Doctorale
ED Complexité
du vivant
Financement pendant la thèse
Allocation du Centre Scientifique
de Monaco
Ecole Doctorale COMPLEXITE DU VIVANT – Fiche Projet CONCOURS
Trois publications récentes du directeur de thèse (du co-directeur ou du co-encadrant s’il y a lieu).Mettre en gras le nom
du directeur de thèse.
Bicarbonate transporters in corals point towards a key step in the evolution of cnidarian calcification
Zoccola D, Ganot P, Bertucci A, Segonds N, Techer N, Voolstra C R, Aranda M, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Casey J R,
Tambutté S. 2015. Sci Rep 5 (9983)
Morphological plasticity of the coral skeleton under CO2-driven seawater acidification
Tambutté E, Venn A, Holcomb M, Segonds N, Techer N, Zoccola D, Allemand D, Tambutté S
Nat Comm. 2015. 6(7368)
Structural molecular components of Septate Junctions in cnidarians point to the origin of epithelial junctions in Eukaryotes
Ganot P, Zoccola D, Tambutté E, Voolstra C R, Aranda M, Allemand D, Tambutté S
2015. Mol Biol Evol. 32: 44-62
Docteurs encadrés par le directeur de thèse ayant soutenu après septembre 2010 et publications relatives à leur sujet de thèse.
Mettre en gras le nom du directeur de thèse et celui du docteur.
Nom Prénom : Julien Debreuil
Date de soutenance : 14 novembre 2012
Durée de thèse (en mois): 37 mois
Ecole Doctorale : Diversité du Vivant
Publications :
-Molecular cloning and characterization of first organic matrix protein from sclerites of red coral, Corallium rubrum
Debreuil J, Tambutté E, Zoccola D, Deleury E, Guigonis JM, Samson M, Allemand D, Tambutté S. 2012. J. Biol.
Chem. 287 (23): 19367-19376
-Comparative analysis of the soluble organic matrix of axial skeleton and sclerites of Corallium rubrum: Insights for
Debreuil J, Tambutté S, Zoccola D, Segonds N, Techer N, Allemand D, Tambutté E. 2011.
Comp. Biochem. Phys. B. 159 (1): 40-48
- Specific organic matrix characteristics in skeletons of Corallium species
Debreuil J, Tambutté S, Zoccola D, Segonds N, Techer N, Marschal C., Allemand D, Kosuge S., Tambutté E. 2011.
Mar. Biol. 158: 2765-2774
Nom Prénom : Laurent Julien
Date de soutenance :29 octobre 2013
Durée de thèse (en mois): 37 mois
Ecole Doctorale COMPLEXITE DU VIVANT – Fiche Projet CONCOURS
Ecole Doctorale : Diversité du Vivant
Publications :
Regulation of intracellular pH in cnidarians: response to acidosis in Anemonia viridis
Laurent J, Venn A, Tambutté E, Ganot P, Allemand D, Tambutté S. 2013. FEBS J. 281: 683-695
The influence of photosynthesis on host intracellular pH in scleractinian corals.
Laurent J, Tambutté S, Tambutté E, Allemand D, Venn A. 2013. J. Exp. Biol. 216: 1398-1404
Impact of seawater acidification on pH at the tissue-skeleton interface and calcification in reef corals
Venn A, Tambutté E, Holcomb M, Laurent J, Allemand D, Tambutté S. 2013. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. Am. 110
(5): 1634-1639