for, since ago, during while


for, since ago, during while
AGO : il y a
They met a long time ago
FOR : pendant
She’s worked here for two months
She watched the tv for 2 hours last night
It rained for three days without stopping yesterday
SINCE : depuis une date précise
I haven’t seen Tom since Monday
She’s been working here since April
Mais aussi cette structure particulière :
How long is it since you had your holiday ?
DURING (+ nom) : pendant
I fell asleep during the film
It must have rained during the night
WHILE (+ sujet+ verbe) : tandis que
We saw Ann while we were waiting for the bus
While you were out there was a tel call for you
Mais aussi cette structure :
Jim hurt his arm while playing tennis (= while he was playing
Maintenant on passe aux exercices :
Répond à la question « WHEN » = quand
Répond à la question « HOW LONG » =
combien de temps
Répond à la question « FROM WHEN » =
depuis quand
Répond à la question : « WHEN DID IT
HAPPEN» = quand cela est-il arrivé
Répond à la question : « WHEN DID IT
HAPPEN» = quand cela est-il arrivé