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International Council ror the
l· Exploration of the Sea
C.M.1983/Gen: 13
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Gen: 13 (E)
Gen: 13 (F)
71st STATUTORY MEETING •••••••••••••••••••••
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1. The following Area- and Subjeet Committees will eleet new Chairmen at this
year's Annual Meeting:
Fish Capture Committee
Marine Environmental Quality Comrnittee
Demersal Fish Committee
Biologieal Oeeanography Committee
Baltie Fish Committee
2. In addition, in aeeordanee with Rule 25(i) of the Rules of Proeedure, the
Consultative Committee will eleet a new Chairman from among the Delegates
and Experts •
3. The election ofChairmen of Area- and Subject Comrnittees will take place
according to the following Ruels of Procedure :
Rule 4(ii)
Delegates, experts or advisers may vote at any meeting of
a Committee of which they are members, provided that at
meetings of the Committees mentioned in Rules 28, 29, 30, 31,
3lA, 3lB and 3? any Contracting Party shall exercise only one vote.
Rule 5(iii)(b) All elections shall be decided by secret ballot after confidential
nominations in writing.
Rule 5(iv)
For election to the office of President, Vice-President or
Chairman of a Committee a candidate who secures votes numbering
more than half the number of Contracting Parties represented
at the meeting at which the vote is taken, shall be declared
elected. If no candida te secures the number of votes required
for eleetion, then :
if there are only two candidates, voting shall be
continued until a candidate is elected,
if there are three or more candidates, the candida te
receiving the lowest number of votes shall be eliminated
and voting continued in aeeordanee with this paragraph
until a eandidate is eleeted, provided that if there are
two or more eandidates reeeiving the lowest nurnber of votes,
it shall be deeided by separate vote which eandidate shall
be eliminated.
4. These Rules are supplemented by the following direetions, adopted by the
CouneH in 1966:
a) Before,election starts, the Chairman shall make sure how many
'voting members' are present.
b) All members of a Committee are entitled to present nominations
before the election, whether they are 'voting members' or not.
e) As a result of nominations, only the names of the nominees shall
be made known to the Committee, not the numbers of nominations for
eaeh of them.
--d) All members of a Committee, who have been nominated, are available for
eleetion as Chairman, whether they are 'voting members' or not.
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5. The Chairmen of Committees are not eligible for re-election for
the immediately succeeding term (Rule 34(i». The Council has interpreted this to mean aperiod of three years.
6. With respect to the election of the new Chairman of the Consultative
Committee, Rule 35(ii) provides that the Chairman of the Consultative
Committee shall cease to be Chairman of any other Committee of the
Council of which he may be Chairman at the time of election, and that
the Committee concerned sha11 forthwith elect a new successor. It also
provides that if the new Chairman of the Consultative Committee is a
Delegate, he shall not function as such during the time of his chairmanship.
7. The new Chairmen will take office from 1 November 1983, but are welcome,
if they wish, to attend the sessions of the Consultative Committee on
15, 17 and 18 October 1983.
1. Les Comites suivants doivent, cette annee,e1ire un nouveau president:
Comite pour 1a Capture des Animaux marins
Comite de 1a Qualite de 1'Environnement marin
Comite des Poissons de Fond
Comite de l'Oceanographie biologique
Comite des Poissons de 1a Baltique
2. En outre, seI on la Regle 25(i) des Regles de Procedure, le Comite
Consultatif elit son president parmi les delegues et experts.
3. Uelectiondes presidents des Comites se fera selon 1es Regles de
Procedure suivantes :
Regle 4(ii)
Les delegues, experts ou consei11ers peuvent
voter a toute reunion d'un Comite dont i1s font partie,
etant entendu qu'aux reunions des Comites mentionnes aux
Regles 28, 29, 30, 31, 31A, 31B et 32, toute Partie
contractante ne dispose que d'une voix.
5 (iii)(b) Toutes 1es elections ont 1ieu au scrutin secret apres
que des nominations confidentielles aient ete faites
par ecrit.
Pour 1es elections aux postes de President, VicePresident ou President d'un Comite, 1e candidat qui
recueille un nombre de voix representant plus de la
moitie des Parties contractantes representees a la
reunion au cours de 1aquelle il est procede au vote.
sera dec1are e1u. Si aucun candidat ne recueille 1e
nombre de voix requises pour etre elu, il sera procede
de la manie re suivante:
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(a) s'il ne reste que deux candidats en presence. les
operations de vote se poursuivent jusqu'a ce que l'un
d' eux soi t elu,
(b) s'il reste en presence trois candidats ou plus, le
candidat ayant obtenu le moins des voix sera "limine
et les operations de vote se poursuivent jusqu'a ce
qU'un candidat soit elu, etant entendu que si deux
candidats ou plus obtiennent le nombre le plus faible
de voix, le choix du candidat a elirniner sera effectue
par vote separe.
Aces Regles s'ajoutent les directives sUivantes,adoptees par 1e Conseil
en 1966 :
(a) Avant le debut de toute election le president doit s'assurer du
nombre des "membres votants" presents.
l<,s mef'lbres d' un Corni te ont le droi t de presenter des candidats
qu t ils soient "mernbres votants n ou non.
(cl A l'issuE' des nominations, seuls les noms des candidats
designes doivent etre portes a la connaissance du Comite,
pas 1e nombre de voix obtenu
chacun dteux.
(d) Tous les rnembres d'un Comite qui ont ete designes sont
eligi bles au poste de president t qu' i 13 soient "membres votant lt
ou non.
5. Les pr"sidn)!.s des Comites ne sont pas reel igibles pour la periode
qui suivra Jmmediaternent (Regle 34 (il). Le Conseil a interprete
ce ci
a sienifier
une Veriode de treis ans.
6. En ce qui concerne l' election du nouveau Pr';'s ident du Cornite Consul tatif,
la ReGle 35(iil stipule que si le President du Cornite Consultatif
ent deja president d'un autre Comite il doit abandonner sa presidence et le Comite dont il s'agit doit, en consequence, elire un
successeur. Cette Regle stipule egalement que si un de1egue est
e1u, il perd sa qualite de Delegue pour la periode de sa presidence.
7. Les nOuveaux presidents entrent en fonction au ler novembre 1983.
mais ils sont li bres a assister a ti tre d' observat.eurs aux seances
du Comi te Consu1 tatif les 15, 17 et 18 octobre 1983.