ROC marks 70th anniversary of recovery of South China Sea Islands


ROC marks 70th anniversary of recovery of South China Sea Islands
PETA montre des reptiles dans les
élevages de crocodiles au Vietnam (dont
deux ont fourni des peaux à la tannerie
détenue par la société-mère de Louis
Vuitton, LVMH) confinés dans de
minuscules fosses et parfois dépecés
alors qu’ils sont encore vivants et se
« Le fait de confiner des êtres vivants doués de sensibilité
dans des fosses bétonnées, de les ouvrir au couteau et de les
laisser mourir lentement n’a rien d’élégant », explique
Isabelle Goetz, porte-parole de PETA France. « PETA demande à
Louis Vuitton d’abandonner les peaux exotiques en faveur de
matières véganes ».
PETA (dont la devise dit notamment que « les animaux ne nous
appartiennent pas et que nous n’avons pas à les utiliser comme
vêtements ») a diffusé des enquêtes révélant le traitement
cruel des animaux dans des élevages de reptiles sur trois
continents (l’Afrique, l’Asie et l’Amérique du Nord), chacune
montrant que ces animaux sensibles et intelligents sont
emprisonnés dans des conditions insalubres et subissent une
mort violente.
Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur
handelszaken. Waar blijft de
“De leegstand van handelszaken
bedraagt in bepaalde wijken van
Brussel 27 procent en is het
afgelopen jaar toegenomen met
gemiddeld veertig procent. De
Brusselse regering moet daarom
dringend een specifiek beleid
uitwerken. Dat zal niet lukken met de wijze waarop Atrium
vandaag de zaak aanpakt: zonder gedegen studiewerk rond de
vraag wat de oorzaken zijn van die leegstand en zonder de hoge
lokale belastingen aan te pakken”, aldus Johan Van den
Hoofdstedelijk Parlement.
Uit het rapport-Winkelleegstand van 2016 van onderzoeksbureau
Locatus blijkt dat in 2015 2.139 of bijna tien procent van de
winkelpanden leegstonden. Zeer problematisch is dat in sommige
wijken de leegstand 27 procent bereikt. Bovendien blijkt uit
cijfers van het gewestelijk handelsagentschap Atrium dat de
leegstand het afgelopen jaar is toegenomen met veertig
procent. Specialisten voorspellen dat door de komst van
winkelcentra als Docks en Mall of Europe (NEO) de toestand nog
slechter zal worden. Het is duidelijk dat het regeringsbeleid
op dit vlak tekort schiet. Bloeiende winkelruimtes zijn
nochtans zeer belangrijk voor de economie, de tewerkstelling
en het toerisme. Leegstand is bovendien slecht voor het imago
van Brussel.
Johan Van den Driessche, Fractievoorzitter Brussels Parlement
Minister Gosuin werd daar vandaag over geïnterpelleerd door
Johan Van den Driessche in de commissie Economie. Hij wist
echter niet te overtuigen dat deze zorgwerkende situatie zal
veranderen. Integendeel, de minister wist een reeks redenen op
te sommen maar bleek niet te beschikken over studies die de
relevantie en de belangrijkheid van die redenen in kaart
brengen. Op die wijze is het natuurlijk zeer moeilijk om een
gericht beleid te voeren. Waar degelijk studiewerk bestaat
blijft de regering doof. Zo hebben eerdere studies duidelijk
gemaakt dat de lokale belastingen in het Brussels Gewest 28
tot 38 procent hoger liggen dan in Vlaams- en Waals-Brabant en
dat dit één van de belangrijke redenen is waarom ondernemingen
dit gewest verlaten.
Positief is dat de minister tegen de zomer een studie besteld
heeft die onderzoekt of Docks een nieuw publiek aantrekt of
dat het eerder gaat om een verschuiving van publiek binnen het
Brussels Gewest.
De N-VA betreurt dat het beleid inzake leegstand van
handelszaken niet steviger wordt aangepakt. Er is nood aan
specifieke initiatieven die de verschillende winkelzones,
zoals de ‘Centrale Lanen’, Kunstberg, Klein Zwitserland,
Ukkel-Kalevoet, en dergelijke een eigen profiel geven. Deze
eigen profilering ontbreekt vandaag bijna volledig of komt in
alle geval niet over naar het publiek. De commissie heeft in
dat kader het voorstel van de N-VA aanvaard om het
handelsagentschap Atrium uit te nodigen om aan de commissie
meer toelichting te geven over haar aanpak en het falen van
die profilering.
In alle geval zal er maar echt een doorbraak mogelijk zijn
indien de problematiek multidisciplinair wordt aangepakt, en
dit zowel op gewestelijk als op gemeentelijk niveau. Onder
andere op vlak van mobiliteit, ruimtelijke ordening,
pandenbeleid, fiscaliteit en citymarketing is een omvattende
aanpak nodig. Deze multidisciplinaire en gecoördineerde aanpak
is net door de organisatie van dit gewest, het zwakke punt.
Het feit dat eerder deze week duidelijk werd dat de stad
Brussel de samenwerking met Atrium zal afbouwen is daarvan een
onbegrijpelijk voorbeeld.
International review of 2nd
reports on ROC implementation
of human rights covenants
The three-day review of the
ROC’s second set of reports
regarding its implementation of
the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights and
the International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights ended with a news
conference Jan. 20 at which 10 international experts presented
78 concluding observations and recommendations.
Over the course of the three days, the panelists reviewed the
implementation of each article of the two covenants, and held
in-depth discussions with ROC government officials and
representatives of domestic and foreign human rights groups.
Important issues covered included rights protection for such
disadvantaged groups as indigenous peoples, persons with
disabilities, women, children, new immigrants, and migrant
workers; establishment of a national human rights commission;
capital punishment; labor rights; and land justice.
Minister without Portfolio Lin Mei-chu pledged that the ROC
government would uphold human rights as a pillar of the
nation’s foundation, and urge all its agencies to incorporate
into their policies the spirit of the two covenants and other
international human rights accords that have been integrated
into domestic law. The Executive Yuan will oversee efforts by
its ministries and related agencies to carry out the
concluding observations and recommendations, she said.
Protection of human rights in the ROC has reached new heights
with the conclusion of this review. Establishment of the
review mechanism was facilitated by the longstanding
assistance of the international experts, along with
constructive dialogue among government agencies and
nongovernmental organizations. The Ministry of Justice will
continue to employ this mechanism as a platform for
communication between the public and private sectors as well
as a bridge between the ROC and the international human rights
system, such that the protections listed in the two covenants
are put into practice nationwide.
fabrication et la vente de
Mettant en avant des raisons de sécurité,
les autorités marocaines ont interdit la
fabrication et la vente de burqas, voile
intégral musulman à l’afghane, rarement
porté par des femmes au Maroc.
Selon la presse locale, le ministère de l’intérieur a diffusé
une circulaire à ses agents chargés des commerces dans
les villes leur enjoignant de ne plus autoriser la confection
et la commercialisation de burqas à compter de cette semaine.
Aucune annonce officielle ou communication publique sur le
sujet n’a cependant été faite par ce ministère.
ROC marks 70th anniversary of
recovery of South China Sea
President Tsai Ing-wen reiterated ROC sovereignty over the
South China Sea Islands and all rights over their relevant
waters at the opening of a special exhibition Dec. 9,
emphasizing recent government measures with regard to issues
in the South China Sea.
“I once again reiterate that the government will staunchly
safeguard our country’s territorial sovereignty in the South
China Sea, and insists upon all legal rights over the relevant
waters in accordance with international law and the law of the
sea,” President Tsai said at the exhibition, jointly organized
by the Ministry of the Interior and Academia Historica,
Sustainable Governance and Enduring Peace: An Exhibition
Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Recovery of the
South China Sea Islands.
The president pointed out recent government measures,
including stepping up protection of Taiwan fishermen in the
Dongsha (Pratas) and Nansha (Spratly) Islands, and boosting
law enforcement with regard to fishing boats from other
countries operating illegally. Through various mechanisms, the
government has also expressed the ROC position to the
international community, calling on all parties concerned to
set aside differences and promote joint development.
Multilateral scientific cooperation based on Taiping Island
has also been initiated, while the Coast Guard Administration
continues to conduct humanitarian rescue in the relevant
waters of Taiping Island and Dongsha Island, and staged a
cross-agency humanitarian assistance exercise Nov. 29
demonstrating how Taiping Island serves as a base for
humanitarian assistance and supply. The government is also
cultivating more experts on the law of the sea.
President Tsai expressed her appreciation to all those who
have been stationed on Taiping Island, and held a
videoconference with Commander Wang Mao-lin on the island to
thank personnel currently stationed there. For the full text
of President Tsai’s remarks, please see the website of the
38433&rmid=2355 ).
Minister of the Interior Yeh Jiunn-rong said there have been
many changes since the recovery of Taiping Island in 1946,
including passage of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
and challenges arising from climate change, rising sea levels,
and atmospheric circulation testing the government’s wisdom in
the administration of the island. The exhibition shows how
government agencies have implemented the president’s South
China Sea policy through measures on conservation,
humanitarian aid and rescue, scientific research, and climate
change, Yeh added.
The chronological presentation of the exhibition’s three
themes—“Historical Developments,” “Key to the Southern
Territories,” and “Sustainable Peace”—displays the
government’s important policy decisions and history of
governance in recovering the South China Sea Islands. Also
featured are the natural and cultural aspects of Taiping
Island, as well as the achievements made under the peaceful
administration of the island.
The ROCS Taiping and ROCS Chungyeh arrived at Taiping Island
70 years ago on December 12, an important historic moment in
completing the recovery of the South China Sea Islands.
ROC carries out South China
Sea rescue exercise
The ROC Coast Guard Administration under the Executive Yuan
conducted a humanitarian rescue exercise in the Nansha
(Spratly) Islands Nov. 29 in accordance with President Tsai
Ing-wen’s policy concerning the South China Sea, namely,
1. Disputes in the South China Sea should be peacefully
resolved in accordance with international law and the law of
the sea, including UNCLOS.
2. Taiwan should be included in multilateral mechanisms aimed
at settling disputes.
3. Countries concerned have an obligation to ensure the
freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea.
4. Disputes in the South China Sea should be resolved by
shelving disputes and promoting joint development.
Five measures are in place to implement this policy. These
cover making Taiping Island into a base for the provision of
humanitarian aid and logistical support; enhanced protection
of fishing rights and fishermen’s safety; multilateral talks
with related countries; greater scientific collaboration; and
the cultivation of more experts on the law of the sea.
The Coast Guard Administration released the
statement Nov. 30 regarding the exercise:
CGA conducts Taiping Island humanitarian rescue exercise
The ROC Coast Guard Administration and other agencies carried
out a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise,
Operation Nanyuan No. 1, on Taiping Island and in its relevant
waters in the Nansha (Spratly) Islands Nov. 29.
Three aircraft, eight vessels, and 336 persons took part in
the exercise, which simulated a foreign-flagged cargo ship on
fire, with five injured people jumping overboard. In addition
to the CGA, the Ministries of Transportation and
Communications, National Defense, and Health and Welfare, as
well as the National Rescue Command Center, participated in
the drill, marking the first such ROC cross-agency
humanitarian exercise in the South China Sea.
The exercise, conducted as part of President Tsai Ing-wen’s
policy to transform Taiping Island into a base for the
provision of humanitarian aid and logistical support,
demonstrated the efficacy of the government’s mechanism for
assistance/disaster relief capabilities in the South China
Since the CGA took over administration of the Dongsha (Pratas)
and Nansha Islands in 2000, it has conducted 70 humanitarian
assistance/disaster relief missions, aiding 100 people,
including 23 operations assisting 25 people in the relevant
waters of the Nanshas. The CGA will continue to carry out
humanitarian rescue exercises in the area while expanding
humanitarian assistance/disaster relief cooperation with
neighboring countries, making Taiping Island a center for
humanitarian aid and logistical support.
For the Coast Guard Administration video on the Nov. 29
exercise, please see the Executive Yuan YouTube channel ( ).
The ROC Coast Guard Administration under the Executive Yuan
conducted a humanitarian rescue exercise in the Nansha
(Spratly) Islands Nov. 29 in accordance with President Tsai
Ing-wen’s policy concerning the South China Sea, namely,
1. Disputes in the South China Sea should be peacefully
resolved in accordance with international law and the law of
the sea, including UNCLOS.
2. Taiwan should be included in multilateral mechanisms aimed
at settling disputes.
3. Countries concerned have an obligation to ensure the
freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea.
4. Disputes in the South China Sea should be resolved by
shelving disputes and promoting joint development.
Five measures are in place to implement this policy. These
cover making Taiping Island into a base for the provision of
humanitarian aid and logistical support; enhanced protection
of fishing rights and fishermen’s safety; multilateral talks
with related countries; greater scientific collaboration; and
the cultivation of more experts on the law of the sea.
The Coast Guard Administration released the
statement Nov. 30 regarding the exercise:
CGA conducts Taiping Island humanitarian rescue exercise
The ROC Coast Guard Administration and other agencies carried
out a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise,
Operation Nanyuan No. 1, on Taiping Island and in its relevant
waters in the Nansha (Spratly) Islands Nov. 29.
Three aircraft, eight vessels, and 336 persons took part in
the exercise, which simulated a foreign-flagged cargo ship on
fire, with five injured people jumping overboard. In addition
to the CGA, the Ministries of Transportation and
Communications, National Defense, and Health and Welfare, as
well as the National Rescue Command Center, participated in
the drill, marking the first such ROC cross-agency
humanitarian exercise in the South China Sea.
The exercise, conducted as part of President Tsai Ing-wen’s
policy to transform Taiping Island into a base for the
provision of humanitarian aid and logistical support,
demonstrated the efficacy of the government’s mechanism for
assistance/disaster relief capabilities in the South China
Since the CGA took over administration of the Dongsha (Pratas)
and Nansha Islands in 2000, it has conducted 70 humanitarian
assistance/disaster relief missions, aiding 100 people,
including 23 operations assisting 25 people in the relevant
waters of the Nanshas. The CGA will continue to carry out
humanitarian rescue exercises in the area while expanding
humanitarian assistance/disaster relief cooperation with
neighboring countries, making Taiping Island a center for
humanitarian aid and logistical support.
For the Coast Guard Administration video on the Nov. 29
exercise, please see the Executive Yuan YouTube channel ( ).
ROC regrets that it has not
been invited to once again
The government of the Republic of China deeply regrets that
President of the ICAO Council Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu,
despite the last precedent, has not invited the directorgeneral of the ROC Civil Aeronautics Administration to lead a
delegation to the 39th ICAO Assembly, which is to be held in
Montreal, Canada, from September 27 to October 7. The ROC
government urges the international community as well as ICAO
to recognize the need for Taiwan’s involvement in efforts to
ensure international aviation safety. The ICAO Assembly is
convened once every three years to discuss and formulate
aviation regulations and standards to be jointly upheld by
countries around the world, so that civil aviation safety can
be enhanced in an orderly manner and a seamless sky can be
achieved. Taiwan is situated at a pivotal location, and the
Taipei Flight Information Region administered by Taiwan plays
an important role in air transport in East Asia. Only through
continued participation in the ICAO Assembly and related
meetings will Taiwan be in a position to gain insight into the
latest developments of important ICAO-related issues, take
appropriate measures, and contribute to international aviation
safety and development.
The ROC government reiterates that Taiwan’s objective in
seeking participation in ICAO is to ensure aviation safety
through cooperation with other countries and realize ICAO’s
vision of a seamless sky. Its participation should not be
subject to any political considerations. The ROC appreciates
the efforts made by its diplomatic allies, the executive and
legislative branches of likeminded countries, as well as
individuals and groups—through public statements, resolutions,
commentaries, and other approaches—to encourage ICAO to
support Taiwan’s professional, pragmatic, and constructive
Taiwan’s absence from the 39th ICAO Assembly this year will be
a major loss for the international community. The ROC
expresses strong regret and dissatisfaction at any attempts to
suppress Taiwan’s international participation. It will
continue to pursue a meaningful participation in international
organizations and protect its national rights and interests.
The international support that the ROC has received has added
considerable momentum to its future efforts to push for ICAO
participation. Based on its steadfast diplomacy, as well as
the principle of reciprocity, the ROC will continue to closely
cooperate with other countries and stakeholders to establish
meaningful and durable partnerships, and to seek participation
in ICAO and other UN specialized agencies in an appropriate
Air Europa vole désormais
aussi vers la Colombie et
Depuis le 28 juin, Air Europa relie Bruxelles à Bogotá,
capitale de la Colombie. Cette nouvelle route aérienne est une
preuve supplémentaire de la position forte d’Air Europa sur le
marché belge.
Air Europa, la compagnie aérienne privée espagnole, est
surtout connue pour ses connexions attrayantes vers l’Amérique
du Sud, dont l’Argentine, le Brésil, Cuba, l’Équateur, … Et
désormais aussi la Colombie. Les vols transatlantiques d’Air
Europa sont particulièrement prisés avec un taux d’occupation
très élevé.
Pour les voyageurs belges, l’Amérique du Sud est facilement
accessible, grâce aux liaisons rapides de Bruxelles vers
Madrid et aux correspondances vers toutes ces destinations
sud-américaines. On citera aussi les prix compétitifs d’Air
Europa en Classe économique et Club Business et le service à
bord, notamment ses repas bio concoctés par un chef espagnol.
lancera une nouvelle liaison
vers Guayaquil, la plus grande
ville d’Équateur. Dès le 16
décembre, Air Europa se rendra
cinq fois par semaine vers cette
nouvelle destination. On peut
donc dire qu’Air Europa est,
pour le marché belge, un spécialiste de l’Amérique du Sud.
Vous pouvez bien évidemment vous envoler à destination de
Madrid pour un citytrip, grâce aux deux vols par jour d’Air
Europa au départ de Bruxelles.
Infos pratiques Bruxelles – Bogotá : Vol quotidien, en Boeing
787 Dreamliner, à destination de la Colombie :
Aller : Bruxelles 11h05 – escale à Madrid (1h25) – Bogotá
17h55 (heure locale)
Retour : Bogotá 20h – escale à Madrid (2h50) – Bruxelles
Info :
Voyager sans payer c’est également
possible, suivez Air Europa sur FB, un séjours long-courrier
vol + hôtel est actuellement à gagner!
Air Europa propose des tarifs très concurrentiels en Economy
Class et Club Business. Spécialisée dans les vols espagnols
intérieurs et les vols intercontinentaux vers l’Amérique
latine, Air Europa est membre de Skyteam ; les passagers
bénéficient des avantages du programme de fidélisation SUMA.
ROC President Dr. Tsai Ingwen
On May 20, 2016, Dr. Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic
Progressive Party (DPP) was inaugurated as the 14th-term
President of the Republic of China (Taiwan). In her address at
the inaugural ceremony, President Tsai laid out her vision for
Taiwan’s future and elaborated on the policy goals of her
With regard to the ROC’s foreign policy, President Tsai
stressed her desire to bring Taiwan closer to the world while
upholding the universal values of peace, freedom, democracy,
and human rights. Taiwan will continue to deepen relationships
with friendly democracies including the US, Japan, and
European nations. It will also proactively participate in
international economic and trade cooperation, as well as free
trade negotiations such as the TPP and RCEP. Furthermore,
Taiwan will contribute to fostering environmental
President Tsai stated her administration’s commitment to
strengthening regional peace and stability, emphasizing the
importance of fostering closer economic links with other Asian
countries. As part of this commitment, President Tsai
announced a new southbound policy to broaden exchanges in such
areas as technology, culture, and commerce, and expand
Taiwan’s ties with ASEAN and India.
Acknowledging the cross-strait talks held in 1992—with their
spirit of mutual understanding and political attitude of
seeking common ground while setting aside differences—as well
as the stable and peaceful cross-strait development that has
taken place since then, President Tsai called for positive
dialogue for the benefit of both sides of the Taiwan Strait.
As for economic policy, President Tsai said her administration
will pursue a new economic model for sustainable development
based on the core values of innovation, employment, and
equitable distribution, aiming to leverage Taiwan’s maritime
economy, high-quality human resources, strong engineering
culture, well-developed industrial chain, nimble small and
medium enterprises, and relentless entrepreneurial spirit.
In her address, President Tsai also touched on various
domestic issues, such as pension and judicial reform, longterm care mechanisms, and transitional justice. She explained
the need to enhance prospects for young people, and pledged to
promote the development of indigenous communities.
For the full text of President Tsai’s inaugural address,
please see the
website of the Office of the President (
37416&rmid=2355 ).
Madonna’s display of ROC flag
stirs passions in Taiwan,
Taipei, Feb. 5 (CNA) Pop icon Madonna’s display of a Republic
of China flag during her Thursday concert in Taipei has drawn
a lot of support in Taiwan but has sparked controversy on the
Internet in China, making her the latest celebrity to stir up
heat by showing an ROC flag on stage.
The American entertainer draped herself in the ROC flag at the
end of her concert while performing her encore song “Holiday”
— a routine that she performs in other countries with their
national flags.
Taiwanese fans were quick to thank the singer for showing her
affinity with the local audience. “Thank you Madonna, you are
the queen. Thank you for enlightening Taipei with our national
flag!” wrote one Facebook user.
But fans on the other side of the Taiwan Strait were less than
enthusiastic about the gesture.
When a photo of Madonna with the ROC flag was posted on the
singer’s microblog fan site in China, some Chinese Internet
users urged the photo to be deleted, while others called the
ROC flag a “regional flag” instead of a national flag.
China considers Taiwan to be part of its territory, to be
reunited by force if necessary.
The incident came a few weeks after Taiwanese K-pop singer
Chou Tzu-yu (周子瑜) was embroiled in a controversy after she
waved an ROC flag on a South Korean TV show.
Other performers, such as American singer Katy Perry and
Taiwanese singer Deserts Chang (張懸), have also been mired in
controversy in the past for displaying the ROC flag during
their concerts.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t the ROC flag that Madonna took the
most heat for this time.
An image showing Madonna with Taiwan’s national emblem, which
was posted on the singer’s social media sites on Thursday —
apparently as a gesture of goodwill to her Taiwanese fans —
started a political landslide and sparked an emotional
response from local netizens.
The image shows Madonna’s picture inside a blue sun with 12
rays, which resembles the ROC national emblem of a white sun
with 12 rays on a blue background. The ROC national emblem is
the canton of the ROC flag and resembles the emblem of the
ruling Kuomintang (KMT), which suffered a crushing defeat in
the presidential and legislative elections last month.
Many Taiwanese apparently do not see the sun with 12 rays as a
symbol of Taiwan.
The most-liked comment on the original post, with over 4,000
likes as of 7 p.m. Friday, reads: “OMG this is not Taiwan or
Taipei’s symbol, this is the symbol of the party KMT that
kills so many Taiwanese. Please correct this ridiculous
mistake. Show some respect to this island.”
Another Facebook user compared the emblem to a “Nazi symbol”
and said that “somebody ought to have a good talk with whoever
chose the symbol.”
Others, however, defended the singer.
“Madonna you rock! You can totally ignore the political
comments, I seriously don’t know why some people just can’t
seem to live without politicizing everything,” wrote one user.
“She’s an artist not an international history professional,”
wrote another.
Madonna is scheduled to hold her second and last Rebel Heart
concert in Taiwan Saturday at the Taipei Arena.
(By Christie Chen)

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