concu pour la formation des eleves. II retinit tous les


concu pour la formation des eleves. II retinit tous les
it may be pointed out, first appeared in 1913
and has, with modifications from time to time,
notably in the substitution of new engines
when they became available, been in constant
and extensive use ever since, and is still one
of the best machines in the world for its
particular purpose. The " Trainer " is, so
to speak, the modern equivalent of the
famous 504, in that it bears the same relation
to modern military types of aircraft as did
the 504 to the military types of aircraft
some 10 years ago. Consequently the
" Trainer " can be used for the complete
instruction of pilots without the need for
advanced training on other types. When
required for training seaplane pilots the
machine can be fitted with a float undercarriage.
Avro Six small commercial aeroplane.
Petit avion commercial Avro Six.
The Avro " Trainer " is an equal-span
Avro Six, aeroplano comercial pequefto.
single - bay biplane, having considerable
stagger in order to improve the view and
concu pour la formation des eleves. II retinit also to enable the occupant of the forward seat to get away by parachute in
tous les perfectionnements qu'ont pu inspirer case of trouble. An important feature of the machine is that the two
les enseignements fournis au cours de nom- cockpits are identical in size and position of controls. Thus, when a pupil
breuses annees par le celebre Avro 504. cree changes from the front to the rear seat, he is not confused by being in a
des 1913 et dont il s'utilise encore differentes cockpit in which the controls, and more particularly engine controls, instruvariantes a l'heure actuelle. Le Trainer ments, etc., are in unaccustomed positions.
comporte un fuselage en tubes d'acier soudes,
• The fuselage of the " Trainer " is a welded steel tube structure, and the
avec revetement en toile ; l'entoilage de la fabric covering is attached to large panels which bring the rectangular section
partie-avant, dispose sous forme de grands of the main structure up to a streamline form. These panels can readily be
panneaux, peut s'enlever afin de reveler ainsi removed, and the whole of the fuselage structure underneath is then open for
a la vue toute la structure inferieure. Deux inspection. The inside of the fuselage framework in way of cockpits is
postes spacieux, identiques jusqu'au moindre covered with leatherette so that the occupant sees nothing of the steel tube
detail, et, bien entendu, mum's d'un systeme framework. This at once gives an impression of tidiness, and one
de doubles cominaiides.
wonders that aircraft have for so many years been left with their not very
Ailes de construction entierement metal- pretty structure, wires, etc., exposed to view. It is always a matter of some
lique, avec longerons principaux en ruban difficulty to clean the cockpit of a machine properly, and in a school machine
d'acier et nervures en duralumin. Le Trainer used in all sorts of weather and on all sorts of aerodrome surfaces it is inevitpeut s'equiper a l'aide du moteur " Lynx " able that a lot of dirt should get carried into the machine by the feet of the
ou du moteur " Mongoose," tous deux de pilot and pupils. In the " Trainer " provision has been made for cleaning by
fitting a scoop behind the cockpits, into which can be swept the dirt and
construction Armstrong-Siddeley.
L'Avro Avian est un biplace leger, avec sand. The scoop is then tilted down and the dirt falls out.
ailes de biplan principalement en bois et
All-metal wings (except the covering) are fitted on the " Trainer," the main
fuselage en tubes d'acier soudes. L'Avian spars being steel strip, and the wing ribs of light metal.
peut recevoir differents moteurs au choix,
The engine fitted to the " Trainer," as standard, is the Armstrong Siddeley
soit l'Armstrong-Siddeley " Genet Major," " Mongoose " of 150 h.p. This engine supplies ample jxnver for school work
soit le " Cirrus Hermes," ou encore le De in most countries, and certainly in Great Britain.^There are, however, cases
Havilland " Gipsy." Citons enfin line crea- where an aerodrome is situated at a considerable height above sea level, or
tion toute recente : 1'Avian Sports, analogue in a very hot climate with air of small density. For such cases, the Armstrong
a 1'Avian normal mais dont les profils fuseles Siddelev " Lynx " of 215 h.p. can be substituted.
sont encore dune plus grande finesse. C'est
When the '' Trainer " is fitted with the " Mongoose " engine the tare weight
a bord d'un appareil de ce type, legerement is 1,560 lb., the disposable load 658 lb., and the gross weight 2,218 lb. The
modifie, que le Commandant Kingsford Smith maximum speed is 110 m.p.h., the cruising speed 95 m.p.h., the initial rate of
a accompli en 10 jours sa magnifique ran- climb 675 ft./min., and the service ceiling 12,400 ft.
donnee d'Angleterre en Australie.
With the Armstrong Siddeley " Lynx " engines these figures become :
tare weight, 1,722 lb. ; disposable load, 658 lb. ; gross weight, 2,380 1b. ;
maximum speed, 116 m.p.h. ; cruising speed, 100 m.p.h. ; initial climb, 1,000
ft./min ; service ceiling, 18,500 ft.
A LCiUNOS aflos at ras el activo y pasivo de la
The Avro Avian two-seater light aeroplane comes of a line of worthy
empresa Avro fue adquiridoporlasociedad ancestors, the Avro Co. having produced what was probably the first light
Siddeley Development Company, mientras aeroplane in the world, the " Avro Baby," which appeared in 1919, and on
que otras de las firmas del grupo son : Sir one of which Mr. Bert Hinkler put up some splendid flights. The " Baby "
W. G. Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd., was followed by several ultra-light aeroplanes, and then for the British Light
y Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd. La em- Aeroplane Competition at Lympne in 1926, was produced the first " Avian."
presa Avro es una de las mas antiguas en la
industria britanica de aviation, pues fue
fundada por Sir Alliott V. Roe y su hermano
Mr. H. V. Roe en el ano 1910. Sir Alliott
Roe ya no esta relacionado mas con la firma
que lleva su nombre pero, a pesar de que la
compaftia forma parte de una organization
mas importante, dicha casa ha conservado su
individualidad completa, y Mr. Chadwick
que se hallaba en la empresa Avro en los
primeros tiempos de su establecimiento todavia es el ingeniero jefe y principal proyectista.
Durante los ultimos aftos la casa A. V. Roe
& Co., Ltd.. se ha concentrado principalmente en la production de aparatos de aviation civil, si bien se han construido igualmente
cierto numero de tipos para fines militares.
Hace ya algun tiempo la casa Avro adquirio
la licencia para la construction en Inglatefra
de los aparatos de aviation del tipo Fokker,
y desde entonces se ha empleado una forma
FAvro Trainer school machine. (Lynx engine.)
Appareil d'entratnement Avro Trainer (moteur Lynx).
variada de la construction Fokker para la
Trainer, avionjpara instruccidn (motor Lynx).
production de tales tipos como el Avro