Qui veut gagner des millions ?


Qui veut gagner des millions ?
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Qui veut gagner des millions ?
Asking specific questions using a range of question forms (Module 2.3, Module 3)
Increasing knowledge of France and French culture
A multiple-choice quiz in the style of ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire?’
Participants could present their quizzes to the group using a PowerPoint template or
quiz-creating software
Grammar pre-requisites
Question words e.g. Où? Qui? Quand? Comment?
Quel/quelle/quels/quelles? (Module 2.3)
Lequel/laquelle/lesquels/lesquelles? (Module 2.3, Module 3.2)
How would you as a tutor/trainer prepare for this activity?
Suggested plan
Participants practise forming questions by playing the game ‘if this is the answer,
what was the question?’ For example, trainer says ‘à trois heures et demie’ and
participants work out that the question was ‘à quelle heure finissent les cours?’ (or
equally ‘à quelle heure prenez-vous le bus ?’) A creative and imaginative approach
can be encouraged.
Participants look at alternative ways of asking questions e.g. est-ce que vous
avez...? Avez-vous? Vous avez? Trainer discusses the use of formal/familiar register
and guides participants to select most appropriate question forms.
As a stimulus, participants could watch clips from ‘Qui veut gagner de millions?’
online, focussing on types and variety of questions.
Participants research information about France and devise their quizzes
Extension work
Some more complex questions could be phrased in the negative e.g. laquelle de ces
régions n’est pas sur la côte ?
Participants could research less well-known Francophone countries for their quiz
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How could this activity be adapted for use in the primary
Children could be encouraged to play the role of the teacher i.e. asking the
questions, not just answering them
Children could devise quizzes to test their peers on what they have learnt
Simple questions could include ‘comment dit-on X en français ?’, ‘quelle est la
capitale de la France ?’, ‘comment s’appelle le chien de Matthew ?’ etc.
© CILT, the National Centre for