EPREUVE D`ANGLAIS Compétences à évaluer


EPREUVE D`ANGLAIS Compétences à évaluer
Année scolaire 2011-2012
Composition du 2e trimestre
Classe :6e
Durée : 1h45
Compétences à évaluer
-Réaction à des messages lus ou entendus
-Production écrite d’un texte de fonctions et de types variés.
I- La réaction à un texte écrit
Nina est élève en classe de 6e au Faucon. Ici dans le texte, elle
donne des informations qui te permettent de mieux la connaître tout en
te donnant des informations concernant son amie Clara, élève en 6 e au
faucon comme elle. Lis plutôt.
Tâche :
Après avoir lu le texte, tu devras montrer ta compréhension en
-identifiant les personnages du texte
-reconnaissant les détails du texte ;
-démontrant la justesse des mots utilisés ;
-montrant ta maîtrise de certaines règles de la grammaire anglaise.
Text : Nina, the school –girl
My name is Nina; I am nine and I go to school at Faucon. Clara is
my friend. She is nine too and she is a student in my school. Her hair is
black and her eyes are brown. She writes with her left hand. Her teeth
are very white. Clara and I are students in the first form.
I live in Abomey –Calavi with my parents. My father, Mr KALOUM
is a civil servant. He always goes to work in Cotonou with his nice grey
car. My mother is a dressmaker. Our house is not far from Faucon; I go
to school on foot.
Clara lives in Zogbo; she comes to school by car with her uncle Kassim,
and she never comes to school late.
At Faucon, students wear uniform: boys and girls wear a blue,
yellow and white shirt; boys wear dark –blue trousers but girls don’t
wear trousers; they wear dark-blue shorts.
In the classroom, we listen to our teachers very carefully; and we
look at the board very well to take good notes of the lessons.
I like my teacher of English particularly very well. All my
classmates and I are very good at English.
Item 1: Write “right” or “wrong’’ for these statements
1-Clara goes to school at Faucon
2-Mr KALOUM always takes taxi to Cotonou
3-At Faucon, girls wear a dark – blue shirt
4-Nina is very good at English
Item 2 : Write full answers for these questions
1-What colour is Clara’s hair?
2-What is Nina’s mother?
3-Does Nina wear dark- blue trousers at school?
4-Who is Nina’s friend? How old is she?
Item 3 : Complete the sentences with the correct words
1-Nina likes Clara very much, she is …………..best friend (his , her , my)
2-Mr KALOUM’s car is not red; …………….grey (it is , they are , it are)
3-Clara always comes to school …………… (late , at 10 :00am, on time)
4-Nina’s mother lives in ……….. (Abomey –Calavi, Zogbo , Lagos)
5-An adult has thirty –two…………… (tooths, feet, teeth )
6-‘’CSJM le Faucon‘’ is a big………………. (market, school, hospital)
7-On Sundays, Nina ……………. her uniform (wash, washes, washs)
8- The girl ………………. the lessons with her left hand (eats, wears ,
writes )
Item 4 : Write the sentences below into the indicated form.
1-Nina likes English (interrogative)
2-They are good at English (negative)
3-Sam does his homework regularly (negative)
4-Does Kelly wear a blue shirt? (Affirmative)
Item 5: Match phrases in column A with phrases in column B to have
correct sentences
Column A
1-Nina is a good student
2-Clara lives in Zogbo
3-At Faucon boys and girls wear
4-Nina’s mother makes
Column B
a- she can’t come to school on foot
b- dresses for women and girls
c-she works well at school
d- a blue, yellow and white shirt
II- Production écrite d’un texte de type particulier
Comme Nina et Clara, Hilary et Lesley sont deux élèves en classe
de 6e. Dans la cour de récréation, un dialogue s’est engagé et il porte sur
la maîtrise de quelques parties du corps humain. Mais les deux filles
ont eu de difficultés concernant des mots qu’on te présente ici. Tu dois
les aider.
Tâche : Tu montreras ta capacité à produire un texte en
- t’inspirant de tes connaissances sur les parties du corps
- choisissant les verbes de façon appropriée
- respectant la logique interne du texte
Consigne : Copy and complete the dialogue with : kick; mouth ; hear
; eyes; watch
NB: Underline (soulignez) the words
Hilary : What do you do with your……………..Lesley?
Lesley : I eat and speak with it
Hilary : Do you………. television with your ……………. ?
Lesley: Yes, I do. And you, do you ………… with your foot?
Hilary : No, I don’t. It is the role of my ears
Lestey : And what do you do with your foot?
Hilary : I can ………the ball with my foot.
Lesley : Well, Hilary, thank you.
Hilary : Thanks and good bye ; Lesley.

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