Autism Outreach Monthly


Autism Outreach Monthly
Autism Outreach Monthly
To register for any or all of these events, please call Catherine at (519)250-9410 or
email [email protected]
Upcoming Events:
Aikido is a martial art, but it is not about violence. It is about self-discipline, focus, building selfesteem and getting exercise. The Realize Community Potential program has set up a day on
Saturday, August 15th for people to try aikido out at Sandcastle Recreation at the corner of
Huron Church and Todd Lane. For children 5-10 years old, the session is from 2-3 pm and for
those 11 and up, the session is from 3-4pm. We have room for 25 children in each session, so
please sign up as soon as possible if you are interested.
In September, school will be back in and the kids will need to let off some steam! So we are
going to go play at Kid Fit and Monkeytown. To reduce noise levels and crowding, we have
booked both venues on the same day. On Monday, September 21st, we will be at Kid Fit gym
from 5:30-8pm and at Monkeytown from 6-7pm. Monkeytown is just for kids age 7 and
under, but Kid Fit can accommodate people of all ages. As well, Monkeytown has a limit of 30
children (their number doesn’t include parents), and we are capping registration at Kid Fit to 100
people. Because we are at two venues, we will not be providing food. However, we will have
plenty of water and juice. And it is all free to your family. September may seem far away, but
these events are popular, so please register early!
The Realize Community Potential program is starting up a basketball program for children with
autism. It will take place on Saturday afternoons from 1-2pm at the Gino Marcus Centre at
1168 Drouillard Road. The program will run for 12 weeks starting on September 19th and we
will have Thanksgiving weekend off. We envision having a number of stations honing different
basketball skills set up through the gym and the children will rotate through these. Then for the
last ten minutes, the children will be able to dribble the ball, shoot at the net and have fun as
they please. We hope to have mini games in the last couple of weeks of the program. We will
have a head coach and helpers, but parents will also be heavily involved. This league is for
children with an ASD who are between the ages of 7 and 12 years old. We are asking for $20
per child for this program to help offset the cost of a coach and gym rental.
NEW SUPPORT GROUP – For people of an Asian
The Windsor-Essex community has many people of Asian descent in it and when their children
are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, they face unique challenges that people from
our mainstream culture may not and may have a language barrier to boot. The Realize
Community Potential program recognizes this fact and we are starting a support group strictly for
people of an Asian background. It will be facilitated by a person from Japan with a child with
autism. The first meeting is on Tuesday, September 29th at 9:30-11am at 1168 Drouillard.
The next meeting is Thursday, August 13th at 9:30-11am at 1168 Drouillard Road and the
September meeting will take place on September 10th from 9:30-11am.
Fun Anytime of the Month!
Aug 7-9: Comber Fair: Come out to the Fairgrounds to see a demolition derby, children’s shows
and ride the midway. Admission is free. Visit for more info.
Aug. 14-15: Firefest: The hottest free family event of the summer is at the Riverside Plaza.
Teams compete in all kinds of competitions and there is fun for all. Log on to for complete details.
Aug. 14-16: Leamington Tomato Festival: Stomp tomatoes, race in the soapbox derby and
watch the live pageant at Seacliffe Park. Go to to learn more.
Aug. 16: WSO Free Concert: The Woodwind Quartet performs live for an hour at Odette Park.
Call 519-973-1238 to learn more.
Aug. 25: Astronomy Night at Science City: Come out and look at the planets and stars
through telescopes. Admission is $3. Call 519-973-3667 for details.
Aug. 27-30: Tecumseh Corn Fest: Fantastic entertainment for all! There are rides, shows, a
parade and food in Lacasse Park. Log on to for all the information.
Presentation for French Speaking Families
Parcourir le système de services disponibles aux gens ayant un trouble du spectre autistique est
une tâche déjà difficile, mais pour les francophones, cette tâche est encore plus difficile. Le
nombre de services à votre portée diminue et le groupe de parents sur lesquels vous pouvez
compter pour du soutien devient beaucoup plus petit.
Parfois, même obtenir de l’information de base à propos de l’autisme peut être difficile. C’est
pourquoi le programme Réalisez le Potentiel de votre Communauté a mis en place une séance en
français pour les francophones et les familles parlant le français comme langue seconde.
Suzanne Murphy, commentatrice renommée de l’autisme, discutera auprès de parents,
travailleurs et tout autres membres de votre famille qui désireront assister de ce qu’est l’autisme,
de ce que vous pouvez faire pour aider votre enfant ainsi que les types de thérapies disponibles.
Nous aurons aussi un circulaire incluant les services disponibles aux individus autistiques dans le
comté de Windsor-Essex. Cette séance aura lieu le samedi 19 septembre de 10-12:30 au
Centre Gino Marcus, 1168 Rue Drouillard. Pour y assister, prière de réserver votre place avant
le 11 Septembre auprès d’Autisme Ontario à [email protected] .
Upcoming Educational Events
On August 29th and 30th, the Summit Centre is hosting a free two day workshop on ABA for parents of
children with autism. This workshop is open to parents of children of any age. To register or for more
information, please call 519-255-1195.
On September 16th at 6:30pm, All About Autism is hosting a free workshop on How to Recruit and
Support your In-Home Worker at 3600 Curry Street. Family Respite Services will talk to parents
about the ways to find a worker that will best fit with your child and your program. Please call
519-250-9410 to register.
Autism Ontario Windsor Essex Summer Picnic
The Windsor Essex chapter will be having its annual summer picnic on Sunday, August 23rd from 124pm. The picnic features a dunk tank, inflatables, goofy golf, and lots of food. This year, RCP is also
providing a special presentation from Zoo2You. You must be a member of Autism Ontario to attend
the picnic and you must RSVP to Shirley at 519-250-1893 by August 14th.
Autism Ontario Windsor-Essex is on Facebook
The local chapter of Autism Ontario recently added itself as a cause on Facebook. If you have an
account, please join as a member of the Cause. This will mean you can recruit others, ask for
donations from friends and family for special occasions like your birthday and support autism
awareness in general.