

Standardisation of Surgical Technique in Endometriosis
Abstract ID : 1729
Soumis par : María Cristina Daviu Cobián Le 2016-03-15 18:02:34
Nom de la catégorie : SEUD CONGRESS
Typologie : Video
Statut : validé
Autorisation de diffusion : Yes/Oui
------------------------------------Endometriosis is a common disease that affects women both in quality and reproductive life. We consider that surgical
procedures in selected cases can clearly benefit our patients. But for reaching this objective, it is mandatory to leave
these kinds of procedures in appropriate surgeon hands.
We describe what we consider the major steps in endometriosis surgery, giving particular emphasis in proceeding in a
systematic way, in order to avoid injuries and to better recognize structures. Videos recorded during laparoscopic
treatment of eight cases of patients affected by endometriosis have been revised, in order to get a wider information
about the performed technique. Patients agreed with an informed consent.
We believe that implementing a standardisation of surgical technique in endometriosis can help gynaecology surgeons
to better understand this disease and its treatment. A second advantage could be enhancing the description of published
data to homogenize the analysis of the results.
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Daviu Cobián María Cristina 1, Gilabert Estellés Juan 1, Gilabert Aguilar Juan 1,
1. Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department, Hospital Universitario Casa de Salud, Valencia, SPAIN
Auteurs (raw format)
María Cristina Daviu Cobián - email : [email protected] Etablissement : Hospital Universitario Casa de Salud Service
: Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department Ville : Valencia Pays : SPAIN Présentateur : Oui
Juan Gilabert Estellés - email : [email protected] Etablissement : Hospital Universitario Casa de Salud Service :
Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department Ville : Valencia Pays : SPAIN Présentateur : Non
Juan Gilabert Aguilar - email : [email protected] Etablissement : Hospital Universitario Casa de Salud
Service : Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department Ville : Valencia Pays : SPAIN Présentateur : Non