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ERA-Net (European Research Area network)
Produire des connaissances
ERAFrica: ERA-Net pour l’Afrique
Les projets ERA-Net (European Research Area network) cherchent à renforcer la cohérence et la
coordination entre les programmes de recherche nationaux ou régionaux des Etats membres de
l’Union européenne (UE), à contribuer à leur ouverture et à la mise en place d’activités conjointes.
L’ERA-Net Afrique a cette ambition pour les programmes de coopération scientifique et
technologique (S&T) qui visent le continent africain avec l’objectif supplémentaire de créer un
partenariat égal entre l’Europe et l’Afrique en termes de gestion de projet.
Objectifs affichés
Établir un cadre durable pour la coordination des
programmes de coopération S&T entre l’Europe et
l’Afrique ;
Renforcer la coopération scientifique entre l’Europe
et l’Afrique par l’identification d’instruments pour
s’attaquer efficacement aux défis globaux liés au
développement durable ;
Développer des instruments de financement et des
procédures pour mettre en place des activités
conjointes ;
Renforcer les capacités scientifiques et l’impact de la
recherche pour le développement en Afrique.
Erafrica consortium
Projets financés
 Les énergies renouvelables, enjeu majeur pour les
pays de l’Union africaine
Les projets interdisciplinaires, à l’instar de
l’agriculture et la santé ou de l’eau et l’énergie, car
chacune de ces questions constitue un défi en tant
que tel et se situe en même temps à l’interface de
plusieurs domaines scientifiques
Les projets favorisant l’émergence d’idées
novatrices : nombre de projets à fort potentiel en
termes d’innovation ne correspondent pas aux
critères habituels des appels à projets.
Tous les projets seront cofinancés par les pays africains
et européens participant.
Pour en savoir plus :
Consulter le site ERAfrica : http://www.erafrica.eu
Coordinator: Institute for Research for Development
(IRD) – France
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian
Agency for International Cooperation in Education and
Research (KEF-OeAD) – Austria
Inter-University Council of the French-Speaking
Community of Belgium, University Committee for
Development (CIUF/CUD) – Belgium
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
(MHESR) – Egypt
Ministry of Employment and the Economy (TEM) –
International Bureau of the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research at the German Aerospace
Centre (PT-DLR) – Germany
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) –
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology
(MOHEST-KE) – Kenya
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) –
Department of Science and Technology (DST) – South
Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) – Spain
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) –
Bureau conjoint CNRS-IRD en Afrique australe @ The Innovation Hub, P.O.Box 66, Pretoria 0087, mailto:[email protected]
ERA-Net(European Research Area network)
Creating knowledge
ERAFrica: ERA-Net for Africa
European Research Area Network (ERA-Net) projects are aimed at strengthening the collaboration and
coordination among national or regional research programmes belonging to European Union (EU)
member states, at contributing to their accessibility and, particularly, at the creation of joint activities.
The ERA-Net for Africa (ERAFRICA) supports similar ambitions for scientific and technological (S&T)
cooperation programmes focusing specifically on the African continent, with the added specification of
creating a completely equal partnership between Europe and Africa.
Project Objectives
 To establish a sustainable framework for
coordinating S&T cooperation programmes between
Europe and Africa;
 To strengthen scientific cooperation between Europe
and Africa through the identification of instruments
aimed at effectively addressing global challenges
linked to sustainable development;
 To develop funding instruments and processes for
the creation of joint activities;
 To strengthen scientific capacity and research impact
for development in Africa.
Funded activities:
 Projects on renewable energy, because this is a
priority for the African Union
Projects focusing on the interface between
challenges such as agriculture, health, ICT, water
and energy, selected because each constitutes a
challenge in its own right, yet solving problems
related to each most likely lies at the interface
between scientific domains rather than through the
application of a single body of knowledge
Projects promoting new ideas : many projects with
great innovation potential do not fit into a standard
thematic call for research proposals
All projects will co-funded by European and African
participating countries.
Pour en savoir plus :
Consulter le site ERAfrica : http://www.erafrica.eu
Erafrica consortium
Coordinator: Institute for Research for Development
(IRD) – France
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian
Agency for International Cooperation in Education and
Research (KEF-OeAD) – Austria
Inter-University Council of the French-Speaking
Community of Belgium, University Committee for
Development (CIUF/CUD) – Belgium
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
(MHESR) – Egypt
Ministry of Employment and the Economy (TEM) –
International Bureau of the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research at the German Aerospace
Centre (PT-DLR) – Germany
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) –
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology
(MOHEST-KE) – Kenya
Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) –
Department of Science and Technology (DST) – South
Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) – Spain
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) –
Bureau conjoint CNRS-IRD en Afrique australe @ The Innovation Hub, P.O.Box 66, Pretoria 0087, mailto:[email protected]

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