Circular Letter: 1877-03-05


Circular Letter: 1877-03-05
f .
-J. M. J.
_OF TllE
NOTRE DA:iiiE, l'\Iomlay, JUarch 5, 1877.
A few days since, I forwarded to our ~!other House in Paris, the: list of our Religi~U:s in America~ to be com:
-------- .pleted by.oudifty-sevcn Houses i.~ France: It will be g~atifying-news for you all to learn that this full_ list, when ·
presented in Rome, will number nearly 650_ ~embers, of whom 150 are Ecclesiastics, and 500 Brothers. There are,
besides,_ 524 Sisters of the Holy Cross. All these names will receive the special bles~ing of his Holiness, and will be
registered in the great Album prepared in the Vnticari, to record, and, in a manner, to immortalize, every member
of the countless family of the. immortal Pio N ono wllo will take an active part in the glorious 50th Anniv_ersary of
his Preconization and of his Consecration, from the 21st of May to the 3rd of June next.
· it i~ not ~nougi1, however; to present ourselves alini~ to this gi:and demonstration of filial love and ·respect, and
for the precious Apostolic Blessing attached to it; we will not, we cannot, go alone to this great pageant of Christian
· devotion to the V !'lnerablc Father of Christendom. . Of course you all wish to take with you your _10,000 pious, ·
precious and loving children, as an offering most pleasing to our Holy Father, whose priceless blessing must be
secured and permanently rest upon each one of these beloved young souls.
With my whole heart I say "Amen" to your pious desire. Send me then, immediately, the full list of your
_respectiye schools; with every name elegantly written, on thin and large paper. Every scholar should present an
. offering, were it only of one cent : the total may be enclosed to Bro. Edward in a-Post-office order, on our P. 0. at
Notre Dame, or in a bank draft. I hope to be able to send to our Very Rev. Procurator-General in Rome, for his
Eminence the Prefect o~ the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda, ifi cannot carry it in person to his Holin~s.
as the general offering of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, of their pupils, and intimate friends, a little gem of
__ a ~:'• wo~kcd at St. Mary's-in itself a IE_arvel of _artistic skill-_containing at least ~0 pieces of our beautiful
20-dollar American coins. ·I know from past experience that both the exterior and the interior of the gift will be
welcome, and will rejoice the heart of the best of Frithcrs.
E. SORIN7 C. S. 0.,
Superior Gencrnl. ·
J.. M. J.
11IAns, 1877.
Riv. P.E:nEs ET BIEN Cn&ns F.n:EitEs EN Jisus CnmsT:
· 11 y a quclqucsjours, j'envoyai it notre 11Iaison 1\Ierc, it Paris, In listc de nos Rcligicu:x: ~u Nouveau ?t!ondc, pour Otre com.
pletee par nos 57 11Iaisons de France.
Vous apprcndez to us .avec j oie que ccttc listc, lors de sa presentation it R~me, contiendra
les noms uc pres de 650 membrcs, dont .1{)0 Ecclesiastiqucs; ct 500 Frercs. En outre une autre listc porte lc nombrc des Srours de
Ste: Croix, au:x: Etats, it 524. Tous ces noms rccevront de sa Saintcte uno Benediction spccinlc, ct seront cnregistres dans lc
grand Album qu'on prepare au Vatican pour reccvoir, ct pour ainsi dire, immortaliser; tout membrc de l'innombrablc Famillc
de Pic IX., qui n~ra pris une part quelconquc au glorieux: 50• Anniversairc q.c sa Prec~~isa~ion ct de sa 'consecration Episcopate, du 21 11Iai au 3 de Juin prochnin.
Toutefois, i1 nc suffirait pas de noils prc~enter sculs it celtc grande demonstration
de ·respect ct d'amour filial, non
pius qu'it In pr!icieuse Benediction Apostoliquc qui y sera attachCc.
Non, nous nc devons pas, nous nc pouvons pas assister ainsi pour nous seuls it cettc extraordinairc profession de devouement au venerable Chef de In Chreticnte. Jc vous comprcnds, vous voulcz y fairc participer vos 10,00!fpieu:x: et pr~cieux
enfans chiiris ct Ies presenter com me une offrande agreablc au Saint Perc dont la Benediction sans prix doit Otrc invoquee ct
reposerp<?Ur In vic sur chacune de cesjeunes ames bien aimces. De tout mon crour j'a.cquicscc avos picnx des irs. Veuillez alors
me fairc tenir sans retard In listc d,~ vos ecoles rcspectives avec le nom de chnquc Ecolier, bien ecrit sur papier ministrc ct Ieger.
Chaqne enfant devrnit faire unc offrandc nc fut-elle que de 5 centimes; chaque total sera rem is immediatement au Trcs honorc
Frefc Gregoire. · Si jc ne puis porter moi mcme cette offrande commune de Ia Congregation de Sainte-Croix, de scs Eleves ct de
quelques am is in times, j•aurai dumoins Ia consolation, de la fa ire remetlre par notr«? Trcs Rev. Perc Procureur-General a son
Eminence lc Cardinal Pr!ifet de la S.C. Propagande, qui j•cn suis cert~in, sc fera un vrai plnisir, de In presenter en
notre nom, a sa Saintete. : Et pour nc rien vous lnisser ignorer 6. cc sujct, cctlc offrnnde consistcra dans uno boitc
mont travaillcc par nos Srours de Stc.-11Iarie, renfcrmant 50 de ·nos magnifiques pieces d'or de 100 fr. Je sais d'avancc ct pn-;··experience, que l'cxterictir commc l'intcrieur du bijou rejouira, lc crour du mcillcur des Peres.
E. SORIN, C. S. C.,
Superieur General.