Liste des publications - BIVEG


Liste des publications - BIVEG
1.Sauter, M.,Greppin, H.1956. L’omoplate des Pygmées de l’Ituri (Congo belge) : quelques
observations. Actes Soc.helv.Sc.nat. :144-146.
2.Sauter, M.,Greppin, H.1956-57. L’omoplate des Pygmées de l’Ituri (Congo belge) :quelques
observations. Bull.Soc.suisse Anthropol. et Ethno. :11-13.
3.Greppin, H.1962.La protection de la Nature. Action étudiante, Genève, no 32.
4.Greppin, H.,Gouda, S.1962. Influence de la lumière sur la formation du pigment de Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. Path.Microbiol., 25 :624-631.
5.Stroun, M.,Mathon, Cl.,Chodat F.,Greppin, H., Anker, Ph.1962. Action de la lumière verte
sur le développement du Perilla nankinensis Voss. 87ème Congrès des Sociétés savantes,
6.Chodat, F.,Greppin, H. 1963.Principe généralisé de la photophysiologie et histoire de la vie.
Scientia, 6ème s., octobre-novembre :1-7.
7.Turian, G.,Greppin, H.1963.Action de la lumière sur la sexualité d’Allomyces. C.R. Acad.
Sc., Paris, 257 :1545-1547.
8.Chodat, F.,Greppin, H.1964. A generalized Principle of Photophysiology and Story of Life.
Biochemical Sect. (Oak Ridge), 60 :12253.
9.El Sabeh, A.,Chodat, F.,Greppin, H.1965. Photoréactivation et photoprotection des types R
et S de Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig..Archs.Sci.,Genève,18 :726-729.
10.Gouda, S.,Greppin, H.1965. Biosynthèse pigmentaire chez Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig.
en fonction de la concentration du substrat hydrocarboné ou aminé.Archs.Sci.,Genève,18 :
11..Greppin,H. 1965. Quelques réactions photomorphogènes chez Pseudomonas fluorescens
Mig. Imprimerie Sprint, Genève, 31 p.
12.Greppin, H.1965.La photomorphogenèse et sa mesure. Archs.Sci.,Genève,18 (2) :382-387.
13.Greppin,H. 1965.Action de la lumière sur la sexualisation de l’épinard.Archs. Sci.,Genève,
18 :598-603.
14.Greppin, H.,Gouda, S.1965. Lumisynthèse chez Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. et sa nature adaptative. Archs.Sci., Genève,18 :642-646.
15.Greppin, H.,Gouda, S.,Schorer, E.1965.Action de la lumière sur les colonies de Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. Archs.Sci.,Genève,18 :646-649.
16.Greppin, H.,Gouda, S.1965. Action de la lumière sur le pigment de Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. Archs.Sci.,Genève,18 :721-725.
17.Auderset, G., Baumann, M., Greppin, H.1966. Morphologie de Pseudomonas fluorescens
Mig. dans différents milieux de cultures.C.R.des séances, S.P.H.N., Genève, N.S.,1 (3) :
18.El Sabeh, A.,Greppin, H., Chodat, F.1966. Physiologie comparée des types R et S de Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig.(croissance et chromogenése).C.R. des séances, S.P.H.N., Genève,
N.S.,1 (3) : 114-121.
19.Greppin, H.,Gouda, S.1966.Cultures à approvisionnement successif et induction respiratoire chez Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. C.R. des séances, S.P.H.N., Genève, N.S.,1 (3 ):104-
20.El Sabeh, A.,Chodat, F.,Greppin, H. 1967.Sensibilité aux U.V. et photorestauration des
types R et S de Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. Experientia, Bâle, 23 :875.
21.El Sabeh, A.,Chodat, F.,Greppin, H. 1967. L’alternative respiratoire terminale et sa corré
lation avec les états R et S de Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. Path.Microbiol.,30 :924-931.
22.Stroun, M., Anker, Ph., Greppin, H.1968. Effects of temperature on the uptake of exogene
ous DNA by Solanum lycopersicum Esc. Experientia, Bâle, 25 :619-620.
23.Greppin, H., Horn, R.1969. Action de la (+)-catéchine sur Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig.
Experientia, Bâle, 25 :429-430.
24.Anker, Ph., Stroun, M., Fredj, M., Greppin, H.1971. Metabolic DNA in Spinach stems in
connection with ageing. Nature, New Biology, Londres, 234 (49) :184-186.
25.Anker, Ph., Stroun, M., Gahan, P., Greppin, H.1971. Natural Release of Bacterial Nucleic
Acids into Plant Cells and Crown Gall Induction. Proc. International Symposium on the
Uptake of Informative Molecules by Living Cells, Mol (Belgia),1970. North Holland Pub.
Co, Amsterdam, vol.1 :193-200.
26.Favre, J.,Greppin,H.1971. Séparation de l’extrait pigmentaire de Pseudomonas fluorescens
Mig. sur gel Sephadex G 25. Saussurea, Genève, 2 :25-28.
27.Greppin, H. 1971.Un impératif d’ordre biologique et un choix politique. Uni-Information,
Genève, no 17.
28.Pilet, P-E.,Bonzon, M., Greppin, H.1971. Action de l’acide gibbérellique sur la densité des
amyloplastes racinaires. C.R.Acad.Sc., Paris, 272, série D :1760-1763.
29.Stroun, M., Gahan, P., Anker, Ph., Rossier, A.,Greppin,H.1971. Agrobacterium tumefaciens RNA synthesis in tomato cells and Crown Gall induction. Jour. Bact., Baltimore, 106 :
30.Auderset, G.,Greppin,H.1972. Différenciation au cours de l’induction florale (Spinacia
oleracea) :évolution du méristème caulinaire. Physiol.Vég., Paris, 10 :206.
31.Bonzon, M.,Greppin,H.1972. Evolution du chloroplaste de l’épinard lors de l’induction
florale. Bull.Soc.Bot.Fr., Mémoires (Coll.Morphologie), Paris, 223-228.
32.Greppin,H.,Gouda,S. 1972. L’alternative respiratoire chez Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig.
en fonction de l’offre du milieu. Saussurea, Genève, 3 :167-176.
33.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1972. Evolution de l’activité auxine-oxydasique et peroxydasique
lors de l'induction photopériodique et de la sexualisation de l'épinard. Plant & Cell Physiol.,
Tokyo, 13 :151-156.
34.Greppin, H., Horwitz, B.A.,Horwitz, L.P.1973. Light-stimulated bioelectric Response of
Spinach Leaves and photoperiodic Induction.Z.für Pflanzenphysiol.,Stuttgart, 68 (4) :336345.
35.Michea, M.,Greppin, H.1973. Séparation et évolution du complexe pigmentaire de Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. C.R.séances S.P.H.N., Genève, N.S., 8 :19-31.
36.Penel,Cl.,Greppin,H.1973. Action des lumières rouge et infra-rouge sur l’activité peroxydasique des feuilles d’épinards avant et après l’induction florale. Bericht Schweiz. Bot.Gesell. , Wetzikon, 83 (4) :253-261.
37.Sayegh, A., Greppin, H. 1973. Chlorella rubescens Chod. :essai de synchronisation et mise
en évidence de rythmes endogènes. C.R.séances S.P.H.N.,Genève, N.S., 8 :6-18.
38.Auderset, G.,Greppin, H. 1974. Comportement particulier d’une population mitochondriale dans le méristème caulinaire d’épinard. Planta, Berlin, 116 :73-84.
39.Küppers, F.J., Salemink, C.A.,Greppin, H.,Vuarin L., Meylan,G.1974. Determination of
thebaine-content of Leaves of Phytotron-grown Papaver bracteatum Plants. Rapport ONU
(ST-SOA-SER J-14), Genève, 1-8.
40.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H.1974. Variation de la photostimulation de l’activité des peroxydases
chez l’épinard. Plant Sci.Letters, Berlin, 3 :75-80.
41.Auderset, G.,Greppin, H.1975. Mise en évidence de deux types d’activité phosphatasique
acide dans le méristème caulinaire de l’épinard. Saussurea, Genève, 6 :259-269.
42.Bonzon,M., Buis,R., Greppin, H. 1975. Analyse factorielle de l’ultrastructure du chloroplaste d’épinard à l’état végétatif et floral. I. Jours courts de 8 heures (conditions végétatives). Bericht Schweiz.Bot.Gesell., Wetzikon, 85 (4) :265-278.
43.Bonzon, M., Buis, R., Greppin, H. 1975.Analyse factorielle de l’ultrastructure du chloroplaste d’épinard à l’état végétatif et floral. II. Transfert en photopériode continue (induction de la floraison). Bericht Schweiz.Bot.Gesell., Wetzikon, 85 (4) :279-287.
44.Bonzon, M.,Greppin, H. 1975. Photopériodisme et teneur en chlorophylles des limbes de
l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea, var.Nobel). Saussurea, Genève, 6 :277-285.
45.Gaspar,Th.,Penel,Cl., Greppin, H.1975. Peroxydases et Isoperoxydases in Relation to Root
and Flower Formation. The Plant Biochem.J., New Dehli, 2 (1) :33-47.
46.Greppin, H. 1975. La physiologie végétale. Saussurea, Genève, 6 :79-82.
47.Greppin,H.1975. La floraison : ébauche d’une nouvelle stratégie. Saussurea, Genève, 6 :
48.Greppin, H., Delessert, B., Rossier, A. Küppers, F.J.,Salemink, C.A.1975. Etude de Papaver bracteatum sous diverses contraintes du milieu. Saussurea, Genève, 6 :254-257.
49.Greppin, H., Horwitz, B.A.1975. Floral Induction and the Effect of red and far-red Preillumination on the Light stimulated Bioelectric Response of Spinach Leaves. Z. der Pflanzenphysiol., Stuttgart, 75 (3) :243-249.
50.Michea, M., Greppin,H.1975. Filiation entre les différentes formes du complexe pigmentaire de Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. Saussurea, Genève, 6 :293-298.
51.Penel,Cl., Greppin, H.1975. Photocontrôle immédiat de l’activité peroxydasique et corrélation entre les feuilles de l’épinard. Saussurea, Genève, 6 :287-291.
52.Penel, Cl.,Greppin, H.1975. The Balance between Acid and Basic Peroxydases and its
photoperiodic Control in Spinach Leaves. Plant Sci.Letters, Berlin, 5 :41-48.
53.Sayegh, A., Greppin,H.1975. Evolution de l’activité photosynthétique chez Chlorella
rubescens Chod. en culture synchrone. Saussurea, Genève, 6 :271-276.
54.Auderset, G.,Greppin, H. 1976. Etude de l’apex caulinaire d’épinard avant et après l’induction florale. Saussurea, Genève, 7 :73-103.
55.Balet, A., Greppin, H. 1976. Etude immunochimique de l’induction photopériodique chez
Spinacia oleracea. Saussurea, Genève, 7 :65-72.
56.Bault, A., Greppin, H. 1976. Evolution des protéines solubles acides des feuilles de l’épinard à l’état végétatif et floral. Saussurea, Genève, 7 :105-120.
57.Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1976. Analyse histométrique de la tige de l’épinard. Saussurea,
Genève, 7 :61-64.
58.Legrand, B., Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H.1976. Light and hormonal Control of
Phenolic Inhibitors of Peroxydase in Cichorium intybus L. The Plant Biochem.J., Delhi, 3
(2) :119-127.
59.Penel, C., Darimont, E., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th.1976. Effect of Acetylcholine on Growth
and isoperoxydases of the Lentil (Lens culinaris) root. Biol.Plantarum, Praha, 18 (4) :293298.
60.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Boisard, J. 1976. In vitro photomodulation of a peroxydase
Activity through Membrane-bound Phytochrome. Plant Sci. Letters, Berlin, 6 :117-121.
61.Auderset, G., Greppin, H.1977. Effet de l’induction florale sur l’évolution ultrastructurale
de l’apex caulinaire de Spinacia oleracea Nobel. Protoplasma, Wien, 91 :281-301.
62.Balet-Buron, A., Greppin, H. 1977. Etude immunochimique de l’induction florale chez
Spinacia oleracea. Saussurea, Genève, 8 :57-64.
63.Bault, A., Greppin, H. 1977. Evolution des protéines solubles basiques des feuilles de
l’épinard lors de l’induction florale. Saussurea, Genève, 8 :65-73.
64.Bonzon, M., Greppin, H.1977. Migration of Adult Spinach Chloroplasts in the S-Rho
Space, before and after Photoperiodic Floral Induction. Z.Pflanzenphysiol., Stuttgart, 81
(3) : 260-268.
65.Bonzon, M., Greppin, H., de Greef, J. 1977. Contenu en ATP des feuilles de l’épinard sous
différents régimes photopériodiques, inducteurs ou non de la floraison.Arch.internationales
Physiol.Biochim., Liège, 85 (5) :953-955.
66.Darimont, E., Penel, Cl., Auderset, G., Greppin, H. Gaspar, Th. 1977. Peroxydases de haut
poids moléculaires identifiées à des peroxydases membranaires chez la lentille. Arch.internationales Physiol.Biochim., Liège, 85 :497-507.
67.Karege, F., Greppin, H.1977. Evolution de l’activité peroxydasique dans les feuilles de
l’épinard lors de l’ontogenèse en photopériode courte ou continue. Saussurea, Genève,
8 :75-83.
68.Lenk, R., Bonzon, M. Descouts, P.,Greppin, H. 1977. Investigations by 1H NMR of
Changes in Light-induced Spinach Leaves. In : British Radio Spectroscopy Group,Meeting
Dundee, 1977, Abstract p.F2.
69.Montavon, M., Greppin, H. 1977. Etude de la photoperception chez Fittonia verschaffeltii
et Fittonia gigantea. Saussurea, Genève, 8 :85-91.
70.Penel, CL., Darimont, E., Legrand, B., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1977. Influence des
traitements subis par les extraits végétaux sur le nombre et l’activité peroxydasique.
C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 284, série D :679-682.
71.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1977. Effect of Ca2+ and Light on Particle-bound Peroxydase
Activity. In : Annual European Symposium on Photomorphogenesis, Bet Dagan, Abstract
72.Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1978. Décomposition gaussienne des spectres d’absorption de
feuilles d’épinard soumises à différents traitements lumineux. Saussurea, Genève, 9 :65-82.
73.Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1978. Quantitative Changes in the Leaf Chloroplasts
Ultrastructure during floral Induction. In : 1st Meeting Federation European Soc.Plant
Physiol., Edinburgh, Abstract p. 98-99.
74.Greppin. H. 1978. Ecologie et enveloppes de viabilité. Médecine & Hygiène, Genève, 36,
no 1306 :3589-3594.
75.Greppin, H., Auderset, G., Bonzon, M., Penel, Cl.1978. Changement d’état membranaire
et mécanisme de la floraison. Saussurea, Genève, 9 :83-101.
76.Karege, F., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1978. Effets de la castration sur les peroxydases de
l’épinard. Saussurea, Genève, 9 :57-63.
77.Lenk, F., Bonzon, M., Descouts, P., Greppin,H. 1978. Investigations on the Floral Induction in Spinach Leaves by NMR .In : 1st Meeting Federation European Soc.Plant Physiol.,
Edinburgh, Abstract, p.324-325.
78.Novak, B., Greppin, H.1978. The Commutations of the Membrane Potential Rhythms in
Relation to Photoperiodism and Development of Spinach. Physiol.vég., Paris,16 :823-824.
79.Novak, B., Greppin, H. 1978. Switches in High Frequency Oscillations of Membrane
Potential and Diurnal Rhythms in Spinach Leaves. In :1st Meeting Federation European
Soc.Plant Physiol.,Edinburgh, Abstract, p.388-389.
80.Penel, C., Karege, F., Greppin, H. 1978. Effect of Far Red Light on the Activity of a Basic
Peroxidase in Light-grown Spinach. In :Proceedings of the Annual European Symposium
on Photomorphogenesis : Plant Growth and Light Perception, Aarhus, p.84-85.
81.Auderset, G., Morré, J., Hess, K., Greppin, H.1979. Effect of a Brief Illumination on
Microtubules Assembly in Etiolated Plant Tissues.In :10th Intern.Conf. on Plant Growth
Substances, University Wisconsin, Madison, Abstract 858, p.53.
82.Balet-Buron, A., Greppin, H. 1979. Caractérisation immunochimique de l’état végétatif et
floral de la feuille de l’épinard. Saussurea, Genève, 10 :1-9.
83.Bernardini, N., Greppin, H. 1979. Agglutination des protoplastes de tabac et d’épinard par
différentes lectines. Saussurea, Genève, 10 :49-59.
84.Gahan, P., Auderset, G., Greppin, H.1979. Pentose Phosphate Pathway Activity during
Floral Induction in Spinach. Proc. Royal Micr. Soc., Oxford, 14/2, p. A6.
85.Gahan,P., Auderset, G., Greppin, H. 1979. Pentose Phosphate Pathway Activity during
Floral Induction in Spinacia oleracea, var.Nobel. Ann.Bot., London, 44 :121-124.
86.Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Tran Than Van, M., Greppin, H. 1979. Des isoperoxydases comme
marqueurs de la différenciation cellulaire et du développement chez les végétaux. In :
Xème Rencontre de Méribel sur la différenciation cellulaire. Eds : J.Tavlitzki et K.Tran
Than Van, Paris, p.175-196.
87.Greppin, H. 1979. Mesure du temps chez les êtres vivants. Bull.Soc.vaudoise Sci.Nat.,
Lausanne, 74 (3) :297-298.
88.Greppin, H. 1979. Milieu naturel et milieu urbain. Méd.& Hyg.,Genève, 37, no 1352 :
89.Karege, F., Penel,Cl., Greppin H. 1979. Réponse des peroxydases basiques à l’irradiation
rouge et rouge lointain, en rapport avec l’induction florale de l’épinard. Bull.Soc.suisse
Physiol.vég.,Lausanne, 18 :2-3.
90. Karege, F., Penel,Cl., Greppin H. 1979. Reaction of a Peroxidase Activity to Red and Far
Red Light in Relation to the Floral Induction of Spinach. Plant Sci.Lett., Berlin,17 :37-42.
91.Lenk. R., Bonzon, M., Descouts, P., Greppin,H. 1979. La résonance magnétique nucléaire : une approche nouvelle en biologie végétale. Saussurea, Genève, 10 :11-48.
92.Novak, B., Greppin, H. 1979. High Frequency Oscillations and Circadian Rhythms of the
Membrane Potential in Spinach Leaves. Planta, Berlin, 144 :235-240.
93.Penel, Cl., Darimont, E., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th. 1979. Rôle du calcium dans l’association de peroxydases à des membranes de racines de Lentille. C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 289,
série D :529-532.
94.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1979. Effect of calcium on Subcellular Distribution of Peroxidases.
Phytochemistry, Exeter, 18 :29-33.
95.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1979.Effect of Far Red and Red Light on a Pelletable Peroxidase
Activity in Extracts from Spinach Leaves. Physiol.Plantarum, Copenhague, 46 :208-210.
96.Strasser, R., Greppin, H. 1979. The Multi-parameter Analysis (MPA) ; Heterogeneity of
Photosynthetic Unit in Thylakoids ; Primary Reactions of Photochemistry in Higher
Plants ; the Xanthophyll Cycle and its Connection to Electron Transport. News Lett.
Belgian Biophys.Soc., Bruxelles, 10 :56.
97.Auderset, G., Gahan, P., Dawson, A., Greppin, H. 1980. Early Metabolic Changes during
Floral Induction in Spinach. In :VIth Intern.Congr.Histochem.Cytochem., Brighton ; Oxford : Royal Microscopical Soc.,Abstract, p.14.
98. Auderset, G., Gahan, P., Dawson, A., Greppin, H. 1980. Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase as an Early Marker of Floral Induction in Shoot Apex of Spinacia oleracea
var.Nobel. Plant Sci.Lett., Berlin, 20 :109-113.
99.Auderset, G., Morré, J.,Williamson, F., Hess, K., Greppin, H. 1980. Effect of Light on
Auxin Binding, Cell Fractionation and Ultrastructure of Etiolated Soybean Hypocotyls.
Bot.Gazette, Chicago.,141 (2) :149-156.
100.Balet-Buron, A., Greppin,H. 1980. Etude immunochimique de la floraison chez Perilla
nankinensis. Saussurea, Genève, 11 :63-70.
101.Bouchet, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, T. 1980. Répartition des isoperoxydases
dans la racine de lentille. Effet de l’auxine et de la kinétine. C.R.des Séances.SPHN
Genève, 15 (2) :180-185.
102.Castillo, F., Greppin,H. 1980. Comparaison entre différents « marqueurs »de l’environnement genevois :utilisation de la peroxydase. C.R. séances S.P.H.N., Genève, 15 (1) :57-70.
103.Fredj, M., Greppin, H. 1980. Quelques caractéristiques de l’épinard lors du développement et du vieillissement. Saussurea, Genève, 11 :49-61.
104.Greppin,H. 1980. Caractérisation des événements primaires de la floraison. Bull.Soc.suisse Physiol.vég., Lausanne, 22 :4.
105.Greppin, H. 1980. Distribution et régulation des organismes dans l’espace-temps. Méd.&
Hyg., Genève, 38, no 1399 :3884-3887.
106.Greppin,H., Gagliardi, R. 1980. Quelques aspects de la régulation chez les plantes supérieures. Saussurea, Genève, 11 :43-48.
107.Karege, F., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1980. Photoregulation of a Peroxidase Activity and
Primary Events of the Floral Induction in Spinach Leaves.In :Photoreceptors and Plant
Develoment, Proc.Annual European Symposium of Plant Photomorphogenesis.Ed :J. de
Greef, Antwerpen. Antwerpen University Press. Abstract, p.311-315.
108.Lenk, R., Bonzon, M., Descouts, P., Greppin, H. 1980. Investigation of Entropy Changes
in Biological Systems by NMR. In :Joint ISMAR-AMPERE Intern.Conf.on Magnetic
Resonance, Delft. Ed. :G. Smidt, Delft. Abstract, p.58.
109.Lenk, R., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1980. Dynamically Oriented Biological Water as Studies by NMR. Chem.Phys.Lett., Amsterdam, 76 :175-177.
110.Lombard, F., Strasser, R., Greppin, H. 1980. La répartition des caroténoïdes des feuilles
d’épinard en relation avec l’induction florale. Bull.Soc.suisse Physiol.vég., Lausanne, 24 :
111.Montavon, M., Greppin, H. 1980.Effet de l’environnement sur l’oscillation périodique du
potentiel de membrane chez l’épinard. C.R.séances S.P.H.N., Genève, 15 (1) :71-80.
112.Penel, Cl., Karege, F., Greppin, H. 1980. Corrélations rapides au niveau des feuilles chez
l’épinard. In : XIème Rencontre de Méribel, Les Arcs.Eds :J.Tavlitzki et K.Tran Than Van,
Paris, 281-283.
113.Penel, Cl., Sticher, L., Greppin, H. 1980. Calcium Requirement for Peroxidase Secretion
in Cell Cultures. Plant Physiol., Lancaster, suppl., p.129.
114.Strasser, R., Greppin, H. 1980. The Xanthophyll Cycle and its Connection to the Photosynthetic Electron-transport. Bull.Soc.suisse Physiol.vég., Lausanne, 24 :6-7.
115.Strasser, R., Greppin, H. 1980. Primary Reactions of Photochemistry in Higher Plants.
In :Fifth International Congress on Photosynthesis, Halkidiki.Ed :G.Akoyunoglou, Athens.
Nuclear Res.Center Demokritos, p.226.
116.Strasser, R., Greppin, H. 1980. The Grouping Model of Photosynthesis : Heterogeneity of
Photosynthetic Unit in Thylakoids. In : Fifth International Congress on Photosynthesis,
Halkidiki.Ed :G.Akoyunoglou, Athens. Nuclear Res.Center Demokritos, p.551.
117.Tsala, G., Bonzon, M.,Greppin,H., Holmes, M., Wagner, E. 1980. Control of Photosynthetic Capacity in Seedlings of Chenopodium rubrum by Glucose, « Sandoz 9789 »,
Photoperiodic Cycles and Different Phytochrome Photoequilibrium in white Light. In : IIth
Congress Federation European Soc. Plant Physiology. Ed :Soc.espanola de Fisiologia
vegetal, Santiago de Compostela, Universidad de Santiago, p.663-664.
118.Bernardini, N., Greppin, H. 1981. Agglutination des protoplastes d’épinard et de tabac
par les sérums de différentes espèces de vertébrés. Arch.Sci.,Genève, 34 :237-249.
119.Bonzon, M., Hug, M., Wagner, E., Greppin, H. 1981. Adenine Nucleotides and Energy
Charge Evolution during the Induction of Flowering in Spinach Leaves. Planta, Berlin,
152 :189-194.
120.Bonzon, M., Wagner, E., Greppin, H. 1981. Adenine Nucleotides and Photoperiodic
Induction of the Flowering Process in Spinach Leaves. In : Europ.Symp.Light-mediated
Plant Development. Eds :W.Rüdiger, W.Rau, H.Scheer, Bischofmais. Abstract, p.4.2.
121.Cao, N.D., Greppin, H. 1981. Respiration et induction florale chez Spinacia oleracea.
Saussurea, Genève, 12 :15-23.
122.Castillo, F., Penel, Cl.,Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1981. Masquage et démasquage des isoperoxydases de Pelargonium. C.R.Acad.Sc., Paris, 292, série III :259-262.
123.Degli Agosti, R., de Prins J., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1981. Analyse des données de
phénomènes rythmiques :le mouvement foliaire du haricot. Saussurea, Genève, 12 :1-14.
124.Fredj, M., Greppin, H. 1981. Acides nucléiques et vieillissement. Saussurea, Genève,
12 :25-32.
125.Gahan, P., Auderset, G., Greppin, H. 1981.Early Cytochemical Markers of Floral
Induction in Shoot Apices of Spinacia oleracea. In :14th Symp.Soc.Cytogenetics Czech :
Brno. Ed. : Soc.Tchèque de Cytogénétique, Brno :Univ.Prague. Abstract, p.18 ; 21-24.
126.Greppin, H. 1981. Communication et systèmes biologiques. Méd.& Hyg., Genève, 39 ,no
1445 :3896-3900.
127.Juge, R., Aubert, M., Greppin, H. 1981. Effet d’extraits d’Oscillatoria rubescens sur la
croissance de quelques algues phytoplanctoniques du Léman. Arch.Sc., Genève, 34 :265272.
128.Lenk, R., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1981. Irreversible Thermodynamic and Biological
Evolution in Spinach Leaves as Studied by NMR. Z.Pflanzenphysiol., Stuttgart, 101
(2) :108-118.
129.Sticher, L., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1981. Calcium-requirement for the Secretion of
Peroxidases by Plant Cell Suspensions. J.Cell.Sci.,Cambridge, 48 :345-353.
130.Strasser, R.,Greppin, H. 1981. Primary Reaction of Photochemistry in Higher Plants. In :
Photosynthesis III. Ed : G. Akoyunoglou, Philadelphia : Balaban Intern.Sci.Serv.,p.717726.
131. Tsala, G., Bonzon, M.,Greppin,H., Holmes, M., Wagner, E. 1981. Photo-and-Thermoregulation of Gas Exchanges in Chenopodium rubrum Seedlings.In : Europ.Symp.Lightmediated Plant Development .Eds :W.Rüdiger, W.Rau, H.Scheer, Bischofmais. Abstract,4.11.
132.Celardin, F., Castillo, F., Greppin, H. 1982. Simple Kinetic Determination of Trace
Amounts of Ascorbic Acid in Plant Extracts. J.Biochem.Biophys.Meth., Amsterdam,
6 :89-93.
133.Cordonnier, M-M.,Greppin,H., Pratt, L. 1982. Production of Monoclonal Antiphytochrome Immunoglobulins. In : European Symp. on Photomorphogenesis in Plants. Eds :
C.B.Johnson, J.O.Ross, Reading. University Reading. Abstract, p.9.
134.Cordonnier, M-M., Greppin, H., Pratt, L. 1982. Production of Monoclonal Antiphytochrome Immunoglobulins. Plant Physiol., Bethesda, suppl.69, p.86.
135.Frosch, S. Greppin, H. Wagner, E. 1982. Modulation of Ribulose bisphosphatecarboxylase Level and Chlorophyll Content under Photomorphogenetic and Photoperiodic
Conditions in Seedlings of Chenopodium rubrum L. and Spinacia oleracea cv Nobel. In :
European Symp. on Photomorphogenesis in Plants. Eds : C.B.Johnson, J.D.Ross, Reading.
University of Reading, Abstract, p.14.
136.Gahan,P.B., Auderset, G., Greppin, H. 1982. Problems with Enzyme Cytochemistry in
Plant Cells with Reference to Dehydrogenase Activities during Floral Induction.
In :Proc.205th Conf.Soc.Exp.Biology. Eds :M.Black, D.Dorsett, Leiden. Abstract, p.37.
137.Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Thorpe, T., Greppin, H. 1982. Peroxidases 1970-1980 :A Survey
of their Biochemical and Physiological Roles in Higher Plants.Genève :Centre de Botanique.Université de Genève, 324 p.
138.Greppin, H., Wagner, E.(Eds). 1982.Les mécanismes de l’irritabilité et du fonctionnement des rythmes chez les végétaux. Colloque de Cartigny, Genève. Centre de Botanique.
Université de Genève, 137 p.
139.Karege, F., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1982. Détection de l’état végétatif et floral de la feuille de l’épinard :emploi d’un indicateur biochimique. Arch.Sc., Genève, 35 (3) :331-340.
140.Karege, F., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1982. Floral Induction in Spinach Leaves by Light,
Temperature and Gibberellic Acid :Use of the Photocontrol of Basic Peroxidase Activity as
Biochemical Marker. Z. Pflanzenphysiol., Stuttgart, 107 (4) :357-365.
141.Karege, F., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1982. Rapid correlation between the Leaves of Spinach and the Photocontrol of a Peroxidase Activity. Plant Physiol, Bethesda, 69 :437-441.
142.Kevers, C., Sticher, L., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th. 1982. Calcium-controlled
Peroxidase Secretion by Sugarbeet Cell Suspensions in Relation to Habituation. Plant
Growth Regulation, The Hague, 1 :61-66.
143.Lenk, R., Bernardini, N., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1982. Molecular Dynamics and
Entropy Changes in the Agar-water System. Chem.Phys.Letters, Amsterdam, 88 (1) :119122.
144.Lenk, R., Queiroz-Claret, C., Queiroz, O., Greppin, H. 1982.Studies by NMR of in vitro
Spontaneous Oscillations of Activity in Enzymatic Extracts. Chem.Phys.Letters, Amsterdam, 92 (2) :187-190.
145.Montavon, M., Greppin, H. 1982. Une machine à catastrophes : une modélisation du passage de l’état végétatif à l’état floral. Archs.Sci., Genève, 35 (3):319-330.
146.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1982. Effect of Light and Phenothiazines on the Level of Extracellular Peroxidases. In : Plasmalemma and Tonoplast : Their Functions in the Plant Cell.
Eds : D.Marmé, E.Marré, R. Hertel, Amsterdam. Elsevier Biomedical Press, p. 53-57.
147.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1982. Interaction of Light and Calcium on the Level of Extracellular Peroxidase Activity. In : European Symp.on Photomorphogenesis in Plants. Eds :
C.B.Johnson, J.D.Ross, Reading. University of Reading. Abstract, p.60.
148.Penel, Cl., Karege, F., Greppin, H. 1982. Communication rapide chez les plantes et floraison .In :Les mécanismes de l’irritabilité et du fonctionnement des rythmes chez les
végétaux. Coll. de Cartigny. Eds :H.Greppin, E.Wagner, Genève :Centre de Botanique.
Université de Genève, p.125-137.
149.Penel, Cl., Kevers, C., Sticher, L., Gaspar Th., Greppin, H. 1982. Effect of Calcium on
Peroxidase Release by Different Cell Cultures from Sugarbeet. In :11th Intern.Conf.on
Plant Growth Substances. Ed :P.Wareing, Aberystwyth. University College Wales.I.P.G.
S.A. Abstract, p.74.
150.Simon, P., Dieter, P., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H., Marmé, D. 1982. Calmodulin-dependent
and Independent NAD Kinase Activities from Cytoplasmic and Chloroplastic Fractions of
Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Plant Cell Report, Augsburg, 1 :119-122.
151.Sticher, L., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1982. Calcium and Light-controlled Peroxidase
Secretion in Spinach Cell Suspension Cultures. In :Proc.5th Intl.Cong.Plant Tissue & Cell
Culture. Ed :A.Fujiwara, Tokyo. Jap.Assoc.Plant Tissue Culture. Abstract, p.223-224.
152.Stosic, V., Marmé, D., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1982. Calmodulin-binding Proteins from
Spinach Leaves (Spinacia oleracea) and the Physiological State of the Plant. In :Proc.5th
Intl.Cong.Plant Tissue & Cell Culture.Ed :A.Fujiwara, Tokyo.Jap.Assoc.Plant Tissue Culture. Abstract, p.213-214.
153.Van den Driessche, T., Gaillochet, J., Greppin, H., Hyver, J.,Jerebzoff, S.,Manachère, G.,
Van Nguyen, H., Queiroz, O, Roblin, G.1982. Recherches sur les mécanismes de fonctionnement et de génération des rythmes endogènes de moyenne fréquence et leur synchronisation. In : mécanismes de l’irritabilité et du fonctionnement des rythmes chez les végétaux.
Eds : H.Greppin, E.Wagner, Genève :Centre de Botanique.Université de Genève, p.35-74.
154.Wagner, E., Bissbort, S., Schwall, M., Holmes, M.G., Bonzon, M., Frosch, S.,Greppin, H.
1982. Pyridin (PN)-und Adeninnukleotide (ADN) als Indikatoren und Vermittler für das
photoperiodische Erkennen des Jahreszeiten. In :Jubiläumstagung, 100 Jahre der Deutsche
Botanische Gesellschaft. Ed :D.B.G, Freiburg. Abstrakt, s., 20 .
155.Wagner, E., Bonzon, M., Bissbort, S., Holmes, M.G., Frosch, S., Greppin, H. 1982. On
the Mechanism of Circadian Timing of Perception, Transduction and Amplification of
Environmental Signals Controlling Development and Behaviour in Green Plants. In :
European Symp.on Photomorphogenesis in Plants. European Symp. on Photomorphogenesis in Plants. Eds : C.B.Johnson, J.D.Ross, Reading. University of Reading. Abstract, p.90.
156.Wagner, E., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1982. Temporal Organization of Development and
Behaviour in Plants as Controlled by Endogeneous Physiological Cycles in Resonance
with Rhythmic Signals from the Environment. In : les mécanismes de l’irritabilité et du
fonctionnement des rythmes chez les végétaux. Eds :H.Greppin, E.Wagner, Genève :
Centre de Botanique. Université de Genève, p.75-124.
157.Xue, X.X., Bernardini, N., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1982. Evolution, au cours du
développement, de l’activité peroxydasique racinaire et foliaire dans des cultures de
Spinacia oleracea. Arch.Sc., Genève, 35 (3) :341-351.
158.Bonzon, G., Auderset, G., Degli-Agosti, R., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1983. Timing of the
Floral Induction in Spinach. In :Light and the Flowering Process. Eds :D.Vince-Prue, K.
Cockshull, B.Thomas, Littlehampton. Glasshouse Crops Research Institute, p.49.
159.Bonzon, M., Simon, P., Greppin, H., Wagner, E. 1983. Pyridine Nucleotides and Redoxcharge Evolution during the Induction of Flowering in Spinach Leaves. Planta, Berlin,
159 :254-260.
160.Castillo, F., Kevers, C., Van den Driessche, T., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th. 1983.Activité
peroxydasique et acide ascorbique chez Acetabularia mediterranea. C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris,
297, série III, 259-262.
161.Cordonnier, M-M., Greppin, H., Pratt, L. 1983. Production of monoclonal antiphytochrome immunoglobulins by mouse hybridomas.Symp.on Photomorphogenesis in
Plants, Reading, p. 9.
162.Cordonnier, M-M., Greppin, H., Pratt, L. 1983. Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies to Pea and Oat Phytochrome. In :Annual European Symp.on Photomorphogenesis,
Frostavallen. Ed.: C.Sundquist, Göteborg. University of Lund.Abstract, p. 53.
163.Cordonnier, M-M., Smith, C., Greppin, H., Pratt, L. 1983. Production and Purification of
Monoclonal Antibodies to Pisum and Avena Phytochrome. Planta, Berlin, 158 :369-376.
164.Degli Agosti, R., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1983. Mouvement de la feuille du haricot :
emploi de la démodulation complexe. Saussurea, Genève, 14 :87-97.
165.Gaspar, Th., Kevers, C., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1983. Peroxidase Secretion by Sugarbeet
Cells in Suspension Cultures. In :Membranes and Compartmentation in Regulation of Plant
Functions. Ed :Phytochem.Soc. of Europe, Toulouse. University Paul Sabatier. Abstract,
166.Gaspar, Th., Kevers, C., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1983. Auxin Control of Calciummediated Peroxidase Secretion by Auxin-dependent and Auxin-independent Sugarbeet
Cells. Phytochemistry, Exeter, 22 :2657-2660.
167.Greppin, H. 1983. Biorythmes et orientation dans le temps. Méd.& Hyg., Genève, 41, no
1539 bis, p. 12-16.
168.Greppin, H., Strasser, R. 1983. Complexity and Entropy Changes in the Photosynthetic
Apparatus during Floral Induction of Spinach Plants. In :Advances in Photosynthesis
Research. Ed. :C.Sybesma, The Hague. M.Nijhoff/W.Junk Publ.,t.III.,1. 59-62 (Advances
in agricultural Biotechnology).
169.Kevers, C., Sticher, L., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th.1983. The Effect of Ergosterol, Ergocalciferol and Cholecalciferol on Calcium-controlled Peroxidase Secretion by
Sugarbeet Cells. Physiol.Plantarum, Copenhague, 57 :17-20.
170.Kiefer, S., Greppin, H. 1983. Association of Peroxidases to Membranes from Pharbitis
Nil Cotyledons :the Effect of Calcium and the Role of Sugar Residue. In :Membranes and
Compartmentation in Regulation of Plant Functions. Ed., :Phytochem.Soc.of Europe,
Toulouse. University Paul Sabatier. Abstract, p.48.
171.Lenk, R., Descouts, P., Greppin, H. 1983. New Trends in the Spin Relaxation Theory.
Bull.of Magnetic Resonance, Chicago, 5, no3/4, :204.
172.Montavon, M., Greppin, H. 1983. Effet sur le développement de l’épinard de l’application d’un potentiel électrique sur le pétiole d’une feuille. Saussurea, Genève, 14 :80-85.
173.Montavon, M., Horwitz, B., Greppin, H. 1983. Far-red Light-induced Changes in
Intracellular Potentials of Spinach Mesophyll Cells. Plant Physiology, Baltimore (Ma),
73 :671-676
174.Sticher, L., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1983. Effect of Different Ions on The Secretion of
Peroxidase in Suspension Cultures of Spinacia oleracea. In : Membranes and Compartmentation in Regulation of Plant Functions. Ed., :Phytochem.Soc.of Europe, Toulouse.
University Paul Sabatier. Abstract, p.125.
175.Stosic,V., Penel, Cl.,Greppin, H. 1983. Calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+ Uptake in Microsomes prepared from Leaves of Spinach Submitted to various Light Treatments. Archs.
Sci., Genève, 36 (3) :515-519.
176.Stosic, V., Penel, Cl., Marmé, D., Greppin, H. 1983. Distribution of Calmodulinstimulated Ca2+ Transport into Membrane Vesicles from Green Spinach Leaves. Plant
Physiology, Baltimore (Ma), 72 :1136-1138.
177.Tsala, G., Frosch, S., Bonzon, M., Wagner, E., Greppin, H. 1983. Développement de la
capacité photosynthétique et respiratoire des plantules de Chenopodium rubrum sous des
lumières de qualités différentes. Bull.Soc.Suisse Physiol.Vég., Berne, 3 :5.
178.Castillo, F., Celardin, F., Greppin, H. 1984. Peroxidase Assay in Plants : Interference by
Ascorbic Acid and Endogeneous Inhibitors in Sedum and Pelargonium Enzyme Extracts.
Plant Growth Regulation, 2 :69-75.
179.Castillo, F., Greppin, H. 1984. Ozone increases the Ca2+-mediated peroxidase secretion in
Sedum album leaves. In :Proc. 4th Congress of the Federation of european Soc. of Plant
Physiology. Ed. :H.Duranton, Strasbourg. Université de Strasbourg. Abstract, p. 15 P4.
180.Castillo, F., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1984. Peroxidase Release induced by Ozone in
Sedum album Leaves. Plant Physiology, Baltimore (Ma), 74 :846-851.
181.Cordonnier, M-M., Greppin, H., Pratt, L.H. 1984. Characterization by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay of monclonal antibodies to Pisum and Avena phytochrome. Plant
Physiology, Baltimore (Ma), 74 :123-127.
182.Gaspar, Th., Kevers, C., Coumans, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1984. Polyamine
interaction with the calcium-controlled peroxidase secretion by sugarbeet cells.
Experientia, Basel, 40 :696-697.
183.Gaspar,Th., Penel, Cl., Roduit, C., Moncousin, C., Greppin, H. 1984. The role of auxin
level and sensitivity in floral induction. In : Intern.Symp.Plant Growth Regulators, Liblice.
Ed., :Czechoslovak Acad.Sciences, Liblice. Abstract, p.24.
184.Greppin, H. 1984. Anomie écologique et société urbaine. Méd. & Hyg., Genève, 42 :
185.Lenk, R., Dupanloup, A., Descouts, P., Greppin, H. 1984. Réalisation d’un spectromètre
RMN pour les études des végétaux. Saussurea, Genève, 15 :25-31.
186.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1984.Rapid interorgan communications in higher
plants with special reference to flowering. In :Intern.Symp.Plant Growth Regulators,
Liblice. Ed., :Czechoslovak Acad.Sciences, Liblice. Abstract, p.62.
187.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1984. Hormonal control of enzyme secretion by plant
cells. In : Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth and Development.Ed. :S.S.Purohit,
Agro.Botanical Pub, Bikaner, p.,145-168.
188.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1984. Distribution of a Ca2+-activable peroxidase in spinach
leaves. In :Third Cell Wall Meeting, Fribourg. Ed. :H.Meier, Université de Fribourg, p.69.
189.Penel, Cl., Sticher, L., Kevers, C., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1984. Calcium-controlled
peroxidase secretion by sugarbeet celles. Effect of ionophore in relation to organogenesis.
Biochem.Physiol.Pflanzen, 179 :173-180.
190.Rabinowitz, J., Greppin, H. 1984. Les précipitations acides. Méd. & Hyg., Genève, 42 :
191.Sallier de la Tour, R., Sticher, L., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1984. Sécrétion de peroxydases
par des suspensions cellulaires issues de racines et de feuilles d’épinard. Saussurea,
Genève, 15 :17-23.
192.Simon, P., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H., Marmé,D. 1984. Suchloroplastic localization of
NADkinase activity :evidence for a Ca2+ calmodulin-dependent activity at the envelope
and for a Ca2+ calmodulin-independent in the stroma of pea chloroplasts. FEBS Letters,
167 :332-338.
193.Sticher, L., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1984. Acidification du milieu et sécrétion des
peroxydases dans les suspensions cellulaires d’épinard. Bull.Soc.Suisse Physio.Vég.,36,
194.Tsala, G., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1984. Fonctionnement des chloroplastes d’épinard
soumis à différents traitements photopériodiques. Saussurea, Genève, 15 :11-16.
195.Wagner, E., Bissbort, S., Schwall, M., Lecharny, A., Bergfeld, R., Kossmann, I., Bonzon,
M., Greppin, H. 1984. Circadian Rhythmicity in Energy Metabolism :a prerequisite for the
cooperation between the organelles of eukaryotic Cells. Internat.J.Endocyt.and Cell Res.,
1 :81-93.
196.Auderset, G., Gahan, P.B., Onya, G., Greppin, H. 1985. Increased pentose phosphate
pathway activity linked to floral induction in apices of Spinacia oleracea during short days.
Annals of Botany, 55 :61-64.
197.Bernardini, N., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1985. Preliminary immunological studies of
horseradish and spinach isoperoxidases. In : Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Plant
Peroxidases.Eds :H.,Greppin, Cl.,Penel, Th.,Greppin, Genève.Centre de Botanique Université de Genève, p. 97-104.
198.Bonzon, M., Degli Agosti, R., Wagner, E., Greppin, H. 1985. Enzyme pattern in energy
metabolism during flower induction in spinach leaves. Plant Cell Environ., 8 :303-308.
199.Cordonnier, M-M, Greppin, H., Pratt, L. 1985. A higly conserved antigenic determinant
on phytochrome from etiolated plants is also present on polypeptides of the same size from
green plants. Photochemistry and Photobiology, New Orleans, Louisiana, 41, p.43 S.
200.Cordonnier, M-M, Greppin, H., Pratt, L. 1985. A monoclonal antibody to pea phytochrome that recognizes a higly conserved epitope also immunostains a putative phytochrome polypeptide from green plants. In :European Symp.on Photomorphogenesis in
Plants.Eds :R.E.,Kendrick, G.H.M.,Kronenberg,Wageningen.Agricult. University Wageningen. Abstract, p.18.
201.Cordonnier, M-M, Greppin, H., Pratt, L. 1985. A monoclonal antibody that discriminates
between the Pr and Pfr forms of Phytochrome induces nonphotochemical reversion of Pfr
to Pr. In : European Symp.on Photomorphogenesis in Plants. Eds : R.E.,Kendrick, G.H.M.,
Kronenberg, Wageningen. Agricult. University Wageningen. Abstract, p.19.
202. Cordonnier, M-M, Greppin, H., Pratt, L. 1985. Monoclonal antibodies with differing affinities to the red-and far-red-absorbing forms of phytochrome. Biochemistry, 24 : 32463253.
203.Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin,H. 1985. Changes in ethylene
production, ACC content and capacity to convert ACC to ethylene in spinach plants during
floral induction. In :12th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances . Eds :
M.Bopp, B.Knoop, W.Rademacher, Heidelberg. University of Heidelberg, p. 557.
204.Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1985. Relationship between peroxidase variations and changes in ethylene production during floral induction in spinach. In :
Internat.Symp.on Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Plant Peroxidases, Geneva
(H.Greppin,Cl.Penel,Th.Gaspar), p.56.
205.El Toukhi, M. Auderset, G., Greppin, H. 1985. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in the shoot apices of Spinacia oleracea after the floral evocation in continuous light.
Saussurea, 16 :1-5.
206.Frosch, S., Bergfeld, R., Mehnert, C., Wagner, E.,Greppin, H. 1985. Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase capacity and chlorophyll content in developing seedlings of Chenopodium rubrum L. growing under light of different qualities and fluence rates. Photosynthesis
Res., 7 :41-67.
207.Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Castillo, F., Greppin, H. 1985. A two-step control of basic and
acidic peroxidases and its significancefor growth and development. Physiologia Plantarum,
64 :418-423.
208.Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Roduit, C., Moncousin, C., Greppin, H. 1985. The role of auxin
level and sensitivity in floral induction. Biologia Plantarum, 7 :325-329.
209.Greppin, H., Auderset, G., Bonzon, M., Penel, Cl. 1985. La floraison :marqueurs d’état et
caractérisation fonctionnelle.In :Les mécanismes de l’irritabilité et du fonctionnement des
rythmes chez les végétaux, 1977-1983. Colloque de Freiburg i.Br. Eds :H.Greppin, E.Wagner, Genève.Centre de Botanique :Université de Genève, p.158-185.
210.Greppin, H., Wagner, E.,(Eds). 1985.Les mécanismes de l’irritabilité et du fonctionnement des rythmes chez les végétaux, 1977-1983. Colloque de Freiburg i.Br. Centre de Botanique :Université de Genève, 185 p.
211. Kevers, C., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th. 1985. Short-and long-term effect of
auxins on ethylene production by auxin-dependent and auxin-independent sugarbeet cell
lines. Arch.Internat.Physiol.Biochim., 93 :B1-B66.
212.Kevers, C., Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Greppin,H. 1985. Auxin-polyamine interaction with
the calcium-controlled secretion of peroxidase by sugarbeet cells. Plant Cell Reports, 4 :
213.Kiefer, S., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1985. Calcium-and manganese-dependent attachement
of the glycoprotein peroxidase to membrane from Pharbitis cotyledons. Plant Science,
39 :37-43.
214. Kiefer, S., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1985. Calcium-and manganese-mediated binding of
peroxidases to membranes from Pharbiti nil cotyledons. In : First Internat.Symp.on Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Plant Peroxidases, Geneva (H.Greppin,Cl.Penel, Th.
Gaspar), p.65.
215.Lenk, R., Greppin, H., Chamont, S. 1985. Etude de la dynamique moléculaire dans les
feuilles et les racines de l’épinard par la RMN pulsée. Saussurea, 16 :59-66.
216.Malatialy, L., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1985. Effect of IAA, CaCl2 and verapamil on
growth and peroxidase activity. In : First Internat.Symp.on Molecular and Physiological
Aspects of Plant Peroxidases, Geneva (H.Greppin,Cl.Penel,Th.Gaspar), p.75.
217.Montavon, M., Greppin, H. 1985. Potentiel intracellulaire du mésophylle d’épinard
(Spinacia oleracea) en relation avec la lumière et l’induction florale. J.Plant Physiol.,
118 :471-475.
218.Montavon, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1985. Effect of photoperiodic induction and applied electrical potentials on the peroxidase activity in spinach.In : First Internat.Symp.on
Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Plant Peroxidases, Geneva (H.Greppin, Cl.Penel,
Th. Gaspar), p.79.
219.Penel, Cl., Castillo, F., Kiefer, S., Greppin, H. 1985. The regulation of plant peroxidase
activity by calcium. In :Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Calcium in Plant Development
(Nato Advanced Workshop). Ed. :A.Trewavas, Edinburgh.University of Edinburgh, p.A25.
220.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1985. Rapid interorgan communications in higher
plants with special reference to flowering. Biologia Plantarum, 27 :334-338.
221.Rabinowitz, J., Miller, P., Greppin, H. 1985. Les oxydants photochimiques. Méd.&Hyg.,
Genève, 43 :3466-3478.
222.Sandelius,A., Penel, Cl.,Auderset, G., Brightman, A., Safranski, K.,Greppin, H., Morré, J.
1985.Isolation of plasma membrane and tonoplast from the same homogenate of plant cells
by free-flow electrophoresis. In :Molecular and Cellular Aspects calcium in Plant Develoment (Nato Advanced Workshop). Ed.:A.Trewavas,Edinburgh. University of Edinburgh,
p.,A 21.
223.Sandelius,A., Penel, Cl.,Auderset,G., Brightman, A., Safranski, K.,Greppin, H., Morré, J.
1985.Isolation of plasma membrane and tonoplast from the same homogenate of plant cells
by free-flow electrophoresis. In :Molecular and Cellular Aspects calcium in Plant Develo-
ment (Nato Advanced Workshop). Ed.:A.Trewavas,Edinburgh. University of Edinburgh,
p.,A 20.
224.Sandelius,A., Penel, Cl.,Auderset,G., Brightman, A., Safranski, K.,Greppin, H., Morré, J.
1985. Isolation of plasma membrane and tonoplast membrane fractions of soybean
hypocotyls using preparative free-flow electrophoresis. Physiol.Plant., 64 :27 A.
225.Sandelius,A., Penel, Cl.,Auderset,G., Brightman, A., Safranski, K.,Greppin, H., Morré, J.
1985. Isolation of highly purified fractions of tonoplast and plasma membrane from the
same homogenate by free-flow electrophoresis. Plant Physiol., 77 (Suppl) :145.
226.Simon, P., Greppin, H., Bonzon, M. 1985. Ca2+, calmodulin dependent and independent
activities in spinach leaves and pea seedlings. Experientia, Basel, 41 :812.
227.Stosic, V., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1985. Effect of the photoperiod on the calcium uptake
by microsomes and mitochondria from green leaves.In :Molecular and Cellular Aspects
Calciun in Plant Development (Nato Advanced Workshop). Ed.:A.Trewavas,Edinburgh.
University of Edinburgh, p., B 23.
228.Tsala, G., Frosch, S., Bonzon, M., Bergfeld, R., Kossmann, I., Greppin, H., 1985. Photoperiod and Light quality effects on rate of dark respiration and on photosynthetic capacity
in developing seedlings of Chenopodium rubrum. Physiologia Plantarum, 63 :146-152.
229.Van den Driessche, T., Cauberg, R., Jerebzoff, S., Gaspar, Th., Castillo, F., Greppin, H.
1985. Progrès récent concernant la régulation de la morphogenèse des rythmes circadiens
et de la polarité d’Acétabularia. In :Les mécanismes de l’irritabilité et du fonctionnement
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Colloque de Freiburg i.Br. Eds :H.Greppin, E.Wagner, Genève.Centre de Botanique
:Université de Genève, p. 4-22.
230Wagner, E., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1985. Membrane-oscillator hypothesis of meta-bolic
control in photoperiodic time measurement and the temporal organization of development
and behaviour in plants. In :New Development and Methods In : Membrane Research and
Biological Energy Transduction. Ed :L.Packer. Plenum Publ., New York : 525-546.
231.Auderset, G., Sandelius, A.S., Penel, Cl., Brightman, A., Greppin, H., Morré, J. 1986.
Isolation of plasma membrane and tonoplast fraction from spinach leaves by preparative
free-flow electrophoresis and effect of photoinduction. Physiologia Plantarum, Copenhagen, 68 :1-12.
232.Auderset, G., Sandelius, A.S., Penel, Cl., Brightman, A., Greppin, H., Morré, J. 1986.
Plasma membrane and tonoplast fractions from spinach leaves by preparative free-flow
electrphoresis. In :Cell-free Analysis of Membrane Traffic. Eds :G.Cook & al.,Heidelberg.
233.Bernardini, N., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1986. Preliminary immunological studies on
horseradish and spinach peroxidase isoenzymes. In :Molecular and Physiological Aspects
of Plant Peroxidase. Eds :H.Greppin,Cl.Penel,Th.Gaspar.Université de Genève, p., 97-103.
234.Castillo. F., Cotton, G., Kevers, C., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th., Van de Driessche, T. 1986.
Changes in ascorbic acid content and ascorbate peroxidase activity during the development
of Acetabularia mediterranea. Differenciation, 33 :17-23.
235.Castillo, F., Greppin, H., 1986. Balance between anionic and cationic extracellular
peroxidase activities in Sedum album leaves after ozone exposure analysis by highperformance liquid chromatography. Phsiologia Plantarum, 68 :201-208.
236.Cordonnier, M-M., Greppin, H., Pratt, L. 1986. Identification of a highly conserved
domain on phytochrome from angiosperms to algae. Plant Physiology, 80 :982-987.
237.Cordonnier, M-M., Greppin, H., Pratt, L. 1986. Phytochrome from green Avena shoots
characterized with a monoclonal antibody to phytochrome from etiolated Pisum shoots.
Biochemistry, 25 :7657-7666.
238.Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th. 1986. In vitro ACC-ethylene conversion by cell walls from Spinach. 1986. In :Proc.of the 4th Cell Wall Meeting, Paris.
Eds :B.Vian,D.Reis,R,Goldberg. Copy 86,R.C.,p. 230-231.
239.Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th. 1986. Ethylene production in Spinach leaves during floral induction. Journal of Experimental Botany, 37 :1218-1224.
240.El Toukhi, M., Auderset,G., Greppin, H. 1986. Cytological and histochemical study of
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and the mitotic activities in the shoot apex of Spinacia
oleracea var. Nobel during floral induction. Saussurea, 17 :93-102.
241.Frosch, S., Tsala, G., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1986. Effect of photoperiod length on
leaf ontogenesis in spinach plants (Spinacia oleracea) as related to photosynthetic O2
production, Rubisco capacity and total sugar content. Archs.Sci.,Genève, 39 :263-275.
242.Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1986. Peroxidases :structure, biosynthesis, catalytic
activities, location and control. 1986. Bull.Groupe Polyphénols, Montpellier, 13 :159-171.
243.Greppin, H. 1986. Peroxidase as a tool in the study of the flowering process. In :
Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Plant Peroxidase.Eds :H.Greppin,Cl.Penel,
Th.Gaspar.Université de Genève, p., 333-340.
244.Greppin, H., Auderset, G., Bonzon, M., Degli Agosti, R., Lenk, R., Penel, Cl. 1986. Le
mécanisme de l’induction florale. Saussurea, Genève, 17 :71-84.
245.Greppin, H., Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th. 1986. Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Plant
Peroxidases. ISBN 2-88164-001-X. Centre de Botanique :Université de Genève, 480 p.
246.Kiefer, S., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1986. Association of a peroxidase to membrane of
Pharbitis cotyledons. In : Cell-free Analysis of Membrane Traffic. Eds : G.Cook & al.,
Heidelberg, EMBO Lab.
247.Kiefer, S., Klinger, H., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Wagner, E. 1986. Photoperiod and phytochrome control of peroxidase binding to microsomes from Pharbitis nil cotyledons. In : 5th
Congress of the Federation of European Soc.of Plant Physiology. Ed :K.Dörffling. Inst
.Allge.Botanik, Hamburg :5-25.
248.Lenk, R., Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1986. Etude du pH intracellulaire par la résonance
magnétique nucléaire du phosophore (31P-RMN). Archs.Sci., Genève, 39 :257-285.
249.Malatialy, L., Penel, Cl., Montavon, M., Greppin, H. 1986. Effet de l’auxine sur l’élongation de segments isolés de pétioles d’épinards. Archs.Sci., Genève, 39 :277-285.
250.Montavon, M., Greppin, H. 1986. Développement apical de l’èpinard et application d’un
potentiel électrique de contrainte. Saussurea, Genève, 17 :85-91.
251.Montavon, M., Greppin, H. 1986. Auxanomètre pour la mesure en continu de l’élongation de segments d’organes végétaux. Physiologie végétale, Paris, 24 :383-389.
252.Penel, Cl., Castillo, F., Kiefer, S., Greppin, H. 1986. The regulation of plant peroxidase
by calcium. In : Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Calcium in Plant Development. Ed :A.
Trewavas.Plenum Press, New York : 365-366.
253.Sandelius,A., Penel, Cl.,Auderset,G., Brightman, A., Safranski, K.,Greppin, H., Morré, J.
1986. Isolation of plasma membrane and tonoplast from the same homogenate of plant
cells by free-flow electrophoresis. In : Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Calcium in Plant
Development. Ed :A. Trewavas.Plenum Press, New York : 353-354.
254.Stosic, V., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1986. Effect of photoperiod on the calcium uptake by
microsomes and mitochondria from green leaves. In : Molecular and Cellular Aspects of
Calcium in Plant Development. Ed :A. Trewavas. New York :Plenum Press, p., 427-428.
255.Vasquez-Duhalt, R., Greppin, H. 1986. Biodegradation of motor oil by Pseudomonas
fluorescens. In :Genetic manipulation of Pseudomonas.Applications in Biotechnology and
Medicine. Eds :J.Deshusses & al.,Université de Genève, p. 76.
256.Vasquez-Duhalt, R., Greppin, H. 1986. Biodegradation of used motor oil by bacteria promotes the solubilization of heavy metals. The Science of the Total Environment, 52 :109121.
257.Auderset, G., Sandelius, A.,Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Morré, J. 1987. Isolation of plasma
and vacuole membranes from green leaves by preparative free flow electrophoresis. In :
Cell-free analysis of membrane traffic. Eds :K.Howell, W.Cook, H.Evans. A. Liss Pub.,
New York :285-287.
258.Bonzon, M., Simon, P., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H., Wagner, E. 1987. Activity of
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase isozymes during photoperiodic floral induction in spinach leaves. Physiologia Plantarum, 70 :577-582.
259.Castillo, F., Miller, P., Greppin, H. 1987. Extracellular biochemical markers of photochemical oxidant air pollution damage to Norway spruce. Experientia, Basel, 43 :111-115.
260.Crèvecoeur, M., Kevers, C., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th. 1987. A comparative biochemical
and cytological characterization of normal and habituated sugarbeet calli. Biologia
Plantarum, 29 :1-6.
261.Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1987. Extraction, identification et dosage des sucres du
pétiole de l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea ) pendant la variation de la photopériode. Botanica Helvetica, 97 :329-340.
262.Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1987. Mise en évidence de deux types de contrôle du
glucose chez l’épinard (Spinacia, oleracea :analyse mathématique et modèle
en jour court et lors de la variation de photopériode inductrice de la floraison. Saussurea,
Genève, 18 :45-54.
263.Gagliardi, R., Greppin, H. 1987. Structure temporelle des activités catalasique, peroxydasique, polyphénoloxydasique lors du développement de l’épinard. Saussurea, Genève,
18 :37-44.
264.Gahan, P., Auderset, G., Carmignac, D., Greppin, H. 1987. The relationship between the
activities of the pentose phosphate pathway and glycolysis during early stages of floral
induction in spinach. Histochemistry, 87 :289-291.
265.Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1987. Relations inter-organes,
croissance, dominance apicale et floraison. L’année biologique, 26 (2) :82-89.
266.Greppin, H., 1987. Préface : Introduction à l’écologie générale. In : Energie, Ecologie,
Economie.G.Pillet, H.Odum, 257 p. ;Ed :Georg, Genève.
267.Greppin, H., Auderset, G., Bonzon, M., Degli Agosti, R., Penel, Cl. 1987. Flowering and
Leaf-shoot interactions. In :The Cell Surface in Signal Transduction. Eds :E.Wagner,
B.Millet, H.Greppin. Springer Verlag, Berlin (NATO ASI Series, H12) :157-167.
268.Kiefer, S., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1987. Association of a peroxidase to membranes of
Pharbitis cotyledons. In : Cell-free Analysis of Membrane Traffic. Eds :K.Howell et al.. A.
Liss Pub., New York :289-290.
269.Kiefer, S., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl., Wagner, E. 1987. Association de peroxydases aux
membranes de courgettes, de raifort et de Pharbitis nil. Archs.Sci.,Genève, 40 :369-378.
270.Lenk, R., Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1987. Evolution de l’entropie et de la néguentropie en
biologie. Archs.Sci., Genève, 40 :351-362.
271.Montavon, M., El Toukhi, M., Auderset, G., Greppin, H. 1987. Effect of photoperiod and
electrical potentials applied to petioles on the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity
used as marker of floral induction in shoot apices of Spinach. Ann.of Bot., 60 :225-230.
272.Morré., J., Brightman, A., Scherer, G., Von Dorp, B., Penel, Cl., Auderset, G., Sandelius,
A., Greppin, H. 1987. Highly purified tonoplast fractions by preparative free-flow electrophoresis. In :Plant Vacuoles. Ed :B.Marin. Plenum Pub., New York :31-42.
273.Ogier, G., Castillo, F., Greppin, H. 1987. Peroxidase activities and ascorbic acid in Norway spruce needles after a longterm ozone exposure.. In :XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin. Eds :W.,Greuter,B.,Zimmer,H.D.,Behnke. Botanical Garden and Museum,
Berlin :86.
274.Penel, Cl., Auderset, G., Crèvecoeur, M., Crespi, P., Morré, J., Greppin, H. 1987. Changes in membrane properties during floral induction. Arch.Internat. Biochim.,
95 :26.
275.Penel, Cl., Auderset, G., Crèvecoeur, M., Crespi, P., Morré, J., Greppin, H. 1987. Changes in membrane properties during floral induction. In : XIV International Botanical Congress, Berlin. Eds :W.,Greuter,B.,Zimmer,H.D.,Behnke. Botanical Garden and Museum,
Berlin, 2-110.
276.Penel, Cl., Auderset, G., Kiefer, S., Sandelius, A., Brightman, A., Greppin, H., Morré, J.
1987. Plasma membrane and tonoplast fractions isolated from spinach leaves by preparative free-flow electrophoresis :effect of photoinduction. In :The Metabolism Structure and
Function of Plant Lipids. Eds :P.K.,Stumpf,J.B.,Mudd,W.D.,Nes. Plenum Pub.,New York :
277.Sticher, L., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1987. Sécrétion périodique de peroxydases par des
suspensions cellulaires d’épinard, sous divers régimes lumineux. Archs.Sci.,Genève,
40(3) :363-368.
278.Vasquez-Duhalt, R., Greppin, H. 1987. Growth and production of cell constituents in
batch cultures of Botryococcus sudeticus. Phytochemistry, 26(4) :885-889.
279.Vasquez-Duhalt, R., Greppin, H. 1987. Botryococcus sudeticus Lemm., une algue productrice d’huile alimentaire. Saussurea, Genève, 18 :55-63.
280.Wagner, E., Greppin, H., Millet, B. (Eds). 1987. The Cell Surface in Signal Transduction.
(NATO ASI Series, H 12).Springer Verlag, Berlin, 243 p.
281.Auderset, G., Sandelius, S., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Morré, J. 1988. Isolation of plasma
and vacuole membranes from green leaves by preparative free-flow electrophoresis.
In :Cell-free Analysis of Membrane Traffic. Eds :J.D.,Morré,K.E.,Howell,G.M.W.,Cook,
W.H.,Evans.Alan L. Liss, Pub.,New York :285-287.
282.Cao, N.D., Greppin, H. 1988. Evolution des mitochondries foliaires lors de l’induction
florale de l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea,cv. Nobel). Saussurea, Genève, 19 :67-73.
283.Castillo, F., Greppin, H. 1988. Extracellular ascorbic acid and enzyme activities related to
ascorbic acid metabolism in Sedum album L. leaves after ozone exposure. Environmental
and Experimental Botany, 28 :231-238.
284.Castillo, F., Ogier, G., Greppin, H. 1988. Beschreibung des Gesundheitszustandes von
Waldbäumen mit Hilfe von physiologischen und biochemischen Parametern. In :Waldschäden und Luftverschmutzung in der Schweiz. Schweiz.Nationalfonds zur Förderung der
Wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Bern :38-39.
285.Castillo, F., Ogier, G., Greppin, H. 1988. Effect of ozone and sulfur dioxide on Norway
spruce , comparative biochemical analysis. In :15th Intern.Meeting of Specialists in Air
Pollution Effects on Forest Ecosystems, Interlaken. Ed :I.,Bucher-Wallin, IUFRO, Birmensdorf :5.
286.Castillo, F., Ogier, G., Miller, P., Greppin, H. 1988. Variations saisonnières d’indicateurs
biochimiques chez l’épicéa (Picea abies L., Karst) de la forêt genevoise :corrélation avec le
taux en polluants atmosphériques (dioxyde de soufre et ozone). Archs.Sci., Genève, 41 :
287.Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1988. Induction florale et production d’éthylène chez l’épinard. Effet de l’acide gibbérellique. C.R.Acad., Paris, 306 :81-84.
288.Degli Agosti, R., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1988. Glucose content changes in spinach,
mustard and Chenopodium rubrum plants during photoperiodic floral induction. Life
Science Advances (Plant Physiology), no 7.
289.Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1988. Etude in vitro des efflux de glucose de pétioles d’épinard (Spinacia oleraces, c.v.Nobel) avant et après la variation de photopériode inductrice
de la floraison. Saussurea, Genève, 19 :75-83.
290.Degli Agosti R., Greppin, H. 1988. Mise en évidence du mouvement des feuilles chez
l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea, cv. Nobel) :rythme endogène. Botanica Helvetica, 98 (1) :
291.El Toukhi Fouda, M., Auderset, G., Gahan, P., Greppin, H. 1988. Histochemical study of
photo-periodic and low temperature effects on floral induction of Spinacia oleracea.
Annals of Botany, 61 :237-241.
292. El Toukhi, M., Greppin, H. 1988. G-6-PDH et évocation florale. Saussurea, Genève, 19 :
293.Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Crèvecoeur, M., Kevers, C. Greppin, H. 1988. Biochemical
Characterization of normal and habituated sugarbeet calli. Relationship with anatomy,
habituation and organogenesis. Postdamer Forschungen der paedagogischen Hochschule,
57 :20-30.
294. Greppin, H. 1988. L’interface Homme-Nature. Méd. & Hyg., 46 :3277-3283.
295.Kiefer, S., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1988. Association of a peroxidase to membranes of
Pharbitis cotyledons. In :Cell-free Analysis of Membrane Traffic. Eds :J.D.,Morré, K.E.,
Howell,G.M.W.,Cook,W.H.,Evans. Alan R.Liss Pub.,New.York :289-290.
296.Malatialy, L., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1988. Calcium uptake by FEBS Letters, 233 :196200.
297.Montavon, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1988. Peroxidase Activity in Relation to Photoperiodic Induction and Electric Potentials Applied to Petioles of Spinach. Plant Science,
56 :93-97.
298.Ogier, G., Castillo, F., Greppin, H. 1988. Apoplast :a sensitive site for assessing some
biochemical effects of O3 or SO2 in Norway spruce needles. In :Intern.Symp.on Forest
Tree Physiology, Nancy. INRA, Nancy :23 P9.
299.Penel, Cl., Auderset, G., Bernardini, N., Castillo, F., Greppin, H., Morré, J. 1988.
Compositional changes associated with plasma membrane thickening during floral induction of spinach. Physiologia Plantarum, 73 :134-146.
300.Penel, Cl., Auderset, G., Crèvecoeur, M., Crespi, P., Morré, J., Greppin, H. 1988. Change
in plasma membrane during floral induction. Arch.Intern.Physiologie et Biochimie, 96 :26.
301.Penel, Cl., Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Morré, J., Greppin, H. 1988. Changes in sterols
during floral induction. In :14th Intern.Congress of Biochemistry. Ed :Intern.Soc.Biochem.
:Videopress IOJ, Prague , p.,V.38.
302.Queiroz-Claret, Cl., Lenk, R., Queiroz, O., Greppin, H. 1988. NMR studies of in vitro
slow oscillations in enzyme properties and dissipative structures. Plant Physiol.Biochem.,
26 :333-338.
303.Wagner, E., Bonzon, M., Frosch, S., Ruiz, F.S., Kiefer, S., Greppin, H. 1988. Kinetics of
redox state as related to plant growth and development. In :Plasma Membrane Oxidoreductases in Control of Animal and Plant Growth. Ed :F.L.,Crane. Plenum Pub.,New
York :283-285.
304.Bonzon, M., Greppin, H., Wagner, E. 1989. Modulation of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase isozyme activities in spinac leaves. Botanica Helvetica, 99 :171-178.
305.Castillo, F., Ogier, G., Greppin, H. 1989. Effect of ozone and sulfur dioxide on Norway
spruce, comparative biochemical analysis. In :Air Pollution and Forest Decline.Eds :J.,
Bucher & al..IUFRO. Birmensdorff :131-134.
306.Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1989. Changes in spinach plasmalemma after gibberellic acid treatment. Plant Science, 62 :63-71.
307.Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th. 1989. Conversion of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid to ethylene by spinach plasma membrane isolated by free-flow
electrophoresis. C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, III, 309 :623-629.
308.Degli Agosti, R., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1989. Photoperiodic floral induction and
glucose content changes in spinach, mustard and Chenopodium rubrum plants. Botanica
helvetica, 99 :73-79.
309.Degli Agosti, R., Lenk, R., Greppin, H. 1989. Examen d’une plantule par la RMN.
Saussurea, Genève, 20 :89-95.
310.Ogier, G., Castillo, F., Greppin, H. 1989. Apoplast : a sensitive site for assessing some
biochemical effects of O3 and SO2 in Norway spruce needles. Annales des Sciences forestières, 46 :590-594.
311.Penel, Cl., Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Morré, J., Greppin, H. 1989. Changes in plasma
membrane sterols during floral induction. In :Signals in Plant Development.Eds :J.,Krekule
& al., Prague. SPB Acad, Pub.,The Hague :107-118.
312.Burdet, H., Charpin, A., Greppin, H., Spichiger, R. 1990. Le développement de la botanique à Genève. Botanica helvetica, 100 :273-292.
313.Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Lefort, F., Greppin, H. 1990. Modification of apical meristem
plasmalemma during floral induction of Spinacia oleracea. Physiologia Plantarum, 79 :218.
314.Degli Agosti, R., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1990. Carbohydrates evolution in spinach
plants during the acclimation to various changes in photoperiod. Archs.Sci., Genève,
43 :401-417.
315.Degli Agosti, R., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1990. Glucose content changes in spinach,
mustard and Chenopodium rubrum plants during photoperiodic floral induction. Plant
Physiology (Life Sciences Advances), 7 :209-212.
316.Degli Agosti, R., Lenk, R., Greppin, H. 1990. Etude de la germination d’une céréale par
H-RMN. In :Soc.Française Biochim.Biol.Moléculaire.Ed :Progrès méthodologiques de la
RMN en biologie :Structures macromoléculaires et métabolisme.Université Claude
Bernard, Lyon, Villeurbane, p.23.
317.Degli Agosti, R., Lenk, R., Greppin, H. 1990. A correlation of the spin-lattice relaxation
with the starch content in the grain of a cereal. In :25th Congress Ampere on magnetic
resonance and related phenomena. Eds :M.,Mehring,J.V.,von Schütz,H.C.,Wolf. Heidelberg. Springer Verlag, Berlin :230-231.
318.Gaspar, Th., Moncousin, C., Greppin, H. 1990. The place and role of exogenous and
endogenous auxin in adventious root formation. In :Intra-and Intercellular Communications in Plants.Reception, Transmission, Storage and Expression of Messages. Eds :
B.,Millet,H.,Greppin. INRA, Paris :125-139.
319.Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Hagege, D., Greppin, H. 1990. Peroxidases in plant growth,
differentiation and development processes. In :Molecular and physiological aspects of
plant peroxidases.In :J.,Lobarzewski. Naczelnà Organizacja Techniczna, Lublin : 91.
320.Greppin, H. 1990. Le mécanisme de la floraison. Cahiers de la Faculté des Sciences,
Genève. 20 :201-205.
321.Greppin, H. 1990. Peroxidase photocontrol and flowering process. In : J.,Lobarzewski.
Naczelnà Organizacja Techniczna, Lublin : 92.
322.Greppin, H.1990. Régulation et perturbation de la température :rôle des êtres vivants.
Méd. & Hyg., Genève, 48 :3726-3728.
323.Greppin, H., Bonzon, M., Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Degli Agosti, R., Penel, Cl. 1990.
Physiological macrofunctions and indicators of the flowering process. In : Intra -and- Intercellular Communications in Plants.Reception, Transmission, Storage and Expression of
Messages. Eds : B.,Millet,H.,Greppin. INRA, Paris :107-123.
324.Hagege, D., Boucaud, J., Foidart, J.M., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1990.The auxin-and
cytokinin-habituated sugarbeet callus as neoplastic disease. Arch.Internat.Physiol.Biochim,
98 :6-41.
325.Havaux M., Strasser, R., Greppin, H. 1990. In vivo photoregulation of photochemical and
nonphotochemical desactivation of photosystem II in intact plant leaves. Plant physiology
and Biochemistry, 28 (6) :735-746.
326.Lefort, F., Bernardini, N., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1990. Effect of photoperiod on the
biosynthesis of a cationic peroxidase isolated from spinach-tissues by immunoaffinity.In :Molecular and physiological aspects of plant peroxidases. Ed : J.,Lobarzewski.
Naczelnà Organizacja Techniczna, Lublin : 51.
327.Lenk, R., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1990. In-vivo NMR studies of the grain of oat.
In :25th Congress Ampere on magnetic resonance and related phenomena. Eds :
M.,Mehring,J.V.,von Schütz,H.C.,Wolf. Heidelberg. Springer Verlag, Berlin :527-528.
328.Millet, B., Greppin, H.(Eds). 1990.Intra-and Intercellular Communications in Plants. Reception, Transmission, Storage and Expression of Messages. INRA, Paris, 175 p.
329.Penel, Cl., Bernardini, N., Greppin, H. 1990. Production and characterization of
monoclonal antibodies to a cationic peroxidase from spinach leaves. Plant Sci., 67:7-19.
330.Penel, Cl., Gaspar Th., Crèvecoeur, M., Kevers, C., Greppin, H. 1990. The role ofcalcium
and manganese ions in the in vitro conversion of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid
to ethylene by lentil root membranes. Physiol.Plant., 79, 250-254.
331.Pillet, G., Baranzini, A., Hediger, W., Sandoz-Terraz, S., Hall, C.A.S., Greppin, H. 1990.
Methods and Models for Valuting Environments : with special reference to Switzerland.
In :Proc. ISEE Conf.The Ecological Economics of Sustainability. Ed :The World Bank,
Washington,DC, 31 p.
332.Calderon, C., Greppin, H. 1991. Rythme supradien chez Chlorella rubescens, Chod., et
énergétique cellulaire. Saussurea, Genève, 22 :43-48.
333.Degli Agosti, R., Lenk, R., Greppin, H. 1991. Etude par la résonance magnétique
nucléaire de la germinationb d’une céréale. Archs.Sci., Genève, 44 (2) :235-243.
334.Fontana, D., Greppin, H. 1991. Induction florale et composés phénoliques. Saussurea,
Genève, 22 :17-25.
335.Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Hagege, D., Greppin, H. 1991. Peroxidases in plant growth,
differentiation and development processes. In :Biochemical, Molecular and Physiological
Aspects of Plant Peroxidases. Eds :J.,Lobarzewski,H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel,Th.,Gaspar. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève :249-280.
336.Gaspar, Th., Hagege, D., Kevers, C., Penel, Cl., Crèvecoeur, M., Engelman, I., Greppin,
H., Foidart, J.M. 1991. When plant teratomas turn in cancers in the absence of pathogens.
Physiol.Plant., 83 :696-701.
337.Gaspar, Th., Hagege, D., Kevers, C., Penel, Cl., Crèvecoeur, M., I., Greppin, H., Foidart,
J.M. 1991. Steps to cancer in plants. Belgian Plant Tissue Culture Group J., Sint-GenesiusRod, 2 :10-11.
338.Greppin, H. 1991. Aménagement du territoire et environnement. In :Actes des premières
assises régionales de l’AGEDRI. Ed :AGEDRI Press Express, Genève :15-19.
339.Greppin, H., Bonzon, M., Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur. M., Degli Agosti, R., Penel, Cl.,
Tacchini, Ph. 1991. Communications in plants. In :Plant Signalling, Plasma Membrane
and Change of State. Eds :Cl.,Penel,H.,Greppin. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève :139-177.
340.Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1991. Peroxidase photocontrol and flowering process. In :
Biochemical, Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Plant Peroxidases. Eds : J.,Lobarzewski,H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel,Th.,Gaspar. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève :363-368.
341.Hagege, D., Penel, Cl., Crèvecoeur, M., Kevers, C., Gaspar, Th., Boucaud, J., Greppin,
H. 1991. Plasmamembrane peroxidases from the auxin-and cytokini-independent sugarbeet
callus. Arch.Internat.Physiologie, Biochimie et Biophysique, 99 (6) :PP2.
342.Havaux, M., Greppin, H., Strasser, R. 1991. Functioning of photosystems I and II in pea
leaves exposed to heat stress in the presence or absence of light :Analysis using in-vivo
fluorescence, absorbance, oxygen and photoacoustic measurements. Planta, 186 (1) :88-98.
343.Havaux, M., Greppin, H., Strasser, R. 1991. Effect of incident Light intensity on the yield
of steady-state chlorophyll fluorecence in intact leaves. An example of bioenergetic homeostasis. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 31 (1) :23-32.
344.Havaux, M., Greppin, H., Strasser, R. 1991. A theoretical and experimental analysis of
the Q(P) and Q(N) coefficients of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching and their relation to
photochemical and nonphotochemical events. Photosynthesis Research, 27 :41-55.
345.Lefort, F., Bernardini, N., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1991. Effect of photoperiod on the
biosynthesis of a cationic peroxidase isolated form spinach tissues by immunoaffinity.
In :Biochemical, Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Plant Peroxidases. Eds :
J.,Lobarzewski,Greppin, H.,Cl.,Penel,Th.,Gaspar. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève :325-332
346.Lefort, F., Thiellement, H., Greppin, H. 1991. Polypeptide pattern modifications during
floral induction in leaves of Spinacia oleracea. Archs.Sci., Genève, 44 :227-234.
347.Lenk, R., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1991. Etude par la RMN de la germination de la
graine d’avoine. Biologia Plantarum, Prague, 33 (6) :501-504.
348.Lenk, R., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1991. In vivo NMR studies of the grains of oat.
Physiology and Biochemistry of Cultivated Plants, Kiev, 23 (5) :474-475.
349.Lobarzewski, J., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th.(Eds). 1991. Biochemical, Molecular
and Physiological Aspects of Plant Peroxidases II. Universities M.,Curie-Sklodowska,
Lublin and Geneva. ISBN 2-88164-003-6. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, 550 p.
350.Ogier, G., Greppin, H., Castillo, F. 1991. Ascorbate and guaiacol peroxidase capacities
from apoplastic and cell material extracts of Norway spruce needles after long-term ozone
exposure. In :Biochemical, Molecular and Physiological Aspects of Plant Peroxidases.
Eds :J.Lobarzewski et al. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève :391-340.
351.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1991. Plant signalling, Plasma Membrane, and Change of
State. ISBN 2-88164-002-8. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, 177 p.
352.Rabinowitz, J., Greppin, H. 1991. Les oxydes d’azote et dérivés. Méd. & Hyg.,Genève,
49 :3439-3454.
353.Thiellement, H., Lefort, F., Greppin, H. 1991. Compararaison des diagrammes protéiques
de feuilles d’épinard lors de l’induction florale. In :C.R. du Groupe de travail Cytologie et
Cytogénétique. INRA, Versailles :12-15.
354.Vasquez-Duhalt, R., Alcaraz-Melendez, L., Greppin, H. 1991. Variation in Polar-Group
Content in Lipids of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Cell Cultures as a Mechanism of
Haloadaptation. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 26 :83-88.
355.Wagner, E., Bonzon, M., Ruiz-Fernandez, S., Schlattner, U., Deppert, W., Greppin, H.
1991. Kinetics in Stem Extension Rate and Correlations with Energy Metabolism and
Flower Initiation in Chenopodium rubrum L. In :I.E.,Ashkenazi (Ed). International
Conference on Chronobiology, Tel-Aviv. Université de Tel Aviv, p. 18.8.
356.Crèvecoeur, M., Crespi, P., Lefort, F., Greppin, H. 1992. Sterols and plasmalemma modifications in spinach apex during transition to flowering. J.Plant Physiol.,139 :595-599.
357.Crèvecoeur, M., Hagège, D., Catesson, A.M.,Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th. 1992. Ultrastructural characteritics of cells from normal and habituated sugar beet calli. Plant Physiol.
Biochem., 30 :87-95.
358.Degli Agosti, R., Lenk, R., Greppin, H. 1992. Proton spin relaxation study of the germination of barley grains. Archs.Sci.,Genève, 45 :61-68.
359.Degli Agosti, R., Van Praag, E., Greppin, H. 1992. Effect of chloride ions on the kinetic
parameters of the potato tuber and mung bean pyrophosphate dependent phosphofructokinase. Biochem.International, 26 :707-713.
360.Gahan, P., Ishkanes, S., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1992. Ca++-activated glucose-6phosphate dehydrogenase activity in vegetative shoot apices of Spinacia oleraces. Proc.
Roy.Microsc.Soc., 27 :65.
361.Gahan, P., Ishkanes, S., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1992. Modulation of G6PD activity
to levels at floral evocation by Ca++ in vegetative shoot apices of Spinacia oleracea. In :8th
Congress Federation European Soc. Plant Physiol., Anvers, 85, A36.
362.Gaspar, Th., Hagège, D., Penel, Cl., Foidart, J.M., Greppin, H. 1992. Peroxidase and
plant cancer in the absence of pathogens. In :Plant Peroxidases 1980-1990. Topics and
Detailed Literature on Molecular, Biochemical and Physiological Aspects.Eds : Cl.,Penel,
Th.,Gaspar,H.,Greppin. Univ.of Geneva, Switzerland :125-137.
363.Gaspar, Th Kevers, C., Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, C, Foidart, J.M., Greppin, H. 1992. Habituation and vitrification of plant cultured in vitro :a reciprocal relationship. Wiss.Zeitschrift
der Humbolt-Univ.zu Berlin, R.Mathematik/Naturwiss., 41 :35-40.
364.Grzywnowicz, K., Brzyska, M., Lobarzewski, J., Greppin, H. 1992. Changes in activity
of soluble and immobilized cabbage peroxidase after treatment with seven different
proteases. J.Mol.Catalysis, 77 :365-376.
365.Kernen, P., Darszon, A., Greppin, H., Strasser, R. 1992. Macrocomplexes of photosynthetic active membranes in apolar media :the behaviour of the cloroplast ATPase.
In :Research in Photosynthesis. Ed :N.,Murata. Kluwer Acad.Pub.,Dordrecht :vol.II :741744.
366.Kevers, C., Hagège, D., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, Th. 1992. Intra-and extracellular ascorbate peroxidase and ascorbate oxidase acrivities in normal and fully habituated sugar beet calli.Arch.Internationales Physiol.Biochim.Biophys., 100 :B15.
367.Lefort, F., Greppin, H. 1992. Modifications du profil protéique dans les protoplastes
d’apex épinards (Spinacia oleracea) lors de l’induction florale. Archs.Sci., Genève, 45 :6984.
368.Lenk, R., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1992. Physiological significance of spin relaxation. In :11th European Experimenral NMR Conf. Ed :F.Martins, Lisabon.Universidade
Nova de Lisboa, Ciências e Tecnologia :129.
369.Morré, J. Penel, Cl., Morré, D., Hellgren, L., Sandelius, A.S., Greppin, H. 1992. ATPdependent cell-free transfer of membrane lipids from nuclei to Golgi apparatus of germinating axes of garden pea. Protoplasma, Wien, 170 :1-9.
370.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1992. Plant Peroxidases 1980-1990. Topics
and Detailed Literature on Molecular, Biochemical and Physiological Aspects. ISBN 288164-004. Univ.of Geneva, Switzerland ,481 p.
371.Tacchini, P., Thiellement, H., Greppin, H. 1992. Protein characterization of the late
flowering mutant fy of Arabidopsis thaliana. In :Molecular Control of Flower Develop-
ment and Plant Reproduction. Eds :J.,Mol,R.,Coes,J.,Kooter,A.,Vantunen,E.,Veltkamp.
University Amsterdam :P18.
372.Thiellement, H., Tacchini, P., Greppin, H. 1992. Proteic characterization of a late flowering mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana. In :XIIIth Congress Eucarpia. Eds :Y.,Dattée,
C.,Dumas,A.,Gallois. Université d’Angers :27-28.
373.Tokarska, M., Greppin, H. 1992. Fluctuation périodique de l’activité peroxydasique chez
Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. Saussurea, Genève, 23 :83-87.
374.Valat, M., Greppin, H. 1992. Activité des différentes isozymes de la malate deshydrogénase dans la feuille de l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea) :état végétatif et induction florale.
Archs.Sci, Genève, 45 :191-206.
375.Bellamine, J., Arrizabalaga, P., Greppin, H. 1993. Characterization and identification of
plasma mambrane before and after flowering induction by Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy using horizontal attenuated total reflectance. Archs.Sci.,Genève, 46 :361-372.
376.Bellamine, J., Greppin, H., Arrizabalaga, P. 1993. Etude par HATR/IR-TF de la membrane plasmique des feuilles de l’épinard avant et après l’induction florale. Analusis, Paris,
21 :32-33.
377.Bellamine, J., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1993. Proton pump and IAA sensitrivity changes in
spinach leaves during the flowering induction. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,
Montrouge, 31 (2) :197-203.
378.Calderon Llanten, C., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1993. Fluctuation of the adenylate energy
charge in synchronous Chlorella rubescens Chod. grown in auto-mixo-and heterotrophic
conditions. Archs.Sci., Genève, 46 :259-272.
379.Calderon Llanten, C., Greppin, H. 1993. Test d’écotoxicité du Zn, Cu et Pb chez Chlorella rubescens Chod. :utilisation de la RMN 31P. Archs. Sci., Genève :46 :249-258.
380.Calderon Llanten, C., Crespi, P., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1993. Estimation par résonance
magnétique nucléaire du phosphore 31 du métabolisme énergétique chez Chlorella
rubescens Chod., en culture synchrone. Saussurea, Genève, 24 :23-26.
381.Crespi, P., Martinec, J., Machackova, I., Greppin, H. 1993. Characterization of Ca2+-stimulated polyphosphoinositidephospholipase C in isolated plasma membrane from Spinacia
oleracea and Chenopodium rubrum leaves. Archs.Sci., Genève, 46 :335-346.,
382.Crespi, P., Crèvcecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1993. In vitro modification of
spinach plasmalemma thickness. Biologia Plantarum, Praha, 35 :491-497.
383.Crespi, P., Penel, Cl., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1993. Plasma membrane sterols and
flowering induction. Plant Science, Limerick, 89 :153-160.
384.Greppin, H. 1993. Ecologie humaine et mécanismes de régulation. Méd. & Hyg., Genève,
51 :1790-1792.
385.Greppin, H. 1993. Les enveloppes de viabilité. Nouvelles, Genève (Centre européen d’écologie humaine), 17 :107-128.
386.Greppin, H.1993. Principes de régulation et villes. Nouvelles, Genève (Centre européen
d’écologie humaine), 16 :43-53.
387.Greppin, H. 1993. Régulation et limite démographique. In :L’explosion démographique
contre le développement durable, 154 p. Ed. :I.,Rens,SEBES, Genève, p.33-38.
388.Greppin, H., Bonzon, M., Degli Agosti, R. (Eds). 1993. Some Physicochemical and
Mathematical Tools for Understanding of Living Systems. University of Geneva. ISBN 288164-005-2. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, 370 p.
389.Grzywnowicz, K., Brzyska, M., Lobarzewski, J., Greppin, H. 1993. Changes in activity
of soluble and immobilized peroxidases after treatment by various proteases and some
metal ions. Journal of Molecular Catalysis, Lausanne, 80 :117-125.
390.Kayali, S., Greppin, H. 1993. Point de singularité et propriétés rythmiques des feuilles de
Phaseolus vulgaris L. Archs.,Sci., Genève, 46 :347-360.
391.Kernen, P., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H., Darszon, I., Strasser, R.1993. The behaviour of
the cloroplast ATPase activity in a apolar media. Experientia, Basel, 49 :A51-58.
392.Lobarzewski, J., Greppin, H., Grzywnowicz, K., Brzyska, M. 1993., Immobilized and
soluble cabbage peroxidase activity regulations by proteases and reduced glutathione
(GSH). In :Plant Peroxidases:Biochemistry and Physiology. Eds :K.G.,Welinder, S.K.,Rasmussen,Cl.,Penel,H.,Greppin.Universities of Copenhagen and Geneva :349-354.
393.Martinec, J., Crèvecoeur, M., Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1993. Plasma membrane thickness
and flowering induction in Chenopodium rubrum and in Spinacia oleracea. Archs.,Sci.,
Genève, 46 :233-248.
394.Morré, J., Penel, Cl., Morré, D., Hellgran, L., Sandelius, A.S., Greppin, H. 1993. ATPdependent cell-free transfer of membrane lipids from nuclei to Golgi apparatus of
germinating axes of garden pea. Protoplasma, Wien, 170 :1-9.
395.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1993. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 1, 28 p.
396.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1993. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 2 , 39 p.
397.Schlattner, U., Wagner, E., Greppin, H., Bonzon, M. 1993. Adenylate kinase in tobacco
cell cultures I :separation and localisation of different activities. Plant Physiology and
Biochemistry, Montrouge, 31 :815-825.
398.Simon, P., Tacchini, P., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1993. Expression of catalytically active
isoperoxidases fron spinach in Xenopus oocytes. In : Plant Peroxidases :Biochemistry and
Physiology.Eds :K.G.,Welinder,S.K.,Rasmussen,Cl.,Penel,H.,Greppin.Universities of Copenhagen and Geneva :464-474.
399.Tacchini, P., Fink, A., Thiellement, H., Greppin, H. 1993. Proteins analysis of late flowering mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. In :2nd Swiss Plant Molecular and Cell Biology
Conference. Les Diablerets.
400.Tacchini, P., Fink, A., Thiellement, H., Greppin, H. 1993. Caractérisation protéique d’un
mutant d’initiation florale chez Arabidopsis thaliana. In :Cytologie et Cytogénétique,
INRA, Amélioration des plantes. Ed. :J.,Jahier, Lusignan.
401.Tokarska, M., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl., Bonzon, M.1993. In vitro slow fluctuation in
horseradish peroxidase activity. Chronobiology International, Oxford, 10 :238-243.
402.Toll, E., Castillo, F., Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1993. Plasmalemma purification from Pinus sylvestris needles and ozone effects on oxido-reductive enzymes. Xème
Réunion nationale de la S.E.F.V. III Congrès hispano-portugais de Physiologie végétale.
403.Wagner, E., Fernandez Ruis, S., Normann, J., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1993. Chronobiology :spatio-temporal organization of living systems.In : Some physicochemical and
mathematical tools for understanding of living systems. Eds :H.,Greppin,M., Bonzon, R.,
Degli Agosti, R.University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève :109-126.
404.Welinder, K.G., Rasmussen, S.K., Penel, Cl., Greppin H. (Eds). 1993. Plant Peroxidases
:Biochemistry and Physiology III. Universities of Copenhagen and Geneva. ISBN 288164-006-0. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, 497 p.
405.Bellamine, J.,Greppin, H. 1994. Proton transport driven by the plasma membrane ATPase
from Spinacia oleracea leaves. Biochemical characterization. Archs.Sci., Genève, 47 :287296.
406.Bellamine, J., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1994. Effect of photoperiod and gibberellic acid on
the plasma membrane H+ATPase activity of spinach leaves. Biologia Plantarum, Praha,
36 :565-573.
407.Carrié, B., Bisbis, B., Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1994. Disturbed sugar metabolism in a fully habituated nonorganogenic callus of Beta vulgaris. Additional data.
Saussurea, Genève, 25 :143-151.
408.Carrié, B., Gaspar, Th, Greppin, H., Penel, Cl.1994. Redox characteristics of normal and
habituated cell lines of sugarbeet. Pl.Cell Environ., 17 :457-461.
409.Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1994. Investigations par résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN)
sur la membrane plasmique de l’épinard pendant l’induction florale. Archs.Sci., Genève,
47 :273-286.
410.Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1994. Localization of peroxidases in shoot apical
meristem of Spinacia oleracea. In :International Congress of Electron Microscopy, ICEM
13, Paris :1061-1062.
411.Gaspar, Th., Kevers, C., Bisbis, B., Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Le Dily,
JP.,Billard, JP., Huault, Cl., Foidart, JM : 1994. Cancer végétal in vitro :apects morpho-génétiques et biologiques. In :Quel avenir pour l’amélioration des plantes ?Ed :AUPELFUREF, J.Libbey Eurotext, Pareis :157-163.
412.Gaspar, Th., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Foidart, JM. 1994. Plant cancer at the cell and organismic level in the absence of pathogens, and the resulting loss of organogenic totipotency. Saussurea, Genève, 25 :63-73.
413.Greppin, H. 1994. Bilans « globaux ». In :Nouvelles, Genève (CEEH), 18 :79-83.
414.Greppin, H. 1994. Des protéines comme organisatrices de la fréquence spécifique des
rythmes circadiens ? In :Mouvements, Rythmes et Irritabilité chez les végétaux.
Ed :B.,Millet, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon :29-35.
415.Kayali, S., Lenk, R., Greppin, H. 1994. Investigation par 1HRMN du mouvement foliaire
du haricot. Saussurea, 25 :83-87.
416.Kayali, S., Montavon, M., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1994. A device for continuous measurement of the circumnutation of tendrils. Plant Physiol.Biochem, 32 :577-581.
417.Lenk, R., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1994. Examen par la résonance magnétique
nucléaire (RMN) de graines de moutarde intactes. Archs.Sci., Genève, 47 :1-5.
418.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1994. Binding of plant isoperoxidases to pectin in the presence of
calcium. FEBS Letters, 34 :51-55.
419.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1994. Binding of glyco-proteins to pectin in presence of calcium.
Cell Biology International, 18 :554.
420.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1994. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 3, 39 p.
421.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1994. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 4, 72 p.
422.Schlattner, U., Wagner, E., Greppin, H., Bonzon, M. 1994. Adenylate kinase in tobacco
cell cultures.I. :Separation and localisation of different activities. Plant Physiology end
Biochemistry, Montrouge, 31 :815-825.
423.Schlattner, U., Wagner, E., Greppin, H., Bonzon, M. 1994. Adenylate kinase in tobacco
cell cultures.II. :Variability and regulation of isoform activity patterns in different cell
lines. J.Plant Physiol., 44, 400-409.
424.Simon, P., Flack, J., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1994. Heterologous expression of spinach
peroxidases. In :Symp.Plant Enzymes in the Food Industry.Ed :Nestlé Research Center,
Lausanne :71.
425.Tacchini, P., Fink, A., Xue, GX., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1994. Protein Analysis of
Sugarbeet Normal, Hormone Dependent and Fully-Habituated Non-Oncogenic Hormone
Independent Calli. In :3rd Swiss Plant Molecular and Cell Biology Conference, Les
Diablerets. Eds :E.,Farmer,P.,Siegenthaler, Lausanne :10.
426.Xue, GX., Greppin, H. 1994. Interaction par voie gazeuse et floraison. Archs.Sci.,
Genève, 47, 267-272.
427.Capelli, N., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1995. Searching for osmotin-like gene(s) in Spinacia
oleracea and Arabidopsis thaliana. In :Génome et physiologie intégrée des plantes.
Soc.Franç.Physiol.Vég., Clermont-Ferrand :75.
428.Chueh, PJ., Morré,D., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Morré, J. 1995. Protein disulfide-thiol
interchange activity of soybean plasma membranes modulated by auxin results in net
changes in membrane protein disulfides and thiols. Plant Physiology, Lancaster Pa., 108
(2) :102.
429.Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1995. Light signal transduction at plasmalemma level and floral
induction. In : Proc.Annual Meeting Polish Soc.Botany, Warsaw :11-16.
430.Crespi, P., Martinec, J., Machackova. I, Greppin, H. 1995. Regulation by light of PIP2.
phospholipase C activity link to the plasma membrane of spinach leaf cells. In : Génome et
physiologie intégrée des plantes. Soc.Franç.Physiol.Vég., Clermont-Ferrand :37.
431.Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1995. Applications de techniques non linéaires à la
croissance et au mouvement des feuilles des végétaux. In :La complexité des systèmes
biologiques, Clermont-Ferrand. Soc.Franç.Biol.Théorique, Saint-Flour :INRA-Unité associée de bioclimatologie PIAF :9.
432.Diogon, T., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1995. Clonage et expression des peroxydases chez
Spinacia oleracea. In : Génome et physiologie intégrée des plantes. Soc.Franç.Physiol.
Vég., Clermont-Ferrand :131.
433.Egorov, A.M.,Greppin, H. 1995. International Workshop on Peroxidase Biotechnology
and Application.Lomonov Moscow State University and Geneva University. Pushchino, 74
434.Fink, A., Greppin, H., Tacchini, P. 1995. Nucleotide sequences of a cDNA encoding the
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology, Lancaster Pa., 108 :1343.
435.Flach, J., Simon, P., Penel, Cl.,Greppin, H. 1995. Expression of spinach isoperoxidases in
eukaryotic systems. In :International Workshop on Peroxidase Biotechnology and Application .Eds :H.,Greppin, AM.,Egorov, Pushchino :7.
436.Gaspar, Th., Kevers, C., Bisbis, B., Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Le Dily,
JP.,Billard, JP., Huault, Cl., Foidart, JM : 1995. Cancer végétal in vitro :apects morpho-génétiques et biologiques. In :Quel avenir pour l’amélioration des plantes ?Ed :Probiorevue, Namur, 18 :235-240.
437.Gaspar, Th., Kevers, C., Franck, T., Bisbis, B., Billard, J.P., Huault, C., Le Dily, F., PetitPaly, G., Rideau, M., Penel, Cl., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1995. Paradoxical results in
the analysis of hyperhydric tissues considered as being under stress :question for a debate.
Bulg.J.Plant Physiol., 21 :80-97.
438.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R.1995. Méthodologie et dispositif permettant de rechercher
les opérateurs liant la structure génétique aux activités physiologiques.In : La complexité
des systèmes biologiques, Clermont-Ferrand.Soc.Franç.Biol.Théorique, Saint-Flour :
INRA-Unité associée de bioclimatologie PIAF :13.
439.Greppin, H., Egorov, A.M. 1995. International Workshop on Peroxidase Biotechnology
and Application. Lomonosv Moscow State University, Immunotek, Shemyakin & Ovchini-
kov Institute of Biorganic Institute Pushchino and University of Geneva. Printed by Bioinform Service Company Co, 76 p.
440.Greppin, H., Penel, Cl., Tacchini, P., 1995. Some indicators of flowering and floral stage.
Flowering Newsletter, Liège, 19 :20-27.
441.Lenk, R., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1995. Nuclear magnetic resonance study of lipids
in mustard seeds. Russian J. of Plant Physiol., Birmingham, 42 :480-483.
442.Lenk, R., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1995. Izuchenie lipidov v semenakh gortchici s
pomochtchu YaMR. Fiziologija rastenij, Moskva, 42 :425-427.
443.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1995. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 5, 46 p.
444.Penel, Cl., Gaspar,Th., Greppin, H. (Eds).1995. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 6, 80 p.
445.Perroud, P.F., Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1995. GTP binding proteins are present on leaves
cell membranes. Experientia, Basel, 51 :A 17.
446.Perroud, P.F., Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1995. Implication de protéine liant le GTP et de la
phospholipase C dans la transmission du signal lumineux chez Spinacia oleracea.In :Génome et physiologie intégrée des plantes, Clermont-Ferrand. Soc.franç.physiol.vég. :37.
447.Perroud, P.F., Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1995. Relationship between trafficking and GTP
binding proteins in spinach leaf cell membranes.In :Génome et physiologie intégrée des
plantes, Clermont-Ferrand. Soc.franç.physiol.vég. :60.
448.Schlattner, U., Wagner, E., Greppin, H., Bonzon, M. 1995. Binding adenylate kinase to
RNA. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, San Diego, 217 (2) :509514.
449.Simon, P., Flach, J., Diogon, T., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1995. Towards a better
understanding of the roles and functions of plant peroxidases. In :4th Swiss Plant Molecular
and Cell Biology Conference (Les Diablerets) :3.
450.Srivastava, A., Greppin, H., Strasser, R. 1995. Acclimation of land plants to diurnal
changes in temperature and light. In :Photosynthesis :from Light to Biosphere. Kluwer
Acad.Publ., Amsterdam, vol.4 :909-912.
451.Tacchini, P., Fink, A., Thiellement, H., Greppin, H. 1995. Aanalysis of leaf proteins in
late flowering mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. Physiologia Plantarum, Copenhaguen,
93:3 12-316.
452.Tacchini, P., Fink, A., Xue, G.X., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. 1995. Analysis of proteins of
a fully habituated nonorganogenic sugarbeet callus and a hormone-dependent one by high
performance 2-D gel electrophoresis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Montrouge,
33 :361-366.
453.Toll, E., Castillo, F., Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1995. Plasma membrane
purification from leaves of conifer and deciduous tree species by phase partitioning and
free-flow electrophoresis. Physiologia Plantarum, Copenhaguen, 95 :399-408.
454.Toll, E., Castillo, F., Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1995. Ozone exposure effects on the plasma
membrane bean leaves redox reactions.In :Génome et physiologie intégrée des plantes,
Clermont-Ferrand. Soc.franç.physiol.vég. :62.
455.Wagner, E., Kiefer, S., Penel, Cl.,Normann, J., Ruiz-Fernandez, S., Bonzon, M., Greppin,
H. 1995. Circadian rhythms, membranes and susceptibility of environmental factors.
In :Membranes and Circadian Rhythms. Eds :T.,van den Driessche,J.L.,Guisset, G.M.,
Petiau de Vries. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, p. 187-200.
456.Bellamine, J., Greppin, H. 1996. Proton transport ATP dependent driven by the plasma
membrane ATPase from Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves :biochemical characterization. Archs.
Sci, Genève, 49 :159-171.
457.Bellamine, J., Greppin, H. 1996. Structural and functional studies at the plasma membrane during flowering induction of Spinacia oleracea leaves. Saussurea, Genève, 27 :4147.
458.Bellamine, J., Greppin, H. 1996. Flowering and plasma membrane properties of spinach
leaves. In :Plant Membrane Biology, Clarendon Press, Oxford :77-81.
459.Bellamine, , Greppin, H. 1996. Proton pump and auxin effect in Arabidopsis thaliana
leaves during the development. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, San
Diego, 40 :127-133.
460.Bresso, M., Bürgenmeier, B., Din, A., Girardbille, P., Greppin, H., Hoekman, B., Jarillo,
C., Kostecki, M., Lesourd, J-B., Lods, J-L., November, A., Pahaut, S., de Palma, A.,
Petitpierre A., Schärlig, A., Thièblemont, R., Vuagniaux, P-A. 1996. Gestion de l’environnement et entreprise/ publ. sous la direction de A.,Haurie. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, 280 p.
461.Capelli, N., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1996. A cDNA clone encoding an osmotin-like
protein from Arabidopsis thaliana. Experientia, Basel, 52 :A 21.
462.Capelli, N., Overney, S., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 1996. Engineering the expression of
peroxidases and thaumatin-like proteins in transgenic potato to increase resistance to late
blight. Plant Pysiology and Biochemistry, Montrouge, special issue, 293-294.
463.Capelli, N., Tognolli, M., Flach, J., Overney, S., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 1996.
Eleven cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana encoding isoperoxidases (Accession Nos
X98313, X98314, X98315, X98316, X98317, X98318, X98319, X98320, X98321,
X98322 and X98323) :données lisibles par machine. Plant gene Register ; PGR96-066.Cité
dans :Plant Physiology, Lancaster Pa, 112 :446.
464.Crespi, P., Perroud, P.F., Greppin, H. 1996. Guanosine triphosphate-binding proteins on
the plasmalemma of spinach cells. Planta, Berlin, 198 :557-562.
465.Crespi, P., Perroud, P.F., Greppin, H. 1996. Modulation by light of GTP-binding on
plasma membrane prepared from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. Experientia, Basel, 52 :S 0808.
466.Crèvecoeur, M., Cissé,M’Baye,Albe,X.,Greppin, H. 1996.Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in spinach as measured by image analysis :a new approach for plant
enzyme histochemistry. The histochemical Journal, London, 28 :23-32.
467.Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1996. Simulation of rhythmic processes :rhythms as a result
of network properties. In :Vistas on Biorhythmicity. CLUSE and 3th Cycle of Studies in
Biology. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p.157-172.
468.Diogon, T., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1996. Diurnal variations in the expression of peroxidase genes of Spinacia oleracea. Experientia, Basel, 52 :A 21.
469.Diogon, T., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1996. Expression studies of spinach peroxidase genes.
In :Plant Peroxidases, Vienna :University of Agriculture, PB 27.
470.Fedra, K., Greppin, H., Haurie, A., Hussy, C., Hy Dao, Kanala, R., Degli Agosti, R.
1996. Genie :an integrated environmental information and decision support system for
Geneva. Part I :Air quality. Archs.Sci., Genève, 49 (3) :247-263.
471.Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Hausman, J-F., Penel, Cl., Jouve, L., Martin-Tanguy, J., Aribaud,
M., Greppin, H. 1996. Peroxidase as an indissociable factor of auxin and polyamine metabolisms in the induction of rooting and flowering. In :Plant Peroxidase :biochemistry and
physiology. IV International Symposium,Vienna. Eds :C.,Obinger,U.,Burner,R.,Ebermann,Cl.,Penel,H.,Greppin.Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p.226-234.
472.Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Reid, M.D., Thorpe, T.A. 1996. Plant
hormones and plant growth regulators in plant tissue culture. In vitro Cellular and
Developmental Biology.Plant. Gaithersburg MD, 32 :272-289.
473.Greppin, H. 1996. Conditions du développement durable. In :Genève métisse. Editions
Zoé :Musée d’ethnographie, Genève, p. 209-210.
474.Greppin, H. 1996. La dégradation progressive des forêts. In :12 questions d’actualité sur
l’environnement. Z’éditions, Nice. Ministère de l’Environnement, Paris, p. 57-61.
475.Greppin, H. 1996. Des limites au devenir terrestre. Hokhma, La Sarraz, 62 :3-14.
476.Greppin, H. 1996. Les enveloppes de viabilité. In :Gestion de l’environnement et entreprise. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne, p.2 à 14.
477.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R, Bonzon, M. (Eds). 1996. Vistas on Biorhythmicity. CLUSE
and 3th Cycle of Studies in Biology. ISBN 2-88164-007-9. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève,
327 p.
478.Greppin, H., Kayali, S., Montavon, M. 1996. Electrical signature and nyctophotoperiodic
transition.In :Vistas on Biorhythmicity. CLUSE and 3th Cycle of Studies in Biology.
Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p. 269-278.
479.Jouve, L., Wagner, E., Normann, J., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1996. Floral stem extension rate measurement in Arabidopsis thaliana. Experientia, Basel, 52 :A 25.
480.Lobarzewski, J., Brzyska, M., Greppin, H. 1996. The fungal peroxidase kinetics with
some phenolics hydrogen donors in relation to lignin degradation.In : Plant Peroxidases :biochemistry and physiology. IV International Symposium, Vienna. Vienna University of Agriculture and Geneva University.Eds :Obinger, C., Burner, U., Ebermann, R.,
Penel, Cl., Greppin,H. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p. 153-156.
481.Naef, J., Fink, A., Greppin, H. 1996. Plancton du Léman (XXI), année 1995. Saussurea,
Genève, 27 :121-152.
482.Obinger, C., Burner, U., Ebermann, R., Penel, Cl., Greppin,H. (Eds). 1996. Plant Peroxidases :biochemistry and physiology. IV International Symposium, Vienna. Vienna University of Agriculture and Geneva University. ISBN 2-88164-008-7. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève,409 p.
483.Overney, S., Capelli, N., Penel, Cl., Greppi, H., Simon, P. 1996. Studying plant
peroxidase multigene family by heterologous expression. In :Joint meeting of the Canadian
Society of Plant Physiologists and the Canadian Society for Plant Molecular Biology.
Université Laval, p. 105.
484.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1996. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 7, 40 p.
485. Penel, Cl., Gaspar, Th., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1996. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 8, 51 p.
486.Penel, Cl., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1996. The binding of peroxidases to pectins. In :
Plant Peroxidases :biochemistry and physiology. IV International Symposium, Vienna.
Vienna University of Agriculture and Geneva University.Eds :Obinger, C., Burner, U.,
Ebermann, R., Penel, Cl., Greppin,H. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p. 259-263.
487.Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1996. Pectin binding proteins :characterization of the binding and
comparison with heparin. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Montrouge, 34 :479-488.
488.Perroud, P-F., Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1996. GTP binding activity on tonoplast enriched
membrane fraction of Spinacia oleracea. Experientia, Basel, 52 :S 08-14.
489.Perroud, P-F., Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1996. GTP-binding proteins on
tonoplast of Spinacia oleracea :activity and specific detection.10th FESP Congress, Vienna.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Montrouge, special issue, S 15-24.
490.Perroud, P-F., Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1996.Protéines liant le GTP sur le
tonoplaste :caractérisation globale et détection spécifique. Plant Biomembrane Network,
Lepin Le Lac.
491.Schlattner, U., Wagner, E., Greppin, H., Bonzon, M.1996. Multiple adenylate kinase
isoforms in higher plants. Archs.Sci., Genève, 27 :21-33.
492.Schlattner, U., Wagner, E., Greppin, H., Bonzon, M.1996.Changes in distribution of
chloroplast adenylate kinase isoforms during floral induction. Physiologia Plantarum,
Copenhaguen, 96 :319-323.
493.Schlattner, U., Wagner, E., Greppin, H., Bonzon, M.1996. Chloroplast adenylate kinase
from tobacco leaves :purification and partial characterization. Phytochemistry, Oxford,
42 :589-594.
494.Schlattner, U., Wagner, E., Greppin, H., Bonzon, M.1996. Tissue-specific activity of
adenylate kinase tobacco. Experientia, Basel, 52 :A 24.
495.Simon, P., Capelli. N., Flach, J., Overney, S., Tognolli, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1996.
The peroxidase gene family of Arabidopsis thaliana. In : Plant Peroxidases :biochemistry
and physiology. IV International Symposium, Vienna. Vienna University of Agriculture
and Geneva University.Eds :Obinger, C., Burner, U., Ebermann, R., Penel, Cl., Greppin,H.
Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p. 179-183.
496.Tacchini, P., Greppin, H. 1996. Circadian rhythms in plants and Arabidopsis thaliana as a
model system. In : Vistas on Biorhythmicity. CLUSE and 3th Cycle of Studies in Biology.
Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p. 147-156.
497.Tacchini, P., Fink, A., Thiellement, H., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1996. Molecular genetics
of the control of the timing of flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana. In :Réunion des
utilisateurs de la collection de transformants d’Arabidopsis thaliana de Versailles. INRA,
498.Tanguy, J., Martin, M., Aribaud, T., Gaspar, T., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1996. Polyamine
metabolism, floral initiation and floral development in Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum
morifolium Ramat). Saussurea, Genève, 27 :67-81.
499.Toll, E., Crespi, P., Greppin, H., Castillo, F. 1996. Ozone affects membrane redox
reactions in Pinus sylvestris. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Montrouge, 34, special
issue, 265.
500.Wagner, E., Bonzon, M., Normann, J.T.P., Albrechtova, J., Machackova, I., Greppin, H.
1996. Signal transduction and metabolic contrrol of timing in photoperiodism :the case of
flower initiation. In :Vistas on Biorhythmicity. CLUSE and 3th Cycle of Studies in
Biology. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p. 3-23.
501.Bakonyi, M., Greppin, H., Vicari, J., Paccagnella, B., Lefèvre-Wittier, P., Devuyst, D.,
Hens, L. 1997. La qualité de vie en écologie humaine: quelques définitions. Prévenir,
Marseille, 33 :59-63.
502.Bellamine, J., Greppin, H. 1997. Effect of the Photoperiod on the Plasma Membrane
ATP-dependent H+-Pumping Activity of Spinach Petioles. Archs.Sci, Genève, 50 (1) :2734.
503.Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, T. 1997. Coexistence of the Beale
and Shemin pathways for the biosynthesis of tetrapyrrole-containing compounds, including
peroxidases, in a normal sugarbeeet callus. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter, Genève, 9 :13-20.
504.Capelli, N., Diogon, T., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 1997. Isolation and characterization of a
cDNA clone encoding an osmotin-like protein from Arabidopsis thaliana. Gene, 191 :5156.
505.Crespi, P., Perroud, P-F., Martinec, J., Greppin, H. 1997. Flowering and membrane
functions. In :Travelling Shot on Plant Development. Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel,P.,Simon.
Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p. 201-218.
506.Crèvecoeur, M., Pinedo, M., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1997. Peroxidase activity in shoot
apical meristem from Spinacia oleracea. Acta Histochem., 99 :177-186.
507.Degli Agosti, R., Jouve, L., Greppin, H. 1997. Computer-assisted measurements of plant
growth with linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) sensors. Archs.Sci., Genève,
50 (3) :233-244.
508.Diogon, T., Capelli, N., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 1997. cDNA cloning and expression of
ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit precursor in Spinacia oleracea.
In :29éme Assemblée annuelle de l’Union des Soc.Suisses de Biol.Exp, CMU, Université
de Genève, p. A67/SO8-52.
509.Fink, A., Dutuit, M., Thiellement, H., Greppin, H., Tacchini, P. 1997. Leaf protein
analysis during gibberellic and photoperiod induction of flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Montrouge, 35 :312-318.
510.Franck, T., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H., Gaspar, T. 1997. Cytological comparison of
leaves and stems of vitrified Prunus avium L. shoots cultured on a solid MS medium with
agar or gelrite. Biotechnic and Histochem., 73 (1) :32-43.
511.Franck, T., Crèvecoeur, M., Kevers, C., Greppin, H., Gaspar, T. 1997. Are morphological
abnormalities of vitrified Prunus avium shoots due to an accumulation of H2O2 in their
tissues ?.3th International Conference on « Oxygen, free radicals and environmental stress
in plants », Pisa, p.75.
512.Gaspar, T., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1997. Do rooting induction and flowering evocation
involve a similar interplay between indoleacetic acid, putrescine and peroxidases ? In :
Travelling Shot on Plant Development. Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel,P.,Simon. Imprimerie
Nationale, Genève, p.35-50.
513.Greppin, H. 1997. L’état de la communication et de l’information chez les plantes.
In :PSY PHY. Eds :Marcel et Monique Odier, Genève, p.18-23.
514.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1997. Physiomatics and macrofunctions as a tool for development analysis. In : Travelling Shot on Plant Development. Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel,
P.,Simon. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p. 335-344.
515.Greppin, H., Penel, Cl., Simon, P.(Eds). 1997. Travelling Shot on Plant Development.
ISBN 2-88164-009-5. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, 346 p.
516.Greppin, H., Egorov, A., Tikhonovich, I. (Eds). 1997. St Petersburg International Workshop on Peroxidase Biotechnology and Application. Lomonosov Moscow State University,
51 p.
517.Jouve, L., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1997. Arabidopsis thaliana floral stem elongation :involvement of indol-3-acetic acid metabolism in circadian growth rhythm. Chronobiology International, 14 (suppl.1) :77.
518.Kayali, S., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1997. Effect of EGTA on the diurnal leaf
movement of Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Montrouge, 35
(12) :915-922.
519.Naef, J., Fink, A., Greppin, H. 1997. Plancton du Léman (XXII)-Année 1996. Saussurea,
28 :155-188.
520.Nottaris, D., Crespi, P., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1997. Effect of UV-C on two cell lines
from sugarbeet. Archs.Sci, Genève, 50 :223-232.
521.Overney, S., Tognolli, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 1997. A palette of
recombinant isoperoxidases from Arabidopsis thaliana. In : St Petersburg International
Workshop on Peroxidase Biotechnology and Application.Eds : H.,Greppin,A.,Egorov,I.,Tikhonovich, Lomonosov Moscow State University, p. 0-1/8.
522.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, T., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1997. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 9, 51 p.
523.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, T., Greppin, H. (Eds). 1997. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 10, 76 p.
524.Penel, Cl., Simon, P., Overney, S., Greppin, H. 1997. Binding Properties of Plant
Peroxidases. In : St Petersburg International Workshop on Peroxidase Biotechnology and
Application.Eds :H.,Greppin,A.,Egorov,I.,Tikhonovich. Lomonosov Moscow State University, p. 0-2/10.
525.Perroud, P-F., Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Fink, A., Tacchini, P., Greppin, H. 1997.
Detection and characterization of GTP-binding proteins on tonoplast of Spinacia oleracea.
Plant Sciences, 122 :22-23.
526.Perroud, P-F., Crespi, P., Diogon, T., Greppin, H. 1997. Molecular characterization of
GTP-binding proteins of Spinacia oleracea. In :29th USSBE/USGEB Annual Meeting,
CMU,Geneva, p. S08-31.
527.Perroud, P-F., Crespi, P., Martinec, J., Greppin, H. 1997. Flowering and membrane
functions.In : Travelling Shot on Plant Development. Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel, P.,Simon.
Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p. 201-215.
528.Perroud, P-F. Diogon, T., Crespi, P., Grepin, H. 1997. Molecular cloning of new GTPbinding proteins in Spinacia oleracea. In :FEBS Special Meeting : Cell Signalling Mechanism, Amsterdam, p. P5-030.
529.P., Perroud, P-F., Fink, A., Diogon, T., Crespi, Greppin, H. 1997. Spinacia oleracea
mRNA for glusose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, clones 028FA14 & 030A4. Accession :AJ000182. EMBL, Databank, Hinxton, Cambridge, U.K.
530.Perroud, P-F., Fink, A., Diogon, T., Crespi, Greppin, H. 1997. Spinacia oleracea mRNA
for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, clone 030A5. Accession :AJ000183. EMBL,
Databank, Hinxton, Cambridge, U.K.
531.Perroud, P-F., Fink, A., Diogon, T., Crespi, Greppin, H. 1997. Spinacia oleracea mRNA
for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, clone 028FA38. Accession :AJ000184. EMBL,
Databank, Hinxton, Cambridge, U.K.
532.Rabinowitz, J., Greppin, H. 1997. Effet de la pollution de l’air. Méd. & Hyg., Genève,
2158 (55) :717-722.
533.Strasser, R., Tsimili-Michael, M., Greppin, H. 1997. How excitation energy distribution
indicates the complexity of a developing and to the environment adapting photosynthesis
apparates.In : Travelling Shot on Plant Development. Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel, P.,Simon.
Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p. 99-130.
534.Tacchini, P., Fink, A., Greppin, H. 1997.Genetics and Apex Development. In : Travelling
Shot on Plant Development. Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel, P.,Simon. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, p.89-94.
535.Tognolli, M., Capelli, N., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 1997. Organ-specific
expression of different isoperoxidases in Arabidopsis Thaliana.In :29éme Assemblée annuelle de l’Union des Soc.Suisses de Biol.Exp, CMU, Université de Genève, p.A35/S05-12.
536.Tokarska-Schlattner, M., Fink, A., Castillo, F., Crespi, P., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H.,
Tacchini, P. 1997. Effects of ozone on the plasma membrane proteins in Arabidopsis
thaliana (L.) leaves. Plant Cell Environment, 20 :1205-1211.
537.Van Praag, E., Monod. D., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1997. Response of the carbohydrate metabolism and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate to environmental changes. Effects of
different light treatments. Bot.Helv., 106 :103-112.
538.Wagner, E., Normann, J., Albrechtova, J., Bonzon, M., Greppin, H. 1997. Photoperiodic
control of flowering :electrochemical-hydraulic communication between plant organs« Florigen » a frequency-coded Signasl ?. In : Travelling Shot on Plant Development. Eds :
H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel, P.,Simon. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, p.19-34.
539.Bellamine, J., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar,T.1998.Confirmation of the role of auxin
and calcium in the late phases of adventitious root formation. Plant Growth Regul., 26 :
540.Bisbis, B., Kevers Claire, Penel Claude, Greppin Hubert, Gaspar Thomas.1998. Biosynthesis of tetrapyrrole-containing coumpounds, including peroxidases, in a non-chlorophyllous fully habituated sugarbeet callus via the unique Shemin pathway. Plant Peroxidase
Newsletter, 11 : 19-26.
541.Carpin, S., Diogon, T., Perroud, P-F., Tognolli, M., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl.1998. Caractérisation moléculaire d'une peroxydase anionique chez Cucurbita pepo. In : 5ème Forum
des Jeunes Chercheurs de la Société Française de Physiologie Végétale, "Quelles plantes
pour demain ?". SFPV: Montpellier, p.6.
542.Carpin, S., Diogon, T., Perroud, P.-F, Tognolli, M., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1998. Cucubita pepo mRNA for peroxydase clone CUPE. PRX1, Accession : Y 17192. EMBL, Databank, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.
543.Crèvecoeur, M., Lesniewska, E., Goudonnet, J-P., Greppin, H., Le Grimellec, C. 1998.
AFM imaging of plasma membrane purified from leaf cells. In : Colloque annuel du Cercle
français des Microscopies à Champs Proches (CFMCP), Strasbourg-Illkirch, p. 44.
544.Degli Agosti, R., Couach, O., Fiore, A-M., Clerc, P., Dubois, A., Courvoisier, O., Hussy,
C., Fedra, K., Greppin, H., Haurie, A. 1998. Integration of biological indicators (lichens) of
the state of environment in a spatial (GIS) intelligent decision support system (IDSS). In :
The Co-Action between Living Systems and the Planet.Eds :H.,Greppin, R.,Degli Agosti,
Cl.,Penel.University of Geneva, Switzerland, p. 249-262.
545.Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1998. Evidence for a systemic effect of stress on photoperiodic controlled carbohydrate metabolism. Archs Sci., Genève, 51(3) : 337-346.
546.Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1998. Non-linearity and the environment. In : The CoAction between Living Systems and the Planet. Eds :H.,Greppin,R.,Degli Agosti,Cl. Penel
University of Geneva, Switzerland, p. 263-274.
547.Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 1998. Computer-assisted monitoring of plant movements
with Infra-Red (IR) cameras. In :Annual Meeting of the Swiss Societies for Experimental
Biology (USGEB/USSBE), Basel, p. 29.
548.Diogon, T., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 1998. Spinacia oleracea mRNA for peroxidase, prx
11, clone TDB7-F3. Accession Y16778, EMBL Databank, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.
549.Diogon, T., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 1998. Spinacia oleracea mRNA for peroxidase, prx
10, clone TDB4, Accession Y16776. EMBL Databank, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.
550.Diogon, T., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 1998. Spinacia oleracea mRNA for peroxidase, prx
10, clone TDB14Z-RTPCR. Accession Y16777, EMBL Databank, Hinxton, Cambridge,
551.Diogon, T., Greppin, H., Simon, P.1998. Spinacia oleracea mRNA for peroxidase, prx 11,
clone TDB7-F6Z-RTPCR. Accession Y16779, EMBL Databank, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
552.Diogon, T., Perroud, P-F., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1998. Clonage et expression génique
de peroxidases chez Spinacia oleracea. In :5ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs de la
Soc.Française de Physiologie végétale « Quelles plantes pour demain ? »,Ed :M.,Brun,
Université de Montpellier, p. 11.
553.Diogon, T., Perroud, P-F., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1998. Molecular cloning of new peroxidase cDNA by the way of the 3’RACE RT-PCR method. In :30ième Assemblée Annuelle
de de l’Union des Soc.Suisses de Biologie Expérimentale, Université de Lausanne, S 13-7,
554.Favre, P., Guinnard, O., Jouve, L., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1998. Computer-assisted
measurements of variation potential and electrical stimulation in Arabidopsis plants.
Saussurea, Genève, 29 : 65-75.
555.Franck, T., Crèvecoeur, M., Wüest, J., Greppin, H., Gaspar, T. 1998. Cytological
comparison of leaves and stems of Prunus avium L shoots cultured on a solid MS medium
with agar or gelrite. Biotechn and Histochem, 73 : 32-43.
556.Franck, T., Kevers, C., Penel, Cl., Gaspar, T., Hausman, J-F., Greppin, H. 1998. Reducing properties and markers of lipid peroxidation in normal and hyperhydrating shoots of
Prunus avium L. J. Plant Physiol., 153 : 339-346.
557.Gahan, P.B., Ishkhanes, S., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1998. Calcium stimulation of
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in shoot apices of Spinacia oleracea during
floral evocation. Cell Biochem and Function, 16 : 29-34.
558.Gaspar, T., Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Le Dily, F., Billard, J.-P.,
Huault, C., Garnier, F., Rideau, M., Foidart, J.-M. 1998. A typical metabolisms and biochemical cycles imposing the cancerous state on plants cells. Plant Growth Regul, 24 :
559.Greppin, H.1998. Autonomie, enveloppes de viabilité et niveau de décision. In :Conf.
Internationale en Ecologie humaine et Environnement (pré-congrès INTECOL 98, Florence).Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, p.84.
560.Greppin, H. 1998. Effets des radiations ionisantes sur la biosphère. In : Radioprotection et
droit nucléaire.Eds : I., Rens, J., Jakubec. Georg, Genève, p. 19-27.
561.Greppin, H. 1998. Les peroxydases : perspectives chez les plantes supérieures. Bulletin
Soc Royale de Liège 67 : 83-87.
562.Greppin,H.1998. Flowering and Function of Membranes. Endocytobiosis and Cell Research.Tübingen. Suppl. 13 : 41.
563.Greppin, H. 1998. The Co-Action between Life and the Planet.In:The Co-Action between Living Systems and the Planet. Eds :H.,Greppin,R.,Degli Agosti,Cl.,Penel. University of Geneva, Switzerland, p. 1-14.
564.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1998. Pollution de l’air, changement climatique et effets sur
la santé des êtres vivants. In :3ème Atelier d’Ecologie Globale et Humaine :Santé et
Environnement. Ed :Faculté de Médecine de Monastir, p. 1.
565. Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1998. The concept of physical, chemical and biological
envelope of planetary and regional viability and sustainability. In : The Co-Action between
Living Systems and the Planet.Eds :H.,Greppin,R.,Degli AgostiCl.,Penel. University of
Geneva, Switzerland, p. 303-337.
566.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R.,, Penel, Cl.(Eds). 1998. The Co-Action between Living
Systems and the Planet. ISBN 2-88164-013-3. University of Geneva, Imprimerie
Nationale, Switzerland, 346 p.
567.Greppin, H.,, Iordanov, G., Degli Agosti, R. 1998. Environnement et forêts bulgares : une
approche systémique. Archs Sci, Genève, 51(2) : 1-17.
568.Jouve, L., Charron, Y., Couderc, C., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1998. Dependence of
Arabidopsis thaliana floral stem growth and architecture on photoperiod. Biol. Plantarum,
41 : 377-386.
569.Jouve, L., Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1998. Circadian oscillations of endogenous IAA and IAA-aspartate levels during Arabidopsis inflorescence
growth. In : 16th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, IPGSA 98, Chiba,
Japan, p. 115.
570.Jouve, L., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1998. Arabidopsis thaliana floral stem elongation
evidence for an endogenous circadian rhythm. Plant Biochem. Physiol., 36(5) : 469-472.
571.Jouve, L., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1998. Indole-3-acetic acid as a key factor for
circadian growth rhythm in Arabidopsis.In : 16th International Conference on Plant growth
Substance. IPGSA 98, Chiba, Japan, p. 109.
572.Jouve, L., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti. R. 1998. Major rhythms modulation during Arabidopsis thaliana flora stem growth. Endocytobiosis and Cell Research, (suppl.), 13 : 57 .
573.Morré, J., Morré, D., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 1998. Auxin modulated protein disulfidethiol interchange activity from plasma membranes of spinach leaves responds to photoperiod and NADH. Int. J. Plant Sci., 159 : 105-109.
574.Overney, S., Tognolli, M., Simon, P., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1998. Peroxidases and
Hydrogen peroxide : Where, When, Why ? Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de
Liège, vol 67 (3-4) : 89-98.
575.Penel, Cl., Carpin, S., Greppin, H. 1998. Pectins as protein binding structures. In : 8th
International cell wall meeting. Cell Walls 98. Eds : M.,Mc Cann,K., Roberts,K.,Waldron.
J. I. Center, Norwich, Section 3.07 : 1-5.
576.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, T., Greppin, H. 1998. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale, no 11,
84 p.
577.Penel, Cl., Simon, P., Overney, S., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 1998. The production of
hydrogen peroxide in the apoplast : a role for peroxidase ? In : Seventh Swiss Plant Cell
and Molecular Biology Conference, Engelberg. Eds :T.,Boller,J.,Paskowski, FriedrichMiescher Institute, Basel, p. 13.
578.Perroud, P.-F., Carpin, S., Diogon, T. Tognolli, M., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1998. Cucurbita pepo mRNA for peroxidase, clone CUPE.PRX1. Accession : Y17192, EMBL Databank, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK
579.Perroud, P.-F., Diogon, T., Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1998. Molecular cloning of an alphasubunit of heterotrimeric G protein in Spinacia oleracea, L. In : 30th USSBE/USGEB
Annual Meeting. Lausanne, p, S013-8.
580.Perroud, P-F., Diogon, T., Crespi, P., Greppin, H. 1998. Spinacia oleracea mRNA for G
protein alpha subunit clones CV19, F8, CT14. Accession : Y16383, EMBL, Databank,
Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.
581.Perroud, P-F., Diogon, T., Greppin, H. 1998. Clonage moléculaire et caractérisation
partielle d'une nouvelle protéine liant le GTP chez Spinacia oleracea, L. In : 5ème Forum
des Jeunes Chercheurs de la Société Française de Physiologie Végétale "Quelles plantes
pour demain ?".Ed. : M.,Brun, Soc. Franç. Physiol. Vég., Montpellier II, p. 25.
582.Perroud, P.-F., Diogon, T., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1998. Molecular cloning of new
peroxidase cDNAs by the way of the 3'RACE RT-PCR method. In : 30ème Assemblée
Annuelle de l'Union des Sociétés Suisses de Biologie Expérimentale,Université de
Lausanne, p. S013-8.
583.Perroud ,P.-F., Diogon, T., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1998. Clonage et expression génique
de peroxydases chez Spinacia oleracea.In : 5ème Forum des Jeunes chercheurs de la Société
Française de Physiologie végétale "Quelles plantes pour demain ?". Soc. Franç. Physiol.
Vég. Ed :M.,Brun, Montpellier II, p. 11.
584.Tognolli, M., Capelli, N., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1998. Peroxydases chez Arabidopsis
thaliana : une famille multigénique. In : 5ème Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs de l a Société
Française de Physiologie Végétale, "Quelles plantes pour demain ?". Soc. Franç. Physio.
Vég. Ed. :M.,Brun, Montpellier II, p. 29.
585.Wagner E., Normann Y., Albrechtova J.T.P., Bonzon M., Greppin H. (1998). Resting-,
variation-and action potentials and their contribution to photoperiodic control of flowering.
In : Endocytobiosis and cell research. Tübingen, 13, Suppl., p. 146.
586.Wagner E., Normann Y., Albrechtova J.T.P., Walczysko, P., Bonzon M., Greppin H.
(1998). Elecrochemical-hydraulic signalling in photoperiodic control of flowering : Is
« florigen » a frequency-coded electric signal ?. Flowering Newsletter, 26 :62-74.
587.Carpin, S., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1999. Molecular cloning and tissuespecific expression of an anionic peroxidase in zucchini. Plant Physiology, Lancaster, Pa,
120 (3) :799-810.
588.Carpin, S., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 1999. Tissue specific expression of an
anionic peroxidase of zucchini. In :8th Swiss Plant and Molecular Biology Conference,
Villars S/Ollon.
589.Favre, P., Krol, E., Stolarz, M., Szarek, I., Greppin, H., Zawadski, T., Degli Agosti, R.
1999. Action potentials elicited in the liverwort Conococephalum conicum. Archs.Sci.,
Genève, 52 (3) :175-185.
590.Favre, P., Zawadski, T., Dzubinska, H., Trebacz, K., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1999.
Repetitive action potentials induced with a single stimulus in the liverwort Conococephalum conicum. Archs.Sci., Genève, 53 (3) :187-198.
591.Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Bisbis, B., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Garnier, F, Rideau, C.,
Huault,C., Billard, J.P., Foidart, J.M. 1999. Shemin pathway and peroxidase deficiency in
a fully habituated and fully heterotrophic non-organogenic sugarbeet callus :an adaptative
strategy or the consequence of modified hormone balances and sensitivities in these
cancerous cells : a review and reassesment. Cell Proliferation, Oxford, 32 :249-270.
592.Greppin, H. 1999. Préface. In :Histologie et anatomie de l’appareil végétatif des spermaphytes : J.,Naef, 157 p. Ed. :Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques, Genève, p.7.
593.Greppin, H., Wagner, E., Degli Agosti, R., Favre, P. 1999. Activité électrique et floraison. Archs.Sci., Genève, 52 (1) :29-40.
594. Greppin,H., Wiater, R.G., Ginalska, G., Lobarzewski, J. 1999. The cabbage peroxidase
isoforms changes influenced by Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter, 13 :129136.
595.Greppin,H., Wiater, R.G., Ginalska, G., Lobarzewski, J. 1999. The cabbage peroxidase
isoforms changes influenced by Ca2+,Mg2+,Mn2+ions.In :Vth Intern.Symp. for Plant Peroxidase. Ed :L.M.,Lagrimini, University Columbus Ohio, p. 17.
596.Jouve, L., Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1999. Involvement of
IAA in Arabidopsis circadian growth. Planta, Berlin, 209 :136-142.
597.Jouve, L., Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1999. Circadian oscillations of endogenous IAA and IAA-aspartate levels during Arabidopsis inflorescence
growth. In :Plant Growth Substances, CHIBA, p. 115.
598.Jouve, L., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1999. Arabidopsis circadian growth rhythm :IAA
implication. Biol.Plant., 42 (Suppl.) :S 50.
699.Jouve, L., Menzies, A., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 1999. Arabidopsis thaliana floral
stem growth :possible intervention of two different rhythms. In : From Symbiosis to
Eukaryotism,Endocytobiology VII.Freiburg i.Br. Eds :E. Wagner,J., Normann,H., Greppin,
J.H.P., Hackstein, R.G., Hermann,K.V., Kowallik,H.E.A., Schenk, J., Seckbach, p. 603610.
600.Kevers, C., Bisbis, B., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Dommes, J., Gaspar, T. 1999.Changes in
the levels of hormones and related enzymes activities, in the course of a neoplastic
progression in sugarbeet cells in culture : a critical appraisal. Current Topics in Phytochemistry, Trivandrum, 2 :35-49.
601.Naef, J., Fink, A., Greppin,H. 1999. Plancton du Léman (XXIV), année 1998. Archs.Sci.,
Genève, 52 (3) :123-161.
602.Penel, Cl., Carpin, S., Crèvecoeur, M., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1999. Binding of peroxidases to Ca-pectate : possible significance for peroxidase function in cell wall. In :Vth
Intern. Symp. for Plant Peroxidase. Ed :L.M.,Lagrimini, University Columbus Ohio, p. 38.
603.Penel, Cl., Diogon, T., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 1999. Characterization of peroxidase genes
in Spinacia oleracea.In : Intern.Symp. for Plant Peroxidase. Ed :L.M.,Lagrimini, University
Columbus Ohio, p. 39.
604.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, T., Greppin, H. 1999. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale, no 12,
102 p.
605.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, T., Greppin, H. 1999. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale, no 13,
163 p.
606.Penel, Cl., Van Cutsem, P., Greppin, H. 1999. Interactions of plant peroxidase with
oligogalacturonides in the presence of calcium ions. Phytochemistry, Oxford, 51 (2) :193198.
607.Simon, P., Tognolli, M., Overney, S., Penel, C., Greppin, H. 1999. A genetic and
enzymatic survey of Arabidopsis thaliana peroxidases.In :Vth Intern.Symp. for Plant Peroxidase. Ed :L.M.,Lagrimini, University Columbus Ohio, p.48.
608.Wagner, E., Normann, J., Greppin, H., Hackstein, J.H.P., Hermann, R.G., Kowallik,
K.V., Schenk, H.E.A., Seckbach, J. (Eds). 1999. From Symbiosis to Eukaryotism.
Endocytobiology. ISBN 2-88164-010-9 ;-011-7 ;-012-5. VII. Intern.Congress on Endocytobiologie, Symbiosis and Biomedicine.Universities of Freiburg i.Br, and Geneva, 3
vol., 1205 p.
609.Belcarz, L., Ginalska, G., Lobarzewski, J., Greppin, H., Fiedurek, J. 2000. The optimization of the liquid chromatography conditions of the extracellular invertase isolation from
the Candida utilis cultures. Chromatographia, Suppl., 51 :121-129.
610.Bisbis, B., Dommes, J., Kevers, C., Foidart, J-M.,Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, T.
2000. Unusual pathway for the biosynthesis of aminolevulinic acid and tetrapyrrolic compounds, including peroxidases, and its relationship with the overproduction of polyamines
and underemission of ethylene, in higher plant cancerous cells. In : Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase.University of Geneva.Imprimerie
Nationale, no 14 :55-68.
611.Crèvecoeur, M., Lesnievska, E., Vié, V., Goudonnet, J.P., Greppin, H., Le Grimellec, C.
2000. Atomic-force microscopy imaging of plasma membranes purified from spinach
leaves. Protoplasma, Wien, 212 :46-55.
612.Degli Agosti, R., Jouve, L., Favre, P., Greppin, H. 2000. Non-invasive whole plant
physiology in Arabidopsis. In : Integrated Plant Systems. Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel, W.,
Broughton,R.,Strasser. Université de Genève, p. 55-77.
613.Favre, P., Sarazin, B., Wanner, G., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 2000. Bioelectric signals in Arabidopsis plant leaves generated by switching the light on or off. In : Integrated
Systems.Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel,W.,Broughton,R.,Strasser.UniversitédeGenève
Genève, p.394.
614.Franck, T., Kevers, C., Hausman, J.F., Dommes, J., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, T.
2000. Redox capacities of in vitro cultured plant tissues :the case of hyperhydricity. In :The
Redox State and Circadian Rhythms. Eds :T.,van den Driessche,J.L.,Guisset,G.M.,Petiau
de Vries. Kluwer Acad.Publ., Dordrecht, p. 235-255.
615.Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Hausman, J.F., Faivre-Rampant, O., Boyer, N., Dommès, J.,
Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 2000. Integrating phytohormone metabolism and action with primary biochemical pathways. I. Interrelationships between auxins, cytokinins, ethylene and
polyamines in growth and development processes. In : Integrated Plant Systems.
Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel, W.,Broughton,R.,Strasser.Université de Genève, p. 163-191.
616.Gaspar, T., Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., Franck, T., Dommès, J., Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl.,
Greppin, H. 2000. Integrating phytohormone metabolism and action with primary biochemical pathways. II. Interrelationships between disturbed nitrogen and carbon
metabolism and changes in hormonal concentrations and sensitivities in neoplastic
tissueculture. In : Integrated Plant Systems Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel,W.,Broughton,R.,
Strasser.Université de Genève, p. 193-225.
617.Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Bisbis, B., Franck, T., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H., Dommès, J.
2000. Loss of plant organogenic totipotency in the course of in vitro neoplastic progression. In vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.-Plant, 36 :171-181.
618.Ginalska, G., Lobarzewski, J., Greppin, H. 2000. The mode of solidification (immobilization) of plant peroxidases in salt stress as possible recognizing of the change in their
active sites. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase.University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale, Genève, no 15 :49-58.
619.Greppin, H. 2000. Préface. In :Botanique Systématique des Plantes à Fleurs. Eds :R.E.,
Spichiger,V.C.,Savolainen,M.,Figeat. Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes,
Lausanne, p. V-VI.
620.Greppin, H. 2000.Flowering and the Brownian motion. In : Integrated Plant Systems.
Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel,W.,Broughton,R.,Strasser.Université de Genève , p. 402.
621.Greppin,H. 2000. Postface. In : Integrated Plant Systems.Eds :H.,Greppin, Cl.,Penel,W.,
Broughton,R.,Strasser.UniversitédeGenève Genève, p. 405-411.
622.Greppin, H., Penel, Cl., Broughton, W., Strasser, R. (Eds). 2000. Integrated Plant Systems.ISBN 2-88164-014-1. Atelier d’Impression de l’Université de Genève, 411 p.
623.Greppin, H., Simon, P. 2000.The flowering process :a prolonged incompletion. In :
Integrated Plant Systems.Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel,W.,Broughton,R.,Strasser.Université
de Genève, p. 255-292.
624.Jouve, L., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 2000. Floral stem growth of Arabidopsis ecotypes. I.Differences during synchronized light regime and continuous light free run.
Archs.Sci., Genève, 53 (2) :207-214.
625.Jouve, L., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 2000. Floral stem growth of Arabidopsis ecotypes. II.Short time scale events and evidence for ultradian rhythms. Archs.Sci., Genève,
53 (3) :215-224.
626.Jouve, L., Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 2000. Involvement of
IAA in Arabidopsis circadian growth. Planta, 209 :136-142.
627.Penel, Cl., Carpin, S., Crèvecoeur, M., Simon, P., Greppin, H. 2000. A genetic and
enzymatic survey of Arabidopsis thaliana peroxidases. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase.University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
no 14 :33-40.
628.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, T., Greppin, H. 2000. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale, no 14,
149 p.
629.Penel, Cl., Gaspar, T., Greppin, H. 2000. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International
Working Group on Plant Peroxidase. University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale, no
15, 76p.
630.Perroud, P-F., Diogon, T., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H. 2000. Molecular cloning, spatial
and temporal characterization of spinach SOGA1 cDNA, encoding an a subunit of G
protein. Gene, Amsterdam, 248 :191-201.
631.Tognolli, M., Capelli, N., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 2000. Une famille de plus de
70 peroxydases chez Arabidopsis thaliana. In : Integrated Plant Systems.Eds :H.,Greppin,
Cl.,Penel,W.,Broughton,R.,Strasser.Université de Genève, p. 394.
632.Tognoli, M., Overney, S., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 2000. A genetic and enzymatic survey of Arabidopsis thaliana peroxidases. Plant Peroxidase Newsletter. International Working Group on Plant Peroxidase.University of Geneva. Imprimerie Nationale,
Genève, no 14 :3-12.
633.Wagner, E., Albrechtova, J.T.P., Normann, J., Greppin, H. 2000.Redox state and phosphorylation potential as macroparameters in rhythmic control of metabolism – a molecular
basis for seasonal adaptation of development. In :The Redox State and Circadian Rhythms.
Eds :T.,van den Driessche,J.L.,Guisset,G.M.,Petiau de Vries. Kluwer Acad.Publ., Dordrecht, p. 257-277.
634.Wagner, E., Normann, J., Albrechtova, J.T.P., Greppin, H. 2000. The kinetic basis for
molecular controls in photoperiodism. In : Integrated Plant Systems. Eds : H.,Greppin, Cl.,
Penel,W.,Broughton,R.,Strasser. Université de Genève, p. 293-309.
635.Wagner, E., Normann, J., Albrechtova, J.T.P., Greppin, H. 2000. From cellular microcompartimentation to inter-organ communication. The kinetic basis for molecular control
of photoperiodism. In :Integrated Plant Systems.Eds :H.,Greppin,Cl.,Penel,W., Broughton,
R., Strasser. Université de Genève, p 393.
636.Bellafiore-Maurice, L., Delessert, B., Greppin, H. 2001. T-DNA insertion in a putative
helicase promoter cause late-flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.). In :12th International
Conf. on Arabidopsis Research, Madison. Ed :NAASC, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
p. 259.
637.Campard, D., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H. 2001. Croissance de la hampe florale
d’Arabidopsis thaliana.I. Effets locaux et rapides de stimulations mécaniques. Archs.Sci.,
Genève, 54 :
638.Carpin, S., Crèvecoeur, M., de Meyer, M., Simon, P., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl. 2001. Identification of a Ca2+-pectate binding site on an apoplastic peroxidase. The Plant Cell, Rockville MD, 13 :511-520.
639.Degli Agosti, R., Jouve, L., Favre, P., Campard, D., Greppin, H. 2001. Non-invasive
whole-plant physiology in Arabidopsis. Actes du 14ème colloque du Biotechnocentre (pôle
biotechnologique de la Région Centre), Seillac (loir et Cher), p .24.
640.Favre, P.,Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 2001. Repetitive action potentials induced in
Arabidopsis thaliana leaf by wounding and potassium chloride application. Plant Physiol.
Biochem., 39 (11) :961-969.
641.Favre, P.,Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 2001. Propagation of repetitive action potentials
in the leaf of Arabidopsis thaliana :fast electrochemical waves. Actes du 14ème colloque du
Biotechnocentre (pôle biotechnologique de la Région Centre), Seillac (loir et Cher), p. 1924.
642.Favre, P.,Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 2001. Repetitive action potentials induced in
Arabidopsis thaliana C 24. In :12th International Conf. on Arabidopsis Research, Madison.
Ed :NAASC, University of Wisconsin-Madison, p. 380.
643.Jouve, L., Franck, T., Favre, P., Kayali, S., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 2001. IAA and
regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana circadian rhythm. Endocytobiosis and Cell Res., 14 :4549.
644.Naef, J., Fink, A., Greppin, H. 2001. Plancton du Léman (XXV), année 1999. Archs.Sci.,
Genève, 54 (1) :15-50.
645.Priceputu, A-M., Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H. 2001. Enveloppes de viabilité de la Roumanie :une approche globale du système. Archs.Sci., Genève, 54 :171-204.
646.Sarazin, B., Marquès, K., Chané-Favre, L., Greppin, H., Thiellement ,H. 2001.Détermination des paramètres permettant l’induction florale chez Arabidopsis thaliana par la lumière
ou l’acide gibbérellique. Archs.Sci., Genève, 54 (2) :77-82.
647.Degli Agosti, R., Greppin, H., Quirici, G. 2002. Fluorescent light-independent computer
assisted imaging of shape changes and movements of Arabidoipsis plants with digital
cameras and infra-red light. Archs.Sci., Genève, 55 :149-160.
648.Favre, P., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 2002. A mathematical function fits the light/darkinduced bioelectrogenesis in plants. In :13th Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Physiology, Hersonissos,Crete. GREECE, p. 432.
649.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R., Priceputu, A. 2002. From Viability Envelopes to Sustainable Societies :A place for various and efficient economical and cultural expressions on the
planet. Archs.Sci., Genève, 55 :125-148.
650.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R., Priceputu, A. 2002. The Concept of Viability Envelopes.
651.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R., Priceputu, A. 2002. From Viability Envelopes to Sustainable Societies.WP4-12.
652.Greppin, R., Priceputu, A. 2002. Dialectique du bioespace et de l’écoespace :émergence
de la territorialité, de la biocénose aux sociétés.WP4-8.
653.Greppin, R., Priceputu, A. 2002. Dialectique du bioespace et de l’écoespace :émergence
de la territorialité, de la biocénose aux sociétés. Cahiers géographiques (Genève), 4 :27-38.
654.Morré, J., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Morré, D. 2002.The plasma membrane-associated
NADH oxidase of spinach leaves responds to blue light. International Journal of Plant
Sciences, Chicago III, 163 (4) :543-547.
655.Penel, Cl., Dunand, C., Tognolli, de Meyer, M., von Tobel, L., Greppin, H., Simon, P.,
Tognolli, M. 2002.In search of function for 73 Arabidopsis isoperoxidases. In :VIth
International Plant Peroxidase Symposium. Eds :M.,Acosta,J.N.,Rodriguez-Lopez, M.A.,
Pedreno, Universités de Murcia et de la Coruna, Murcia, p. 135-141.
656.Tognolli, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Simon, P. 2002. Analysis and Expression of the
class III peroxidase large gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Gene, Amsterdam,
288 :129-138.
657.Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Faivre-Rampant, O., Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H.
2003. Changing concepts in plant hormones. In Vitro Cell Developmental Biology, Plant,
39 :85-106.
658.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R., Priceputu, A. 2003. Utilisation de variables sentinelles de
viabilité pour suivre l’évolution globale et locale du développement durable. WP4-20.
659.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R., Priceputu, A. 2003. Utilisation de variables sentinelles de
viabilité pour suivre l’évolution globale et locale du développement durable. Actes du
Colloque :Sustainable Management in Action SMIA, Genève (
660.Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R., Priceputu, A. 2003. L’espace de phase thermique et atmosphérique, expression de la capacité homéostatique climatique, et développement durable.
Archs.Sci., Genève, 56 (2) :95-116.
661.Campard, D., Greppin, H., Penel, Cl., Degli Agosti, R. 2005. Croissance de la hampe florale d’Arabidopsis thaliana. I :Effets locaux et rapides de stimulations mécaniques. Archs.
Sci., Genève, 58 :
662.Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, Cl., Greppin, H., Gaspar, T. 2005.The role of ethylene in the trantransition from vegetative growth to flowering : a reassessment..Flowering Newsletter,
International working group on flowering., Liège, 38 :43-47.
663.Edwards, N., Greppin, H., Haurie, A., Viguier, L. 2005. Linking Climate and Economic
Dynamics. In :The Coupling of Climate and Economic Dynamics. Eds : A.,Haurie, L.,
Viguier, Genève. Springer, Dordrecht, p. 1-34.
664.Priceputu, A., Greppin, H. 2005. Modelling Climate Change Impacts and Vulnerability in
Switzerland. In :The Coupling of Climate and Economic Dynamics.Eds : A.,Haurie, L.,
Viguier, Genève. Springer, Dordrecht, p. 355-381.
665.Priceputu, A., Greppin, H., Degli Agosti, R. 2005. Enveloppes de viabilité territoriale et
changement climatique en Suisse. Cahiers géographiques, Genève, no 6, 122 p.
Cette liste correspond aux ~92% de la totalité des publications (H.G. et associé(e)s).
Revues scientifiques :~74% ; autres ~26% (livres, congrès, réunions scientifiques,etc).
1956 – 2005
2001 - 005
1991 - 95
1981 - 85
1971 - 75
1961 - 65
Publication (éditeur) d’ouvrages scientifiques (livres) : 20..
Cahiers didactiques (Cours, T.P., Rapports, etc) : 30.
Travaux de diplômes en biologie : 50.
Mémoires du certificat en écologie humaine CUEH) : 80.
PUBLICATIONS scientifiques de l’ensemble des membres et associés du laboratoire : 2000.
1.A.,El-SABEH. 1967. La dissociation coloniale R et S chez Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig.,
dans ses rapports avec l’alternative respiratoire terminale.No 1450. (Prof. Fernand Chodat).
2.M.,MICHEA-HAMZEHPOUR. 1973. Etude de la chromogenèse chez Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. No 1611.
3.Cl.,PENEL. 1976. Acivité peroxydasique et développement chez Spinacia oleracea L. No
4.G.,AUDERSET. 1979. Etude du méristème caulinaire de l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea L. cv
Nobel). No 1688.
5.A.,SAYEGH. 1975. Chlorella rubescens, Chod.,synchronisation et caractérisation. No
6.M.,BONZON. 1977. Etude du chloroplaste d’épinard (Spinacia oleracea L. cv Nobel) avant
et après l’induction florale. No 1696.
7.M.,FREDJ. 1977. Etude du vieillissement chez l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea Nobel).
No 1845.
8.F.KAREGE. 1981. L’activité peroxydasique :indicateur de floraison et d’inter-relations
organiques chez Spinacia oleracea L. No 1998. (Dr Claude Penel, C.C.).
9.N.D.,CAO. 1981. Etude du chondriome foliaire de l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea Nobel)
lors de l’induction florale. No 2005.
10.D.,FONTANA. 1983. Evolution de quelques composés phénoliques chez l’épinard
(Spinacia oleracea Nobel) au cours du développement. No 2098.
11.M.,MONTAVON. 1984. Lumière et biopotentiels chez l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea
Nobel) :phytochrome, communication inter-organique et floraison. No 2099.
12.F.,CASTILLO. 1985. Activité peroxydasique et pollution atmosphérique. No 2115.
13.G.,TSALA. 1984. Activité photosynthétique et caractérisation de l’état végétatif et floral
chez Spinacia oleracea Nobel. No 2116. (Dr Marc Bonzon, C.C.).
14.V.,STOSIC. 1985. Quelques aspects du rôle du Ca2+ et de la calmoduline lors du développement de Spinacia oleracea Nobel. No 2169.
15.R.,DEGLI AGOSTI. 1985. Etude du contenu en sucres de l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea Nobel) et d’autres plantes, pendant la variation de photopériode. No 2174. (Dr Marc
Bonzon, C.C.).
16.P.,SIMON. 1985. Calcium, calmoduline et chloroplaste :étude de la NADkinase. No 2178.
17.R.,GAGLIARDI. 1985. Etude sur l’action de diverses contraintes de l’environnement sur
les feuilles d’épinard (Spinacia oleracea Nobel). No 2182. (Prof. André Giordan,
18.L.STICHER.1988. Etude des peroxydases et de leur sécrétion dans des cultures de
cellules et des cals d’épinard (Spinacia oleracea Nobel). No 2185.
19.S.,KIEFER. 1986. Etude, in vitro, de l’association de peroxydases aux membranes chez
Pharbitis nil. No 2213. (Dr Claude Penel, C.C.).
20.R.,VASQUEZ-DUHALT. 1987. Etude de la biodégradation de l’huile lubrifiante par
Pseudomonas fluorescens Mig. et la biosynthèse d’hydrocarbures par Botryococcus sp. No
21.F.,JACQUEMOUD. 1988. Révision des genres Sterigmostemum M.Bieb., Anchonium
DC. et Iskandera N.Busch :une approche du concept générique dans la tribu des
Hesperideae (Cruciferae). No 2266. (Prof Jacques Miège*).
22.M.,EL TOUKHI FOUDA.1989. Changements histologiques et cytochimiques dans
l’apex caulinaire de l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea Nobel) lors de l’induction flortale.
No 2277. (Dr Guy Auderset, C.C.).
23.M.,MORGAN. 1989. Lectines et protéines apparentées aux lectines chez quelques
membres du genre Phaseolus. Distribution dans les tissus végétatifs. No 2315. (Prof.
Jacques Miège *).
24.L.,MALATIALY. 1990. Croissance et floraison chez Spinacia olertacea
Nobel :étude, in vitro, du transport du calcium et de l’interaction avec le tonoplaste et le
plasmalemme. No 2378. (Dr Claude Penel, C.C.).
25.C.,CALDERON-LLANTEN.1991.Etude, en cultures synchrones autotrophes, mixotrophes et hétérotrophes, de l´évolution énergétique (P) de Chlorella rubescens Chod. No
26.P.,CRESPI. 1991. Induction florale par l’acide gibbérellique. Etude du plasmalemme des
cellules de l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea Nobel). No 2465.
27.F.,LEFORT.1992.Recherche de modifications biochimiques dans différents organes de
l’épinard, Spinacia oleracea Nobel, lors de l’induction florale. No 2519. (Dr Claude
Penel, C.C.).
28.J.,PERFETTA. 1992. Contribution à l’étude phytocénologique des groupements
végétaux aquatiques des lacs suisses. No 2527. (Prof. Jean-Bernard Lachavanne *).
29.M.,VALAT. 1992.Etude, dans la feuille de l’épinard (Spinacia oleracea), des isozymes de
la malate deshydrogénase :régime lumineux et floraison. No 2531.
30.H.RIZK.1993. Biogéographie des graminées méditerranéennes. No 2623. (Prof. Pierre
Hainard *).
31.G.,OGIER. 1993. Polluants atmosphériques et systèmes de destruction des oxygènes
actifs dans l’apoplaste des aiguilles de l’épicéa (Picea abies L.karst). No 2638.
32.S.,KAYALI. 1995.Rythmes circadiens et ultradiens chez le haricot (Phaseolus vulgaris) :connexion et point de singularité. No 2770.
32.A.,BITTAR. 1995. Phylogénie :histoire, concepts, principes et présentation de nouvelles
méthodes d’analyse numérique de l’évolution moléculaire.No 2789. (Prof. Roger Lacroix).
33.U.,SCHLATTNER.1996. L’adénylate kinase du tabac (Nicotiana tabacum
425). No 2806. (Dr Marc Bonzon, C.C.).
34.J.,BELLAMINE. 1996. Etude physicochimique et biochimique de la membrane plasmique des feuilles d’épinard et d’arabette au cours de l’induction florale . No 2817.
35.M’B. M’B.,CISSE. 1998. Etats végétatif et floral :activité des peroxydases et de la glucose-6-phosphate deshydrogénase. No 2981. (Prof. Claude Penel).
36.J.F., PERROUD. 1999. Etude de protéines liant le GTP chez Spinacia oleracea L.
Implications des protéines G dans le processus de l’induction florale. No 3084.
37.L.,JOUVE. 2000. Croissance de la hampe florale d’Arabidopsis thaliana L. Heynh.. No
3194. (Dr Robert Degli Agosti, C.C.).
38.K.FEDRA. 2000. Environmental Decision Support Systems. A Conceptual Framework
and Application Examples. No 3197. (Profs Alain Haurie, HEC,SES et Charles Hussy,
39.A.FINCK. 2001. Caractérisation de l’induction et de l’évocation florale chez Arabidopsis
thaliana et Spinacia oleracea. No 3236. (Prof. Claude Penel).
40.K.R.,VALEUR. 2001. Oscillatory Kinetics in the Peroxidase-oxidase Reaction. No 3306.
(Prof. Claude Penel).
41.T.,DIOGON. 2002. Isolement et caractérisation de messagers codant pour les
peroxydases. No 3326. (Prof. Claude Penel).
42.M.,TOGNOLLI. 2002. Le complexe peroxydasique chez Arabidopsis thaliana :structure
et expression génique. No 3336. (Prof. Claude Penel).
43.P.,FAVRE. 2004. Potentiels d’action et bioélectrogenèses induits chez Arabidopsis thaliana L. et d’autres plantes. Signaux bioélectriques chez les végétaux. No 3547. (Dr Robert
Degli Agosti, C.C., Prof. Claude Penel,)
44.A.M.,PRICEPUTU. 2005. Impacts des changements climatiques et vulnérabilité régionale en Suisse. No
(Prof. Alain Haurie, HEC,SES ; Dr Robert Degli Agosti, C.C.).
* Co-direction purement formelle de H.G.
Composition : Suisses 27% ; Etrangers : 73% : Europe, 41%, Asie, 14%, Afrique, 11%,
Amérique N et S : 7%.