to support Syrian refugee children.


to support Syrian refugee children.
Monaco, 30 September 2013
AMADE Mondiale joins forces with UN Refugee agency (UNHCR) to
support Syrian refugee children.
The NGO recently mobilized a 75 000 Euros emergency help intended to protect children
sheltered in Jordan’s Zaatari refugee camp.
The Syrian conflict entered its third year, causing more than 110 000 victims to date. According
to UNHCR and UNICEF, some 7 000 children have been killed during the conflict. The number
of children forced from their homeland has recently exceeded one million – half of all Syrian
refugees. Around 80 % of them are under the age of 11.
More than 520 000 refugees have been registered in Jordan. They are 120 000 in Zaatari camp,
living in severe conditions in the middle of Jordanian desert. Amongst them, more than 1 000
children have traveled from Syria all by themselves, unaccompanied, with no relatives to watch
over them.
Despite all the efforts, refugee children remain under many threats: psychological distress,
trauma, lack of access to education, violence… They are also exposed to forced labor and sexual
exploitation, e.g. little girls forced to get married. Young boys are sometimes enrolled by armed
groups and forced to go back in Syria to fight.
AMADE Mondiale made the choice to get involved to support the activities initiated and
coordinated locally by UNHCR and UNICEF, with a specific attention to the situation of vulnerable
children, unaccompanied or separated from their family.
This financial help will first support psychological, health access and scholarship activities –
considering that it is through education that these children will have a chance to rebuild their lives
and find hope for a better future.
UNHCR contributes to the children’s education by forming teachers and increasing the capacity
of local structures. Three new schools have been created inside Zaatari camp as well as some
thirty playgrounds. Over 36 000 school-aged children, 10 000 have already reintegrated a regular
AMADE Mondiale’s support will also be used to promote plea and awareness actions in order to
prevent forced marriages and enrollment by armed groups.
Contact presse :
Sébastien Besançon
[email protected]
A propos de l’AMADE Mondiale
Créée en 1963 à l’initiative de la Princesse Grace de Monaco, et présidée depuis 1993 par S.A.R. la Princesse Caroline
de Hanovre, l’AMADE Mondiale œuvre pour le bien-être et la protection des enfants du monde à travers un réseau de
12 antennes nationales et de partenaires privilégiés.
S.A.R. la Princesse de Hanovre a été nommée Ambassadeur de bonne volonté de l’UNESCO en 2003. Elle a reçu le
Children’s Champion Award de l’UNICEF en 2006, ainsi que le prix Menschen in Europa 2011, en récompense de Son
engagement personnel pour la protection des enfants.
L'AMADE Mondiale est dotée du statut consultatif auprès de l'UNICEF, de l'UNESCO et du Conseil Economique et
Social des Nations Unies, ainsi que du statut participatif auprès du Conseil de l'Europe.
Plus d’informations sur les activités et événements de l’AMADE sur