International recognition


International recognition
SBM eNewsletter | Issue 05 | April 2010
Résultats Financiers
SBM Talk
Equality and Diversity
Economic update
Team Consolidation
Dear Valued Customer,
SBM has indeed started the year in top gear!
Besides posting encouraging interim financial
results with 6-month Group profit of Rs 1.1
billion, the Bank has been awarded “Best Bank
Mauritius” by Emeafinance, testifying to its
growing international reputation.
emeafinance & bankers award
International recognition
With Corporate Social Responsibility being well
anchored in SBM’s philosophy, the Bank is
looking forward to rolling out more initiatives
during the current year. SBM staff have actively
participated in the SBM 50:50 Matching Scheme
programme, which reflects our commitment and
determination to improve the lives of the underprivileged. Building on this momentum, the
Bank will be participating in a larger number of
CSR activities in the coming months. Similarly,
our Equality & Diversity programme will gain
increasing prominence going forward.
The past months have also been very eventful on
the marketing side, with the launch of advertising
campaigns in respect of SBM Asset Finance, SBM
Boost, SBM Achiever and SBM HOMELOAN
for which the Bank received very good response.
In the same breath, SBM Cashpaké, our cards
related cash rebate programme, is already proving
to be a major success just six months after its
launch, and the Bank is looking forward to further
pushing this unique rewards programme for the
benefit of our customers.
On the strength of its good
continues to be well regarded
on the international scene.
Indeed, the Bank was awarded
Best Bank – Mauritius by
Emeafinance in respect of the
African Banking Awards 2009.
The institution acknowledged
that “thanks to proactive risk
and strategic management, [SBM] has displayed a solid
performance and, perhaps more significantly, has shown the
confidence to make substantial strategic investments.”
Besides the strong underlying growth achieved last year,
excluding one-off items, and the improvement in our
consideration efforts made at making the revenue base more
Furthermore, in a bid to enhance customer
experience, SBM has extended its branch
renovation programme to five other Service
Units, namely Réduit, Candos, Stanley, Quartier
Militaire and Grand Bois.
robust through diversification of revenue streams as well as
capacity building initiatives to build a strong foundation for
future growth, notably in the area of human resources.
In the same breath, SBM was ranked 24th among African
You will receive more details on other activities
carried out by your Bank as you browse this
banks by The Banker in December 2009. This reflects the
Enjoy your reading!
remain dominated by South African and Nigerian banks.
Editorial Team
Bank’s sound standing at a time when many banks on the
global scene have not performed well. The African rankings
SBM eNewsletter | Issue 05 | April 2010
Groupe SBM :
Bénéfices de Rs 1,1 milliard
La SBM a enregistré des résultats financiers encourageants pour les six premiers mois de cette année
financière malgré des conditions économiques difficiles au niveau mondial. Ces résultats intérimaires pour la
période se terminant au 31 décembre 2009 ont été approuvés le jeudi 11 février 2010 par le conseil
d’administration de la banque, qui a réitéré l’emphase sur la diversification de la base des revenus.
Les opérations de la SBM Lease Ltd,
filiale en propriété exclusive,
ont été fusionnées avec celles de la
banque le 7 décembre 2009. Les
bénéfices après impôt de la SBM
Lease Ltd à cette date, qui s’élèvent à
Rs 16.4m, ont été inclus dans les
résultats semestriels actuels de
la banque.
Dans le contexte de conditions
économiques difficiles au niveau
mondial, les bénéfices nets de la
banque pour les six premiers
mois de l’année se sont élevés à
Rs 1 040,2m (2008 : Rs 1 077,9m)
alors que le Groupe SBM a enregistré
des bénéfices nets de
Rs 1 106,5m (2008 : Rs 1 257,1m). La
réduction des bénéfices comparé à la
même période de l’année précédente
est principalement dû à une baisse du
montant des dividendes reçues à
Rs 134,0m pendant la période actuelle,
aussi bien qu’une augmentation dans
les frais d’impôt de Rs 31,6m qui
comprend la hausse du special levy sur
les banques. Le revenu d’intérêt net a
crû positivement de 7.6% grâce à une
gestion active des passifs ainsi qu’une
croissance des foreign assets. Les
devises étrangères et le fee-based
income ont toutefois été impactés
négativement dû à l’incertitude
prévalant sur les marchés nationaux et
Le Groupe SBM continue à diversifier
ses actifs et ses sources de revenus.
Les prêts du Groupe ont augmenté de
6,7% durant le premier semestre de
l’année avec une croissance d’environ
23% dans le segment international.
Vu la situation de liquidité confortable
de la banque, la gestion des passifs du
Groupe s’est axée sur la mobilisation
des dépôts à faible coût. Le rapport
crédits-dépôts s’est ainsi nettement
amélioré de 64% en juin 2009 à 70%
en décembre 2009. La qualité du
portefeuille d’actifs demeure saine
avec les ratios relatifs aux gross et net
impaired advances demeurant en
dessous de 1,6% et 0,6%
respectivement. Le ratio de capital
adequacy du Groupe a été maintenu à
23,6%, ce qui est nettement supérieur
à la limite réglementaire de 10%.
Un dividende final de Rs 2,75 par
action a été déclaré pour l’année
financière 2009 et a été payé en
octobre 2009, ce qui représente un
payout ratio de 35% (2008 : 31%).
« Alors que la situation économique
montre des signes d’amélioration, la
croissance du crédit devrait rester faible
à court terme vu que les investisseurs
continuent de faire preuve de prudence
avant de s’engager dans des projets
majeurs. Le marché devrait donc rester
très liquide exerçant ainsi une pression
continue sur les marges. Le volume des
échanges pourrait également stagner
compte tenu de la faible demande
locale et internationale. D’autre part, la
mise en œuvre prévue des projets
à grande échelle devrait stimuler
l’activité économique sur le moyen
terme. Dans le cadre de ses objectifs à
long terme, le Groupe continue de
prospecter les opportunités de
diversifier ses revenus tout en
développant la capacité interne en
investissant notamment dans ses
ressources humaines, » commente
Rajah Ramdaursingh, président
du conseil d’administration
de la SBM.
SBM eNewsletter | Issue 05 | April 2010
Nouveau look pour
la carte SBM Amigos
Une allure plus design et un format plus
pratique. Les cartes de souhait Amigos
arborent un nouveau look dans un style
simple, moderne et dynamique. La nouvelle
carte met en valeur les 5 personnages du
logo Amigos, retravaillés sur un concept
graphique très tendance. La carte a aussi
adopté le format d’une carte postale,
beaucoup plus pratique pour l’expédition.
En renouvelant son stock de cartes de
souhait pour les anniversaires de ses
jeunes clients Amigos, la SBM prend aussi
un soin renouvelé dans l’envoi de la
nouvelle carte afin qu’elle parvienne à ses
clients dans les temps pour leur fête.
SBM Asset Finance offering
Finance Lease solutions
Great changes at SBM with even better deals being offered to customers
through the Asset Finance division. Since December 2009, activities run by
SBM Lease as a subsidiary company have been taken over and integrated
within SBM, which now offers a full range of Finance Lease solutions to
industrial, agricultural, commercial & service sectors, self-employed,
professionals and individuals. Our dedicated team of professionals from
SBM Asset Finance provides our customers with hassle free, tailor made
finance lease solutions at very competitive interest rates accompanied by a
quick and efficient service. SBM Finance Lease solutions offer up to 100%
financing for new vehicles (cars, vans, SUVs, pick ups, trucks, buses) as
well as reconditioned/second hand vehicles of less than 4 years. Companies
can also request finance to invest in computer/office/printing equipment,
heavy equipment such as tractors, cranes, forklifts and electric lifts, and
even medical or any other equipment acceptable to SBM Asset Finance.
Repayment period extends from 3 to 7 years for a Finance Lease which
does not normally require additional security since the leased asset is the
“security” for the bank. There is therefore no requirement to inscribe a
charge or register a lien under a Finance Lease, which is open to both
SBM and non-SBM customers. Sale and leaseback facility is also offered.
For more information, please feel free to contact our Asset Finance
Sales Team on: 202-1478 / 202-1420.
Image de marque
pluriculturelle pour la SBM
La philosophie Equality & Diversity
demeure centrale dans la stratégie de
communication de la SBM. En effet, après
avoir adopté ce concept comme le thème
de son rapport annuel, de ses cartes de
souhaits et de ses calendriers pour 2010, la
SBM a poursuivi sa communication autour
de la pluralité culturelle à travers d’autres
médias. L’image Equality & Diversity a
d’ailleurs été associée aux avis de presse
et billboards réalisés par la SBM pour
présenter à la nation mauricienne et au
pays ses meilleurs vœux à l’occasion du
42ème anniversaire de l’indépendance.
SBM eNewsletter | Issue 05 | April 2010
Great prizes to win
for the MasterCard
UEFA Champions
League 2010!
Another interesting campaign for
SBM, one of the member banks that
participated in the generic MasterCard
UEFA Champions League 2010
promotion, which has run from 10
March to 28 April 2010! MasterCard/
Maestro cardholders have the chance
to win any of the 3 very attractive
packages that each consist of
2 economy flights to Madrid, 2 tickets
for the finals of the UEFA Champions
League 2010, accommodation in a
4 star hotel, meeting
with the famous referee
Pierluigi Collina and a
prepaid MasterCard of
€500. Other prizes to be
won are: 15 LCD TV’s
and 15 Home Cinema
sound systems.
MasterCard/ Maestro
card users automatically
entered the draw with
cumulative spend of
Rs 2,000 during the
promotional period.
The draw will take place
on Wednesday 7 May
2010 at the Mauritius
Turf Club.
SBM Cashpaké
en nette progression
Le programme SBM Cashpaké est
de plus en plus populaire. Le
constat effectué seulement six mois
après le lancement de cette
campagne est très prometteur,
soulignant l’adoption croissante de
ce programme, qui se reflète par
une augmentation significative dans
l’utilisation quotidienne des cartes
bancaires SBM.
SBM Cashpaké est le programme
vedette de la banque et reste unique
en son genre sur le marché. Il
permet au client de recevoir du cash
en retour à chaque fois qu’il utilise
sa carte de débit ou de crédit (cartes
business incluses) sur les points de
vente, supermarchés, restaurants,
etc. Les clients peuvent recevoir
jusqu’à 1% de cash en retour, sur
leurs dépenses accumulées, qui
sera crédité chaque trimestre sur leur
compte d’épargne ou courant, ou
encore sur leur carte de crédit.
Pour les cartes business, ce montant
est crédité sur le compte de la
Focus on SBM Boost
and SBM Achiever
Attractive and innovative, SBM Boost was recently revamped
to make your dreams come true! This multi-purpose loan of up
to Rs 750,000 can be granted in less than 48 hours and without
security to finance your personal project such as house
renovation, buying a new car, going on a vacation trip, organising
a family wedding or realising any other dream. SBM Boost offers
competitive interest rates and an insurance cover in case of
death or permanent incapacity of borrowers. It is reimbursable
over a period of up to 7 years with flexible repayment options
and can also be used for refinancing an existing loan. The
facilities include a pre-approved Credit Card with first year annual
fee waived and a fast track service. Indeed, SBM has pledged
to refund the processing fees to the client if the loan is not
disbursed within 48 hours [subject to loan approval and
confirmation of assurance cover from the insurance company].
Besides, a campaign was recently run to promote SBM Achiever
among current and prospective tertiary education students. SBM
Achiever offers three types of loans, namely secured loan,
unsecured loan and the government guaranteed loan, which
can cover up to 100% of the cost of study. Students can avail
of up to Rs 4 millions at a competitive interest rate, and repayable
over a maximum period of 10 years with up to 5 years
moratorium on capital repayments. Both SBM and non-SBM
clients can apply for this loan. SBM Amigos customers will be
offered a preferential interest rate for their loan. Customers opting
for SBM Achiever will also receive a supplementary credit card,
enjoy preferential foreign exchange rates and will have their early
repayment fee waived. In line with its spirit of innovation, SBM is
also offering an internship to the first ten students whose loan
will be approved by the Bank.
SBM eNewsletter | Issue 05 | April 2010
Understanding the Trust Mechanism
and Keeping Ahead of Port Development
Two themes of high socio-economic interest were chosen for the past
two SBM Talk sessions, namely the Trust concept and port development.
planning, asset protection, tax
planning, off-balance sheet
transactions, corporate finance/asset
financing and securitisation.
Mr. Abdullatiff also highlighted the keyaspect of Tax Planning Opportunities
through the Trust mechanism.
Mr. Shekur Suntah, Director General of
Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA), on his
part held the second presentation on
‘Port Development”. He elaborated on
the strategic location of Port Louis
Harbour as the Indian Ocean gateway
for external trade, at the crossroads
between Far East & Africa and Europe
& Australia. The MPA has undergone
several reforms over the years whereby
its role has now evolved from being a
commercial gateway for the country to
that of a regulator and facilitator of
trade. It also started to promote new
business segments, namely: container
transshipment, seafood industry, cruise,
bunkering and waterfront development.
Mr. Assad Abdullatiff, Managing
Director of AXIS Corporate Consultants
& AXIS Fiduciary Ltd and also President
of Mauritius Branch Society of Trust &
Estate Practitioners (STEP), led the first
talk of this year on Friday 22 January.
He gave an overview of the history of
the Trust concept and explained how
Trusts originated under English
jurisprudence. He elaborated on the
different components of a Trust and
explained how it has been adapted in
other jurisdictions including Mauritius.
Some of the potential uses of the
Mauritian Trusts are: accumulation and
preservation of wealth, succession
sbm talk
It is keeping its tariffs as low as possible
to promote investment and encourage
more business. The MPA is also
planning new developments to create
more value additions within the port.
Two major developments have been
carried out at Mer Rouge Terminal,
namely the construction of Petroleum
Jetty completed in November 2008 and
the setting up of the Cruise Jetty
completed in December 2009. Yet
another forthcoming development in
the pipeline is “Les Salines Waterfront
Village”, which will comprise of a cruise
terminal and ancillary facilities, a
waterfront, conference centres/hotels,
recreational facilities/marina
facilities/sports complex and a maritime
museum/art gallery/ exhibition hall.
equality & diversity
La SBM célèbre l’année du Tigre
L’ambassadrice de Chine à
Maurice, Son Excellence Bian
Yan Hua, s’adressant aux invités.
Poursuivant sa commémoration
symbolique des grandes fêtes
culturelles nationales, dans le cadre de
son programme Equality & Diversity, la
SBM a célébré le 15 février dernier la
nouvelle année chinoise.
La succursale de la Place d’Armes,
ainsi que celle de la Rue Royale,
Port Louis, étaient décorées sur le
thème de cette fête du Printemps.
Vêtues de Kipow, des hôtesses ont
Gautam Vir, souhaitant une bonne
année aux clients et invités.
accueilli les clients en leur offrant des
gâteaux traditionnels. Le programme
de la journée comprenait aussi une
danse du lion et des pétarades. Il y a
aussi eu une distribution de Foong
Paos pour l’évènement et les employés
de la banque n’ont pas manqué
d’envoyer une carte de vœux
électronique spécialement conçue à
leurs clients et proches. Des messages
de vœux ont également été véhiculés
sur le site web de la SBM ainsi que sur
le réseau d’ATMs. De plus, la banque a
accueilli ses clients de la communauté
sino-mauricienne lors d’une réception
au restaurant Imperial China, à Trianon,
le mercredi 3 mars. La réception a eu
lieu en présence de l’ambassadrice de
Chine à Maurice, Son Excellence Bian
Yan Hua, invitée d’honneur de la soirée
et de M. Gautam Vir, Chief Executive de
la banque. Un moment de partage
chaleureux au seuil de cette nouvelle
année du Tigre !
Pauline Seeyave, Divisional
Leader - Finance, Payal Vir et
Son Excellence Bian Yan Hua.
SBM eNewsletter | Issue 05 | April 2010
economic update
Economic update
The global economy is pursuing its way out of recession.
All developed nations are growing on a quarterly basis, albeit
with uncertainty arising from persistent structural problems and
other risks to recovery. Emerging markets are showing a relatively
stronger bounce back supported by a number of drivers such
as recovery in international trade, government spending,
manufacturing, and to a lesser extent, consumption. It is
interesting to note that latest reported growth figures have fared
better than consensus estimates. The IMF has also noted that
the global recovery is off to a stronger start than expected.
However, sensing that the pace of recovery would vary
Shailen Sreekeessoon
Team Leader
Strategic Planning & Research
considerably, particularly across the G-20, the IMF has advised
all countries to maintain policy stimulus at least through 2010
except those that would face the need to unwind stimulus more
quickly as capital inflows surge or inflationary pressures
build up.
A relatively better external environment and accommodative
monetary policy, supported by subdued inflationary pressures,
should give a boost to prospects in the domestic economy,
although the outturn could be below potential owing to a rather
fragile evolution observed in our major export-oriented sectors.
Selected growth rates (%) – Mauritian economy
2009 e
2010 f
(excl. sugar)
Textile manufacturing
Other manufacturing
Wholesale & retail trade
Hotels & restaurants
Financial Intermediation
Business activities
Food manufacturing
Transport, storage &
Overall economy
(including sugar)
Overall economy
(excluding sugar)
Source: CSO
A poll of 12 economists, conducted by Reuters, reveals analysts’
expectations for an average growth rate of 4.2% in 2010, close
to the official forecast of 4.3%. The growth momentum is
expected to be bolstered by the revival, albeit moderate, of
traditional European markets, new visitors from Asia along with
higher value-added sugar exports. Inflation should gather pace
towards the end of 2010 but would remain contained.
Moody’s has also recently come up with a better appreciation
of the domestic economic situation commenting the resilience
of the economy and the ability of public finances to absorb
financial shocks in spite of the economy’s small size and relatively
high level of public sector debt.
The country’s openness and dependence on world markets,
particularly the European Union, warrants a note of caution. In
effect, should economic recovery in our main markets - notably
the euro area, UK and the US - not be fast enough, it might be
difficult to sustain domestic economic growth, the more so if
government does away with the stimulus package at the end of
2010 as promised.
SBM eNewsletter | Issue 05 | April 2010
Quatre-Bornes Service Unit supports orphanage
Crèche’s project to acquire new
sterilisers, cradles and feeding bottles
for the babies.
Private Banking Team helps Foyer Namasté
The Private Banking Team has on its side organised a Briani Party, on Friday 26
February, as fund raising activity for Foyer Namasté found in Roche Brunes. This
initiative aimed at providing financial support to the Foyer for medical care to their
residents. Valentina, a 2 year old little girl who lost her mother, was born with cerebral
palsy. Like her, residents have found a home at Foyer Namasté but have health
problems and urgently need the help of a kinesitherapist. As usual under the SBM
50:50 matching scheme, SBM has doubled up the money collected by the Private
Banking Team’s, raising it to a total sum of Rs 83,600, which was remitted to
Foyer Namasté.
Une œuvre historique
sur l’esclavage
L’œuvre de Jacques David intitulée
Mauritius, The Slave Legacy a été lancé
par le Premier ministre le Dr Navin
Ramgoolam le vendredi 26 mars 2010. La
SBM a encore une fois contribué à
promouvoir le patrimoine national en
parrainant cet ouvrage.
Jacques David, journaliste de renom qui a
joué un rôle crucial dans l’inscription du
Morne sur la liste du patrimoine mondial, nous rappelle à travers ce livre
la contribution des esclaves dans l’émergence de la nation mauricienne.
L’ouvrage nous présente la vie des esclaves, leurs conditions de vie et
leur contribution à la construction de l’île Maurice.
Le livre souligne aussi, qu’à travers la symbolique de la montagne du
Morne, l'île Maurice a fait partie intégrante de la saga liée à la traite
négrière au cours des 17e et 18e siècles. Publiée sur 600 pages, l’oeuvre
fait également un survol du développement social, économique et
politique du pays, depuis sa découverte en 1598 jusqu’à nos jours.
La SBM a participé aux célébrations
marquant la Journée Internationale
contre la Corruption en décembre
dernier. L’ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) avait mis sur
pied une marche anti-corruption et une
campagne nationale de sensibilisation à
cet effet. Compte tenu du rôle vital que
les banques sont appelées à jouer dans
l’économie d’un pays, notamment à
travers la facilitation des activités
commerciales et du développement
économique, la SBM s’est fait un
devoir de participer à la campagne de
l’ICAC en affichant des posters dans
ses succursales et à la SBM Tower.
La banque a aussi distribué des
brochures de l’ICAC, toujours sur le
thème de l’anti-corruption, à tous
ses employés.
« Venus d’ailleurs » :
la collection complète
La SBM a été l’un des co-sponsors de l’aventure
entreprise par Alain Gordon-Gentil, écrivain et journaliste,
pour la réalisation de 4 documentaires sur l’héritage
culturel mauricien. Le dernier volet de la série, un film
sur l’immigration chinoise, a été lancé le 4 février en
présence du Premier ministre, le Dr Navin Ramgoolam
ainsi que Son Excellence Bian Yan Hua, ambassadrice
de la République Populaire de Chine. Les documentaires
réalisés par Alain GordonGentil et son équipe, du Bihar
en terre Indienne, sur les terres
rouges du Mozambique et de
Madagascar, jusqu’aux falaises
de Saint Malo fouettées par la
mer et dans la province de
Meixian, mettent en lumière les
courants d’immigration dont
est née la nation arc-en-ciel
In line with the SBM 50:50 Matching
Scheme, the Quatre-Bornes Service
Unit team recently organised a
fundraising activity for the Crèche Cœur
Immaculée de Marie. This crèche offers
day-to-day basic care to orphans and
abandoned children in the region of
Quatre Bornes. SBM colleagues and
their family members have successfully
collected Rs 19,050, which the Bank
has doubled to a final amount of
Rs 38,100. This will help support the
SBM eNewsletter | Issue 05 | April 2010
team consolidation
Bishwajit Mazumder, new Chief Internal Auditor
Mr. Bishwajit Mazumder has recently
been appointed as Chief Internal
Auditor for SBM. He will be leading
the Audit Division, ensuring
compliance with approved
procedures, local regulations and
highlighting any gaps in procedures
and control amongst others.
Mr. Mazumder has some 25 years of
accomplished experience in the
banking industry. He has rich
corporate experience in auditing
(risk based), accounting, banking
(both for retail and corporate
products), Information Technology
(related to banking products) as well
as legal and management. He has
held a number of key positions
during his career. Before joining
SBM, he was the Chief Audit
Executive of ING Vysya Bank Ltd.,
India, since 2007. Prior to that, he
was, amongst others, Chief Internal
Auditor of Central Bank of Oman,
Assistant Vice President – Internal
Audit of IDBI Bank Ltd. and
Information Technology Manager
for Allahabad Bank, India.
Mr. Mazumder holds a Bachelor of
Law from Calcutta University and
a Bachelor of Science from
Gorakhpur University, India. He is
also a Chartered Accountant, a
Certified Internal Auditor and a
Certified Information Systems
Vikash Bheem Singh:
Head - Quality & Customer Services
In line with SBM’s objective of
becoming a service leader in the
industry and of making customer
service its key differentiator, Mr. Vikash
Bheem Singh has been appointed
Head – Quality & Customer Services.
Mr. Bheem Singh is responsible for
establishing a Service and Quality
culture throughout the organisation,
with the aim of achieving customer
service excellence, including the
establishment of best practices,
processes, systems and standards,
all embedded in a service and quality
policy. The complaints management
process and the Call Centre, restyled
as a Customer Service Centre, is also
under his area of control. Furthermore,
he will look after driving mindset change
for fostering initiative-taking, innovation
and service excellence to both external
and internal customers.
Mr. Bheem SIngh has more than
13 years of working experience.
He was, amongst others, Senior
Business Consultant at De Chazal Du
Mée (DCDM) and consultant for the
Rogers Group’s training centre before
joining HSBC where he spent 9 years
as Officer in Charge - Quality and
Business Process Re-Engineering,
Manager of Projects and Direct
Channels Manager. He holds a Diploma
in Quality Assurance and a Diploma in
Management Studies from the
University of Mauritius, a BSc (Hon) in
Please convey your suggestions and contribution to :
SBM eNewsletter | Issue 05 | April 2010
Information Systems and Management
from University of London as well as an
MSc in E-Business (with distinction)
from the University of Mauritius.
[email protected]
c/o Marketing & Communications Department - 6 t h floor - State Bank Tower
1, Queen Elizabeth II Avenue, Port-Louis

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