Eléonore Lépinard vitae-09-12 - Département de science politique


Eléonore Lépinard vitae-09-12 - Département de science politique
Eléonore Lépinard
Assistant professor
Université de Montréal
Department of political Science
C.P 6128 Succursale Centre-ville
Montréal QC, Canada
Tel : +1 514 343 6111 poste 3909
Fax : +1 514 343 2360
[email protected]
Academic Positions
Assistant Professor of political science
Doctorate in sociology. Suma Cum Laudae
Dissertation Title : "L'égalité introuvable. Stratégies de légitimation et mise en oeuvre de la parité politique en
France", [Elusive Equality : the Legitimation and Implementation of Gender quotas Laws in France],
Qualified for teaching in sociology and political science by the French National Council of the Universities.
Master of Art, Political Sciences. Cum Laudae
Master of Art, Social Sciences. M agna Cum Laudae
Master of Art, Sociology. Suma Cum Laudae
Bachelor of Arts, Economics
Bachelor of Arts, Sociology (with distinctions)
Fellowships and Invited Positions
Visiting Fellow, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies
Visiting Scholar, Centre d’études européennes (Center for European Studies)
Visiting scholar, sociology department, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
Postdoctoral fellow –Institut des Sciences sociales du Politique (ISP)
Sept 2011-July 2012
April 2011
January-March 2011
Fall 2009
Eléonore Lépinard-­‐ 2 Postdoctoral Fellow
Canadian Research Chair in Citizenship and Governance (supervised by Pr. Jane Jenson)
January-June 2006
Postdoctoral Fellow
Fall 2005
Canadian Research Chair in Globalization, Citizenship and Democracy, (supervised by Pr. Jules Duchastel),
Invited Professor
Department of Political Science, UNIVERSITÉ DU QUÉBEC À MONTRÉAL, Canada
Fall 2006
Lavoisier fellowship, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Fulbright fellow
Institute for Research on Women, RUTGERS UNIVERSITY, N.J.
Graduate fellowship
French Ministry of Education
Undergraduate fellowship
Awards and Distinctions
Best paper award, Women and Politics research section, American Political Science Association
For “Doing Intersectionality. Varieties of Feminist Practice in France and Canada”
September 2012
Best paper award, French politics group, American Political Science Association
For “From Parity to Intersectionality: A Difficult Passage”
September 2012
Robert Schuman Foundation individual research grant, 2005 (3000 €)
A comparative approach to ethnic anti-discrimination policies: divergences and convergences between the Anglo-American and the
French models
Eléonore Lépinard, Daniel Sabbagh, Valérie Amiraux and Thomas Kirszbaum (co-PIs). 2006-2008, French
Ministry of Social Affiars (Mire/Drees) accepted (60 000€).
Doing Justice to Discriminations? A comparison of anti-discrimination schemes in France and Canada
Eléonore Lépinard, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, program “Petites
subventions”, accepted 2009, (5000 $CAN)
The challenge of pluralism. Practices of intersectionality in women’s movements in France, Québec and Ontario.
Eléonore Lépinard. Individual Grant from the Québec Research Fund 2010-2013, accepted (39 600$CAN)
Québec Network in Feminist Research (RéQUEF)
60 scholars/10 universities in Québec (PI : Francine Descarries). Québec Research Fund, « Strategic
Networking » scheme, 2011-2014 (258 691 $CAN)
Gender quotas at the global level : Towards parity governance ?
Eléonore Lépinard and Ruth Rubio-Marin (co-PIs)
-Grant of the Global Governance Program, European University Institute, Italy, for a High Level
Policy Seminar, accepted June 2012, to be held October 2013(20 000€).
Eléonore Lépinard-­‐ 3 -Grant of the Global Governance Program, European University Institute, Italy, for an Executive
Training Academy, accepted June 2012, to be held October 2013 (30 000€)
A Comparative Cohort Study of the Global Economic Recession and the Early Careers of Women and Men Lawyers in New
York City, Paris, and Frankfurt
John Hagan, Eléonore Lépinard, Grégoire Mallard, and Gabrielle Plickert (co-PIs), Grant proposal to the Law
School Admission Council (LSAC) on February 1, 2012, (196,000$). Revise and Resubmit in September 2012.
Gender quotas in Europe: Towards Parity Governance?
Eléonore Lépinard and Ruth Rubio-Marin (co-PIs). Submitted in March 2012 to the European Science
Foundation, exploratory workshop scheme (15 000€)
Eléonore Lépinard. L'égalité introuvable. La parité, les féministes et la République, [Elusive Equality. Parity, the
Feminists and the French Republic], Presses de Sciences Po, Paris, 2007.
Review by Laura L. Frader in a review essay “Liberté, Egalité, Parité!” French politics, culture and Society
(27/1, 2009, pp.111-9)
Dominique Fougeyrollas-Schwebel, Eléonore Lépinard and Eleni Varikas (eds.) Cahiers du genre, volume no 39,
2005, on "Féminisme(s): Penser la pluralité" [Feminism-s: thinking plurality], with.
Rose Marie Lagrave, Agathe Gestin, Eléonore Lépinard and Geneviève Pruvost (eds.), Dissemblances, Jeux et
enjeux du genre, [Dissimilarities: New Issues in Gender Studies] Paris, L’Harmattan 2002.
Published Articles
Lépinard Eléonore: “Autonomy and the Crisis of the Feminist Subject: Revisiting Okin’s Dilemma”,
Constellations. An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory. 18(2): 205-221; 2011.
Lépinard, Eléonore: "In the Name of Equality? The missing intersection in Canadian feminists' legal
mobilization against multiculturalism" American Behavioral Scientist's, 53(12): 1763-1787, 2010 .
Jenson, Jane and Eléonore Lépinard: “Penser le genre en science politique: vers une typologie des usages du
concept”[Thinking Gender in Political Science: Towards a Typology of how to use the concept], Revue
française de science politique, 59(2), 2009
Lépinard, Eléonore : « The Contentious Subject of Feminism: Defining 'Women' in France from the Second
Wave to Parity», Signs, journal of women in culture and society, 32 (2), 2007.
Lépinard, Eléonore: « Faire la loi, faire le genre. Conflits d'interprétation juridiques sur la parité», [Doing Law,
Doing Gender. Conflict of Juridical Interpretation on the Parity Laws] Droit et société, 62, p.45-66, 2006.
Lépinard, Eléonore: « Identity without politics: Framing the Parity Laws and Their Implementation in French
local politics », Social Politics, International Studies in Gender, State, and Society, 13 (1), p.29-58, 2006
Lépinard, Eléonore : « Malaise dans le concept. Différence, identité et théorie féministe », [Gender and its
discontents. Difference, Identity and Feminist Theory] Cahiers du genre, 39, p.109-137, 2005
Lépinard, Eléonore, Bereni, Laure : « La parité ou le mythe d’une exception française », Pouvoirs, [The Parity
Laws and the Myth of French Exceptionalism]111, p.73-85, 2004.
Bereni Laure, Lépinard Eléonore, « ‘Les femmes ne sont pas une catégorie’ : les stratégies de légitimation de la
parité en France », [‘Women are not a category’: The strategies to legitimize the parity laws in France ]in
Revue française de science politique, 54(1), p.71-98, 2004.
Eléonore Lépinard-­‐ 4 Bereni Laure, Lépinard Eléonore, « La parité, contresens de l’égalité ? Cadrage discursif et pratiques d’une
réforme », [Parity: Equality Misunderstood? Discursive Framing and Practices of a reform] in Nouvelles
questions féministes, n°22 (3), 2003, p.12-31.
Lépinard Eléonore, « Une occasion perdue: l’exemple français des politiques publiques des bureaux des
temps », [A Lost Opportunity: the French case of the time reform] in Les Cahiers du genre, n° 33, 2002.
Work in Progress / Under Review
Lépinard, Eléonore: “Migrating concepts: Immigrant Integration and the Regulation of Religion in France and
Canada” under review, Journal of ethnic and migration studies
Co-Editor (with Leah Bassel) of a “Critical Perspectives” issue for Politics and Gender (official journal of APSA
women and politics section) on intersectionality. Project accepted by the editorial board. Submissions
for November 2012.
Lépinard, Eléonore “Doing intersectionality: four repertoires of feminist practices in comparative perspective”
paper in preparation to be submitted to Gender and Society.
Lépinard, Eléonore: “Adjudicating Morals or Rights? The Accommodation of Muslim Religious Practices in
France and Canada” paper in preparation for submission to Law and Society Review
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Lépinard, Eléonore: “From Immigrants to Muslims? Shifting categories of the French regime of inclusion”, in
Avigail Eisenberg and Will Kymlicka (eds.) Identity Politics in the Public Sphere. Bringing Institutions Back In,
Vancouver: UBC Press 2011.
Lépinard, Eléonore and Mazur, Amy: “Republican Universalism Faces the Feminist Challenge: The
Continuing Struggle for Gender Equality”, in Brouard, Sylvain, Appleton, Andrew M. and Mazur, Amy
G. (eds.), The French Fifth Republic at Fifty. Beyond Stereotypes, New York: Palgrave, 2009.
Lépinard, Eléonore: "Gender and Multiculturalism", in Alistair Cole, Patrick LeGalès and Jonah Levy (eds.),
Developments in French Politics 4, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Lépinard, Eléonore, « Les femmes vecteur de changement en politique locale : réalités et illusions d’un
discours consacré »[Women and change in local politics: truths and illusions of a legitimate discourse],
in Denèfle, Sylvie (ed.), Femmes et villes, Tours: Presses universitaires François Rabelais. 2004.
Lépinard Eléonore, « Les paradoxes des discours féministes sur la parité politique »,[The paradoxes of the
feminist discourses on the parity laws] in Lagrave Rose-Marie, Gestin Agathe, Lépinard Eléonore,
Pruvost Geneviève (ed.) Dissemblances, Jeux et enjeux du genre, Paris: L’Harmattan. 2002.
Lépinard Eléonore, « Un travail à-côté : le rôle des soignants dans la division du travail sentimental », [A work
on the side: the role of nurses in the sentimental division of work] in Cresson Geneviève, Schweyer
François-Xavier (ed.) Professions et institutions de santé face à l’organisation du travail, Rennes, Editions ENSP,
Articles in Professional Reviews
Lépinard, Eléonore: “Dangerous Encounters: Gender and Multiculturalism in Europe and Beyond”,
Perspectives on Europe
(publication of the Council for European Studies), Spring 2012.
Eléonore Lépinard-­‐ 5 Reports
Lépinard Eléonore and Patrick Simon “From Integration, to Antidiscrimination… to Diversity?
Antidiscrimination Policies and Politics in French Workplaces” report for A European Approach to
Multicultural Citizenship, European Commission, FP6, 2009.
Lépinard Eléonore “Des lois d’exception pour l’Islam? Religion et discrimination dans les modèles
multiculturaliste et républicain: une comparaison France/Canada”, [Laws of Exception for Islam?
Religion and Discrimination in the Multiculturalist and Republican Models: A Comparison Between
France and Canada] Final Report, French ministry of Social Affairs, DREES/MIRe, 2008.
Jacqueline Heinen, Lépinard Eléonore, Marylène Lieber “Gender and Local management of Change: Final
Report”, European Commission, FP5, 2004.
Book reviews
On Gary Goertz and Amy G. Mazur (eds.), Politics, Gender and Concepts. Theory and Methodology. Cambridge
University Press, 2008, in Canadian Journal of Political Science 2011
On Ralph Grillo, Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari, André J. Hoekema, Marcel Maussen and Prakash Shah
(eds.) Legal Practice and Cultural Diversity, Ashgate : 2009, in Droit et Société, 2011
On Isabelle Giraud et Pascale Dufour, Dix ans de solidarité planétaire. Perspectives sociologiques sur la marche mondiale
des femmes, Montréal : Editions du Remue ménage, 2010, in Cahiers du Genre 2011
On Benhabib, Seyla, Shapiro, Ian, et Petranovic, Danilo (eds.), Identities, Affiliations and Allegiances, Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 2007, Canadian Journal of Political Science
On Stuart Hall, Identités et Cultures, politiques des cultural studies, [Identities and Cultures. The Politics of Cultural
studies] Paris, Editions Amsterdam, 2007, in Les cahiers du genre.
On Katherine A.R. Opello, Gender Quotas, Parity Reform and Political Parties in France, Lexington Books, Lanham,
2006, in French Politics, Culture and Society
On Jacques Commaille et Martine Kaluszynski (dir.) La fonction politique de la justice, [On the political role of the
Judiciary]Paris, La Découverte-Recherches, 2007 in Revue française de science politique, 2008.
On Teresa de Lauretis, Théorie Queer et cultures populaires, de Foucault à Cronenberg, [Queer Theory and Popular
Cultures, From Foucault to Cronenberg]Paris, La Dispute, 2007, in Travail, genre et société, 2008.
On Joan Wallach Scott Parité! L'universel et la différence des sexes, [French translation of Parité! Sexual Equality and
the Crisis of French Universalism]Paris, Albin Michel, 2005, in Critique internationale, fall 2007.
On Catharine McKinnon, Le féminisme irréductible (French translation of Feminism Unmodified) Paris, Editions des
femmes, 2005, in Les Cahiers du genre, n°42/2007, p.219-222.
On Herrick Chapman and Laura Frader (eds.), Race in France, New York, Bergham Books, 2004, in Les Cahiers
du genre, n°41/2006, p.224-227
Selection of Papers presented in Conferences and Invited Presentations
Lépinard, Eléonore « Doing Intersectionality: a Comparison of France and Canada », preconference workshop
« In this Together ? » organized by RC’s 7, 19 and 52, International Political Science Association,
Madrid, July 7th 2012.
Lépinard, Eléonore : « Examining the politics of accommodation », invited paper for the workshop on Joseph
Carens’ book The Ethics of Migration, European University Institute, May 21st-22nd 2012
Eléonore Lépinard-­‐ 6 Lépinard Eléonore : « Laïcité or Integration by Other Means : The Islamic Veil Bans and the Transformation
of French Secularism », invited presentation, workshop « Unveiling Colonialism in the Republic »,
European University Institute, Florence, March 14th 2012.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Doing Intersectionality : How Women’s Movements Respond to the Challenge of
Inclusion in France and Canada », invited conference, Rutgers University (Dept. of political Science),
N.J., November 22nd 2011.
Lépinard Eléonore : « From Parity to Intersectionality : a Difficult Passage », theme panel (conference’s
theme : The Politics of Rights), American Political Science Association Meeting, Seattle, 1st-4th 2011.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Intersectionality Modified : Varieties of Feminist Practices in France and Canada »,
regular panel, American Political Science Association Meeting, Seattle, September 1st-4th 2011.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Repenser l’autonomie, réinventer le féminisme ? » [Thinking autonomy, reinventing
feminism ? ] invited conference, Presage Program (gender studies), Sciences Po Paris, April 19th 2011.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Immigrant integration or religious discrimination ? » invited presentation for the
workshop « Immigrant integration : theories, policies and practices », University of Toronto, April 8-9
Lépinard Eléonore : « Multiculturalism : Robust Enough to Resist Secularism? Evidences from France and
Canada » invited presentation for the conference « The Maturing of the Multicultural Experiment »,
European Union Center of Excellence, York University, March 7th 2011.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Autonomy and the Crisis of the Feminist Subject », regular panel, 2nd Conference on
Politics and Gender, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Budapest, January 11th13th 2011.
Lépinard Eléonore : « The Constitutional Politics of Islam in France and Canada. Explaining Accommodation
and Exclusion », Law and Society Association (LSA) annual meeting, regular panel, Chicago, 27-30 May
Lépinard Eléonore : « The Constitutional Politics of Islam in Liberal States. Integrating Muslims in Canada
and France », invited presentation, American Bar Foundation’ seminar, May 5th 2010.
Lépinard Eléonore : « From Race to Religion : The Changing Philosophies of Integration in France and
Canada », American Political Science Association Meeting, theme panel, Toronto, 3rd-6th September
Lépinard, Eléonore: “The French Reform of Higher Education” invited presentation, Center for European
Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge Ma., May, 4th 2009
Lépinard Eléonore : “How Secularism Think Consent: Comparing the Bouchard-Taylor and the Stasi
Reports”, invited presentation, conference on « The Taylor-Bouchard report one year later :
international perspectives », Université de Montréal, Montréal, May 1st and 2nd 2009
Lépinard Eléonore : « Des lois d’exception pour l’Islam ? Régulation politique et juridique du Religieux en
Ontario et en France », [Laws of exception for Islam ? Political and juridical regulation of religions in
Ontario and France] invited presentation at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Diversity in
Québec, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, April 3rd 2009.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Gender and secularism », invited presentation at the Center on Values and Ethics,
Carleton University, Canada, March 23rd 2009.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Guarding Gender Equality in a Multicultural World ? The conundrum of contemporary
women’s mobilization in France and Canada », regular panel, 1st Conference on Politics and Gender,
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Belfast, Northern Ireland, January 21st-23rd
Lépinard Eléonore: "Féminisme vs. Multiculturalisme? Les théories et les pratiques de l'émancipation à
l'épreuve du pluralisme culturel et religieux", [Feminism v. Multiculturalism? Theories and social
Eléonore Lépinard-­‐ 7 practices of emancipation confront religious and cultural pluralism] plenary session, French Political
Science Association meeting, Toulouse, France, 5th-7th September 2007.
Lépinard Eléonore: “Sisyphean Work: The French Republican Model and Affirmative Action in France”,
workshop on Globalizing Affirmative Action (organizer: Kimberlé Crenshaw), Bellagio, Rockefeller
Foundation, August 1-10th, 2007.
Lépinard Eléonore: "In the name of equality? Feminist legal consciousness and patterns of mobilization
against multiculturalism in Canada", invited presentation, workshop of the Institute for European
Studies, McGill University/Université de Montréal, Canada, Montréal July 9th 2007.
Lépinard Eléonore, "L'égalité introuvable. La parité, les féministes et la République", [Elusive Equality. Parity,
the feminists and the Republic] invited presentation at the Center of Political Sociology, Université
Libre de Bruxelles (Brussels Free University), Belgium, March, 19th 2007
Lépinard, Eléonore: « Was Paris Burning ? Race, Power and Politics in France », American Political Science
Association Annual Meeting, roundtable, Philadelphia, August 31st - September 3rd 2006.
Lépinard, Eléonore: « The Contentious Subject of Feminism: Defining 'Women' in France from the Second
Wave to Parity», regular session, Sex and Gender section, American Sociological Association (ASA)
Annual Meetings, Montréal, August 10th-14th 2006.
Lépinard, Eléonore: « La production des clivages par le droit: la mobilisation des catégories juridiques par les
mouvements de femmes en France et en Ontario », [When Law produces social conflicts. The
mobilization of legal categories by women’s movements in France and Ontario] invited talk for the 50th
anniversary of the sociology department, Université de Montréal, Canada, 24th -25th March 2006.
Lépinard, Eléonore : « Claiming Equal Shares in Political Representation. Parity, Universalism and
Particularism”, invited conference, School of Law, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, February 13th
Lépinard, Eléonore: « Féminisme vs. Multiculturalisme à la française ? La parité et le modèle républicain »,
[Feminism v. Multiculturalism: the French Way?] invited talk, Canadian research Chair in Globalisation
and Democracy, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, December 8th 2005.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Ambivalent categories and problematic outcomes of gender quotas: The struggle over
the definition of gender equality in the French parity debate », Network for European Women’s Rights
Final Conference, Birmingham, June 30th & July 1st 2005.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Lost in Translation ? The Ambivalent Uses of European Incentives in French Gender
Equality Policies », European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions, Granada, April,
14th-19th 2005.
Lépinard, Eléonore: “From Gender Gap to Gender Equality? Assessing the Role of Rhetorical Frames in the
Implementation of Gender Quotas in Political Representation in France”, invited presentation,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India, February 24th 2005.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Identity Politics and the French Republican Ideology: The Making of the Parity Laws »,
invited conference, Institute of French Studies, New York University, March 21st 2004.
Lépinard Eléonore: « La parité: une politique d’égalité des sexes? Les implications du ‘modèle républicain’
dans la construction d’une revendication politique », [Parity: a policy fo equality? The role of the
“republican model” in the crafting of an equality claim] French Sociological Association meetings,
Paris, February 25th 2004.
Lépinard Eléonore : « Gendered Identities, Gendered Politics ? Framing Difference in the French Parity Debate
», invited presentation, Institute for Research on Women annual seminar, Rutgers University, NJ,
November 6th 2003.
Lépinard Eléonore: « From Gender Gap to Gender Equality? Hopes and Failures of the French Parity Laws
in Politics », invited talk, Network for European Women’s Right, (European Commission), Helsinki,
Finland, September 5th and 6th 2003.
Eléonore Lépinard-­‐ 8 Lépinard Eléonore, Bereni Laure, « ‘Les femmes ne sont pas une catégorie’ : les conséquences des rhétoriques
de légitimation de la parité », invited presentation, Center for the Study of International Relations
(CERI), Paris, France, January 10th 2003.
Lépinard Eléonore, « Oppositions to Changes in Local Politics : the Case of the Sex-Parity Law in France»,
13th Conference of the Europeanists (CES), Chicago, March 16th 2002.
Lépinard Eléonore, “le débat sur la parité ou le féminisme à l’épreuve du politique”, invited presentation,
November 23rd 2000, Paris, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
Mallard Grégoire, Lépinard, Eléonore, Foucault, Martial and Lépinay Vincent:
“Pour une collégialité réelle.” [A claim for collegiality in the French Universities] Libération April 9th
“Pour des universités plus justes.” [A claim for a just University] La vie des idées, February 17th2009.
“Une évaluation collégiale et transparente.” [Transparency and collegiality in peer evaluation]Le Monde
February 6th 2009. .
Mallard Grégoire and Eléonore Lépinard: “La réforme ignore les prépas.” Libération July 24th 2007
Teaching Experience
INT 1000 “Introduction aux Etudes Internationales” [introduction to international studies]
Winter 2012
POL 3910 “Genre et Politique” [Gender and politics]
Fall Semesters 2008/2010/2012
POL 3908 “Politiques multiculturelles Comparées” [Comparative Multicultural politics]
Fall 2010
POL 6618 “Politiques Multiculturelles” [Multicultural Politics]
Winter 2009 and 2011
Seminar in political theory, advanced undergraduate class
Gender and politics, undergraduate class
Sociology of family, undergraduate class
Fall 2006
Fall 2006
Professional Responsibilities
Co-chair (with Eline Peterson), “Intersectionality, Citizenship and Multiculturalism” section of the European
Conference on Politics and Gender 2013 (Standing group on Gender, European Consortium for Political
Research – ECPR)
Panel organizer “The theory and politics of intersectionality in comparative perspective”, Conference of
Europeanists, Amsterdam, June 2013.
Panel organizer (with Leah Bassel), “Feminist movements and the challenge of pluralism: practices of
intersectionality in a comparative perspective”, American Political Science Association Conference, Seattle, September
Panel organizer, “Antidiscrimination in Europe and beyond”, Law and Society Association Conference, Chicago,
May 2010
Panel organizer (with Daniel Sabbagh), “Race politics in a comparative perspective”, theme panel, American
Political Science Association Conference, Toronto, September 2009.
Eléonore Lépinard-­‐ 9 Reviews of manuscripts for:
Canadian Journal of Political Science (2), Canadian Public Policy (1), Ethnicities (1), Recherches Féministes (1), French
Politics (3), Journal of Politics (JOP) (1), Law and Society Review (2), Lien Social et Politique (1), Signs, a journal in women,
culture and society (2), Social Politics (2), Sociologie et sociétés (1), Politique et société (1), Comparative European Politics (1)
Member of the Board of the European Union Center of Excellence, Université de Montréal/McGill
Member of the Jury of the Jill Vickers Prize for the best paper in Gender and Politics presented at the
Canadian Political Science Association conference (2011).
Reviewer for the scholarship program (master and PhD) of the Québec Fund for Research on Society and
Culture (FQRSC – the largest academic funding program in Québec)
Member of the editorial boards of French gender studies journal Cahiers du genre.
Languages Skills
• French: native language
• English: fluent (TOEFL score 2002: 287/300)
• Spanish : intermediate
• Italian: beginner

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