
OCTOBER 14, 2012
Friday Holy Hour
2560 Tilson Road
Decatur, GA 30032
Main: 404-241-5862
Fax: 404-241-5839
Price Hall : 404-241-1795
Please join us on Friday mornings for the 8:30 Mass (in the chapel),
followed by a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
9:00-10:00AM. During October, which is the Month of the Rosary,
we will be praying the Rosary during the Holy Hour. All are welcome.
Welcome Back!
Sts. Peter and Paul extends a BIG WELCOME to our new deacon,
Jim Anderson, who is also a returning parishioner.
2012 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
Parish Goal: $52,200
Amount Pledged: $42,916
Amount Paid: $31,349
(As of 10/5/2012)
If you have questions about your pledge, please contact the Stewardship Office at
[email protected] or (404) 920-7600.
Women of Faith & Movement
For women ages 19 years and older: Women of Faith & Movement Bible Study and Prayer continues Mondays, 7:00-8:30PM.
For group study: Matthew 26-28.
Dates to Remember
Oct. 20-Haitian Fundraiser for Vestments
Nov. 3-Haitian Community’s Anniversary
Nov. 10-KPCLA Prayer Breakfast
Nov. 17/18-Craft Bazaar
Nov. 17-Women’s Council General Mtg.
Nov. 30-Dec. 2-Men’s Retreat
Dec. 1-Nursing Home Christmas Party
Dec. 9-St. Nicholas Breakfast
Dec. 11-Advent Penance Service
Dec. 15-Advent Dance
Dec. 16-Spirit Tour of Homes
Dec. 23-Church Decorating for Christmas
Dec. 31-KPC New Year’s Eve Dance
KPCLA Annual Scholarship Prayer Breakfast
“The Lord is speaking. Do we hear him?
Are we ready to follow his command?”
Saturday, November 10th at 9:00AM in the school gym
Guest Speaker: Lady Felicia Moss Mayfield
Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door.
Next Weekend’s Second Collection
Next week’s second collection is a combination of three collections: World
Missions, the Church in Latin America, and the Church in Central & Eastern Europe. United with the Catholics of the world at the Table of the Lord,
we recommit ourselves to our vocation, through Baptism, to be missionaries. Our prayers and Eucharistic celebration next Sunday are directed in a
special way toward our brothers and sisters throughout the world who are
waiting to hear the joyous “Good News” of Jesus. Please be extra generous
as this collection will be divided between three very important needs.
Parish Office
(404) 241-5862
Fax (404) 241-5839
Sacramental Emergencies only (678) 561-3676
Rev. Bryan D. Small, Pastor, ext. 102
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Alfred Mitchell, Deacon
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Jerry M. Lett, Deacon
[email protected]
Rev. Mr. Augustin Pierre-Louis, Deacon
[email protected]
Parish Staff
Gloria George-Patrick, ext. 103
Religious Ed. Director
[email protected]
Ron Whalen, ext. 105
Business Manager
[email protected]
Marie Fujioka, ext. 100
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Jack Tilson
Director of Music
William Hutson
Haitian Community, ext. 305
October 14, 2012
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, 15th
8:30AM Communion Service
Wednesday, 17th
6:30PM Terrance Duffy
Friday, 19th
8:30AM Ariana Hamlett
Saturday, 20th
8:30AM Maria Duffy
4:30PM Confessions
Sunday 21st
8:30AM Agnes Driskell, d’csd.
11:30AM Marie David, d’csd.
1:30PM For the people of Sts. Peter and Paul
This Coming Week
Monday, 15th
Novena 7:00PM-Chapel
Women of Faith 7:00PM-Classroom
Men’s Club 7:30PM-Parish Office (C)
Tuesday, 16th
Young at Heart 12:00PM-Parish Office (C)
Women’s Council Board 7:00PM-Parish Office (C)
Finance Council 7:00PM-Parish Office (M)
Wednesday, 17th
Bible Study 10:30AM-Parish Office (C)
Choir Rehearsal 6:00PM-Church
Scripture Study 7:00PM-Price Hall
Thursday, 18th
Haitian Rehearsal 7:00PM-Church
Liturgy Committee 7:00PM-Parish Office (C)
Friday, 19th
Adoration 9:00-10:00AM-Chapel
Saturday, 20th
Bible Study 9:00AM-Parish Office
Altar Servers 9:;30AM-Church
Outreach 9:45-11:00AM
Haitian Fundraiser for Vestments 6:30PM-Price Hall
Sunday, 21st
Sunday School 10:00AM-Classrooms
RCIA Class 10:00AM-Parish Office (C)
KPC Breakfast 10:00AM-Price Hall
Adult Enrichment 10:15AM-Classroom
KPC Brunch 1:00PM-Price Hall
Lyke House’s 13th Anniversary
Stewardship-A Disciple’s Response
God bless you all for your generous offering!
Oct. 7th $11,816.94
Children’s Offertory $84.11
Building Fund $2,284.00
Pennies from Heaven $22.84
Parish Outreach $1,083.25
Do not confuse notoriety and fame with greatness… For you
see, greatness is a measure of one’s spirit, not a result of one’s
rank in human affairs.
—Sherman Finesilver, Chief Judge, US District Court
Readings for the Week
Monday, 15th St. Teresa of Jesus
Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31-5:1
Ps 113:1-7
Lk 11:29-32
Tuesday, 16th St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Gal 5:1-6
Ps 119:41,43-45,47-48
Lk 11:37-41
Wednesday, 17th St. Ignatius of Antioch
Gal 5:18-25
Ps 1:1-4,6
Lk 11:42-46
Thursday, 18th St. Luke, Evangelist
2 Tm 4:10-17b
Ps 145:10-13ab,17-18
Lk 10:1-9
Friday, 19th Sts. John de Brebeuf & Isaac Jogues & Companions
Eph 1:11-14
Ps 33:1-2,4-5,12-13
Lk 12:1-7
Saturday, 20th St. Paul of the Cross
Eph 1:15-23
Ps 8:2-7
Lk 12:8-12
Sunday 21st Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 53:10-11 Ps 33:4-5,18-20,22 Heb 4:14-16 Mk 10:35-45
Please pray for the sick of our
parish and those who have
asked for our prayers, especially:
Bill Allen, Ulysses Bailey Jr., Jerome &
Lula Bullard, Ephraim Burrell, Bob
Carter, Stephanie Cooper, Ida Cruse,
Phyllis Daniel, Michael Dash, Patricia
Davis, Webert Devilme, Jean Driskell,
Christine Edwards, Barbara Boswell
Fields, Mary Flournoy, Elaine
Galbreath, Sharon Giles, Yohannes
Hamido, Laura Hassell, Grace Hodge,
Willie Hugley, Brittany Ivory-Brown,
Joseph Mario Jean-Louis, Rosemary
Jean-Louis, Yvonne Kage, Dot Lewis,
Rita Maag, Elsa McBean, Barbara
McElrath, Dianna Menefield,
Christopher Nicholas, Dulcie Philip,
Grace Powers, William O’Neal, Lynette
Reid, Charles & Emma Reynolds,
Lamercie Sanon, Audrey Shirley, John
Sylvester, Roland Woods, Donald &
Robbie Wright, Sharon Wyatt
Please help us to keep our prayer list
updated-by adding or removing names.
Sacramental Schedule
Altar Servers’
For 10/20-21/12
5:00PM Mass
Anthony Ogbonna
Keenan Tinsley
8:30AM Mass
Janelle James
Janice James
11:30AM Mass
Cecil Morton
Matthew Ojeda
1:30PM Mass
Jonathan Chery
Fanergela Jean-Francois
Notes From The Catholic Foundation
of North Georgia
You keep saying you are going to get a Will. Did you
know that between 60% and 70% of Americans die without a Will. The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia has
made it easy for you to plan your Will. Simply go to and click on Plan Your Will. The
program is free and confidential. It will walk you through everything
you need to think about and be aware of when making your Will.
Once you have worked through this program you can print the document to take to your attorney. Pre-planning should save you money
and once your Will is made it will give you and your family peace of
mind. When planning, remember that the parish is part of your family, so please include the parish in your Will. For additional information about Will planning or making other gifts from your estate, call
Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, (404) 497-9440 or email [email protected]
The 13th Anniversary of the dedication of Lyke House-The
Catholic Center at AUC will be commemorated October 18th21st. This year, the celebration will be different as well as historic in two ways; we will celebrate not only the anniversary, but
the ordination to the priesthood of our first baptismal candidate,
Fr. Christopher Rhodes. Thursday, October 18th, the staff and
faculty from the AUC are invited to join us for an Open House,
5:00-7:00PM. Friday, October 19th, members of neighboring
parish communities are invited to a light repast 6:00-8:00PM.
Saturday, October 20th, Lyke House students will participate in
a Day of Service. Sunday Mass at 10:15AM will be observed
with Fr. Rhodes, celebrant.
Do you recycle? Buy organics or fair trade? How does that fit in your
Catholic faith? Grow your understanding of what it means to be a
good steward of God’s creation by joining other Catholics at a halfday retreat at the Monastery in Conyers Saturday, October 20th,
9:30AM-2:00PM. We will take a guided walk through the woods,
learn about green burial and reflect on our call to stewardship. All are
welcome, but RSVP is required. There is a $30 fee for the event that
includes a boxed lunch. Please RSVP to Nancy Sestak,
[email protected] for more information and to reserve a spot.
Journey of Hope Workshop Series
Haitian Corner
Divorced is hosting a variety of one-day workshops
designed to help divorced and separated Catholics in addressing
the key issues they face. The participants will gain new insights
and strategies to better handle these important challenges. The
first series will be held at St. Patrick Church, 2140 Beaver Ruin
Rd., Norcross 30071. The series & dates: Living the Faith, October 27th; Restoring Hope, November 10th; Children & Divorce,
January 26th. The workshops are 9:00AM-4:30PM in Classroom
3. Cost is $49 for each workshop, and includes all materials and
lunch. Partial and full scholarships are available. No one is
turned away. To register and for more information, please go to: or call (678) 905-0565.
Gala 2012: A Bountiful Harvest
Want to have a GREAT TIME for a GREAT CAUSE? Our
Lady of Mercy Catholic High School is hosting its Gala 2012: A
Bountiful Harvest on Saturday, November 3rd at 6:30PM at the
school. Seated dinner is a full Thanksgiving feast served family
style at each table
(beer/wine & cocktails included). Live &
silent auction items
include: Disney World
passes, 1 week stay at
Destin beach house,
spa packages, a Bible
signed by Archbishop
Gregory, NASCAR
racing & golfing packages, and much more.
Do your Christmas
shopping at the Gala!
Please support our students by attending or making a donation.
For tickets, please call the school at (770) 461-2202 ext. 453.
Visit for details. Our Lady of Mercy is
located at 861 Highway 279, Fayetteville 30214.
Catholics Caring for Creation Day of Reflection
Le vrai trésor
La première lecture nous a rapporté un extrait du 2ème livre de la Sagesse.
Ce texte a été écrit au cours du 1er siècle avant Jésus Christ. Il fait l’éloge de
la Sagesse. Sa conviction est très forte : seule la sagesse conduit le monde
dans la direction voulue par Dieu. Le sage, c’est celui qui sait mener sa barque contre vents et tempêtes. Cette lecture nous dit que la sagesse est bien
plus précieuse que la richesse. Sans elle, la vie n’a pas de sens. Cet éloge de
la sagesse est placé dans la bouche de Salomon qui vient de succéder à son
père David. Il se rend compte de la très lourde charge qui l’attend. Alors, il
demande à Dieu de lui donner un cœur ouvert et attentif. C’est ainsi qu’il
pourra recevoir la sagesse qui saura le guider dans le gouvernement de son
Cette recherche de la sagesse est fondamentale. C’est comme un trésor extraordinaire. Mais pour l’acquérir, il faut être prêt à vendre tout. Cette sagesse
est le fruit de la prière. Elle n’est pas une conquête de la raison mais un don
de Dieu. Il est sans cesse présent et agissant dans la vie des hommes. Il n’attend qu’une chose, c’est que nous lui ouvrions la porte de notre cœur.
A côté de cet éloge de la Sagesse, nous avons celui de la Parole de Dieu.
C’est l’extrait de la lettre aux Hébreux dans la seconde lecture. C’est une
parole qui ne se contente pas de nous instruire. Elle nous révèle à nousmêmes tels que Dieu nous voit. Elle discerne ce qu’il y a de plus intime au
cœur de chacun. Il nous faut absolument la prendre au sérieux car elle vient
de Dieu. Elle est même « la Parole vivante de Dieu ». Si nous l’accueillons,
elle devient pour nous « source de vie ». Si nous lui résistons, elle nous brule. Elle fait naître en nous la souffrance et l’inquiétude. Si nous l’accueillons,
elle illumine notre vie. Elle nous donne le courage et la force de progresser
sur le chemin du bien et de l’amour.
Voilà donc ces deux premières lectures qui nous parlent de la sagesse et de la
Parole. Avec l’Evangile, nous faisons un pas de plus : Jésus nous est présenté
comme Sagesse et Parole de Dieu. Nous l’entendons parler de tout quitter
pour le suivre.