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front matter 30(3) U of A.p65
Revue canadienne de l’éducation
Canadian Journal of Education
Volume 30
/ Numéro 3
Julia Ellis
Sam Robinson
Jean Plante
Production Editor
Diane Favreau
Editorial Advisory Board / Conseil aviseur de rédaction
Rochelle Skogen, University of Alberta, CACS/ACÉC
Graham Pike, University of Prince Edward Island, ACDE/ACDÉ
Nancy Perry, The University of British Columbia, CAEP/ACP
Janice Wallace, University of Alberta, CASWE/ACÉFÉ
Sharon Cook, The University of Ottawa, CAFE/ACÉFÉ
Matthew Meyer, St. Francis Xavier University, CASEA/ACÉAS
Louis Volante, Brock University, CATE/ACFE
Helen Raptis, University of Victoria CERA/ ACCE
Reva Joshee, Ontario Institute for the Study of Education, CIESC/SCÉCI
Virginia Stead, Ontario Institute for the STudy of Education of the University of Toronto, CCGSE/CCÉDÉ
Nous tenons à remercier vivement le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du
Canada pour son aide financière ainsi que l’Université de Sherbrooke et l’University of
Saskatchewan qui nous assurent de leur soutien.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada and the support of the University of Sherbrooke and the
University of Saskatchewan in the publication of this journal.
Nous reconnaissons l’aide financière du gouvernement du Canada, par l’entremise du
Programme d’aide aux publications (PAP), pour nos dépenses d’envoi postal.
We also acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the
Publications Assistance Program (PAP), towards our mailing costs.
© Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation/Canadian Society for the Study of Education/
ISSN 0380-2361
Numéro d’enregistrement pour la TPS /GST Registration No. R 106866874
Poste-publications enregistrement no 09699/Publications Mail Registration No. 09699
novembre / November 2007
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La Revue canadienne de l’éducation est répertoriée dans/
The Canadian Journal of Education is indexed in
Répertoire canadien sur l’éducation/Canadian Education Index, Canadian Magazine Index,
Index des périodiques canadiens/Canadian Periodical Index, Canadian Women’s
Periodicals Index, Contents Pages in Education, Current Index to Journals in Education,
Education Index, Educational Technology Abstracts, Linguistic and Language Behavior
Abstracts, PAIS Bulletin, Public Affairs Information Service, Psychological Abstracts, Research
into Higher Education Abstracts, Sociology of Education Abstracts, Special Education Needs
Abstracts, Studies in Women Abstracts.
Revue canadienne de l’éducation / Canadian Journal of Education
Table des matières / Contents
The Influence of Students with Special Needs Included in Grade-3
Classrooms on the Large-Scale Achievement Scores of Students
without Special Needs
Henk Demeris, Ruth A. Childs, & Anne Jordan
Starting Kindergarten: Transition Issues for Children with Special
Magdalena Janus, Jessica Lefort, Ruth Cameron, & Lauren Kopechanski
Differences in Achievement between Adolescents Who Remain
in a K-8 School and Those Who Transition to a Junior High School
Jessica Whitley, Judy L. Lupart, & Tanya Beran
“I want to use my subject matter to...”: The Role of Purpose in One
U.S. Secondary History Teacher’s Instructional Decision Making
Stephanie van Hover & Elizabeth Yeager
Profil scriptural d’élèves franco-albertains du primaire en vue de
l’implantation d’un programme d’intervention en écriture
Martine Cavanagh
Organizational Justice as a Framework for Understanding UnionManagement Relations in Education
Wendy L. Poole
Exploring Teacher Candidates’ Assessment Literacy: Implications
for Teacher Education Reform and Professional Development
Louis Volante & Xavier Fazio
Travels in Space and Place: Identity and Rural Schooling
Michael Corbett
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Participatory Evaluation as Educational Outreach: Working in
Unsettling Times
Carol E. Harris
Transforming Narrative Encounters
Anne Murray Orr & Margaret Olson
Artist-Teacher Partnerships in Learning: The In/Between Spaces
of Artist-Teacher Professional Development
Sylvia Kind, Alex de Cosson, Rita L. Irwin, & Kit Grauer
The Diaspora Sensibility in Teacher Identity: Locating Self
Through Story
Mary Kooy & Elizabeth de Freitas
A Survey of Teachers’ and Principals’ Practices and Challenges in
Fostering New Immigrant Parent Involvement
Shelley Stagg Peterson & Mary Ladky
Severity of Academic Achievement and Social Skills Deficits
Elana L. Bloom, Anastasia Karagiannakis, Nancy L. Heath, & Effie
Slippery as fish...but already caught? Secondary Students’
Engagement with School Rules
Rebecca Raby & Julie Domitrek
Recensions / Book Reviews
Michael Corbett. (2007). Learning to Leave: The Irony of Schooling in a
Coastal Community
by Leona M. English
Patrick J. Lewis. (2007). How We Think, But Not in School: A Storied
Approach to Teaching
by Anne Murray Orr
Ernest Balajithy and Sally Lipa-Wade. (2003). Struggling Readers:
Assessment and Instruction in Grades K-6
by Jia Li
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Jim Crowther, Vernon Galloway, and Ian Martin. (Eds.). (2005).
Popular Education: Engaging the Academy - International Perspectives
by Angelina T. Wong
Emery J. Hyslop-Margison. (2005). Liberalizing Vocational Study:
Democratic Approaches to Career Education
by Jon G. Bradley
Lisa A. Long (Ed.). (2005). White Scholars/African American Texts
by Henry M. Codjoe
Stephen V. Faraone. (2003). Straight Talk About Your Child’s Mental
Health: What to Do When Something Seems Wrong
by Teresa Paslawski & Garnett Francis
Les opinions exprimées et les résultats de recherche transmis dans
la Revue canadienne de l’éducation n’engagent pas la Société
canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation, les membres de leur Bureau
de direction et les membres de leur Conseil d’administration.
The opinions and findings expressed in the Canadian Journal of
Education are not necessarily those of the Canadian Society for
the Study of Education or their respective Directors and Officers.
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