Table des matières


Table des matières
Canadian Journal of Education
Revue canadienne de l’éducation
Volume 30
/ Numéro 4
Julia Ellis
Sam Robinson
Editorial Assistant
Georgina R. Zaharia Saranchuk
Jean Plante
Production Editor
Diane Favreau
Book Review Editor
Carla DiGiorgio
Editorial Advisory Board / Conseil aviseur de rédaction
Rochelle Skogen, University of Alberta, CACS/ACÉC
Graham Pike, University of Prince Edward Island, ACDE/ACDÉ
Nancy Perry, The University of British Columbia, CAEP/ACP
Janice Wallace, University of Alberta, CASWE/ACÉFÉ
Sharon Cook, The University of Ottawa, CAFE/ACÉFÉ
Matthew Meyer, St. Francis Xavier University, CASEA/ACÉAS
Louis Volante, Brock University, CATE/ACFE
Helen Raptis, University of Victoria CERA/ ACCE
Reva Joshee, Ontario Institute for the Study of Education of the University of
Virginia Stead, Ontario Institute for the Study of Education of the University of
We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada and the support of the University of Sherbrooke and the University of Saskatchewan in the publication
of this journal.
Nous tenons à remercier vivement le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada pour son aide
financière ainsi que l’Université de Sherbrooke et l’University of Saskatchewan qui nous assurent de leur
We also acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance
Program (PAP), towards our mailing costs.
Nous reconnaissons l’aide financière du gouvernement du Canada, par l’entremise du Programme d’aide aux
publications (PAP), pour nos dépenses d’envoi postal.
© Canadian Society for the Study of Education/Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation
ISSN 0380-2361
GST Registration No. R 106866874/Numéro d’enregistrement pour la TPS
Publications Mail Registration No. 09699 / Poste-publications enregistrement no 09699
December / décembre 2007
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The Canadian Journal of Education is indexed in
La Revue canadienne de l’éducation est répertoriée dans/
Répertoire canadien sur l’éducation/Canadian Education Index, Canadian Magazine Index,
Index des périodiques canadiens/Canadian Periodical Index, Canadian Women’s
Periodicals Index, Contents Pages in Education, Current Index to Journals in Education,
Education Index, Educational Technology Abstracts, Linguistic and Language Behavior
Abstracts, PAIS Bulletin, Public Affairs Information Service, Psychological Abstracts, Research
into Higher Education Abstracts, Sociology of Education Abstracts, Special Education Needs
Abstracts, Studies in Women Abstracts.
Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation
Coalition Work in Indigenous Educational Contexts /
Le travail de coalition et l’éducation des autochtones
Dolores van der Wey & Rosemary Foster, Guest Editors / Rédactrices invitées
Contents / Table des matières
983 Editorial: On Coalition and Reparative Politics: Language, Context,
and History
Dolores van der Wey
987 Afterword
Dolores van der Wey & Rosemary Foster
989 Coalescing in Cohorts: Building Coalitions in First Nations
Dolores van der Wey
1015 Native Education and In-Classroom Coalition-Building: Factors
and Models in Delivering an Equitous Authentic Education
Sabrina Redwing Saunders and Susan Hill
1046 Decolonising Knowledge Production: The Pedagogic Relevance of
Gandhian Satyagraha to Schooling and Education in Ghanna
Paul Banahene Adjei
1068 Uniting Aboriginal Education with Anti-Racist Education:
Building Alliances Across Cultural and Racial Identity Politics
Verna St. Denis
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Review Essay / Essai critique
1093 Thomas R. Berger. (2006). Conciliator’s Final Report: The Nunavut
Kelly Gallagher-Mackay
Book Reviews Online / Recensions en ligne
1105 Paul Axelrod. (Ed). (2004). Knowledge Matters: Essays in Honour of
Bernard J. Shapiro
by Lynn Bosetti
1109 Marian Bruce. (2004). Pets, Professors, and Politicians: The Founding and
Early Years of the Atlantic Veterinary College
by Paul Dwyer
1111 Kieran Egan, Maureen Stout, and Keiichi Takaya. (Eds.). (2007).
Teaching and Learning Outside the Box: Inspiring Imagination Across the
by Jayne Hudson
1114 Donald N. Levine. (2006). Powers of the Mind: The Reinvention of Liberal
Learning in America
by George Allan
1117 Harry Daniels and Anne Edwards. (Eds.). (2004). The RoutledgeFalmer
Reader in Psychology of Education
by Sonya Corbin Dwyer
1120 Ron Scapp. (2006). Managing to be Different: Educational Leadership as
Critical Practice
by Bonnie L. Stelmach
Les opinions exprimées et les résultats de recherche transmis dans
la Revue canadienne de l’éducation n’engagent pas la Société
canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation, les membres de leur Bureau
de direction et les membres de leur Conseil d’administration.
The opinions and findings expressed in the Canadian Journal of
Education are not necessarily those of the Canadian Society for
the Study of Education or their respective Directors and Officers.
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