Benjamin Valenza: Circa Circa (The Henhouse)


Benjamin Valenza: Circa Circa (The Henhouse)
Caponata siciliana
Forthcoming event
Melanzane 1kg
Olive in Salamoia snocciolate 200 gr
Pomodori da salsa 500 gr
Basilico qualche foglia
Sedano gambi 600 gr
Capperi dissalati 3 pugni
Zucchero 50gr
Olio extravirgine d'oliva q.b.
Cipolle 2 grosse
Pinoli 60 gr
Aceto 1/2 bicchiere
Sale grosso q.b.
Modern Draperies
Sat 14 Sep, 12pm, £5/£3 Conc
This one day programme seeks out to confuse the distinctions
between event and exhibition, object and film, installation and
presentation and invites a selection of artists and writers to
rearrange Kaltenbach’s canvas and to place it in relation to a
work, one of their own or another's, be it film, performance,
writing, installation, existing or new. Participating artists
include Jesse Ash, Andrea Büttner, Alex Cecchetti, Peles
Empire and Philomene Pirecki.
Lavate, mondate e tagliate a cubetti, di circa 1,5 cm di lato,
le melanzane (del tipo allungato) e disponetele a strati in un
colapasta o setaccio, spolverizzandole con del sale grosso
affinché perdano l’amaro. Lasciatele riposare così per almeno
un'ora. Intanto, tagliate i gambi di sedano a listerelle e
sbollentateli dentro ad una pentola con dell’acqua salata, poi
scolateli, asciugateli con della carta da cucina e soffriggeteli
in olio d’oliva a fuoco basso. In un'altra padella, fate soffriggere
in olio d’oliva le cipolle affettate, e unite, quando saranno
appassite, i capperi dissalati, i pinoli e le olive denocciolate,
facendo soffriggere il tutto per altri 10 minuti. A questo punto
aggiungete i pomodori spezzettati o tagliati a cubetti e fate
cuocere per circa 20 minuti a fuoco vivace. Intanto scolate e
sciacquate le melanzane, asciugatele con la carta da cucina e
friggetele in olio di oliva dentro ad una capiente padella, nella
quale dovrete unire tutti gli ingredienti da voi precedentemente
preparati. Quando le melanzane saranno ben rosolate, unite
i gambi di sedano, il composto con i pomodori e amalgamate
bene il tutto a fuoco basso. Cospargete poi gli ingredienti
in padella con lo zucchero e aggiungete il mezzo bicchiere
d'aceto, cuocendo ancora a fuoco moderato fino a che l’odore
dell’aceto sarà sfumato. A questo punto la vostra caponata
è pronta: lasciatela raffreddare e servitela con delle foglie di
basilico intere e spezzettate.
South London Gallery 65–67 Peckham Road, London SE5 8UH
020 7703 6120 [email protected]
Twitter: @SLG_artupdates
Booking is essential. Call 020 7703 6120 or book online:
benjamin valenza
'The henhouse'
A.K.A. Time of the
sovereign birds
Performance: Sat 24 Aug, 8pm, £5/£3 conc, Clore Studio
Installation: Sun 25 & Mon 26 Aug, 11am-6pm, Free, Clore Studio
CIRCA CIRCA 'The henhouse'
A.K.A. Time of the sovereign birds
French artist Benjamin Valenza's new performance and
installation is a birds' love story concerned with the origins of
language, with words as sounds and with symphonies made
out of illusions and discrepancies.
A performance and a script by Benjamin Valenza
1st assistant: Valentine Chevillon
Direction: Emy Chauveau & Benjamin Valenza
Video direction: Thomas Ellis & Benjamin Valenza
Video technicians and editor: Ludovic Gaillard & Julien Dufau
French performers: Charlene Dannancier, Leopold Collin,
Alexandre Larcier, Yan Shuting, Thien Ngoc Ngo Rioufol
London performers: Cheri Allcock, Luca Bosani, Antoine
Brutel, Melissa Taru
Technical support: Jon Sack, Beth Collar, Guillaume Breton,
Sam Welton
Assistant: Chloe Lawrence
Characters: Josef Hannibal, Les oiseaux (the birds), La
télévision (the television)
Valenza is interested in words, objects and stories. He seeks
to explore the notion of the vehicular, or how words gain and
lose meaning through use and over time, and how objects
carry and find new functions depending on their origin. Often
these objects become allegorical aids, or physical supports
for writing poetry at the crossroads of several languages. Both
poem and sculptures, these vehicles carry fragments of a
combinatorial language and find themselves held in various
situations ranging from film to performance.
With support from Fluxus and Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.
Booking for the performance is essential. Book online or call 020
7703 6120.
No booking is required to visit the installation.
Benjamin Valenza (b.1980 in Marseille, France) works and
lives in Lausanne, Switzerland and Brussels, Belgium. He is a
founding member of Galerie 1m3. He has recently exhibited
at Form Content in London, Forde in Geneva, Zoo Gallery in
Nantes, Palais de Tokyo in Paris and Castillo / Corrales in
Paris. Valenza has been nominated as a candidate for the next
Ricard Foundation Prize in Paris next September, and he is
currently working on a film project in India, with the support of
Pro Helvetia India.
Act 1
Act 1
Acte: 1
English translation:
Act 1:
Scène: 1 (Le poulailler)
Entré de Josef Hannibal: Charriant un diable ou une valise/
trolley rempli de textes, objets, dessins, livres. Visiblement
retour de voyage...
Scene: 1 (The Henhouse)
Josef Hannibal enters; he is carrying a demon or a suitcase/
trolley full of texts, objects, drawings, books. Clearly back from
Il entre en même temps que les spectateurs. Se frayant un
passage difficile au contact des spectateurs.
He enters at the same time as the audience, clearing an
awkward path to contact the audience.
J.H. : J’arrive de très loin, et j’ai voyagé longtemps ... J’ai
beaucoup voyagé. Notamment en 2012-13, j’ai fait le tour
du monde par les Indes, l’Australie, la Nouvelle-Zélande,
les archipels du Pacifique, la Chine, le Japon et les états
unis d’Amérique. Je connaissais déjà les principaux pays de
l’Europe, l’Égypte, et tout le nord de l’Afrique, Afrique, et plus
tard je visitai Constantinople, l’Asie Mineure et la Perse. Or de
tous ces voyages, je n’ai jamais rien tiré pour mon art. Il m’a
paru que la chose méritait d’être signalée, tant elle prouve que
chez moi, l’imagination est tout.
J.H. : I have come from very far away and I have travelled for
a long time... I have travelled a lot. Notably in 2012-13, I did a
tour of the world through India, Australia, New Zealand, the
archipelagos of the Pacific, China, Japan and the United States
of America. I already knew the main countries in Europe, Egypt,
and all of north Africa, and later on I visited Constantinople,
Asia Minor and Persia. But from all this travelling, I never got
anything out of it for my art. It became clear to me that this
thing deserved to be made clear; so much that it proves that for
me, imagination is everything.
Circa, Circa!
(Le poulailler)
Quand la peau blanche et le crépis ne seront qu’un:
Circa, Circa !
(The henhouse)
When white skin and plaster will be only one:
I Love :
Les pluie Z acides
Tripadvidor & New conquistadors
Desperado ice(Hééé) D(é) esperanto
Golden Rainbow shower
Tan skin E saliva, salée Ahhh...
Le pays ou la vie !
I love :
Les pluie Z acides
Tripadvisor and New conquistadors
Desperado ice (Hééé) D(é) esperanto
Golden Rainbow shower
Tan skin E saliva, salted Ahhh...
Land or life!