Photo Trip to France—July 2014


Photo Trip to France—July 2014
Photo Trip to France—July 2014
So our famous tour guide from Italy, Gaia, is doing a trip this summer to Paris and Provence during
the lavender season. The approximate time is the end of July and the cost is about $2500. This includes
airfare from Boston to Marseille. Then Marseille to Paris followed by Paris to Boston. Hotel is also
included. All breakfasts and several dinners. Transportation throughout Provence.
Here is the proposed itinerary. Let Rosemary know if you are interested. Respond to this email: !
[email protected] Thanks. Hope you can join us.
Trip to Provence and Paris — End of July 2014
Day 01 Marseille Airport – Avignon.
Day 02 Avignon - Aix en Provence - Avignon. Visit to Aix en Provence and Avignon
Avignon, City of Popes, known for the ramparts that surround the city built between 1359 and 1370
Day 03 Avignon – La Garde Adhemar – Poet Laval – Diulefit - Nyons – Digne les Bains. First Lavender route
including wine tasting in a wine cellar
Day 04 Digne les Bains – Thoard – Mezel – Puimoisson – Manosque - Foralquier – Digne les Bains. Second
lavender route.
Day 05 Digne les Bains – Cannes or Nice - Marseille Airport/Paris Airport – Paris The idea is to visit Cannes or
Nice in the morning and fly to Paris in the afternoon
Day 06 Paris. FD Tour in Paris. In the morning sightseeing tour and in the afternoon visit to an art museum
(Louvre or D’Orsay)
Day 07 Paris. I would do a FD excursion or to Chartres or to Rouen and Giverny (I would recommend Rouen and
Day 08 Paris – Paris Airport