Lambkill - Syndicat des producteurs de bleuets du Québec


Lambkill - Syndicat des producteurs de bleuets du Québec
Wild Blueberry
Production Guide...
in a Context of
Sustainable Development
42. Lambkill
Latin name: Kalmia angustifolia L.
French name: Le kalmia à feuilles étroites
In the natural environment, lambkill, also known as sheep laurel, is generally the main companion species of blueberry,
both being members of the heath family. When a blueberry field is developed from forest, as is often the case in Québec,
lambkill and blueberry proliferate equally. A very common plant, it is considered one of the principal weeds in blueberry
production. By competing for water, light and nutrients, lambkill is detrimental if it is not controlled. However, when
chemical control is performed with each rotation cycle, the impact on yield is relatively limited.
Lambkill is a woody shrub that grows 60 to 80 cm high with few branches (Figure 1). The leaves are elliptical, 2 to 9 cm
long, waxy on the upper surface, pale and lightly pubescent on the underside. The foliage is persistent through the winter
for two years. The small lateral groups of pink or purple flowers appear in June or July.
Lambkill multiplies primarily by vegetative means, sending
out offshoots from the base of the stems as well as new
stems from underground rhizomes. Any opening of the
forest cover that allows more light to penetrate seems
to stimulate its growth and reproduction. The seeds of
lambkill are released in October, but contribute little to
multiplication. As with the blueberry, both mowing and
burning stimulate lambkill to regenerate.
To date, no mechanical method has been shown to have
significant potential for controlling lambkill.
During field development, lambkill is usually controlled
with applications of hexazinone herbicide (PRONONE® or
VELPAR®). The entire surface of the field is treated in the
first and second years of development.
To lessen the environmental risks associated with hexazinone
(groundwater contamination and leaching), the Ministère
de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du
Québec recommends that it be applied in the second year
only. This could be advantageous from a cost point of view
as well as environmentally.
Herbicide application during development considerably
reduces the presence of lambkill in blueberry fields.
Thereafter, local treatment is advisable when an infestation
poses an apparent threat to yield.
The herbicides available for controlling lambkill are
presented in Leaflet 19 of this series, Pesticides Used in Wild
Blueberry Production. Tests conducted in New Brunswick
have also shown the effectiveness of certain combinations
of herbicides for controlling lambkill (Graham, 2009).
Figure 1. Lambkill in flower
Source: Suzanne Hardy, Enracinart
42. Lambkill
15. Integrated Pest Management in Wild Blueberry Production
19. Pesticides Used in Wild Blueberry Production
CRAAQ. 2004. Bleuet nain semi-cultivé. AGDEX 235/821b. 10 pp.
Desjardins, È.-C. and R. Néron. 2010. Guide d’identification des alliés et ennemis du bleuet nain : Insectes, maladies et végétaux.
Centre de recherche Les Buissons. p. 160.
Gagnon, S., S Javorek, M. Chagnon, M. Bilodeau, F. Côté, V. Laberge, J. Lafrenière and G. Savard. 2007. Rapport final dans le
cadre du projet Essai et expérimentation pour le développement de l’industrie du bleuet nain au Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, volet
pollinisation. 56 pp.
Gagnon, S., R. Pilote and A. Bédard. 2008. Aménagement d’une bleuetière à l’aide du glyphosate. Rapport final. Agrinova. 36 pp.
Graham, G.L. 2009. Abstract Reports. [Online]. (Page consulted on September 15,
2010). 9 pp.
Graham, G.L., G. Chiasson and É. Thériault. 2009. Évaluation d’une application d’herbicides du groupe quatre et de mélanges en
cuve de 2,4D Ester pour combattre le crevard de moutons et le rhododendron du Canada dans les cultures de bleuets sauvages.
New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries. 5 pp.
MAPAQ. 2004. Cahier d’autoévaluation de gestion intégrée des ennemis des cultures. Pratiques agroenvironnementales spécifiques,
bleuet nain semi-cultivé. 17 pp.
Marie-Victorin, Frère. 1995. Flore laurentienne. Troisième édition. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal. p. 446.
Ministère des Terres et Forêts. 1974. Petite flore forestière du Québec. Éditions France-Amérique. p. 131.
Sampson, K.V. and D.L. McCully. 1990. Weeds of Eastern Canadian Blueberry Fields. Nova Scotia Agricultural College Bookstore.
Truro, Nova Scotia. p. 179.
Sampson, G. and D. Holmes-Sampson. 1995. Lambkill. Wild Blueberry Factsheet. Nova Scotia Agricultural College. [Online]. (Page consulted on September 15, 2010).
Thiffault, N. 2006. Éricacées et régénération forestière : une relation sous enquête. Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la
Faune du Québec. 2 pp.
Yarborough, D. 2001. Cultural Management for Weeds in Wild Blueberries. Fact Sheet No. 252. The University of Maine.
Cooperative Extension. [Online]. (Page consulted on
September 15, 2010).
Yarborough, D. 2008. Organic Wild Blueberry Production. Fact Sheet No. 304. The University of Maine. Cooperative Extension.
[Online]. (Page consulted on
September 15, 2010).
Wild Blueberry Production Guide
42. Lambkill
Sophie Gagnon, Agronomist,
Coordinator, Agrinova, Alma
Chantale Ferland, M.Sc., Publishing Project Officer, CRAAQ,
Lyne Lauzon, Publications Coordinator, CRAAQ, Québec
Sophie Gagnon, Agronomist,
Coordinator, Agrinova, Alma
Rod Willmot, M.A.
Danielle Bernier, Agronomist-Weed Scientist, Ministère de
l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec,
Sylvie Robitaille, Computer Graphics Technician, CRAAQ,
Gaétan Chiasson, Agronomist, Development Officer, New
Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and
Fisheries, Bathurst
Laurier Tremblay, Agronomist, Ministère de l’Agriculture,
des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec, Bergeronnes
des producteurs
de bleuets de
la Côte-Nord
Wild Blueberry Production Guide