Daily News 18 / 10 / 2016


Daily News 18 / 10 / 2016
European Commission - Daily News
Daily News 18 / 10 / 2016
Brussels, 18 October 2016
European Commission presents today reports on progress in the implementation of the
Partnership Framework with third countries
Today, the European Commission will present its first progress report on the implementation of the
Partnership Framework with third countries to more effectively manage migration together. Four
months after the Commission proposed this new Framework under the European Agenda on Migration
and its endorsement by the June European Council, which also called for its swift implementation, the
EU's new partnership approach with countries of origin and transit of migration is starting to yield
results. The Partnership Framework is a forward-looking European approach to deepening cooperation
with countries of origin, transit and destination. Since June, under the leadership of the High
Representative/Vice-President Mogherini, EU institutions and EU Member States have jointly put
substantial efforts into making this new approach a success. This new approach established a resultsoriented approach to mobilise and focus all EU and Member States' tools and resources for managing
migration effectively and addresses short-term solutions to immediate migration pressure, as well as
deeper investment to tackling the root causes of irregular migration has started with five priority
countries: Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Mali and Ethiopia. (For more information: Maja Kocijancic – Tel.:
+32 229 86570; Tove Ernst – Tel.: +32 229 86764; Esther Osorio – Tel.: + 32 229 62076; Markus
Lammert – Tel.: + 32 229 80423)
Commission proposes first research partnership in the Mediterranean to increase food and
water sustainability
Today, the Commission has presented a proposal for a Partnership for Research and Innovation in the
Mediterranean Area – PRIMA. The first partnership of its kind in the Mediterranean basin aims to
develop much-needed novel solutions for sustainable water management and food production. Carlos
Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, said: "EU research and innovation is
open to the world so we can tackle global challenges together. This Euro-Mediterranean partnership is
an excellent example of where pooling knowledge and money can make a huge difference. It would
bring more clean water and food to the people, boost local economies and create jobs. Through PRIMA,
research and innovation will play a crucial role in addressing the root causes of migration." The
Commission's proposal already includes Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel,
Italy, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia. The participation of
Germany is currently under negotiation. As the initiative is evolving over time, more participants are
expected to follow, both EU and non-EU countries. Funding for the €400 million partnership will come
from the participating countries (currently around €200 million), matched by a €200 million
contribution from the EU through its current research framework programme Horizon 2020. The
partnership is scheduled to run for 10 years, starting in 2018. A full press release in EN, FR and DE and
a memo are available online. (For more information: Lucía Caudet – Tel.: +32 229 56182; Joseph
Waldstein – Tel.: +32 229 56184)
EU and Eastern Partners stepping up cooperation on Environment, Climate Action, Digital
Economy and Society
The European Union is stepping up its cooperation with the Eastern Partner countries: Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The first ever Eastern Partnership formal
Ministerial meeting dedicated to Environment and Climate Action took place in Luxembourg this
morning with the participation of Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Fisheries and
Maritime Affairs, and Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and
Enlargement Negotiations. Ministers from EU and Eastern Partner countries adopted a Ministerial
Declaration confirming the joint commitment to accelerate their cooperation on environment and
climate change and promoting a sustainable and inclusive economic development. A press release is
also available online. Commissioners Vella and Hahn are having a press conference. This afternoon,
Commissioner Günther Oettinger, responsible for the Digital Economy and Society, and Commissioner
Johannes Hahn will commit to the way forward for a Digital Community with the six Eastern
Partnership countries and Slovakia which holds the Presidency of the EU Council. The aim is to extend
the benefits of the EU's Digital Single Market to the six Eastern Partnership countries, and possibly to
other EU neighbours. Participants will launch EU4Digital networks on jointly agreed priority topics.
These networks would serve as platforms for sharing best practices and experiences among partners
and with the EU, promoting synergies and developing joint projects. More information and a Joint
Statement are expected to be published here after the meeting, at around 15:45. Photo and video
coverage will be available on EbS. (For more information: (Maja Kocijancic – Tel.: +32 229 86570;
Nathalie Vandystadt – Tel.: +32 229 67083; Enrico Brivio – Tel.: + 32 229 56172)
Sécurité routière: aucune victime dans 19 pays européens lors de la «Journée européenne
sans mort sur les routes»
Le Réseau Européen des Polices de la Route (TISPOL) a aujourd'hui publié les résultats de la première
«Journée européenne sans mort sur les routes» (ou "EDWARD" de son acronyme anglais) qui s'est
tenue le 21 septembre dernier avec le soutien de la Commission Européenne. Ce jour-là, 19 pays n'ont
enregistré aucune victime sur leurs routes. Dans les 31 pays participants, on dénombre un total de 43
victimes, contre 70 un an auparavant. Violeta Bulc, Commissaire chargée des Transports, a déclaré
"Les actions de pédagogie et de sensibilisation contribuent grandement à la sécurité routière, et le
projet EDWARD se fixe un objectif très ambitieux: une journée sans mort sur les routes d'Europe.
Cette année, nous enregistrons une amélioration très nette par rapport à 2015 ce qui démontre que
lorsque toutes les parties prenantes travaillent ensemble, il est possible de faire la différence et de
sauver des vies. Nous sommes sur la bonne voie pour atteindre notre but ultime, faire de l'objectif des
zéro morts une réalité". Dans le cadre de cette journée, plus de 103 000 organisations et individus ont
signé une charte de la sécurité routière et plus de 80 évènements ont été organisés à travers l'Europe,
tels que des actions de sensibilisation, des ateliers dans des écoles et entreprises ou des tables-rondes.
Les réseaux sociaux et le #ProjectEDWARD ont permis de toucher plus de 19 millions de personnes.
Plus de détails et les chiffres par pays sont disponibles sur le site de TISPOL et de la DG MOVE. (Pour
plus d'informations: Anna-Kaisa Itkonen - Tel.: +32 229 56186; Alexis Perier – Tel.: +32 229 69143)
Le premier Vice-Président Timmermans et les Commissaires Moedas et Vestager
participeront aux "Journées de Bruxelles"
Le premier Vice-Président Frans Timmermans ainsi que les Commissaires Carlos Moedas et
Margrethe Vestager vont participer demain à la 4ème édition des "Journées de Bruxelles". Le premier
Vice-Président se joindra à Gilles Kepel, spécialiste de l'Islam et du monde arabe, pour une discussion
sur le thème de "L'Europe face aux menaces" de 14h30 à 15h45. Le même jour de 17h30 à 19h, les
Commissaires Moedas et Vestager, aux côtés de l'ancien Ministre de l'Economie français Emmanuel
Macron, participeront à un autre débat intitulé "Comment donner un avenir à L'Europe?”. Ces deux
débats se tiendront dans le hall Henri Le Bœuf au Bozar et seront retransmis en direct en Français et
en Néerlandais. Les journalistes sont priés de s'inscrire en ligne. Chaque année, les Journées de
Bruxelles sont co-organisées par BOZAR, Le Nouvel Observateur, De Standaard et Le Soir, rassemblant
des hommes politiques, des experts et des intellectuels pour débattre des défis majeurs auxquels
l'Europe fait face. (Pour plus d'informations: Natasha Bertaud – Tel.: +32 2 29 67456; Lucía Caudet –
Tel.: +32 229 56182; Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100)
Paris Agreement: Commissioner Arias Cañete in Marrakesh for ministerial meeting ahead of
UN climate conference
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete will be in Marrakesh, Morocco, from
18-19 October to meet with ministers ahead of next month's UN climate conference COP22. The
ministers will discuss the preparations for the entry into force of the Paris Agreement on climate
change as well as its implementation. Following the EU's ratification, the Paris Agreement will enter
into force just before the COP22. A key topic for discussion will be the means of implementation for
supporting action to reduce emissions and strengthen the ability of all countries to cope with the
effects of climate change. Ministers will discuss the recently published Climate Finance Roadmap which
outlines the key factors and pathways to reach the developed countries' joint goal to mobilise 100
billion US dollars per year by 2020 for climate action in developing countries. There will also be an
opportunity for countries to share their experiences in preparing and implementing national climate
action plans at an event co-hosted by Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete and Moroccan Environment
Minister Hakima El Haite. The ministers will also discuss the development of long-term climate
strategies and how to mobilise and strengthen climate action before 2020. More information is
available on the Commission's website. On climate finance see the recent Finance Ministers Council
conclusions on climate change.See also OECD report on the “2020 Projections of Climate Finance
Towards the USD 100 Billion Goal”. (For more information: Anna-Kaisa Itkonen - Tel.: +32 229 56186;
Nicole Bockstaller – Tel.: +32 229 52589)
Commissioner Creţu at U.N. Habitat conference: "The New Urban Agenda reflects the EU's
vision for sustainable urban development"
Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Crețu is participating in Habitat III, the U.N. conference on
Housing and Sustainable Urban Development in Quito, Ecuador. The purpose of the conference is to
adopt the global New Urban Agenda, which sets global standards of achievement in sustainable urban
development. On Monday the Commissioner addressed an assembly of leaders and stakeholders from
all over the world and gave a speech in the opening plenary session of the conference on behalf of the
EU and its Member States. "We have adopted the Urban Agenda for the European Union which, based
on a partnership approach involving cities and other stakeholders, aims at better including the urban
dimension into EU policies. […] The European Union and the Member States are also committed to
engaging with partners around the globe, to jointly address the challenges of urban poverty and
exclusion, for the benefit of sustainable development in our partner countries overall," the
Commissioner said in her address. You can find the full speech here. Yesterday Commissioner Creţu
met with Ban Ki-Moon, U.N. Secretary General and José Ángel Gurría Secretary-General of the OECD,
before meeting later this week with Joan Clos, Habitat III Executive Director and Helen Clark, Head of
the U.N. Development Programme. Wednesday, the Commissioner will announce the EU's Voluntary
Commitments, to help reach the targets of the New Urban Agenda. More information on the
conference, its programme, as well as on EU urban policy is available online. (For more information:
Jakub Adamowicz – Tel.: +32 229 50595; Sophie Dupin de Saint-Cyr – Tel.: +32 229 56169)
Upcoming events of the European Commission (ex-Top News)

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