Le “Must-Read” - Boostzone Institute


Le “Must-Read” - Boostzone Institute
Le “Must-Read”
The Review of the Future of Management
T o w a r d s
A u g m e n t e d
M a n a g e m e n t
Bilingual document (US, FR)
Monthly quote
“Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with
what happens to him.”
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), English writer
Why this review ?
This is your monthly Must-Read on the future of management and the world of work.
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The «perfect storm» which shaped evolution of the world of work - generated by sea changes
in technologies, economy, society, governance in all its forms - is forcing Management to
In order not to be submerged, the manager has to be «augmented», he has to use and
master new tools and new knowledge at his disposal. All executives face this challenge.
This review is our way to help you. It delivers to you the summary of the best articles we
found during the last month on these changes. The Boostzone Institute aims to become
your reference «curator», ie to select and enhance the information for you.
Therefore any comment helping us to improve it is more than welcome.
Management (R)evolution
Towards Augmented Manager
Paradigm Changes
Topics for
the Augmented Manager
Technology Futures
Demographic Changes
Resources Optimization
More Notable Links
Contact: [email protected]
Article of the month about Women in Management
© Boostzone Institute 2013
Customized competitive intelligence on demand
Le “Must-Read”
T o w a r d s
The Review of Curated Online Content
A u g m e n t e d
M a n a g e m e n t
N°27 - April 2013
* Click on the titles to view the documents
Management (R)evolution
Does your agency have a 200-year
strategic plan?
The modern female eunuch
Government Executive, John Kamensky, April 15, 2013
The Atlantic, Kirsten Kukula & Richard Wassersug
April 1, 2013
“In the modern world the most empowered negotiator
on the planet is the U.S. Secretary of State. It may be
more than a coincidence that three of the four most recent individuals to occupy that role have been women:
Madeleine Albright; Condoleeza Rice; and Hillary Clinton. These women have filled a post that would have
commonly been held by eunuchs in the Byzantine, Ottoman, and Chinese empires.”
Corporate reporting needs a reboot
“Does it make any sense for the government to think
long term? NASA developed a 200-year strategic plan,
at one point. They engaged futurists and science fiction
writers to help develop a plan for interplanetary exploration. Maybe it makes sense for NASA, but what about
other agencies?”
Harvard Business Review, Paul Druckman April 17, 2013
“The common thread is that today’s model of capitalism
overemphasizes short-term financial data and neglects
information that gets at the true sources of sustainable
value creation — things like innovation, brand equity,
customer loyalty, and key stakeholder relationships.
Corporate reporting today emphasizes compliance,
boilerplate and legalese. As a result, we have a massive glut of filings, press releases, analyst reports and
articles focused on financial data.”
Toward Augmented Manager
To get more hours out of your day,
look at something awesome
Quartz, Susan H. Greenberg, April 15, 2013
Selon Gartner, seuls 10 % des déploiements
de réseaux sociaux sont réussis
Le Monde Informatique, Jean Elyan avec IDG NS
3 avril 2013
« Selon la société d’études Gartner, alors que les technologies de réseautage social sont employées par 70
% des entreprises, seuls 10 % parviennent à les utiliser
correctement, la plupart ayant plus une approche « je
livre et je prie pour que tout se passe bien ».
Handwritten notes are a rare commodity.
They’re also more important than ever
Harvard Business Review, John Coleman, April 5, 2013
“If you’re feeling pressed for time, you’re not alone.
Surveys show most working Americans feel that way.
But what if there were a way to expand those precious
minutes and hours? Research suggests there may be
one: Elicit a sense of awe.”
“It may seem nostalgic, but I still believe there’s room for
the handwritten note in personal and professional communication. They cost something, mean something,
and have permanence in a way emails and text messages don’t. They let the people in our lives know we
appreciate them enough to do something as archaic as
pausing for 15 minutes to put pen to paper in an attempt
to connect and sustain a relationship with them.”
© Boostzone Institute 2013
Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Pépinière 75008 Paris - Tél. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr
Customized competitive intelligence on demand - Veille personnalisée sur demande
Le “Must-Read”
T o w a r d s
The Review of Curated Online Content
A u g m e n t e d
M a n a g e m e n t
N°27 - April 2013
* Click on the titles to view the documents
Economic Paradigm Changes
La rigueur due à… une erreur sur Excel ?
Europe 1, Gaétan Supertino avec agences, 18 avril 2013
Bitcoin is just the poster currency for a
growing movement of alternative tender
Quartz, Scott Smith, April 10, 2013
“Bitcoin has jumped from a technical curiosity to
“mainstream” financial news. It has become an object
of economic escapism—but the kind you can’t escape
from. Whether it continues to grow as a phenomenon
has yet to be seen, but the underlying curiosity tells us
that there is growing skepticism about global financial
systems’ long-term viability, and a correlated grassroots
interest in returning to smaller scale, offline, more locally-focused systems of exchange.”
China local authority debt ‘out of control’
« Une querelle entre économistes de renom fait rage
depuis une semaine au sujet d’une influente étude
publiée en 2010. Signée Carmen Reinhart et Kenneth
Rogoff, économistes de Harvard les plus fréquemment
citées par les partisans de l’austérité aux États-Unis,
en Grande-Bretagne et dans l’Union européenne, elle
se serait en réalité construite sur une erreur de calcul
et une mauvaise utilisation du célèbre tableur. On vous
explique. »
CNN, Simon Rabinovitch, April 17, 2013
“A senior Chinese auditor has warned that local government debt is «out of control» and could spark a bigger
financial crisis than the US housing market crash.”
Social Paradigm Changes
Mathematicians predict the future with
data from the past
Wired, Klint Finley, April 10, 2013
Basic Income, a new human right
Basic Income Europe, You Tube Video, March 28, 2013
“Basic income or citizen’s income is a proposed system
of social security that regularly provides each citizen
with a sum of money unconditionally. In contrast to
income redistribution between nations themselves, the
phrase basic income defines payments to individuals
rather than households, groups, or nations, in order to
provide for individual basic human needs. Except for citizenship, a basic income is entirely unconditional. Furthermore, there is no means test or impact as a result of
other income; the richest as well as the poorest citizens
would receive it.”
How the decline of the traditional
workplace is changing our cities
“Turchin — a professor at the University of Connecticut
— is the driving force behind a field called
“cliodynamics,” where scientists and mathematicians
analyze history in the hopes of finding patterns they can
then use to predict the future. It’s named after Clio, the
Greek muse of history.”
The Atlantic, Emily Badger, April 19, 2013
“We normally talk about all of this as a revolution in
technology, or in the nature of work itself. But something
else also happens when technology enables people to
change where they work and how they use time: The
environment around us needs to respond, too.”
© Boostzone Institute 2013
Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Pépinière 75008 Paris - Tél. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr
Customized competitive intelligence on demand - Veille personnalisée sur demande
Le “Must-Read”
T o w a r d s
The Review of Curated Online Content
A u g m e n t e d
M a n a g e m e n t
N°27 - April 2013
* Click on the titles to view the documents
Governance Paradigm Changes
Géopolitique du crime organisé
Grenoble ESC, Jean-François Gayraud, 2 avril 2013
La novlangue Européenne ou la subversion
du sens comme outil stratégique
Alliance Géostratégique, Michel Ruch, 22 mars 2013
« Dans toutes les écoles de commerce, devrait exister un enseignement de criminologie. Il faut éveiller les
étudiants à ces dures réalités, avant qu’ils ne soient
confrontés à ce monde cruel, impitoyable et cynique.
Faire oeuvre de prévention en sensibilisant les jeunes
générations de décideurs aux logiques et méthodes
du crime organisé et de la criminalité en col blanc me
paraît être une exigence de premier plan. »
Chinese president says BRICS cooperation
benefits world economy
Xinhua, An, March 19, 2013
Xi Jinping: “Cooperation among BRICS countries can
help build a more balanced world economy, improve
global economic governance and promote democracy
in international relations”
« On observe par exemple que la rhétorique européiste
fait un usage intensif des mots « stabilisation » et « stabilité » (de la zone Euro) dans un contexte d’ instabilité
endogène produite par la dérégulation instituée de la finance et de l’économie ; ou le couplage automatisé des
mots « stabilité-et-croissance » dans un contexte de
dégradation et de récession ; ou l’expression absurde
de « croissance négative » pour éviter le mot « récession » ; ou le stéréotype « politiques-de-convergence »
en pleine divergence des économies en Europe. »
Technology Futures
« La science bute sur trois énigmes
majeures »
Will we ever… communicate telepathically?
BBC, Ed Yong, April 5, 2013
Le Journal du Dimanche, 16 mars 2013
« Il est un des plus grands mathématiciens du siècle.
Âgé de 69 ans, il a quitté l’URSS en 1974 et travaille
actuellement entre la France (à l’Institut des hautes
études scientifiques de Bures-sur-Yvette) et les ÉtatsUnis (New York). Titulaire de nombreux prix, notamment
du prix Abel en 2009, l’équivalent du Nobel des maths,
ce savant franco-russe touche-à-tout porte un regard
curieux sur l’état des sciences, des maths à la physique
en passant par la biologie. Pour le JDD, Misha Gromov
explique «les trois principales énigmes» de la science
actuelle : l’univers, la vie et l’esprit humain… »
Next nature saves old nature
Next Nature, Van Mensvoort, April 7, 2013
“Synthetic biology is the technology of designing and
building biological devices from scratch. It goes beyond
tinkering with existing genomes of organisms by adding
one or two extra genes. Researcher can already chemically synthesise very large sections of DNA, which that
allows them to engineer biological systems.”
“There’s tantalising evidence that technology could one
day allow us to transmit thoughts telepathically between
two brains. The question is how far can we go?”
© Boostzone Institute 2013
Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Pépinière 75008 Paris - Tél. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr
Customized competitive intelligence on demand - Veille personnalisée sur demande
Le “Must-Read”
T o w a r d s
The Review of Curated Online Content
A u g m e n t e d
M a n a g e m e n t
N°27 - April 2013
* Click on the titles to view the documents
Demographic Changes
Why China is finally abandoning its one
child policy
Forbes, Richard Lehmann, March 28, 2013
Chômage : la fiction des emplois vacants
Nouvel Obs, Veronique Radier 26 mars 2013
Jean-Louis Zanda, chercheur à Pôle Emploi: «Avec la
montée du chômage, je ne pensais plus entendre ce
genre de discours sur les difficultés de recrutement,
qui émane des fédérations professionnelles.» Car il en
a déjà démonté les ressorts dans une étude publiée
en 2010. «Cette idée repose sur un malentendu : un
emploi vacant, c’est juste un recruteur qui exprime un
besoin à un instant donné et non un poste bien défini
durablement à pourvoir.»
Critical issue: Will the fertility rate in the
developed world continue to increase?
“One of the first announcements by the new administration taking charge in China this month may lead to the
phasing out of the one child policy, which has been in
effect since 1979.”
Ross Dawson Blog, April 8, 2013
“Developed countries around the world experienced a
massive baby boom in the 1950s, which then fell dramatically to see the fertility rate fall to below the replacement rate in almost every developed country in the
However the fertility rate has been rising in many developed countries over the last years, in contrast to the
faster-than-expected decline in the fertility rate in developing countries, as shown in the chart below.”
Resources Opimization
Fracking: The next bubble?
Salon, Brad Jacobson, April 1, 2013
Fire ice: ‘The next shale gas’
ProActive Investors, Jamie Nimmo, April 12, 2013
“Highly combustible and with a sherbet-like appearance, it is known as fire ice. Methane hydrate, a secret
trapped beneath the ocean waves, is being tipped as
the world’s next major energy resource.”
Quatre milliards d’euros d’économies
d’énergie grâce aux rénovations thermiques
“Currently, natural gas remains cheap, around $3.50
per thousand cubic feet. In the short-term at least, this
has been good for consumers, as it has translated into
lower energy bills. But in the near-term, it has been
deadly for the companies drilling for shale gas and their
stakeholders, who are losing their shirts.”
20 minutes Reuters, 21 mars 2013
« En France, les 20% de logements les plus anciens
engloutissent à eux seuls la moitié de l’énergie consommée par le parc immobilier, selon cette étude. L’idée
de puiser dans ce gouffre de consommation n’est pas
nouvelle, le Grenelle ayant fixé dès 2007 un objectif
de 400.000 rénovations thermiques par an à partir de
2013. Mais seuls 120.000 logements privés et 25.000
logements sociaux bénéficient actuellement d’une rénovation énergétique performante chaque année, selon
le ministère du Logement. »
© Boostzone Institute 2013
Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Pépinière 75008 Paris - Tél. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr
Customized competitive intelligence on demand - Veille personnalisée sur demande
Le “Must-Read”
T o w a r d s
The Review of Curated Online Content
A u g m e n t e d
M a n a g e m e n t
N°27 - April 2013
* Click on the titles to view the documents
More Notable Links
- The rise of executive feminism
- The happiest people pursue the most difficult problems
- L’Afrique doit refuser de rembourser des dettes illégitimes
- Les deux entreprises les plus puissantes sont chinoises
- Economy in pictures: have we seen the peak?
- India’s frugal dynamism
- World poverty is shrinking rapidly, new index reveals
- The bacon-wrapped economy
- Why chemotherapy that costs $70,000 in the U.S. costs $2,500 in India
- What is Industry 4.0
- How technology is slowly developing its sense of smell
- The Alibaba phenomenon
- Pour en finir avec les Digital Natives ...
- Unmanned drones may have their greatest impact on agriculture
- Coal use growing faster than renewables - Ouch!
- Climate change threatens food security of urban poor
- The 10 fastest growing Megacities in the world
Les fichiers images illustrant cette revue sont tous issus du site SXC http://www.sxc.hu/ et libres de droits.
All pictures illustrating this review are from SXC http://www.sxc.hu/ and royaltyfree.
© Boostzone Institute 2013
Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Pépinière 75008 Paris - Tél. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 - www.boostzone.fr
Customized competitive intelligence on demand - Veille personnalisée sur demande

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