Laurent André, Executif Chef Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris


Laurent André, Executif Chef Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris
Laurent André, Executif Chef
Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris
Laurent André hails from the Jura part of France and could have preferred the chatter of ski slopes to the
clatter of kitchens. He soon discovered, however, that his family history (his parents are restaurant owners)
could not be gainsaid. After an apprenticeship and with the ink on his BEP and CAP diplomas still fresh,
Laurent André won his spurs with Alain Chapel in Mionnay, who took him under his wing. (It should be
said that Chapel’s dominating influence in the 1980s influenced the leading chefs of his time.) This led to
what can only be described as an initiation. Under Alain Chapel, Laurent André learnt his trade and
discovered what a kitchen can demand in terms of commitment, sacrifice and humility – but also what it
gives back in pleasure, emotion and human relations.
The Alain Ducasse experience
Laurent André was 23 when his master suddenly passed away. In order to continue ploughing a straight
line towards excellence and with the wish to remain faithful to the style and fundamentals of his mentor,
Laurent decided to contact another Alain Chapel disciple with a striking reputation. The meeting with
Alain Ducasse was arranged.
Finally in 1992, Laurent André joined Alain Ducasse at the Louis XV, at the Hôtel de Paris in Monaco
restaurant which had just won its third Michelin star, as the… third apprentice chef in charge of flat
parsley preparation.
Laurent André accepted the challenge. In Monaco he roses through all the ranks in four years and, as head
of production at the same time, it was to him that Alain Ducasse suggested in 1995 to start off on a new
adventure: renovating La Grande Cascade in the Bois de Boulogne, just outside Paris, with Jean-Louis
Nomicos. A star was added to this institution in one year, followed by avenue Poincaré in the 16th
arrondissement in Paris, where the Hôtel du Parc has a restaurant at No. 59 and set a course for three stars.
Laurent André, attracted by the idea of fine cuisine devoid of drama, one based on the principles of
freedom, openness to the world and product quality, became a stakeholder when the first Spoon opened in
International experience
In light of the success of the new concept, Laurent André was asked to open a new Spoon in London
at the Sanderson. Initially scheduled for six months, Laurent stayed for three years… The British
capital’s effervescence, abundant creativity and above all, its international aspect, were highly
attractive and opened up new horizons. Asia beckoned in 2003: he was asked to open a Spoon at the
Hong Kong Intercontinental Hotel, an opportunity for Laurent André to make new discoveries and
acquire new techniques. Some time later, his experience was extended with the opportunity to
become the Executive Chef for the entire hotel – a significant challenge, as he found himself at the
head of six restaurants and a kitchen staff of 220. Once again, Laurent André had to make his mark
in a particularly demanding and competitive environment. The young chef spent six years to learn
and then become a master of all the specific features of a cuisine that varies according to the needs
and desires of an international, jet-setting clientele, a cuisine that can play with registers without
ever mocking them, one which never compromises on quality but is always open to new approaches
and influences.
Back to Paris
At the start of 2009, the man who had spent nearly ten years away from his home country and who
had so much enjoyed learning all the intricacies of his profession was looking for a new challenge.
He was dreaming of an extraordinary project that would make it possible both to return to his roots
– the excellence of the art of French cuisine – and demonstrate the wide range of expertise he had
acquired to satisfy a cosmopolitan, demanding and infinitely diverse clientele. Laurent André was
looking for a unique, personal project.
And this dream of an extraordinary project became reality with the rebirth of the Royal Monceau –
Raffles Paris. The renaissance of one of the finest luxury hotels in Paris made it necessary to
conceive a very different cuisine offering from what other prestige establishments were fielding in
That offering could not be confined to Michelin-starred haute gastronomie or a multi-specialised
approach, however high the quality was.
Le Questionnaire de Proust selon Laurent André
1. Si vous étiez quelqu’un d’autre, qui seriez vous?
Un autre qui n’existe pas
2. Quelle est la qualité que vous admirez le plus chez un homme ?
La franchise et la loyauté
3. Quelle est la qualité que vous admirez le plus chez une femme ?
L’élégance et le charme
4. Quelle est votre plus grande extravagance ?
Manger tous les jours dans un restaurant différent
5. Quel est votre plat français favori ?
Une côte de bœuf au poivre avec des pommes de terre façon pont-neuf
6. Qui est votre héros culinaire ?
Mes deux mentors, Alain Chapel et Alain Ducasse
7. Quel est votre ingrédient préféré pour cuisiner?
Les champignons
8. D’où vous vient votre inspiration pour créer de nouvelles recettes?
En restant à l’écoute, en voyageant, en étant curieux et ouvert d’esprit
9. Le monde prend fin demain : qu’y aura-t-il au menu de votre dernier repas ?
Une volaille à la broche avec une poêlée de cèpes
10. Quelle a été votre première émotion culinaire ?
Une fricassée de cuisses de grenouilles à la crème, préparée par mon grand-père
après les avoir pêchées ensemble
Myriam Conrié – Diane-Laure Dudoué
[email protected][email protected]
Tel : 01 42 99 98 94 / 88 36

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Laurent André, Chef Exécutif Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris

Laurent André, Chef Exécutif Le Royal Monceau Raffles Paris Mes deux mentors, Alain Chapel et Alain Ducasse 7. Quel est votre ingrédient préféré pour cuisiner? Les champignons 8. D’où vous vient votre inspiration pour créer de nouvelles recettes? En restant...

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