Preview Botticelli Coup


Preview Botticelli Coup
BERLIN, 15.01.2015
Kupferstichkabinett – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
10785 Berlin-Tiergarten, Matthäikirchplatz
The Botticelli Coup: Treasures from the Hamilton Collection
on Show at Berlin’s Kupferstichkabinett
16 October 2015 – 24 January 2016
In the 19th century, the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett played a pivotal role in
the rediscovery and revival of interest in Sandro Botticelli: In 1882 it
acquired, from the collection of the Duke of Hamilton, Botticelli’s
spectacular series of drawings illustrating scenes from Dante’s ‘Divine
Comedy’. The wider British public only became aware of these
masterpieces when rumours of the Berlin museum’s attempts to woo the
Scottish Duke started circulating in the press. No less than Queen Victoria
herself and her daughter, wife of the German crown prince, appealed for
these art treasures to remain in the UK. In spite of their efforts, the Berlin
museums – and in particular Friedrich Lippmann, then-director of the
Berlin Kupferstichkabinett – pulled off a sensational coup by purchasing
the unique Botticelli drawings, together with nearly all objects in the duke’s
priceless manuscript collection, directly from the duke before the
scheduled auction. The sensational purchase and subsequent publication
of the Botticelli drawings as collotype plates made these unique works of
art known to the public and art historians alike. They are a cornerstone of
the Kupferstichkabinett’s collection and raised its public profile
enormously abroad.
Stauffenbergstraße 41
10785 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 266-423402
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This year, Berlin’s Kupferstichkabinett will hold an exhibition tracing the
exciting circumstances surrounding the acquisition of the Botticelli
drawings and manuscripts from the Hamilton Collection. On show will be a
selection of Botticelli’s drawings, rarely shown in public, as well as some
of the magnificent manuscripts from the Scottish collection, including
several of the most beautiful and important illuminated manuscripts in the
world. The display will primarily feature Italian manuscripts from the time
of Botticelli, including such famous books as the monumental ‘Hamilton
Bible’, which Raphael depicted in his portrait of Pope Leo X, and the
lavish missal of Cardinal Giulio de’ Medici. What connects the glowing
golden manuscripts with Botticelli’s Commedia drawings is not only their
shared, spectacular acquisition history. All these works are in fact
bibliophile treasures of the highest calibre, created by the best artists of
their day for illustrious patrons, members of the leading families of Italy,
first and foremost the Medici. The manuscripts’ splendid variety and
luminous colours exemplify what Dante termed the ‘smiling pages’ when
describing, in his Commedia, the art of manuscript illumination which so
captured the public imagination in 19th century.
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