Patentseminar gesamt


Patentseminar gesamt
Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Kooperation
Seminarreihe zum Thema Patente und Schutzrechte:
Patent Unsage of Scientific Inventions
Eine Seminarreihe der Berliner Universitäten TU, HU und des Bernstein Center for Computational
Neuroscience Berlin (BCCN) für das wissenschaftliche Personal der Berliner Hochschulen
Die Verwertung von an den Hochschulen entstehenden Forschungsergebnissen wird zukünftig immer
wichtiger. Um dem wissenschaftlichen Personal das notwendige Wissen dafür zur Verfügung zu
stellen, findet in diesem Wintersemester, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Servicebereich
„Forschungsverträge, Schutzrechte, Beteiligungen" der TU Berlin, dem Referat "Forschungsförderung,
Patente, Publikationen der HU-Berlin, dem Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
Berlin und dem Deutschen Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA), wieder die untenstehende
hochschulübergreifende Seminarreihe statt.
Sie ist so angelegt, dass insbesondere die wirtschaftliche Relevanz gewerblicher Schutzrechte
verdeutlicht und das Verfahren zur Erlangung von Schutzrechten innerhalb und außerhalb der
Hochschule deutlich wird. Folgende Themen werden in der Seminarreihe behandelt:
• Meaning of technical property rights (January 24th, 4:30-6:30 PM)
• Technical property rights (Febuary 7th and 14th, 4:30-6:30 PM)
• Patent database in the internet, practical research (Location: DPMA, Febuary 21st, 10:00
AM - 4:00 PM)
• Special property rights
- Copyright (Febuary 28th, 4:30-6:30 PM)
- Ways to protect software and other computer-related inventions (March 6th, 4:30-6:30 PM)
- Domain and trademark law (March 13th, 4:30-6:30 PM)
Beachten Sie bitte, dass alle Vorträge auf Englisch gehalten werden. Der Kurs wird über die
Lernplattform der TU Berlin (ISIS/Moodle) abgewickelt. Nach der Anmeldung erhalten Sie den
Kursschlüssel von uns per Mail.
Der Kurs findet bis auf den Termin im DPMA im Bernstein Zentrum statt. Nähere Angaben
finden Sie im ISIS/Moodle-Kurs.
Bei der Teilnahme an mindestens 5 (von insgesamt 7) Terminen der Seminarreihe wird eine
qualifizierte Teilnahmebestätigung ausgestellt.
Weitere Informationen zu der Seminarreihe und eine Anmeldemöglichkeit finden Sie unter
Für eventuelle Rückfragen stehen Ihnen unter 314-24003, Peer-Olaf Kalis (Gesamtorganisation) oder
314-25509, Manuela Hakelberg, (Teilnehmerbetreuung)
Patent usage of scientific inventions
Seminar series about patent and property rights
Right usage of research results achieved at Berlin universities is gaining in
importance. In order to provide the scientific personnel with corresponding
knowledge, the service department “Research contracts, patents and corporate
investments” (FSB, Technical University Berlin), the department “Patent and
License Service” (Humboldt-University Berlin), the German Patent and Trade
Mark Office (DPMA), the European Patent Office (EPO), and the Bernstein
Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin (BCCN) offer the interinstitutional seminar series described below, this time in the coming winter
term. The seminar series are organized in a way that specifically outlines
economic relevance of industrial property rights, and obtaining patents inside
and outside a university is emphasized.
Location (unless otherwise specified):
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience
Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
Philippstr. 13, Haus 6
10115 Berlin, Germany
Time (unless otherwise specified): 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Block 1: Meaning of technical property rights
January 24th
The first seminar day is devoted in particular to the significance of industrial
property rights in the value added chain of companies and in the industrial
innovation process. Central aspects are patents as means of retaining
competitive advantages and their role in a company's market strategy.
Further, an inter-university process and regulations for an invention
disclosure as a basis for a patent application will be discussed, as well as
basic aspects of the German Employees' Inventions Act with regard to the
reform of the university professor privilege. Representatives of TU and HU
patent departments will be present.
Dr. Franziska Sauer (ipal GmbH), Bernd Poppenheger (TU Berlin), Simone
Zahn (HU Berlin)
European Patent
Block 2: Technical property rights (Patent and utility model)
February 7th and February 14th
Key terms of main industrial property rights (patent and utility model) will be
explained with emphasis on their content, and their judicial characteristics will
be discussed. Central patent institutions (DPMA, EPA) and their functions will
be described, as well as how an (economically relevant) idea evolves into a
property right. Invention steps and relevance, as well as common criteria for
measuring individual shares in a single project group will be analyzed.
PA Dr. Gunnar Baumgärtel and Prof. Dr. Felix Gross (Maikowski &
Block 3: Research – Patent databases in the internet
February 21st, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Practical research
Patent search sometimes is important already at the beginning of a project, in
order to identify, in which areas third party has registered its property rights
that could constrain one's research and development achievements and
corresponding property rights. After a short introduction participants can
conduct a practical research in the Espacenet database using DPMA
The Number of participants in this seminar is restricted to the number of
available computers. Participation without a preliminary registration is
not possible!
N.B. Different location: Deutsches Patent und Markenamt (DPMA)
Dr. Roland Feinäugle (EPO Vienna)
Block 4: Special property rights
February 28th
Particularly for the Scientific Community Copyright is of high importance. Is
my scientific work copyright protected? Can I protect my data and results?
When do I have to obtain the consent of other authors or rights holders? This
seminar shall address these and other questions and provide an overview of
the requirements and boundaries of copyright protection of scientific works
under German Copyright Law.
Dr. Julian Waiblinger (Boehmert & Boehmert)
Ways to protect software and other computer-related inventions
March 6th
Software protection is a rather controversial topic nowadays. This talk will
elucidate possibilities and limits of software protection using copyright and
patent law.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Ensthaler (TU Berlin, Dept. of business, companies and
technology law)
Domain and trademark law
March 13th
The domain and trademark law is not only becoming more complex but it
also bears a lot of implicit ways which could lead one into a big judicial
trouble. This seminar is intended not only to describe difficulties in giving a
name to an invention but also to elucidate some problematic fields of these
property rights.
Dr. Jan Bernd Nordemann (Boehmert & Boehmert)
Program subject to change