québec experience - Optimist International


québec experience - Optimist International
Welcome to Optimist International’s premier training event! It is our goal to provide you
with the opportunity to experience the best in a variety of workshops and first class
All sessions are held in the Quebec City Convention Centre and are filled on a first
come, first served basis.
Please be considerate of your fellow attendees and turn off your cell phone.
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
GEVEL-2 Vice President-Elect & Governors-Elect Training....... Hilton-Kent & St. Louis
Mark Weinsoff, James Boyd, Robert McFadyen, Janet Oord Graves, Janet Lloyd &
James Oliver
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
DTC District Trainer Class...................................................Hilton-De Tourny, Lobby Level
Susan Creswell & Nick Prillaman, Jr.
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
CTC Club Trainer Class................................................ Convention Centre-207, 2nd Floor
Cherryl Thames & Deanna Morrow
7:00-8:00 a.m.
FAC-1 Faculty Meeting................................................................................... 202, 2nd Floor
Meeting for all trainers and presenters at the OI Convention to discuss attendee evaluations,
workshop packets, etc.
8:00-11:30 a.m.
CST-1 Club Secretary-Treasurer Training.................. Convention Centre-207, 2nd Floor
Marlene Phillips & Patsy Garner
Club Sec/Treas Designate, yes you! Things have changed and you really need to know
about it. Come on out for a few hours and be the one in the know in your club.
8:30-11:30 a.m.
GOV-1 Vice President & Governor Training...........Convention Centre-206AB, 2nd Floor
Mark Weinsoff, Andre Therrien, Dwight Phillips, Deanna Morrow, Fatima Plater
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9:00-10:00 a.m.
LD-1 The Purpose Driven Optimist Club.....................Convention Centre-202, 2nd Floor
Mark Weinsoff & Cherryl Thames
By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in kids” is the mission
statement of Optimist International. This year’s Presidential theme expands the mission
statement to “By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists Bring Out the Best in our
Youth, in our Communities and in Ourselves”. Everyone can see how the mission statement
and this year’s theme describes WHAT we do in our clubs to improve our communities,
yet we find it difficult to explain to potential members WHY they should join our clubs.
This workshop will focus on WHY we do what we do and how to communicate that to
potential members. Optimist International Leadership Development Committee Co-Chair,
Mark Weinsoff, and Committee Member, Cherryl Thames, believe we will do a better job of
recruiting new members when we stop focusing on WHAT we do and HOW we do it and
begin focusing on WHY we do it. A list of membership benefits that they and others have
been using successfully over the last two years to recruit new members will be provided.
CFA-1 Renew Refresh & Revitalize.......................... Convention Centre-205C, 2nd Floor
Ron Whitaker
“Is your club struggling with membership and participation? Come find out how to renew,
refresh, and revitalize your club”
LD-12 What’s New:
The Revised ICD-135 Awards Program..................... Convention Centre-2101, 2nd Floor
James Kondrasuk, Susan Fix & Daniel Rich
Optimist International has set out a program to let your hard work shine on
the accomplishments of your Club, your District and yourself. Recognition, the
acknowledgement of achievement, service, merit, etc. where a person walks away with
that good feeling of accomplishment. You are invited to come and learn how your Club,
your District and you as a member can earn recognition starting October 1, 2016. Also,
there is something new that has been added to the International Recognition Program;
come and learn how your future members can be Rookie Rock Stars.
FRE-3 Comment vendre l’optimisme........................Centre des congrès-2103, 2e étage
Linda Delorme
Atelier intéressant, innovateur et interactif. Venez découvrir des théories et outils de
recrutement et de rétention, partagez vos idées, pratiquez les méthodes. 1 heure de votre
temps = 4% de votre journée. Voici votre chance d’offrir le cadeau de l’optimisme à un
nouveau membre.
FRE-6 Servir et apprendre......................................Centre des congrès-2104A, 2e étage
Jacques Jobin
Présentation d’expériences vécues et période de questions afin de réfléchir sur la
préparation et la mise sur pied d’un organisme d’aide ou d’un club optimiste dans un pays
étranger. La fondation d`un Club Optimiste dans milieu différent du nôtre demande une
préparation faite conjointement avec des nationaux qui partagent notre objectif d` inspirer
le meilleur chez les jeunes. Les partenaires potentiels doivent donc être familier avec la
jeunesse de leur pays et nous devons préciser avec eux ce que signifie l`objectif d’inspirer
le meilleur chez les jeunes de leur pays.
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9:00-10:00 a.m. (Continued...)
FRE-7 Être gagnant c’est une question
d’attitude et pourquoi ?........................................... Centre des congrès-2104B, 2e étage
Bertrand Lambert
Comment notre attitude et les actions que nous accomplissons peuvent nous amener au
succès. Nous avons tous des forces exploitons les, comment j’ai réussi ou je ne pensais
pas avoir la capacité de réussir.
CCOF-1 Merci – Les dons planifiés........................... Convention Centre-2105, 2nd Floor
Alain Lévesque, president de DeVimy & Associés
Lorsque vient le temps de réfléchir sur la fin de la vie, tout le monde est d’accord pour
dire que les préarrangements funéraires sont importants. Planifier la transmission de son
patrimoine l’est tout autant. Alain Lévesque est président de DeVimy & associés, une firme
spécialisée en don planifié et en philanthropie. Il vous expliquera les différentes façons de
faire une différence tangible pour les générations suivantes par le legs testamentaire et
les dons planifiés.
ACCT-1 What’s New with
your General Liability Coverage?..............................Convention Centre-301B, 3rd Floor
Cody Wiedenhoff
Come and hear how the Club insurance works for our Clubs whether it be for our Members
or Events or property and learn about a new feature that has been added this upcoming year!
LD-16 Online Marketing-Optimist Style................... Convention Centre-302A, 3rd Floor
Diane Siefkes
During this session we’ll discuss the what, where and why of websites, email marketing
and social media. We’ve set aside time for your specific questions so come prepared to
interact and get some guidance for boosting your club’s online presence. Diane Siefkes
is a social media consultant in her home town and specializes in helping small business
owners get more out of their marketing dollar. As a past Governor and current Club
President, she understands the dilemma of marketing an Optimist club.
LD-9 Sharing Effective Fundraising Ideas............... Convention Centre-302B, 3rd Floor
Don Brose & Jan Oord Graves
In this session a number of clubs will share their effective fundraising strategies. Join
us to learn about how these clubs implemented their strategies and how much money
they raised to support the youth in their communities. Participants will also have an
opportunity to share their Club’s fundraising strategies.
LD-7 Bringing Out the Best in Our Clubs................ Convention Centre-303A, 3rd Floor
Tracy Huxley
We all want to be the best Club we can be. Our efforts are continuous at striving to Bring
Out the Best in Kids. The healthiest Clubs in our organization are naturally doing the same
list of productive steps to stay healthy year after year, decade after decade. What if it
was as simple as handing you a road map to becoming the best Club you can possibly
be? Well it is that simple! Why be the Best Club you can be? Because you promised
yourself...to think only of the Best, to work only for the Best and to expect only the Best.
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9:00-10:00 a.m. (Continued...)
FRE-1 Conseillers en développement
des clubs, c’est quoi ?...............................................Centre des congrès-303B, 3e étage
Thérèsa Tremblay
C’est nouveau ! Les conseillers en développement de club et de district sont là pour aider
nos dirigeants de club, de zone et de district afin de faire équipe avec eux pour s’assurer
que nos clubs progressent. Certains diront que c’est le service aux clubs mais c’est
beaucoup plus.
NCB-1 New Ideas for Club Building....................... Convention Centre-304AB, 3rd Floor
Deanna Morrow, Dwight Phillips
We know it takes the greatest effort and provides the greatest reward. But is there any
way to make new club building easier? Join NCB Chairs Dwight Phillips and Deanna
Morrow, along with their team of dedicated builders, for new ideas that can make your
club building dreams a reality. We’ll explore some of the unique clubs recently built that
include targeted membership and/or focused projects. Sometimes all it takes is a little
inspiration to get started!
9:00-11:15 a.m.
LD-3 Public Speaking................................................Convention Centre-205A, 2nd Floor
James Boyd
It instills fear in many people like nothing else. Many lose sleep over it, dread the day of its
arrival and shake in their boots at just the thought of it but public speaking doesn’t have
to be that way. This interactive session will provide participants with the tools they need
to speak publicly with confidence. It will also provide some tricks of the trade to make
your next public speaking engagement stand out from all the others. The session will also
include a lab for impromptu public speaking to be graded on by the entire class
10:15-11:15 a.m.
LD-2 Continuous Club Improvement..........................Convention Centre-202, 2nd Floor
Jan Oord Graves
Does your Club or District have too many goals, strategies and activities? Are you
not accomplishing what you envision? This workshop will help you employ effective
leadership skills to set clear attainable goals and select the strategies and activities that
will help you meet them. You will leave this workshop with effective ideas and tools that
will help you lead your team to develop a plan for continuous success.
LD-10 Bullying Is a Reality All Around Us............... Convention Centre-205B, 2nd Floor
Luc Gagnon & Linda Delorme
Bullying is all around us, at school, at work, in our communities and sometimes in an
Optimist Club. This workshop will be focused primarily on how to detect if a child is bullied
and examine other circumstances where bullying may be present.
CONV-1 How to Plan District Conferences and Conventions
Harry Margo & Ronda Vaughn..................................... Convention Centre-205C, 2nd Floor
A practical “how to” session with ideas on determining site selection, hotel selection, vendor
selection, budgets and contract negotiations for District Conferences and Conventions. This
workshop also features discussions on preparing your conference agenda.
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10:15-11:15 a.m. (Continued...)
FRE-5 La coopération n’a pas d’âge.........................Centre des congrès-2103, 2e étage
Bruno Tremblay
La coopération entre les membres d’une équipe, peu importe leur âge et leur expérience
est un signe de succès, autant personnel que professionnel. Cet atelier vous donnera des
outils afin d’intégrer l’expérience et l’innovation au sein d’une équipe.
LD-17 Dropbox: What is it & How to use it.......... Convention Centre-2104A, 2nd Floor
Dana Thomas
Many of us are now asked to use Dropbox as a way to obtain information from Optimist
International. This workshop will explain what Dropbox is and how you can use it not only
for Optimist business but also for work and personal use.
FRE-8 Vers les sommets de l’Optimisme............... Centre des congrès-2104B, 2e étage
Ronald Fournier
Pourquoi devient-on Optimiste ? C’est sûrement pour venir en aide à la jeunesse. Voilà une
cause louable mais est-ce qu’on oublie l’essentiel de la situation ? En tant qu’Optimiste,
est-il possible de réaliser des objectifs plus élevés, plus nobles ? Venez découvrir
comment une nouvelle école de psychologie peut nous aider à atteindre les plus hauts
sommets de l’Optimisme.
CCOF-2 To + To = For – Gift planning....................... Convention Centre-2105, 2nd Floor
Alain Lévesque, president of DeVimy & Associates
When it’s time to think about end-of-life, everybody agrees that funeral preplanning
is important. Planning the transmission of one’s assets is also very important. Alain
Lévesque is the president of DeVimy & Associates, a firm specializing in gift planning
and philanthropy. He will explain how giving makes a tangible difference for future
CFA-3 Club Fitness Advisory Committee:
Who we Are & What we Do......................................Convention Centre-301B, 3rd Floor
Harry Margo
Come learn about the new and improved Club Fitness Advisers- Who we are- What we
do- To help clubs remain strong, and how we can help clubs that need assistance to
become strong and healthy.
What does it mean to have a Club Physical- Have a follow up by the District Club Fitness
Advisers. Make sure that your Optimist Club has a good pulse on being a Strong and
Vibrant Club.
MEM-9 Let’s Do It for the Kids................................ Convention Centre-302A, 3rd Floor
Bob McFadyen
Tired of hearing the same old presentations on membership? Do you feel it is more
important to focus on the programs we do for the kids today than always talk about
adding new members? Do you feel O.I. and your district only care about numbers, not
the kids? Want to see a different take on membership? Join us for a fun discussion on
protecting the legacy you are building within your community.
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10:15-11:15 a.m. (Continued...)
LD-11 Marketing your Optimist Club......................... Convention Centre-302B, 3rd Floor
André Therrien
Are you working hard to organize your Club or District Meetings and Activities? Would you
like to have a maximum numbers of attendees? Come and learn how your Optimist Club
& District can create a consistent message and use social media to let people know what
you are doing in the community.
CFA-2 Let Them Eat Cake........................................ Convention Centre-303A, 3rd Floor
Tracy Huxley
Sometimes it feels like we have a “Welcome” sign over the front door and an even bigger
neon “EXIT” sign over our wide open backdoor! An Optimist doesn’t enjoy conflict but each
club has its own set of internal issues, whether big or small, that are holding us back from
our full potential. Join in to learn a new program developed to work with the Club Services
initiative to work out our clubs individual kinks and let your members EAT CAKE!
FRE-2 Communications & médias :
Qu’est-ce que ça donne ?......................................... Centre des congrès 303B, 3e étage
Nancy Beaulne
Communiqués de presse ou publications ? Médias traditionnels ou médias sociaux ?
Comment choisir ses moyens de communications et pourquoi diffuser les informations sur
son club et ses activités ? Échange, présentation et discussion sur les
communications/promotions GRATUITES.
LD-4 Bigger, Better, Bolder PDP Program.............................Convention Centre-304AB,
Cherryl Thames & Stephanie Monschein .
3rd Floor
The new PDP is a Professional Development Program designed to promote member
engagement and provide opportunities to develop greater leadership and professional
development skills at the same time.
The 21st Century is definitely a new and rapidly changing world, which requires both flexibility
and dual outcomes. Personal Growth and Professional Development are synonymous in
business as well as organizations and the new PDP Program has been redesigned to help
members achieve success in a leaner, more focused and timely manner.
When we take ownership of our own progression/development, the steps are simple - we
learn, we commit, and we do. The new PDP Program is designed to propel us along this
path of advancement with a greater sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction.
The Leadership Development Committee believes that this workshop is one that everyone
wants to attend from those new to the PDP Program, to those already in the PGI Program,
and for those who are ready to grow beyond their PGI Level 10.
1:00-2:00 p.m.
MEM-5 It’s an Honor to be Honor............................Convention Centre-204A, 2nd Floor
Donald Pfeiffer and Sonia Anderson
Honor club status symbolized club growth and personal goal achievement. Information
provided to encourage clubs’ Board of Directors and Presidents to achieve Honor Club. Effort
to keep records, pay dues, submit reports and increase membership are rewarded when
achieving Honor Club. Promotion by Governor and Lt. Governors to encourage clubs to achieve
Honor Club status must be insured. Even get the District TEAM and Past Governors involved
in the clubs. You may need to assist that club to obtain those final one or two members, or
required reports to complete their requirements!
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1:00-2:00 p.m. (Continued...)
MEM-7 30/30 A Strategy for Growth.................... Convention Centre-204B, 2nd Floor
Bron Austin Deal
Millennials are looking for ways to give back, get connected and serve their communities.
Are you using your resources to attract tomorrow’s future?
PROG-4 Optimism as a Philosophy of Life.Convention Centre-205A, 2nd Floor
Barbara Scirto-Sullivan
Join Olivia Optimist and special guest Peter Pessimist in a fun, interactive workshop with a
unique perspective on the Tenets of our Optimist Creed. They promise that you’ll leave
smiling and energized with a healthy dose of Optimism!
1:00-4:30 p.m.
LGE-2 ÉCOLE DE LT-GOUVERNEURS(ES)-ÉLUS(ES) Le poste de LieutenantGouverneur(e) de votre District en est.....................Centre des congrès-2101, 2e étage
André Therrien
Le poste de Lieutenant-Gouverneur(e) de votre District en est un des plus enrichissant au
sein de notre organisation. Cependant, avant de commencer cette aventure optimiste, il
est important de partir sur une base solide composée d’idées brillantes et d’une formation
hors pair ! Votre zone vous fait confiance. En acceptant ce défi et la première étape pour
une année formidable alors prenez cette opportunité d’apprendre ce que le poste de LtGouverneur a à vous offrir !
SECRÉTAIRES ET TRÉSORIERS DE CLUB.................Centre des congrès-2103, 2e étage
Pauline Langelier & Bruno Tremblay
«Vous allez occuper le poste de président, secrétaire ou trésorier dans votre club l’an
prochain ou vous pensez le faire dans un avenir prochain alors cet atelier est pour vous.
Vous avez peut-être déjà eu de la formation dans votre district mais vous avez encore
des interrogations. Vous l’avez manquée, ne paniquez pas. Venez nous rencontrer et
nous verrons ensemble le rôle de chacun et ce qui vous attend pour la prochaine année.
Même si vous pensez tout savoir, vous allez sûrement apprendre quelque chose en
assistant à notre atelier. C’est un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer!»
LES RESPONSABLES DE DISTRICT...........................Centre des congrès-2105, 2e étage
Theresa Tremblay, Luc Dubois & Jean Paquet
De plus en plus, on prône le travail d’équipe et ce, pas seulement dans nos clubs. Ensemble,
nous regarderons ce qu’est le rôle de chaque comité et comment nous pouvons
collaborer avec nos dirigeants de district. Cette formation s’adresse aux responsables de
district pour les comités suivants : leadership, croissance, fondation de nouveaux clubs
et conseillers en développement des clubs.
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1:00-5:00 p.m.
DCFA-1 District Club Fitness
Advisors Chair Training............................................ Convention Centre-205B, 2nd Floor
Thérèsa Tremblay & Barbara Zurcher
WHO needs to stay in shape to serve more youth? WHAT can we do to build up clubs
losing members? WHEN is it a good idea to involve the Club Fitness Advisors (and their
Team) to reach out to clubs in your District? WHERE …. Everywhere!! WHY do we need to
encourage clubs to attend & get involved in District meetings & keep their clubs FIT? Come
& check out this workshop & learn how to STAY FIT in your District to serve more Youth!
DLD-1 District Leadership Development
Chair Designate Training.......................................... Convention Centre-205C, 2nd Floor
Janet Oord Graves & Teri Davis
Leadership Development is one of the most important committees responsible to enhance
the quality of leadership of an individual or an organization. In recent years, Optimist
International has put major effort in producing high quality training programs and seminars
such as the Leadership Summits that were highly successful. This workshop is a must
for District Leadership Development Chairs and Governors-Elects. Come and join both
Leadership Development Co-Chairs, Mark Weinsoff and Andre Therrien to learn more
about the new approach to Leadership Development Program for your District.
CST-2 Club Secretary-Treasurer
Designate Training....................................................... Convention Centre-207, 2nd Floor
Marlene Phillips
Club Sec/Treas Designate, yes you! Things have changed and you really need to know
about it. Come on out for a few hours and be the one in the know in your club.
DST-1 District Secretary-Treasurer
Designate Training......................................................Convention Centre-301B, 3rd Floor
Marc Katz & Connie Pellock
District Secretary Treasurers, do you want to have a smooth running, stress free year?
Well, you can try and we can help. Come on out to the training on Thursday afternoon
and learn the keys to a successful year!
DMEM-1 District Membership Chair Training.......... Convention Centre-302A, 3rd Floor
Bob McFayden & Janet Lloyd
Help your district grow. Join us to develop goals and action plans for your clubs and your
district to succeed. Let’s strengthen the legacies we are building in our communities
DNCB-1 District New Club Building Chair Training.... Convention Centre-302B, 3rd Floor
Jim Boyd
Learn how to assist your District for a successful year in building new Optimist Clubs.
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1:00-5:00 p.m. (Continued...)
CPE-2 Club President-Elect Training....................... Convention Centre-303A, 3rd Floor
Cherryl Thames & Michel Listenberger
Lead your club to have the “Best Year Ever” during your year as President! Attend
this session to learn how to plan for a successful year. Topics will include: Effective
Leadership, Planning for Success, Board and Club Meetings, Teamwork, Recognition and
Resources for your Club.
CPE-1 Club Presidents-Elect Training....................... Convention Centre-303B, 3rd Floor
Deanna Morrow
You’ve accepted the challenge to serve as President of your Club. And as President, your
motivation and management will provide the foundation for your Club’s success. Prepare
well, and you will be a leader who inspires, counsels, and steers your Club in the directions
of growth and service. So, what’s next? Join CIT Deanna Morrow and her team of trainers for
this session filled with ideas, information, and resources to help prepare you, as together we
focus on leadership and your responsibilities as Club President throughout the Optimist year.
LGE-1 Lt. Governors-Elect Training........................ Convention Centre-304AB, 3rd Floor
Tracy Huxley & Sandy Larivee
A good day starts by waking up and deciding you’re going to make it a great day. Taking
on the best position in your District and making it the best position in your Optimist life
starts with a solid foundation of brilliant ideas and OUTSTANDING training! Your Zone
has invested their confidence in you. Accepting the challenge to become your Zone’s
Lt Governor was the first step to having an amazing year. Own your year and do it by
taking advantage of this fantastic opportunity to discover all that being a Lt Governor
has to offer.
2:15-3:15 p.m.
MEM-6 New Ideas N.O.W!.........................................Convention Centre-204A, 2nd Floor
Bill Meyers and Les Cox
It isn’t the traditional N.O.W. Program any more. Spread the word about your club and gain
new members at virtually every Optimist function. Hold creative N.O.W. events and learn
how to incorporate the essential elements of a N.O.W. into your programs. The results
will be surprising!
LD-8 Fun & Fellowship Continues............................ Convention Centre-204B, 2nd Floor
Sue Creswell
More fun and exciting ways to enhance up your club and zone meetings and “mix up” your
members to have …” fun and fellowship”!
CONV-2 Just Suppose –
a world without childhood cancer..........................Convention Centre-205A, 2nd Floor
Stephanie Davis
Curing childhood cancer is no longer an impossible dream. Learn about the latest targeted
therapies, immune-based approaches, new clinical trials and survivorship programming.
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing research lead to cures.
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3:30-4:30 p.m.
LD-18 Let’s Go Fishing...............................................Convention Centre-204A, 2nd Floor
Ardis Moody
The workshop will offer ideas for finding the “hooks” that increase involvement,
participation and attendance. We know that valuable material is shared at meetings,
conferences and conventions, but attendance is often disappointing. It is important to
plan and promote programs that will bring members out to learn, share and grow.
Let’s organize that “tackle box” and find ways to be irresistible!
MEM-8 Retaining and Reclaiming Club Members....................Convention Centre-204B,
Fatima Plater and Lou Moss
2nd Floor
Come learn and share ways to retain and reclaim club members, Right Here! Right Now!
9:00-10:00 a.m.
MKT-1 Websites & Portals & Technology. Oh my!....Convention Centre-202, 2nd Floor
Lynn Smith
A little fearful about using technology with your Club? Come hear how Portalbuzz is helping
Optimist Clubs communicate, organize and tackle tasks easily with a Club website and
member portal. We’ll provide an overview of the Portalbuzz and you’ll hear from actual
Optimist Club members that have been working with Portalbuzz.
OIF-1 Club Grant Best Practices...............................Convention Centre-205A, 2nd Floor
This session will review the process of applying for a $500 matching grant for a new Club
project. Emphasis will be on reviewing the process to improve the likelihood of receiving
funding for your Clubs new project.
CQ-1 Seeking Rising Stars-CQ Committee............. Convention Centre-205B, 2nd Floor
Danny Rodgers & Barbara Scirto-Sullivan
This workshop will provide information and answer your questions about how to achieve
your leadership goals through service at the Optimist International-level.
If you are interested in being appointed to International-level committees, running for the
Board of Directors, being selected as a nominee for International Vice-President or President,
members of the Candidate Qualifications Committee will be there to enlighten you!
CQ-2 À la recherche de jeunes espoirs..................Centre des congrès-205C, 2e étage
J.C. St-Onge
Cet atelier vous donnera de l’information et répondra à vos questions sur comment vous
pouvez atteindre vos objectifs de leadership en servant sur l’un des niveaux internationaux
d’Optimist International.
Si vous êtes intéressé à obtenir un poste à l’international au sein d’un des comités, à poser
votre candidature pour faire partie du conseil d’administration, à être sélectionné comme
nominé au poste de vice-président ou président international, les membres du comité des
mises en candidature seront là pour vous éclairer!
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9:00-10:00 a.m. (Continued...)
MEM-3 It’s All About Branding................................... Convention Centre-207, 2nd Floor
Bron Austin Deal and Dustin Casey
Does your club have an identity or a crisis? Either way it starts with a brand. Learn how
your brand transcends community awareness and stimulates membership growth.
LD-6 We Worked So Hard to Get you,
Then Let You Go.......................................................... Convention Centre-2101, 2nd Floor
Tracy Huxley
Getting new members is only half the battle. Keeping members is a balancing act we
all need to learn! People don’t step up to become volunteers to then sit at home and
not be involved. Learn how the different dynamics in the membership of your club can
work harmoniously together so that everyone’s needs are met. Happy members make for
lifetime members and that makes for the most productive club your community and the
children can ask for.
OJOI-1 Comment répandre l’OJOI
en fondant un club OJOI.............................................Centre des congrès-2103, 2e étage
Membres du conseil d’administration OJOI Julie D’Auteuil & Nicole Paquette
Vous pouvez réaliser quelque chose de spécial pour la jeunesse de votre collectivité en
les réunissant dans un club OJOI, et nous vous dirons comment! Les fondateurs de club
OJOI expérimentés ainsi que le conseil d’administration OJOI vous guideront à travers ce
processus pour que vous puissiez accomplir des réalisations exceptionnelles dans votre
collectivité et vous aider à « Inspirer le meilleur chez les jeunes ».
CCOF-3 Fundraising ABCs –
The proper way to fundraise................................. Convention Centre-2104A, 2nd Floor
Nina Strickland, Canadian Children Optimist Foundation’s President-Elect
Fundraising is a people business. Join us as we provide tips and tricks on how to raise
money for your Club projects. The seminar will give you communication tools and advices
on reaching out to your potential donors. We will reveal what are the best fundraising
practices and resources. This session will enable you to maximize every dollar that you
CCOF-5 La Fondation et ses programmes............. Convention Centre-2104B, 2nd Floor
Nadège Fortier, coordonnatrice administrative de la Fondation Optimiste des enfants
La Fondation Optimiste des enfants canadiens vous offre de nombreuses opportunités pour
vous soutenir dans les projets de votre club et de votre communauté, mais savez-vous
comment en tirer profit? Grâce à cet atelier, vous en apprendrez plus sur les différents
programmes de la fondation (« via la fondation », programme de contrepartie, subvention
de clubs). Vous apprendrez aussi comment faire des demandes efficaces (formulaires,
outils et ressources) afin de vous offrir la meilleure des chances de profiter de votre
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9:00-10:00 a.m. (Continued...)
FRE-13 Les pièges du bénévolat................................Centre des congrès-2105, 2e étage
Ronald Fournier
L’étymologie du mot « bénévolat » vient du latin « benevolus » qui signifie « bonne volonté
». À ses débuts, le bon Optimiste veut bien faire avec de bonne intention. Par contre, s’il
est imprudent, il risque de se faire prendre au piège, de miner son bon vouloir et devenir
problématique. Venez découvrir trois grands pièges à éviter comme bénévole.
LD-19 The Need to Evolve: How our Clubs Can Serve the Members—
and the Youth—of the Future....................................Convention Centre-301B, 3rd Floor
James Patrick Schmidt, Aaron Gunnare, Daniel Mallard, and Bron Austin Deal
We need to build our Clubs to accommodate the busy and hectic lifestyles that are the
reality for today’s business, social, and cultural climate. Learn immediate steps that can
be taken to evolve our Clubs to best serve young Members across the organization. The
Young Members Advisory Committee will also present a long-term vision for how to
ensure that Optimist International will be bringing out the best for years to come.
FRE-9 Plus grand, plus efficace, plus ambitieux –
Programme de croissance professionnelle,........... centre des congrès, 302A, 3e étage
André Therrien
En 2009, j’ai eu une chance extraordinaire d’aller en Floride pour participer au congrès
OJOI. Au début, je croyais que le congrès serait chargé de longues journées de réunions,
mais j’avais tort! De la première journée jusqu’à la dernière, j’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir. Je
me suis fait plusieurs nouveaux amis provenant d’un bout à l’autre du monde. J’ai appris
ce que les autres des différentes régions accomplissaient pour aider leurs collectivités et
comment ils avaient prêté main-forte pour reconstruire un parc local en Floride. Encore
aujourd’hui, je regarde les photos et je chéris mes souvenirs mémorables!
FRE-11 Intimidation, chez les jeunes et ailleurs......Centre des congrès-302B, 3e étage
Luc Gagnon
L’intimidation est tout autour de nous, à l’école, au travail, dans nos communautés et
quelques fois dans un club optimiste. Cet atelier sera surtout axé sur comment déceler si
un jeune est victime d’intimidation et examiner d’autres circonstances où nous pouvons
retrouver de l’intimidation.
PROG-1 On to the 2nd Annual Optimist International
Oratorical World Championships!!!.......................... Convention Centre-303A, 3rd Floor
Diana Carlin, Dana Thomas & Connie Pellock
Optimist International and Saint Louis University’s partnership was a SUCCESS!!! The 1st
Annual event hosted 25 contestants on-site and 32 contestants remotely (number to be
revised). Get your Club recognition and respect in your committee by hosting an event
that truly affects young people in their pursuit of higher education in an Optimistic way.
Offering the potential of a $22,500 scholarship is irresistible to students and educators
trying to develop communication skills in today’s society of texting and lack of selfexpression due to media and social pressures. Make sure you come to this workshop
to see how your Club can be a part of this exciting new venture by taking your current
Club’s Oratorical Contest to new heights or to learn how to get your Club involved if you
don’t yet conduct an Oratorical Contest.
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9:00-10:00 a.m. (Continued...)
LD-15 Communication................................................ Convention Centre-303B, 3rd Floor
Esthermarie Hillman
So you think you are a good communicator? Come play a little game and see how you do.
Game followed by discussion to see what you Learn about yourself and thing to think
about to improve your communications.
LD-13 What’s New:
The Revised ICD-135 Awards Program................. Convention Centre-304AB, 3rd Floor
James Kondrasuk, Susan Fix & Daniel Rich
Optimist International has set out a program to let your hard work shine on the accomplishments of your Club, your District and yourself. Recognition, the acknowledgement of
achievement, service, merit, etc. where a person walks away with that good feeling of
accomplishment. You are invited to come and learn how your Club, your District and you
as a member can earn recognition starting October 1, 2016. Also, there is something new
that has been added to the International Recognition Program; come and learn how your
future members can be Rookie Rock Stars.
10:15-11:15 a.m.
MKT-2 Websites & Portals & Technology...Oh my!...Convention Centre-202, 2nd Floor
Lynn Smith
A little fearful about using technology with your Club? Come hear how Portalbuzz is helping
Optimist Clubs communicate, organize and tackle tasks easily with a Club website and
member portal. We’ll provide an overview of the Portalbuzz and you’ll hear from actual
Optimist Club members that have been working with Portalbuzz.
OIF-2 Club Foundation Representatives &
What the Foundation Can Do for Your Club...........Convention Centre-205A, 2nd Floor
You will receive information on how to utilize the Foundation to provide 501(c)3 services
for your Club. Each service of the US Foundation will be reviewed and discussed to
improve a Clubs ability to provide charitable donation receipts to your local donors for
monetary donations.
NCB-2 New Club BuildingWhat Works THIS YEAR.......................................... Convention Centre-205B, 2nd Floor
James Boyd & Don Brose
The strength of any great organization is based on its foundation. The strength of any great
program can be found in the details. If attention is paid to the details the program has a
better chance of success. NCB 101 is designed to flush out those details so you can return
to your district and begin a new club development project with a greater chance of success.
Learn how to start, what questions to ask, who to contact and important steps to follow
after someone says “Yes.” You will also learn about common hurdles that block progress
and how to overcome them. A must attend session for anyone interested in growth.
MEM-4 Drafting Players in Today’s World................ Convention Centre-207, 2nd Floor
Bron Austin Deal
Endorsed by President Dave Bruns, Drafting Players in Today’s World unlocks the secrets
to growing membership in your current club or starting a new one! Huddle, Game plan,
Scout and Draft! This is a can’t miss presentation.
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10:15-11:15 a.m. (Continued...)
PROG-3 Super Powers of Being an Optimist: Broadening the
spectrum of Childhood Health & Wellness............... Convention Centre-2101, 2nd Floor
Patsy Garner & Tracy Huxley
While childhood cancer is the leading cause of death of children in the United States,
there is a broader spectrum of diseases affecting children’s quality of life throughout
the different communities of our organization. As Optimists we have the unique ability in
our service organization to identify those other needs and address them in our individual
communities. How do we bring these efforts together as a unified process giving us as
Optimists the opportunity to help children with respects to all needs of their health and
wellness? Take the journey with us as we dive into this new initiative.
JOOI-2 How to Spread
JOOI by Building a JOOI Club.................................... Convention Centre-2103, 2nd Floor
JOOI Board, Sandy Cyphers, David Pudles & Gerri Barnett
You can do something extra special for the youth in your community by organizing them
into a JOOI Club, and we can tell you how! Experienced JOOI Club builders and the JOOI
Board will guide you through the process to make something very special happen in your
community, helping you to truly “Bring out the Best in Kids”
CCOF-4 Les ABCs de la collecte de fonds –
La manière efficace de collecter les fonds......... Convention Centre-2104A, 2nd Floor
Raymonde Michaud, administratrice de la Fondation Optimiste des enfants canadiens
La collecte de fonds est synonyme de relations humaines. Joignez-vous à nous pour
apprendre des conseils et des trucs sur les collectes de fonds pour les projets de votre
club. Cet atelier vous offrira des outils de communication et des stratégies pour joindre vos
donateurs potentiels. Nous vous révélerons les meilleures pratiques et ressources pour
mener une collecte de fonds afin de maximiser chaque dollar obtenu.
CCOF-6 The Foundation and its programs............ Convention Centre-2104B, 2nd Floor
Nadège Fortier, Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation’s administrative coordinator
The Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation offers you many opportunities that could
help your club and community’s projects, but do you know how to make it work? Through
this workshop, you will learn more about the foundation’s various programs (outsourcing,
matching grants, club grants). You will also learn how to fill the paperwork to make better
applications and to give you best chance possible to benefit from your foundation.
FRE-14 Travail d‘équipe...............................................Centre des congrès-2105, 2e étage
Pauline Langelier
Combien de fois avez-vous démarré un projet et que tout le monde présent était tout feu
tout flamme et que lorsque les choses deviennent difficiles, leur énergie s’envole ? Si
cela vous est arrivé, alors cet atelier est pour vous. Venez apprendre comment créer une
équipe gagnante qui sera prête à tout pour réussir.
MEM-10 Catch a Rising Star!......................................Convention Centre-301B, 3rd Floor
Fatima Plater & Lou Moss
This session is for all club members, committee members and district officers. It will offer
strategies for catching rising stars in your district and illuminate (answer) the following
questions: What are the characteristics of a rising star? What opportunities are available
on a district level for their lights to shine?
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10:15-11:15 a.m. (Continued...)
FRE-10 Mentorat et Transfert de connaissances.. Centre des congrès-302A, 3e étage
Luc Dubois et Jean Paquet
Mentorat / Transfert de connaissances, pareil ou pas pareil ? Venez discuter avec nous des
points communs et/ou divergents entre ces 2 réalités.
FRE-12 Faut fêter ça !.................................................Centre des congrès-302B, 3e étage
Thérèsa Tremblay
Voici une suggestion d’activité annuelle de club afin de célébrer n os accomplissements,
regarder ce que l’on a réalisé tous en s’auto-évaluant, reconnaître nos membres et se
faire un plan d’Action en considérant le bon côté des choses en véritable optimiste. Lors
de cette activité bien spéciale règnera l’amitié et le respect en espérant que le mieux
pour le futur du club.
PROG-2 Great Idea for a Fundraiser-Now What?.. Convention Centre-303A, 3rd Floor
Marlene Phillips
Raising funds for those all-important youth and community service projects is a vital part
of every Optimist Club’s activities. While it can be a fulfilling and worthwhile endeavor,
it can be overwhelming and confusing if you are not sure where to start or how to stay
on track. During this session, faculty will present everything you need to know about
the basics of fundraising. Along the way we will introduce a few successful ideas that
can be implemented quickly at the Club level. This is your opportunity to energize your
fundraising efforts. Be sure to join us!
LD-14 Optimistic is in your DNA................................ Convention Centre-303B, 3rd Floor
Theresa Jarratt & Debbie Berry
Have you ever wondered why you are an optimistic person? Come and learn how your
genetic code brings out the best in you and others and be on the cutting edge of optimism.
LD-5 Bigger, Better, Bolder PDP Program............ Convention Centre-304AB, 3rd Floor
Stephanie Monschein & Janet Oord Graves
The new PDP is a Professional Development Program designed to promote member
engagement and provide opportunities to develop greater leadership and professional
development skills at the same time.
The 21st Century is definitely a new and rapidly changing world, which requires both flexibility
and dual outcomes. Personal Growth and Professional Development are synonymous in
business as well as organizations and the new PDP Program has been redesigned to help
members achieve success in a leaner, more focused and timely manner.
When we take ownership of our own progression/development, the steps are simple - we
learn, we commit, and we do. The new PDP Program is designed to propel us along this
path of advancement with a greater sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction.
The Leadership Development Committee believes that this workshop is one that everyone
wants to attend from those new to the PDP Program, to those already in the PGI Program,
and for those who are ready to grow beyond their PGI Level 10.
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