OPERA – fiche sociographique - défense


OPERA – fiche sociographique - défense
OPERA – fiche sociographique - défense
Prénom, Nom:
David M. Morriss, dit Dave. Contact :
Catégorie : Législatif
Dates de naissance / décès :
1957 Lieu de naissance :
Il grandit dans northeastern Tennessee Genre : Male Lieu de résidence (si DC avant l’accession à un poste retenu, avec si
possible l’année de l’emménagement à DC):
Formation :
BA/BS MA/MS PhD Law degree (JD…) Autre BS, US Naval Academy, 75-­‐79 JD, University of Virginia Law School, 1984-­‐87 LLM, Harvard Law School, 1994-­‐95 Profession initiale :
Carrière :
1979 – 2005 : carrière militaire de 26 ans (probablement dans la Navy) 28 mars 2005 – 30 sep 2011 (April 2012) : Minority Counsel (28 03 05 – 30 Sep 06 : Counsel), SASC (minority staff director) = 7 ans April 2012 -­‐ : Director, Government relations, General Dynamics, Falls Church, Virginia Sources biblio/bio, articles, divers.
Senate Committee Staff
Senate Armed Services Committee
Megan Scully
1269 words
23 June 2007
W. Genieys, Operationalizing Programmatic Elites Research in America, OPERA : ANR-­‐08-­‐BLAN-­‐0032. 1 National Journal
David Morriss
Minority Counsel
When he retired in 2005 after a 26-year military career, Morriss, 49, thought it was a logical
choice to cross the Potomac for a job on the committee. He had worked closely with the panel
as the director of the Navy's Office of Legislative Affairs and was familiar with its broad
range of issues. He was also impressed by its membership roster -- which now includes two
former Navy secretaries -- John Warner and Jim Webb, the two senators from Virginia.
"Charlie Abell [former majority staff director] once said that working in the Senate is like a
narcotic," Morriss said. "It's just the thrill of working here." Morriss grew up in northeastern
Tennessee and graduated from the Naval Academy. He received a law degree from the
University of Virginia and a master's from Harvard. Peter Levine, the panel's majority
counsel, applauds Morriss for his ability to work across the aisle. And a former colleague
called Morriss a "top-notch, A-1 professional." Morriss said he relishes the pace and nature of
the work. "You get up in the morning and read in the paper about something you might be
working on that day. And you go to bed and read in tomorrow's paper about something that
you did."
7N6Q&bvm=bv.57155469,d.ZGU (consulté le 30 nov)
Sources additionnelles :
http://www.linkedin.com/pub/david-­‐m-­‐morriss/23/1b3/830 http://www.legistorm.com/person/David_M_Morriss/7696.html accessed 29 mai 2012 W. Genieys, Operationalizing Programmatic Elites Research in America, OPERA : ANR-­‐08-­‐BLAN-­‐0032. 2