Annales 2014-2015


Annales 2014-2015
Annales 2014-2015
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Le concours admissions parallèles de l’ISG est constitué d’épreuves écrites et orales qui se
déroulent toutes sur une seule et même journée.
Les épreuves sont les suivantes :
Epreuves écrites (total des coefficients : 30)
Compréhension de texte (1h30, coefficient 17)
Cette épreuve a pour objectif d’évaluer les qualités de compréhension, d’analyse et
de synthèse des candidats.
Epreuve d’anglais (1h30, coefficient 13)
Cette épreuve, présentée sous forme d’un QCM de 60 questions et d’un essai, évalue
le niveau de grammaire, de syntaxe et de vocabulaire et des candidats.
Epreuves orales (total des coefficients : 30)
Entretien individuel (30 min, coefficient 20)
Cet entretien a pour but d’évaluer la motivation du candidat, ses qualités
d’argumentation, son projet professionnel et son aisance à l’oral.
Oral d’anglais (20 min de préparation et 20 minutes d’épreuves, coefficient 10)
Le sujet est un texte, un article de presse, un dessin, une image, une photo….
Le candidat prépare un court exposé de synthèse et d’analyse des éléments du sujet
et doit montrer ses qualités linguistiques (vocabulaire et aisance à l’oral) ainsi que
son ouverture culturelle.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Samedi 5 avril 2014
Durée : 1 heure 30 minutes
Question 1 : Dégagez les idées principales de ce texte en suivant l’ordre de leur énonciation.
(5 points)
Question 2 : Qu’est ce qui s’apparente de plus en plus à une utopie ? (5 points)
Question 3 : Qu’est ce qu’internet a modifié dans notre conception de la liberté et de
l’intime ? Est-ce une menace ou un espoir ? (Pour qui ? et pour quoi ?) (10 points)
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Internet est un puissant moteur d’innovation, alimenté par une culture singulière de
l’ouverture. Cette ouverture se caractérise par le libre accès aux sources des dispositifs
stratégiques, à la documentation de ses composantes les plus essentielles et à leur libre
usage. La structure décentralisée d’Internet s’est ainsi traduite par une prolifération
d’initiatives publiques, associatives, individuelles, collectives et privées. Tout intermédiaire
souhaitant s’imposer au détriment de médiations plus efficaces risque à présent d’être
contourné et d’être délaissé. Vingt ans à peine après son développement commercial,
Internet semble être à l’acmé de son potentiel. Sa robustesse a fait ses preuves, alors qu’il
s’est adapté à une croissance très supérieure à ce qui avait été imaginé par ses concepteurs.
Mais ces dernières années, les fondements d’Internet se trouvent confrontés à de
nombreux défis, dont la diversité et la puissance sont susceptibles de mettre un terme à ce
qui s’apparente de plus en plus à une utopie. La liberté d’expression est soumise à un
contrôle et une surveillance d’une ampleur inédite. Espace de liberté, Internet est devenu le
plus vaste panoptique du Monde. Les nobles présupposés de l’intelligence collective sont
ébranlés par l’exploitation commerciale des productions individuelles et leur détournement
au profit de stratégies de communication de plus en plus sophistiquées. La gratuité des
échanges est affectée par la revendication croissante et souvent légitime des producteurs
de contenus. Le potentiel d’Internet n’étant plus à prouver, des acteurs très puissants et de
plus en plus organisés tentent par ailleurs de se l’approprier en remplaçant la plupart des
standards ouverts et documentés par des normes fermées et propriétaires.
La décentralisation du réseau, quant à elle, n’est plus qu’un vœu pieux, lorsque
l’essentiel des communications se concentre au sein de quelques centres de données et
quelques entreprises qui se partagent la majeure partie des pratiques numériques. Enfin, la
robustesse d’Internet est de plus en plus affectée. Les failles se multiplient et de
nombreuses entreprises, gouvernements et individus sont exposés à des attaques
informatiques qui visent à obtenir des informations confidentielles et compromettre des
infrastructures stratégiques.
En voulant faire du Monde un espace commun pour l’humanité, les pionniers
d’Internet ont probablement sous-estimé la faiblesse et la résistance des sociétés qui la
constituent. Organisées selon des valeurs multiples, ces sociétés exigent de plus en plus
qu’Internet se conforme à leurs propres intérêts. Nous assistons à la confrontation de ces
revendications, publiques, privées, individuelles et collectives et il faut dès à présent
reconnaître qu’Internet en sera profondément changé. Construit très largement autour de
valeurs nord-américaines, Internet doit aujourd’hui être à la hauteur de son ambition et
s’adapter à un environnement d’une complexité considérable : le Monde.
Les fins d’internet, Boris Beaude
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Mercredi 11 juin 2014
Durée : 1 heure 30 minutes
Question 1 : Quelle morale tirez-vous de ce texte ? (3 points)
Question 2 : Expliquez « dans la mort il y a aussi quelque chose du chat capitaliste qui laissa
d’abord courir la souris, puis la mange » (5 points)
Question 3 : Imaginez que vous êtes l’avocat du « jeune homme » meurtrier. Quelle seraient
votre plaidoirie ? (12 points)
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Pauvre diable et diable riche
Les gens qui ont assez d’argent c’est curieux comme ils deviennent bons parfois. Ils n’envient
rien à leur prochain, ils imaginent pour lui quelque chose de beau.
Les riches aiment jouer, ils mettent en jeu les pauvres. Comme cet Américain qui lança ce
singulier concours. On demandait un jeune homme, mineur de fond autant que possible, en bonne
santé et disponible. On en prit un parmi cent mille concurrents parfois concurrents; le jeune homme
se présenta. Un joli garçon, il n’avait rien à faire sinon remplir les conditions : avoir de bonnes
manières à table, s’habiller avec chic, savoir se tenir dans le monde. Un précepteur lui inculqua les
mondanités, l’équitation, le golf, la conversation cultivée avec les dames, enfin tout ce qu’il faut à un
gentleman américain. Tout cela avec l’argent de son protecteur; ce dressage achevé, le veinard
entrepris un voyage de trois ans autour du monde, avec des lettres de change en poche qui lui
permettaient d’assouvir tout désir, si exotique qu’il fût. Il ne restait plus qu’une petite condition à
remplir, la dernière : le jeune homme après son voyage devait retourner à la mine comme si de rien
n’était. Il devait y passer au moins dix ans, mineur comme devant. L’heureux gaillard avait
également souscrit à cette condition, ne s’attachant qu’à la vie qui s’offrait dans l’immédiat; le
temps de la jeunesse dorée commença. Il alla par les dorures d’opéra de l’Europe, eut des succès
avec les femmes, s’y montra très doué, chassa le tigre indien, dîna avec les vice-rois, bref, mena une
vie de prince, avec en plus le contraste de la vie d’avant. Jusqu'au jour il rentra chez lui et remercia
son bienfaiteur, presque gavé de plaisirs, comme on prend congé d’un hôte. Il renfila les vieux
vêtements et redescendit dans la mine, retrouva le charbon, les chevaux aveugles, les camardes qui
lui étaient devenus si étrangers et qui le méprisaient. Revint à la mine - incroyable, alors, les
premiers jours, les premiers mois, le reflet et le contraste, la descente au point du jour, le travail sur
le dos, la sueur, la toux, le poussier dans les yeux, l’infecte mangeaille, le lit à trois. Evidemment le
jeune garçon aurait pu rompre le contrat; dans les bonnes manières, en cherchant une autre place,
ou à la manière révolutionnaire, comme dirigeant ouvrier. Au lieu de cela, il se mit en grève, au culot,
fila à New-York, vit son bienfaiteur, le tua. On eut de la compréhension pour le travailleur post
festum : le tribunal l’acquitta.
Motif : la vie qui joue avec nous, est-elle rein d’autre que l’homme riche, l’homme bon ? Cet
homme est à supprimer assurément est l’ouvrier l’a tué; le destin purement social qu’impose la
classe riche aux pauvres est à supprimer. Mais l’home riche incarne aussi une idole de l’autre destin,
notre destin naturel avec la mort pour finir, dont le diable riche a copié la brutalité et qu’il a rendu
visible jusqu’à ce qu’il devienne le sien. Car, si misérable ou si agitée et brillante qu’ait pu être une
vie, la mort l’étreint de la même manière et l’expédie sous terre; bref le despote capitaliste vit aussi
sous le destin fatal qui nous impose la demi-mesure de la vie et nous livre ensuite au néant. Le diable
américain présente même quelque similitude avec le pire despote sous les traits duquel on ait jamais
imaginé le destin, le Dieu de Calvin : nul ne peut savoir ce qui l’attend là-haut, le décret divin qui le
sauvera ou le damnera est inconnaissable ici-bas ; mais, dit Calvin, chez quelques hommes Dieu a
suscité une apparence de sainteté, comme si le paradisier était particulièrement assuré. Et ce sont
justement ces hommes que Dieu rejettera le plus sûrement, il a suscité cette apparence de sainteté
uniquement afin qu’ils soient plus terriblement surpris par l’enfer - et le saint homme qui croyait déjà
fouler le parquet céleste ! Va pour Calvin et pour l’enfer : dans la mort qui n’est pour personne sa
propre mort, qui par définition ne peut l’être (car notre espace est toujours la vie, ou ce qui est plus
que la vie, jamais moins) - dans la mort il y a aussi quelque chose du chat capitaliste qui laissa
d’abord courir la souris, puis la mange. Qui pourrait à notre « saint » faire grief d’abattre ce Dieu
comme l’ouvrier le millionnaire ? Mais in ne sait rien de certain sur ces choses et qui sait quel tribunal
nous acquitterait ? Le gros chat, acteur de passage, ne joue dans la vie que des petits rôles ; en tout
cas le revolver du travailleur mérite notre sympathie.
Traces Ernst Bloch, 1968.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Mercredi 2 juillet 2014
Durée : 1 heure 30 minutes
Question 1 : Quelle morale pouvez-vous tirer de ce texte ? (5 points)
Question 2 : Expliquez la phrase suivante : « Enfant j’ai failli tomber dans le puits. Une fois
grand, j’ai failli tomber dans le mot éternité et aussi dans pas mal d’autres mots : amour,
espérance, patrie, Dieu. A chaque mot franchi, j’avais l’impression d’échapper à un danger
et d’avancer d’un pas »
Question 3 : Quels sont les mots qui occupent une place déterminante dans notre société ?
Pourquoi ? Leur usage est-il selon vous favorable à notre développement ?
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Quand j’étais dans la première classe communale, il y avait comme lecture de la seconde
partie de l’alphabet, un conte de fées.
Un petit enfant était tombé dans un puits. Là il avait trouvé une cité merveilleuse avec des
jardins fleuris, un lac de miel, une montagne de riz au lait et des jouets multicolores.
A mesure que j’épelais, chaque syllabe me faisait pénétrer plus profondément dans le conte.
Or un jour à midi, en revenant de l’école, je rentrais en courant à la maison, me précipitai
vers la margelle du puits de la cour, sous la treille, et me mis à regarder, fasciné, la surface
lise et noire de l’eau. Il me sembla bientôt voir la ville merveilleuse, des maisons et des rues ;
des enfants et une treille chargée de raisins. Je n’y tins plus. Je laissai prendre ma tête,
étendis les bras tout en donnant des coups de pied contre le sol pour prendre de l’élan et
Mais, en ce moment, ma mère m’aperçut. Elle poussa un cri, accourut et arriva tout juste à
temps pour m’attraper à la ceinture.
Enfant j’ai failli tomber dans le puits. Une fois grand, j’ai failli tomber dans le mot éternité et
aussi dans pas mal d’autres mots : amour, espérance, patrie, Dieu.
A chaque mot franchi, j’avais l’impression d’échapper à un danger et d’avancer d’un pas
Nikos Kazantzakis, Alexis Zorba
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Mercredi 10 septembre 2014
Durée : 1 heure 30 minutes
Question 1 : Quelle est l’idée principale de ce texte ? (4 points)
Question 2 : Que pensez-vous de cet engouement pour certaines espèces présentées dans
les zoos ? (6 points)
Question 3 : Quelle place occupe les animaux dans notre société ? Discutez là. (10 points)
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Le Magazine du Monde - 19 juillet 2014
Les machine à cash des zoos, Pierre Jaxel-Truer, Blandine Milcent
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
L’épreuve d’anglais dure 1 heure 30 minutes et le coefficient qui lui est associé est 4.
Cette épreuve est composée de deux parties :
Partie 1 : QCM de 60 questions portant sur le vocabulaire et la grammaire
Vous devez essayer de répondre aux 60 questions. Pour chaque question, vous devez choisir
une réponse parmi les différentes propositions. Le QCM est noté sur 60 et chaque question
correspond à 1 point.
Partie 2 : Une question d’actualité ou un sujet général ou un article de presse avec une ou
plusieurs questions
La réponse doit être rédigée et vous devez impérativement répondre avec vos propres
mots, sans citer le texte. Cette partie est notée sur 40 points.
Cette épreuve évalue votre niveau de grammaire et de vocabulaire mais aussi votre
compréhension et votre capacité de rédaction.
Attention, il faut bien gérer votre temps pour pouvoir répondre aux deux parties.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Samedi 8 mars 2014
Durée : 1 heure 30 minutes
Part 1: Grammar and Lexis - 60 points
Try to answer all 60 questions. Choose one answer from the four possible answers.
There is one mark per question.
Part 2 : Writing – 40 points
Write a coherent paragraph (250 words) in which you express your opinion about the topic
below. Try to use some specific examples to illustrate your opinion. Use your personal
observations, experience, and knowledge.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Part 1: Lexis and Grammar (60 points)
Note : ……./60
Try to answer all 60 questions. Choose one answer from the four possible answers.
There is one mark per question. Circle the correct letter.
1. We had _______ questions for the lecturer.
a. none
b. any
c. no
d. not
2. The company could _______ money if it bought more fuel-efficient vehicles for its fleet.
a. economize
b. economic
c. economics
d. economical
3. Mr Blue was put in charge of the media department, _______ was recently reorganized.
a. who
b. that
c. which
d. whom
4. The metro _______ in Madrid are cheaper than those in Paris.
a. fees
b. rates
c. bills
d. fares
5. The little boy can play _______ baseball nor basketball.
a. either
b. neither
c. nor
d. or
6. They are planning _______ over their main competitor.
a. taking
b. take
c. taken
d. to take
7. Steve _______ at this company since January.
a. works
b. has been working c. is working
d. worked
8. The government appointed a labor mediator to act as a ______ in the dispute between the
union and the auto industry.
a. referral
b. referee
c. referendum d. reference
9. She was elected to the city _______ in the last election.
a. consul
b. counsel
c. console
d. council
10. They say that this product is revolutionary, but I’m disappointed with it. I think that it’s
a. overwhelmed
b. overdone
c. overrated
d overhauled
11. He _______ the tank of his car with gas before leaving the city on holiday.
a. felt
b. filed
c. fell
d. filled
12. He has a _______ to the Economist.
a. transcription
b. inscription
c. subscription
d. registration
13. Have you _______ gone skydiving?
a. ever
b. never
c. any
d. none
14. The bill for lunch was _______ high that I decided to put it on my credit card.
a. such
b. too
c. so
d. very
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
15. _______ of the rice in this country is exported.
a. Almost
b. Majority
c. The most
d. Most
16. _______people attended the conference this year.
a. Less
b. Fewer
c. None
d. Any
17. _______ meals are served on this flight.
a. No
b. None
c. Any
d. Not much
18. _______ Miami, Los Angeles has a mild climate.
a. Similar to
b. Alike
c. Like
d. The same
19. They look exactly _______; they’re identical twins!
a. similar to
b. alike
c. like
d. the same as
20. Large _______ of fertilizer and water are required for high-yield crops.
a. amount
b. amounts
c. number
d. numbers
21. Mr. Olowu has _______ returned to Nigeria.
a. still
b. anymore
c. ever
d. already
22. _______ the most beautiful buildings in Hanoi is the Opera House.
a. Between
b. Among
c. Alike
d. Like
23. _______ research has been done in that field.
a. Many
b. Not many
c. Little
d. Few
24. The company does not sell that product _______.
a. never
b. anyone
c. some
d. anymore
25. Before you _______ a decision, consider all the facts.
a. make
b. take
c. have
d. keep
26. You must pay a _______ to enter a national park.
a. fare
b. fee
c. payment
d. bill
27. After 25 years with the firm, Mr. Smoothie _______.
a. reduced
b. dismissed
c. hired
d. resigned
28. I had to stand in _______ for 2 hours to get tickets to the concert.
a. line
b. row
c. lane
d. aisle
29. The tickets were expensive because we sat in the 4th _______.
a. line
b. row
c. lane
d. aisle
30. The flight is not very crowded, sir, so you can choose your seat. Would you like a window or
a(n) _______ seat?
a. line
b. row
c. lane
d. aisle
31. We have to turn at the next intersection, so you should get in the left _______.
a. line
b. row
c. lane
d. aisle
32. Mr. Rizal began working here when he was in his _______ twenties.
a. deep
b. high
c. late
d. far
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
33. My new workplace is _______ the Medical Center.
a. near to
b. close to
c. nearby
d. next
34. _______ can understand this manual, it just doesn’t make sense.
a. Somebody
b. No one
c. Anyone
d. Everybody
35. The CEO of Nike is a _______ middle distance runner.
a. once
b. previous
c. former
d. past
36. We lifted the package out of the _______ of the car.
a. trunk
b. track
c. truck
37. If I were you, I’d ask Paul for some _______.
a. advisor
b. advisable
c. advise
d. trek
d. advice
38. Is your insurance company going to reimburse you for your _______.
a. lost
b. losing
c. lose
d. loss
39. _______ drivers often cause accidents.
a. uncaring
b. careless
c. careful
d. carefully
40. I cannot afford a new laptop, so I’m looking for a _______ one.
a. uses
b. users
c. used
d. useless
41. I look forward _______.
a. to meeting you soon b. to meet you soon c. meeting you soon
d. meet you soon
42. _______ are available upon request.
a. references
b. attestations
d. recommending
c. testifies
43. I hope you _______ consider me for an interview.
a. will
b. would
c. should
d. shan’t
44. I _______ a work placement for this summer.
a. am researching for b. am searching for c. am seeking for d. am looking forward
45. I have _______.
a. done many training b. a lot of work experience
d. done much jobs
c. many work experiences
46. Please send us a CV and a letter of _______.
a. motivation
b. application
c. covering
47. A _______ servant works for the government.
a. functionary
b. blue collar
c. senior
d. résumé
d. civil
48. He carried out a(n) _______ at IBM last summer in the Finance Dept.
a. training
b. internship c. work experience
d. all of the above
49. When he received the ‘pink notice’ last week, he realized that he was about to _______.
a. be promoted
b. receive a raise
c. be laid off
d. be hired
50. Her GPA is 3.7. She’s an excellent _______.
a. saleswoman
b. trader
c. accountant
d. student
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
51. He’s been working _______ General Motors for 5 years.
a. in
b. on
c. for
d. to
52. How long has Jean _______ London?
a. been to
b. gone to
c. lived in
d. been working at
53. Charlotte lived in Chicago _______ five years.
a. since
b. ago
c. in
d. for
54. Sales _______ recently.
a. are increasing
b. increase
c. have increased
d. increased
55. If you give us a 5% increase, we _______ the size of our order.
a. would increase
b. will increase
c. would have increased
d. had increased
56. Employees were asked how _______ they used the new company fitness center.
a. soon
b. far
c. often
d. frequent
57. We will send you the goods as soon as we _______ payment.
a. will receive
b. receive
c. would receive
d. we be receiving
58. Stephen is very good _______ mathematics.
a. in
b. on
c. over .
d. at
59. Karen _______ a lot of money at her new job.
a. wins
b. gains
c. does
d. earns
60. Michel and Augustin are willing to help out with the organization of the event, but,
unfortunately, _______ of them will be available in the morning.
a. none
b. neither
c. either
d. each
Part 2: Writing – 40 points
Note : ……./40
Write a coherent paragraph (250 words) in which you express your opinion about the topic
below. Try to use some specific examples to illustrate your opinion. Use your personal
observations, experience, and knowledge.
Winston Churchill: The price of greatness is responsibility. Do we expect too much from our
public figures?
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Samedi 5 avril 2014
Durée : 1 heure 30 minutes
Part 1: Grammar and Lexis - 60 points
Try to answer all 60 questions. Choose one answer from the four possible answers.
There is one mark per question.
Part 2 : Writing – 40 points
Write a coherent paragraph of about 200 words (+/- 10%) in which you express your opinion about
the topic below. Try to use some specific examples to illustrate your opinion. Use your personal
observations, experience, and knowledge.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Part 1: Lexis and Grammar (60 points)
Note :
Try to answer all 60 questions. Choose one answer from the four possible answers.
There is one mark per question.
1 How do_____ do ?
a) she
b) his
c) you
d) Tom
2 _____ three hotels are located in the city centre.
a) There
b) We
c) Theirs
d) Our
3 Harley Davidson is _____ American company.
a) an
b) old
c) in
4 How long has Rick _____ Glasgow?
a) been to
b) gone to
c) lived in
5 Are _____ your invoices?
a) their
b) these
d) big
d) been working at
c) this
d) there
6 I’ve already finished my studies, but Jim _____.
a) isn’t
b) doesn’t
c) hasn’t
d) aren’t
7 Would you _____ if I smoked?
a) matter
b) mind
c) like to
8 Do you have _____ contacts in China?
a) the
b) much
c) any
9 He’s been working _____ IBM for 5 years.
a) on
b) in
c) for
d) be able
d) lot of
d) to
10 Anya hasn’t _____ computer code since university.
a) write
b) writing
c) wrote
11 We _____ through a friend in London last year.
d) written
a) met
b) meet
c) meeting
12 _____ you go to class yesterday?
a) Did
b) Went
c) Have
d) meets
13 When did the boss _____ about the problems?
a) learns
b) learning
c) learn
d) Were
d) learned
14 Sales in June were as high _____ they have ever been.
a) that
b) than
c) as
d) then
15 How many days did Ahmed _____ in Moscow?
a) pass
b) go
c) be
d) spend
16 We won’t _____ our new range until next month.
a) introduction b) be introducing
c) to introduce d) introduced
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
17 Brian’s lived in San Francisco _____ seven years.
a) since
b) ago
c) for
d) in
18 The doctor recommended that she _____ smoking immediately.
a) stop
b) stops
c) is stopping d) stopped
19 This offer is for a limited _____ only, so you have to be quick.
a) discount
b) sale
c) order
d) period
20 Management has decided to lay _____ one third of the workforce.
a) down
b) off
c) through
d) away
21 It’s easy to _____ mistakes with this software, so be careful!
a) work
b) make
c) think
22 Steve _____ a lot of money in his new job.
a) wins
b) gains
c) deals
d) do
d) earns
23 Warren is very good _____ writing computer code.
a) on
b) in
c) at
d) over
24 After yesterday’s fall, the Euro _____ to previous levels.
a) is now returning
b) now returns
c) now returned
d) are now returning
25) Our new advertising _____ includes TV, billboards and mail shots.
a) policy
b) campaign
c) marketing
d) sales
26 Global ______ is an issue that we should all feel concerned about.
a) heating
b) relations
c) warming
d) freezing
27 A lot of employees _____ their jobs recently.
a) lose
b) have lost c) lost
d) are losing
28 On _____ of our firm, I’d like to welcome you all to this seminar.
a) behalf
b) charge
c) responsible
d) part
29 We _____ her an offer so let’s see if she accepts it.
a) took
b) made
c) did
d) had
30 Larry Moe and Curly Joe are willing to help out with the organisation of the event, but
unfortunately _____ of them will be available in the morning.
a) none
b) neither
c) either
d) each
31 If you had given us a 5% discount, we _____ the size of our order.
a) had increased
b) would increase
c) would have increased
d) ‘ll
32 They’ve arrested him on charges of bribery and _____.
a) embezzlement
b) dishonesty
c) compensation
d) commission
33 The product flopped and the company decided to ______ it from the market.
a) take off
b) give up
c) withdraw
d) deny
34 The economy has ______ beyond all expectations.
a) rivalled
b) exceeded c) regained
d) recovered
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
35 He said that he ________ to Australia in two months.
a) would be immigrating
b) had immigrated
c) has immigrated
d) had been immigrating
36 _____ the first phase of the project, regional managers will be asked to provide feedback
about their specific requirements.
a) While
b) Along
c) As soon as
d) During
37 Could you please stop _________ me? I won’t lower the price any more.
a) dealing with b) merchandising with c) trading with
d) bargaining with
38 There are few _____ benefits to my job. I wish I were offered a company car and
membership at the local sports centre.
a) fringe
b) perk
c) remuneration
d) pay
39 The engineers think that they _____ a solution to the problem; changing the gear box.
a) may have found
b) are finding c) can have found
d) will be finding
40 Our website receives about 40,000 _____ per month.
a) hits
b) surfs
c) browses
d) clicks
41 Employees were asked how _____ they used the free shuttle bus to the local metro station.
a) soon
b) far
c) often
d) frequent
42 My boss is totally _____ when it comes to employees’ personal problems. He’s heartless!
a) careless
b) caring
c) uncaring
d) careful
43 Let’s get straight to the _____ . I don’t have any more time to waste on this!
a) point
b) item
c) debate
d) purpose
44 You might consider ______ a driver during your business trip if you are not used to driving in
a) hiring
b) to hire
c) hire
d) hired
45 Could you please tell me how many accounting staff _____?
a) do you employ
b) you employ
c) you do employ
d) are you employ
46 Peer _______ is quite a good idea if you are considering a career change.
a) guidelines b) counselling
c) infighting d) pressure
47 The company has _____ a hostile takeover bid for its main competitor.
a) targeted
b) taken
c) launched
d) set up
48 Five new sales representatives ______ recruited for our new office in Singagpore.
a) are
b) will
c) are going to d) have been
49 Our legal department is drawing ______ the contract which will be sent as soon as it’s ready.
a) on
b) down
c) over
d) up
50 Last year, China ______ Japan to become the world’s second biggest economy.
a) overrode
b) overchargedc) overtook
d) overestimated
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
51 I don’t think Jim ______ the position in the first place. He has neither the profile nor the
a) should be giving
b) should give c) should have been giving
d) should have been given
52 _____ that you can’t respect the deadline for delivery, we may ask for a discount.
a) Given
b) As
c) Seen
d) So
53 She did everything they told him to do; she really ______ the line.
a) pulled
b) bought
c) towed
d) drew
54 The negotiations were successful, and we ______ our suppliers to reduce their prices by
a) got
b) had
c) made
d) let
55 It must be at least 3 years ______ we last had labor unrest at the factory.
a) ago
b) until
c) since
d) for
56 It’s a really user-_____ product with lots of handy features.
a) happy
b) friendly
c) free
d) designed
57 The CEO is irate and insists on finding out ______ the information to the press.
a) who did leadb) who leaked c) the person leaked d) to whom leaked
58 ______ you will see in my enclosed résumé, I have extensive experience in the required field.
a) Like
b) As
c) Since
d) Whereas
59 I’d be happy to help you with the project as ______ as it’s not too technical.
a) far
b) long
c) much
d) well
60 Lisa is away this week, but I’m sure that she’ll respond to your request as soon as she ______
a) will get
b) is getting c) gets
d) will be getting
Part 2: Writing – 40 points
Note : ……./40
Write a coherent paragraph of about 200 words (+/- 10%) in which you express your opinion
about the topic below. Try to use some specific examples to illustrate your opinion. Use your
personal observations, experience, and knowledge.
Are we too dependent on computers and smartphones?
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Mercredi 2 juillet 2014
Durée : 1 heure 30 minutes
Part 1: Grammar and Lexis - 60 points
Try to answer all 60 questions. Choose one answer from the four possible answers.
There is one mark per question.
Part 2: Writing – 40 points
Write a coherent paragraph of about 200 words (+/- 10%) in which you express your opinion about
the topic below. Try to use some specific examples to illustrate your opinion. Use your personal
observations, experience, and knowledge.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Part 1: Grammar and Lexis - 60 points
Try to answer all 60 questions. Choose one answer from the four possible answers.
There is one mark per question. Approx. 30 minutes.
1. Where are _____ from?
a) she
b) his
c) you
d) Tom
2. _____ are three hotels in the city centre.
a) There
b) We
c) Where
d) Our
3. Volkswagen is _____ German company.
a) a
b) old
c) in
4. Rick is from Glasgow, a _____ in Scotland.
a) company b) country
c) city
d) nationality
5. Are _____ your tickets?
a) their
b) these
c) this
d) there
6. Our days on the beach have been great, but we _____ very happy with our hotel.
a) isn’t
b) can’t
c) haven’t
d) aren’t
7. I write a lot of e-mails, but I _____ write many letters.
a) don’t
b) am not
c) not d) isn’t
8. Can Olga speak _____ foreign languages?
a) the
b) some
c) any
d) lot of
9. What time do you get up _____ the morning?
a) on
b) in
c) for
d) at
10. Anya can _____ computer programs.
a) write
b) writing
c) wrote
d) writes
11. We _____ through a friend in London last year.
a) met
b) meet
c) meeting
d) meets
12. _____ you go to class yesterday?
a) Did
b) Went
c) Have
13. When did the boss _____ about the problems?
a) learns
b) learning
c) learn
d) Were
d) learned
14. Sales in June were as high _____ they have ever been.
a) that
b) than
c) as
d) then
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
15. How many days did Ahmed _____ in Moscow?
a) pass
b) go
c) be
d) spend
16. We won’t _____ our new range until next month.
a) introduction b) be introducing
c) to introduce d) introduced
17. Brian’s lived in San Francisco _____ seven years.
a) since
b) ago
c) for
d) in
18. The doctor recommended that she _____ smoking immediately.
a) stop
b) stops
c) is stopping d) stopped
19. This offer is for a limited _____ only, so you have to be quick.
a) discount
b) sale
c) order
d) period
20. Management has decided to lay _____ one third of the workforce.
a) down
b) off
c) through
d) away
21. __________ the uncertain weather forecast, we decided to maintain the picnic.
a. Despite
b. In spite
c. Even
d. Although
22. She has been working in the department __________ two months now.
a. since
b. for
c. in
d. until
23. I am not sure how __________ I will stay in Hong Kong.
a. far
b. much
c. long
d. many
24. The unemployment rate has unfortunately __________ again this month.
a. rose
b. raised
c. increase
d. risen
25. We specialize in industrial __________ for cleaning offices, schools and airports.
a. applicants
b. machine
c. appliances
d. engineer
26. I am sure that you __________ well on this exam.
a. would do
b. will do
c. would have done
d. will have done
27. __________ most people in the department, he has a degree in Business.
a. As
b. Like
c. Likely
d. Alike
28. Many young American graduates are __________ starting up their own businesses rather than
looking for jobs.
a. successful
b. succeed
c. success
d. successfully
29. I hope you ………. consider me for an interview.
a. will
b. would
c. should
d. shan’t
30. I ………. a work placement for this summer.
a. am researching for
b. am searching for c. am seeking for d. am looking forward
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
31. I have ………. .
a. done many training b. a lot of work experience c. many work experiences
d. done much jobs
32. Please send us a CV and a letter of ………. .
a. motivation
b. application
c. covering
d. résumé
33. He carried out a(n) ………. at IBM last summer in the Finance Dept.
a. training
b. internship
c. work experience
d. all of the above
34. The flood __________ the water treatment plant.
a. damaged
b. have damaged
c. damaging
d. was damaged
35. Thank you for your offer, but we have __________ found a location for our new offices.
a. yet
b. still
c. anymore
d. already
36. We are expecting delivery of our latest __________ of goods next week.
a. ship
b. shipping
c. shipment
d. shipped
37. The incidence of computer crime has __________ in recent years.
a. been grown
b. grow
c. growing
d. been growing
38. There are a few _____ benefits to my job such as a company car and membership of the local
sports centre.
a) fringe
b) perk
c) remuneration
d) pay
39. The President changed the law without ______ the Parliament.
a) to consult b) consult
c) consulting d) consulted
40. Our website receives about 30,000 _____ per month.
a) hits
b) surfs
c) browses
d) clicks
41. After not qualifying for the Olympic Games in 2000, ______ athlete won a gold medal.
a) a
b) an c) the d) no article
42. My boss is totally _____ when it comes to mistakes.
a) untolerant b) intolerant c) imtolerant d) mistolerant
43. Let’s get straight to the _____ and not waste any more time.
a) point
b) item
c) debate
d) purpose
44. You might consider ______ a tutor if you are having trouble passing your
a) hiring
b) to hire
c) hire d) hired
45. Could you please tell me how many staff _____?
a) do you employ
b) you employ
c) you do employ
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
d) are you
46. Peer _______ is never a good thing.
a) guidelines b) counselling
c) discussion
d) pressure
47. They’ve _____ a hostile takeover bid.
a) targeted
b) taken
c) launched
d) set up
48. I hope to create and _______ my own business sometime in the future.
a. drive
b. run
c. ride d. do
49. When he received the ‘pink notice’ last week, he realized that he was about
to _______.
a. be promoted
b. receive a raise c. be laid off
d. be hired
50. Her GPA is 3.7. She’s an excellent _______.
a. saleswoman
b. trader
c. accountant
d. student
51. He’s been working _______ General Motors for 5 years.
a. in
b. on
c. for
d. to
52. How long has Jean _______ London?
a. been to
b. gone to
c. lived in
d. been working at
53. Charlotte lived in Chicago _______ five years.
a. since
b. ago
c. in
d. for
54. Sales _______ recently.
a. are increasing
b. increase
c. have increased
d. increased
55. If you give us a 5% increase, we _______ the size of our order.
a. would increase
b. will increase
c. would have increased
had increased
56. Employees were asked how _______ they used the new company fitness
a. soon b. far
c. often
d. frequent
57. We will send you the goods as soon as we _______ payment.
a. will receive
b. receive
c. would receive
d. we be
58. Stephen is very good _______ mathematics.
a. in
b. on
c. over
d. at
59. Karen _______ a lot of money at her new job.
a. wins
b. gains c. does
d. earns
60. Michel and Augustin are willing to help out with the organization of the
event, but, unfortunately, _______ of them will be available in the morning.
a. none
b. neither
c. either
d. each
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Part 2: Writing – 40 points
Note : ……./40
Write a coherent paragraph of about 200 words (+/- 10%) in which you express your opinion
about the topic below. Try to use some specific examples to illustrate your opinion. Use your
personal observations, experience, and knowledge.
Do social-networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace enhance (develop) a young person's
social life or serve as a substitute for a real social life?
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Pour toutes les épreuves orales, une tenue correcte est exigée.
C’est l’oral par excellence, souvent redouté des candidats. Il est doté du plus gros
coefficient : 10.
Avant l’entretien, vous devrez remplir la fiche de renseignements.
Face à un jury vous devrez vous présenter, expliquer votre parcours scolaire et votre projet
professionnel. Sur ce point, le jury pourra vous questionner afin d’en apprendre un peu plus
sur vous.
Au cours de l’entretien, vous exposerez aussi vos motivations pour intégrer l’ISG.
La volonté du jury n’est pas de vous piéger mais d’apprendre à mieux vous connaître. Menez
votre entretien, ne le subissez pas. N’hésitez pas à poser des questions, ce n’est pas un
interrogatoire !
Il est aisé pour le jury de voir si vos expériences et votre projet professionnel sont créés de
toutes pièces. Ne vous inventez pas un parcours, soyez franc et naturel.
Enfin, construisez votre oral et valorisez vos expériences. Montrez votre intérêt pour l’école
(les étudiants présents sont là pour vous informer) et surtout adressez-vous à l’ensemble du
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
N° d’inscription : _______________
Concours Admissions parallèles 2015
Chaque candidat doit impérativement se présenter à l’oral muni de cette fiche dûment complétée et la
remettre au jury au début de l’entretien individuel.
Nom : _____________________________________________ Prénom :________________________________
Date de naissance : ___________________________________ Lieu de naissance :_______________________
Nationalité : ________________________________________________________________________________
Profession du père : _________________________________________________________________________
Profession de la mère : _______________________________________________________________________
Adresse : __________________________________________________________________________________
Code postal : ________________________ Ville : __________________________________________________
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
CHOIX DU PARCOURS DE FORMATION A L’ISG (Cocher par ordre de préférence)
Parcours Classique
Parcours Management
de projets
International Track
Choix prioritaire
Choix 2
Choix 3
Choix 4
Attention : L’admission au sein de chaque parcours est également subordonnée à l’appréciation du jury,
au rang d’admission et au nombre de places disponibles.
1ère langue : ________________________________________________________________________________
Niveau :
 Notions
 Scolaire
 Moyen
 Bon
 Courant
2ème langue : ________________________________________________________________________________
Niveau :
 Notions
 Scolaire
 Moyen
 Bon
 Courant
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Le sujet est un texte, un article de presse, un dessin, une image ou une photo. Le candidat
prépare un court exposé de synthèse et d’analyse des éléments du sujet et doit montrer ses
qualités linguistiques (vocabulaire et aisance à l’oral) ainsi que son ouverture culturelle.
N’hésitez pas à demander au jury de répéter ses propos si vous ne les comprenez
Evitez au maximum les blancs, les moments d’hésitation et les interventions en
Ne vous aventurez pas sur des sujets que vous ne maîtrisez pas et pour lesquels il
vous manquerait du vocabulaire.
Développez au maximum vos idées pertinentes afin d’occuper le temps imparti.
Faites des phrases courtes et correctes.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
A very public private affair
Jan 13th 2014, The Economist
THERE is probably no such thing as a good time for a head of state to have his complicated private
life splashed across the front pages. But the allegations about François Hollande’s liaison with Julie
Gayet, a French actress, have emerged at a particularlyawkward moment for the French president.
Closer, a celebrity magazine, published photos alleging a romantic link just four days before he was
due, on January 14th, to hold one of his twice-yearly press conferences at the Elysée Palace, this one
to showcase his new economic policy. Now, the French media are talking about little else.
The allegations were made on January 10th in a seven-page report. It shows a figure in a crash
helmet on the back of a scooter, driven by a security guard, arriving at a Parisian apartment building
where Ms Gayet has also just turned up; the same figure then leaves the building the next morning.
Mr Hollande did not deny the allegations, stating in a declaration only that he “profoundly deplored
the breach of respect of private life”. Over the weekend it emerged that his partner Valérie
Trierweiler (pictured with Mr Hollande), a journalist at Paris-Match, a weekly magazine, and who is
referred to by the Elysée as the First Lady, has been hospitalised for exhaustion since the allegations
The French used to consider that the public interest stopped at the bedroom door. Various previous
presidents had affairs; one, François Mitterrand, kept a mistress and a daughter for years at the
taxpayer’s expense with media self-censorship guarding the information from the public for years.
Unlike in Britain or America, few in France argue that a leader’s political judgment is called into
question by his breaking marriage vows. And France has strict privacy laws that have protected
public figures from the sort of tabloid scrutiny their Britishand American peers receive. Indeed, the
French themselves seem to have greeted this latest allegation with a collective Gallic shrug.
According to a poll ( for Journal du Dimanche, a Sunday newspaper, fully 77% of the French think that it is a
private matter of no public consequence.
Yet France has also changed. When Nicolas Sarkozy, a former centre-right president, burst on to the
political scene ahead of the 2007 presidential election, he deliberately borrowed the American-style
campaign technique of posing with his family, even including his son in a political video. His divorce,
while in office, from Cécilia Sarkozy, and subsequent remarriage to Carla Bruni, a model-turned-
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
singer, was widely covered. Indeed, Mr Sarkozy used a similar grand press conference to the one Mr
Hollande will hold tomorrow to announce— with excruciatingly boyish enthusiasm—that his
relationship with Ms Bruni was becoming “serious”. The once-clear line between French public and
private lives began to blur.
The same went for the 2011 case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a former IMF managing director and
then potential French presidential candidate, who was arrested in New York on a sexual-assault
charge that was later dropped. The French may have been indignant at the American media
treatment of Mr Strauss-Kahn. But they were just as fascinated by the details of the case, as they
have been by a separate and ongoing French investigation allegedly linking Mr Strauss-Kahn to a
prostitution ring in the northern city of Lille. After the report of Mr Hollande’s liaison surfaced,
Franck Louvrier, Mr Sarkozy’s former presidential communications director, tweeted: “Politicians’
private lives no longer exist”.
In Mr Hollande’s case, the matter is particularly complicated. The allegation is not of an extramarital “affair”, since Mr Hollande is not married to Ms Trierweiler (he was not married either to
Ségolène Royal, his previous partner, mother of their four children, and a one-time Socialist
presidential candidate). Indeed the French elected their first
Socialist president since Mitterrand knowing full well that the pair had campaigned together as a
couple. Yet if the French seem fairly unbothered by Mr Hollande’s romantic choices, they do seem to
be uncomfortable with the fact that Ms Trierweiler has been given the role of First Lady, complete
with staff, despite an ambiguous role. She continues to write for ParisMatch, as a book reviewer.
She once tweeted support for a candidate who was running for parliament against Ms Royal.
Mr Hollande doubtless hopes that he will manage to deal swiftly with questions concerning the
liaison, before moving on to give details of his new economic policy, and a promised “pact of
responsibility” to encourage businesses to create jobs. Yet, as Mr Sarkozy discovered with his
comment about Ms Bruni, the French press is no longer a stranger to voyeurism, and whatever
comments Mr Hollande does offer on his romantic life are likely to be the ones that make the
headlines. These allegations will not damage Mr Hollande in the way that they would have a British
or American leader. But for a president whose popularity has alreadydropped to record lows, they
will certainly do nothing to lift either his authority or his credibility.
Could too many selfies spell social suicide? Oversharing photos of your face will make you
unpopular with real-life friends, Friday 11 October 2013
We're all either guilty of it or have a friend who does it: oversharing on social networking sites. And it
could be ruining your relationships offline.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
But while oversharing comes in many guises (the loved-up status updates, the endless baby/cat/food
photos, the relentless check-ins), there's one method of keeping ePals abreast of your life that is
driving us to all tears quicker than any other: the selfie.
It's a method of communication on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter beloved of celebrities including
Rihanna, Harry Styles, Cara Delevingne and Peaches Geldof.
But sharing too many photographs of your own face or body on Mark Zuckerberg's media channel
could be detrimental to your relationships with friends, colleagues and even your family, according
to a British study.
How the quantity and subject matter of the pictures you upload onto Facebook impacts upon your
real-world relationships was researched at the University of Birmingham, the University of the West
of England, the University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University, in a project appropriately titled
Tagger's Delight.
The researchers found that an increased level of sharing photos of the self prompted a decreased
level of support - in terms of 'likes' garnered - from friends and colleagues.
Commenting on the findings that excessive selfie-sharing may damage relationships, lead author of
the report Dr David Houghton, a lecturer in marketing at Birmingham Business School, said: 'Our
research found that those who frequently post photographs on Facebook risk damaging real-life
‘This is because people, other than very close friends and relatives, don't seem to relate well to those
who constantly share photos of themselves.
'It's worth remembering that the information we post to our 'friends' on Facebook, actually gets
viewed by lots of different categories of people: partners; friends; family; colleagues and
acquaintances; and each group seems to take a different view of the information shared.'
The study, fully entitled Tagger's Delight? Disclosure And Liking In Facebook, also found that young
women were the most likely to find support in the form of 'likes' on Facebook. Older users and men
received less support when they shared online.
Forget the 'selfie'.... now it's time for the BELFIE (the bottom-selfie)
We've seen enough celebrity selfies on Instagram to last us well into the next millennium.... and it
seems even they are tiring of their grinning mugs.
So famous fans of the self-portrait snap have swapped faces for posteriors, and are currently
enjoying a bit of a renaissance... in the form of the bottom-selfie. The belfie.
Well, if you had Rihanna's bottom wouldn't you
do a belfie?
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
The Shocking Rise of Wealth Inequality: Is It Worse Than We Thought?
America's gap between the rich and the rest might be worse than we ever knew.
Economists Emmanuel Saez, of the University of California–Berkeley, and Gabriel Zucman, of the
London School of Economics, are out with a new set of findings on American wealth inequality, and
their numbers are startling. Wealth, for reference, is the value of what you own—assets like housing,
stocks, and bonds, minus your debts. And while it certainly comes up from time to time, it has
tended to play second fiddle to income in conversations about America’s widening class divide. In
part, that’s because it’s a trickier conversation subject. Wealth has always been far more
concentrated than income in the United States. Plus, research suggested that the top 1 percent of
households had actually lost some of its share since the 1980s.
That might not really have been the case.
Forget the 1 percent. The winners of this race, according to Zucman and Saez, have been the 0.1
percent. Since the 1960s, the richest one-thousandth of U.S. households, with a minimum net worth
today above $20 million, have more than doubled their share of U.S. wealth, from around 10 percent
to more than 20 percent. Take a moment to process that. One-thousandth of the country owns onefifth of the wealth. By comparison, the entire top 1 percent of households takes in about 22 percent
of U.S. income, counting capital gains.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Saez and Zucman
While the super-rich have risen, the merely affluent have barely budged. As shown on this next
graph from Saez and Zucman, the share of wealth belonging to the top 1 to 0.5 percent of
households has remained about level. The 0.5 to 0.1 percent have tacked roughly an extra
percentage point onto their piece of the pie. The relative gains have been eaten up by the elite—the
0.1 percent and even the 0.01 percent.
Saez and Zucman
This new batch of research is similar in spirit to Saez’s pioneering work quantifying income
inequality, which he has published with French economist Thomas Piketty. (It's probably no accident
that this research is coming out around the same time that Piketty, Saez's longtime collaborator,
has published Capital in the Twenty-First Century, his highly touted book about capital
accumulation—aka wealth.) Both projects substitute tax data analysis for older approaches that
relied on government surveys, which tend to undercount the very rich. In this case, Saez and
Zucman use taxes on investment income to reverse-engineer their wealth estimates. The results are
still very preliminary and could change with further study.
But they are basically in keeping with what has already been shown about income inequality.
Occupy Wall Street trained Americans to frame the economic gap in terms of the 99 percent and 1
percent. But writers and economists have been pointing out for years that the biggest winners in
today’s globalized, finance-heavy economy have been an even smaller band of super-rich. Tim
Noah dubbed them “the stinking rich.”Chrystia Freeland went with “plutocrats.” No matter what
you choose to name them, the largest economic gains have accrued to Americans at the very, very
tiniest tip of the earnings pyramid. Here’s one dramatic illustration I’ve drawn from the World Top
Incomes Database. The top 0.5 percent, with minimum household income of $551,000, have roughly
tripled their share of the nation’s paycheck since 1978, to about 18 percent. The bottom half of the 1
percent, the work-a-day rich, have upped theirs only to around 4 percent.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Turning income into wealth takes saving and investment. And over the years, wealth compounds.
That’s why wealth inequality is always more severe than the income gap: The well-to-do can save
relatively more to start, and then their advantage builds on itself. It may also explain why the superrich are sprinting ahead while the ordinary affluent are more or less standing in place. The economy
has treated small-business owners, corporate lawyers, and doctors well. But in order to keep up their
lifestyles, they may need to spend relatively more of their income than, say, a Fortune 500 CEO or
hedge funder.
And so an exceptionally tiny circle of Americans is not only commanding a greater and greater share
of pay, but—if Saez and Zucman are right—they are successfully consolidating their fortunes far
faster than 99.9 percent of the country. At the risk of sounding a little melodramatic, this is how an
aristocracy gets built.
A bold move
Mar 31st 2014, by S.P.
President François Hollande reacted this evening with uncharacteristic boldness, firing his prime
minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, and replacing him with Manuel Valls, the ambitious, centre-left interior
minister. Mr Hollande’s rout at the polls on March 30th, when his Socialist Party lost over 150 big
towns to the right and far right, made it impossible even for the cautious president to continue with
the old regime. His choice of Mr Valls is as risky as it is potentially encouraging for economic reform
in France.
The decision to appoint the 51-year-old Mr Valls came at the end of a long day of consultations and
rumours in Paris. One report suggested that Mr Hollande had first turned to a trusted old friend,
Jean-Yves Le Drian, the defence minister, but that he politely declined. Nothing of the sort for Mr
Valls, who keenly wanted the job and made no secret of his ambitions. He now becomes the 21 st
prime minister under the French Fifth Republic.
The logic behind Mr Valls’s appointment is two-fold. First, Mr Hollande wants to press ahead with a
more business-friendly economic policy, which he announced, in order to revive France’s weak
economy. This includes €10 billion ($14 billion) of new payroll-tax cuts for firms, as part of a
“responsibility pact” designed to encourage job creation. But, with Franceunder surveillance from
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
the European Commission, it also involves finding a hefty €50 billion of budget savings during 20152017. This will require tough, unpopular decisions and so far Mr Hollande has taken none.
Mr Valls has no experience of running economic policy. He is a party hack and former mayor of the
multicultural banlieue of Evry, best known for taking a tough line on security and immigration. Yet
he has carved out a reputation as a “social-liberal”, which in the French Socialist lexicon means from
the centre-left. A former supporter of Michel Rocard, a moderate Socialist former prime minister
during the Mitterrand years, Mr Valls once called on the party to ditch the word “socialist” in order to
modernise. He was the only candidate during the party’s 2011 presidential primary to be straight
about how weak the French public finances were and how difficult it would be to fix them, arguing
that “we need to tell the French that the [budgetary] effort…will be as great as that achieved after
Liberation.” So he has some credibility for having called the public-finance crisis early, and has more
of a mandate for taking tough spending decisions than anybody else.
Second, Mr Hollande is hoping that Mr Valls will bring more professionalism and decisiveness to
government. For one thing, he was the most popular member of the outgoing government, and has
favourable poll ratings even among voters on the right. For another, he has a keen eye for image and
a way with words, as a former spin doctor for Lionel Jospin when he was Socialist prime minister,
and the head of communication during Mr Hollande’s presidential campaign. This might just help
him keep a better grip on government communication and explain what Mr Hollande is up to with
economic policy—something that the president has so far masterfully failed to do.
Since taking power in 2012, Mr Hollande has been in charge of a zig-zagging policy that has been
mostly about raising taxes. This evening, in a televised address, he promised to start lowering them,
on households and employees as well as firms. The uncertainty, however, has been dizzying for
voters, and has paralysed investment. It is now Mr Valls's responsibility to make sense of all of this.
Nobody doubts the new prime minister’s energy and grit. Mr Valls in many ways resembles another
ambitious former interior minister who also set his sights high, Nicolas Sarkozy, the former centreright president. Like Mr Sarkozy, the Spanish-born Mr Valls, whose father was a Catalan painter, has
something of the outsider’s drive and dynamism. Also like Mr Sarkozy, he is not a pure product of
the French elite, having never attended the Ecole Nationale d’Administration, which has groomed
so many French prime ministers and presidents, among them Mr Hollande.
Yet it will take more than mere high energy and self-belief for Mr Valls to get the job done.He now
needs to form a government, yet he is deeply distrusted by a big chunk of the left wing of the party:
he got a miserable 6% of the vote at the Socialist primary, has no parliamentary base and is not
known as a team player. The Greens, which sat as junior partners in Mr Ayrault’s government, are
wary too. Cécile Duflot, the outgoing Green housing minister, has already warned Mr Valls that she
would not accept a post in his government. The party's leftists blame Mr Hollande's economic
liberalism for losing so many town halls, and accuse him of abandoning his campaign promises of
squeezing the rich and reducing inequality. They are not ready to hear that austerity is on the way.
The next two months will be particularly tricky. By mid-April Mr Valls will need to present France’s
budget plans for 2015-2017 to the European Commission, and explain how he thinks the
government will meet its promise of curbing its budget deficit to below 3% by next year—or, failing
that, request yet another delay. Figures out today showed that France missed its target of reducing
the deficit in 2013 to 4.1%, ending the year with 4.3% instead, leaving little hope that it can meet its
promise for 2015.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Unemployment continues to rise (another of Mr Hollande’s unmet promises) and growth in France
remains fragile. Marine Le Pen’s populist National Front, which also benefited from disillusion at the
Socialist Party at local elections, could come out on top at voting in May to the European
Mr Valls has now got the job he has long wanted, but it will take unusual skills to do it well. He may
learn sooner than he had bargained for that the job of prime minister in modern
France is a mixed blessing. Do it well, and the president gets the credit; do it poorly, and you get all
the blame.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Sujet A
Win by Far-Right Party Rattles the French Establishment
New York Times
PARIS — The stark victory of France’s far-right National Front in the European Parliament elections
has badly rattled the country’s political establishment, eroding support for President François
Hollande’s policies within his own Socialist Party and calling into question whether France was in
danger of losing its place alongside Germany at the center of the European stage.
European presidents and prime ministers met in Brussels on Tuesday to assess the fallout from the
election, in which centrist political parties lost ground to fringe groups in country after country. Mr.
Hollande used the occasion to call the results a signal from the public that Europe needed to change.
“When there is such a vote in France, a founding member of the European Union — when one in four
vote for the National Front, yes, there is a problem,” Mr. Hollande told reporters in Brussels. “This is
not just a problem for France, but a problem for Europe.”
Mr. Hollande may now find himself having to change tack on the economy and public finances. He
had promised European leaders that he would press forward with policies that would reduce
France’s budget deficit and public debt back to euro-zone norms within two years, but economic
stagnation and high unemployment in the country have angered voters.
Now, the left wing of the Socialist Party, which was already bridling at Mr. Hollande’s plans, will gain
new ammunition from the party’s drubbing in two consecutive elections — the loss of 155
mayorships in March and now the defeat in the European balloting.
“Hollande is now walking a fine line,” said Famke Krumbmüller, a political analyst at the Eurasia
Group in London. “He’s pledged to do the reforms necessary to maintain France’s credibility in
Europe and with the financial markets, and at the same time, keep his party behind him. But he will
find it increasingly difficult to do so with the National Front pushing hard.”
Mr. Hollande’s prime minister, Manuel Valls, sought to shore up support within Socialist ranks at a
meeting Tuesday morning, urging party members “not to give up” despite exit poll results showing
that many voters turned to the far right specifically to protest Mr. Hollande’s performance and
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
Mr. Valls’s remarks were met with “dead silence,” Guy Delacourt, a Socialist representative from
northern France, told French news outlets. “There is a real problem between Hollande and the
French,” Mr. Delacourt was quoted as saying. “We’re doing him a service by telling him.”
In past elections, voters who were unhappy with the Socialists generally turned to the center-right
Union for a Popular Movement, or vice versa. But that party has been plagued by scandals lately,
and was dealt a new blow on Tuesday when its leader, Jean-François Copé, resigned amid a new
embezzlement scandal.
The mainstream parties “are all in a disaster because they have not done their job,” said Jean-Paul
Fitoussi, an economics professor at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris. “They have not found a
solution to the problem of France, which is to recover, to have employment and growth.”
In France, 31 percent of voters surveyed by Harris Interactive cited immigration, the rallying point for
the far right across the Continent, as their central concern. But nearly as many cited declining
purchasing power, the crisis in the euro zone or rising unemployment.
Mr. Valls took to the airwaves on Tuesday with new pledges for tax cuts, saying that current levels
were “not manageable for the working and middle class,” the main sources of backing for the
National Front. And Mr. Hollande said in Brussels on Tuesday that the European Union must do
more to fight unemployment and economic insecurity. “If Europe does not change, there will be
more votes like this,” he said.
But Mr. Fitoussi said that the public was clearly losing patience: “They are saying, ‘Why am I
suffering? Why isn’t Europe delivering its promises? And until when should we wait?’ ”
Andrew Higgins contributed reporting from Brussels.
Sujet B
President Barack Obama's national security flops just keep coming
A strange obsession with setting out his national security agenda is backfiring for President
Barack Obama
By Matt Lewis
1:49PM BST 31 May 2014
The US leader President Barack Obama tried again this week to hit the reset button on his
reputation as America’s guardian of national security.
While the issue plagues his poll ratings and his many speeches crowd out other more fruitful areas
for a Democratic president, there he was again on Wednesday at West Point, outlining his foreign
policy strategy.
The reception for the speech was dire.
The Washington Post declared that he had “marshaled a virtual corps of straw men,” in making an
argument for an “Obama doctrine” that was at odds with every US president since the Second
World War.
Aside from the very serious real-world consequences, Obama’s foreign policy failure also has serious
political consequences.
During the heady days of 2008, and beyond, when the “hope and change” mantra was still popular,
it looked like Obama might just be able to reorder the entire American political calculus.
Annales 2014-2015 Concours Admissions Parallèles ISG
After decades of Democrats reinforcing the negative stereotype that they were weak on national
security and foreign policy, it seemed as if he was on the cusp of exorcising those demons to rebrand
his party as the serious and competent custodians of the nation’s safety.
By ordering lethal force to end the Somali pirate standoff in 2009 to free Captain Richard Phillips
and by ordering the 2011 killing of Osama bin Laden, Obama’s first term featured some big
moments as well as his signature big speeches.
It seemed for a time his vision for using Special Forces and drones to make surgical strikes (as
opposed to threats of boots on the ground) was a workable alternative for a war-weary nation that
wanted to exert influence without getting its hands dirty.
But while Obama was racking up symbolic victories amongst pirates and terrorists, the geopolitical
situation was deteriorating, and authoritarian regimes were watching. The most egregious misstep
was Obama’s drawing -- and then ignoring -- a red line on chemical weapons in Syria. At worst, it
invited provocation.
At best it made him look impotent. When one considers that Secretary of State John Kerry had just
compared the Bashar al-Assad’s regime to Nazi Germany and its use of chemicals to the Holocaust.
In that context it was hard to interpret this struggle as anything less than a moral crusade that could
not be brushed aside.
When the president did just that the media hardly noticed.
It was a similar tale when the American consulate in Benghazi was stormed, leaving four, including
the ambassador Chris Stevens dead. However the media largely bought the line it was a
spontaneous attack brought on by a controversial YouTube video - certainly not a pre-planned terror
attack (after all, Al-Qaeda was on the run).
During that same election season, Obama mocked Mitt Romney’s declaration that Russia was a
geopolitical foe, suggesting that Romney was somehow stuck in the 1980s.
But when Russia invaded Ukraine this spring -- occupying, and ultimately annexing Crimea -- it
seemed that Obama’s attempts to reorder the American electorate, making foreign policy and
national security “Democratic issues” again, had finally hit an iceberg.
In May, it was revealed that as many as 40 military veterans may have died waiting for care from the
Department of Veterans Affairs -- and that the Phoenix VA had created fake wait lists to hide the
delays. An audit report revealed that as many as 1,700 were never even scheduled a doctor’s
appointment or put on a wait list. The firing of Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki was
Over the Memorial Day holiday, Obama scheduled a surprise visit to Afghanistan (where he will
eventually fulfill his 2008 campaign promise of ending the war.) It should have been a positive story,
but a pall was cast when it was revealed that the White House had accidentally outed the CIA chief
living in Afghanistan. And thus, an otherwise positive trip turned into a mockery.
Ultimately, Obama’s problem is that he lacks a coherent foreign policy. He is overly fond of
theorising, but the hard worldly realities defy his attempts to resolve the messy issues on his desk.
And his foreign policy doctrine is unprecedented in modern America, somewhat arbitrary, illconceived, and utterly lacking in moral clarity. More and more, it appears he has reverse engineered
a foreign policy, based primarily on doing the opposite of George W. Bush did, as opposed to overtly
crafting a wise and coherent foreign policy strategy going forward.
Unfortunately for him, he now faces very serious challenges having to do with his fundamentally
having no plan and a never-ending cascade of embarrassments and scandals.
Matt K. Lewis is a senior contributor at The Daily Caller website in Washington
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