Le Canard - Alliance Française de Townsville


Le Canard - Alliance Française de Townsville
2013 Issue 2
Le Canard
Des Tropiques
Dans cette édition
The annual Alliance Française de Townsville
Concours des écoles
Calendrier d’activités
Schools Competition -
is on again in 2013
On the week beginning 20 May 2013
Marche à l’ANZAC
Mot de la Présidente
Gauthier à Pâques
Judges will visit schools for poetry recitation and will organize the
interview of candidates short-listed for the Julie Ratliff Prize
Vu à Townsville
Le 1er mai en France
Le saviez-vous
Cotisation Annuelle
SBS Télévision - FR2
TTT – Radio Française
Friday 12 July at 6.00 pm
at the Riverside Gardens Community Centre 55 Riverside Boulevard, Douglas
Calendrier d’activités - Events Calendar
June 1
July 12
Nos coordonnées
Riverside Gardens
Community Centre
55 Riverside Boulevard,
Douglas Qld 4814
Phone : 0421 854 224
Cafe conversation “That Place”
FAFA AGM in Canberra
Crepes afternoon
Wine & cheese
Cafe conversation
Music day
AF School competition Awards evening
Bastille Day dinner
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Cotisation :
[email protected]
Alliance Française de Townsville • PO Box 383 • Thuringowa Central Qld 4817
email: [email protected]
web: www.aftownsville.org.au
2013 Issue 2
Le Canard
Des Tropiques
Mot de la Présidente
Dear friends of the Alliance Française de Townsville,
A lot has been happening since our last edition.
First of all, I would like to highlight the successful enrolment of our classes for this
first part of the year, having now up to 9 classes running. The Alliance Française
was granted access to the big office space at the Riverside Gardens Community
Centre as well as a small space which enable the teachers to run 2 classes at the
same time which was impossible until now.
Also, a few events have been happening in the last few weeks such as our caféconversation which attract members, students and also some new faces to practice
their French. Our first games night was held on April 22nd and I would like to thank
email: [email protected]
web: www.aftownsville.org.au
all the people attending these events for their support.
A thank you to Marie-Thérèse for organising a wine tasting at Mundingburra School
on April 19th. This event was attended by a few amateur wine lovers and was, I
believe, a successful night. Also, thank you to Marie-France, Richard and
Georgina for bringing the colour of France to the ANZAC parade this year.
Finally, congratulations to our students of French at JCU: Elena Lopez, Emma
Russell, and Tim Jackson, for winning the Alliance Française prizes this year.
Here is sneak peek of the events coming up at the Alliance Française: wine and
cheese night, Tahitian night, afternoon crêpes, cultural fest, Bastille Day and more
… Don't forget to renew your membership if you want to know about our events
and receive the newsletter.
On the weekend of May 17th I will be representing the Alliance Française of
Townsville in Canberra at the AGM of the Federation of the Alliances Française of
Australia (FAFA). The feedback regarding this meeting will be given in the next
edition of the Canard.
The last announcement is the need of a new host on Triple T for the French
program on Sunday, please if you are interested or know someone who would like
to be part of the team please contact us ASAP.
Alliance Française de Townsville • PO Box 383 • Thuringowa Central Qld 4817
email: [email protected]
web: www.aftownsville.org.au
2013 Issue 2
Le Canard
Des Tropiques
Easter volunteer
Merci Gauthier !
Gauthier de la Rue du Can is a Rotary Exchange student with the Rotary Club of
Townsville Central and is also a current member of the Alliance Française through
one of his host families.
Gauthier attends the Cathedral School and it was through the school that he
developed a relationship with the Leo Club and got involved with Cathedral
School’s annual Easter visit to the Townsville Hospital.
It was a great opportunity to participate in a Community Service project.
Well done Gauthier!
Spotted in the Ville
– vu à Townsville
The” Intouchables” is available for rent at Video Ezy North Ward.
A very touching and funny French movie not to be missed !
Spotted at “Gecko” on Flinders street :
Canvas / Eiffel Tower
Book ends / Canvas / Cushion Paris
Alliance Française de Townsville • PO Box 383 • Thuringowa Central Qld 4817
email: [email protected]
web: www.aftownsville.org.au
2013 Issue 2
Le Canard
Des Tropiques
Le 1er mai en France
La fête du travail
Dans beaucoup de pays, le 1er Mai est un jour symbolique, le jour de la « Fête du travail ».
C’est pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, en 1942, sous le gouvernement de Vichy, que
cette date fut officialisée en France. En 1947, à la Libération, le 1er Mai devient un jour
férié et payé. Depuis, la plupart des pays d’Europe ne travaillent pas ce jour-là et tout le
monde profite ainsi d’un week-end de trois jours (ou parfois seulement deux) à l’arrivée du
beau temps !
Brin de muguet pour le premier Mai
Selon la tradition, le 1er mai, on offre un brin de muguet aux gens que l’on aime. Le
muguet est une délicate petite fleur en forme de clochettes blanches qui sent bon l'arrivée
du printemps. Il paraît même que c’est une fleur" porte-bonheur" surtout si le brin a 13
clochettes et est censée apporter chance et joie jusqu'à l'année suivante. Au printemps, les
clochettes du muguet sont blanches, alors que l’été elles sont rouges.
Aussi les fleuristes sont très chanceux parce que ce jour là ils ont le droit de vendre le
muguet sans taxes. Attention : cette belle fleur et même l'eau dans laquelle elle trempe sont
très toxiques.
Le nom latin du muguet est : convallaria maïalis.
En anglais, on l'appelle Lily of the Valley
May 1st in France Labour Day
Comité 2013
Vice –Président
In many countries, May 1st is a symbolic day, the day of the "labour day". It was during the
Second World War, in 1941, under the Vichy Government, that this officially began in
France. In 1947, at the Liberation, May 1st became a statutory general public holiday. Since
then, most countries in Europe do not work that day and everyone benefits from a
weekend of three days (or sometimes only two) for the arrival of good weather!
Lily of the valley for May first
According to tradition, May 1st, we offer a Lily of the valley to the people we love. The sprig
is a delicate little flower shaped like white bells that smell like the arrival of spring. It
seems even though it is a flower, it is a "lucky charm”, especially if the sprig has 13 bells
and is supposed to bring luck and joy until the following year. In the spring, the bells of the
lily of the Valley are white, while in summer they are red.
Also the florists are very lucky because that day they have the right to sell the sprig without
taxes. Attention: this beautiful flower and even the water it is in, is highly toxic.
Etymology - the latin name for sprig is: convallaria maialis. In English we call it Lily of
the valley
Alliance Française de Townsville • PO Box 383 • Thuringowa Central Qld 4817
email: [email protected]
web: www.aftownsville.org.au
2013 Issue 2
Le Canard
Des Tropiques
Did you know?
Le saviez-vous?
Meaning: leave without permission
Origin: French Expression
considered recent it dates only from
the beginning of the 20th century
where the term wall would evoke the
idea of confinement. In the specific
case to the wall, the idea of
imprisonment, imprisonment would
be used in the opposite sense since
there is the idea of jumping and so to
cross the wall to regain freedom.
Make the wall was widely used in the
middle of the military where the wall
would be that of the barracks and go
out without permission, as in the
case of internal students leaving the
institution without permission.
Example of use: the Group noted
the absence of all: the rubber made
the wall... And we are putting on the
electric belt... (H. Barbusse)
Meaning: without any sense, this
seems to have neither beginning nor
end, incoherent
Origin: French expression at the
beginning of the 19th century whose
origin seems unknown but remains
easy to understand and interpret
since it is based on the metaphor of
what would seem rounded, in other
words having neither beginning nor
end to explain a speech or a story
without logical in their arguments.
Example of use: Singing, singing
continuously, loudly, to hop, history
of fun. The words without head or tail
are dancing in their head without
ever stopping. (J. Prévert)
Signification : Sortir sans permission
Origine : Expression française
considérée comme récente puisqu’elle
ne date que du début du XXème siècle
où le terme mur évoquerait l’idée
d’enfermement. Dans le cas précis de
faire le mur, l’idée de prison,
d’enfermement serait utilisée dans le
sens contraire puisqu’il existe l’idée de
sauter et donc de franchir ce mur pour
retrouver la liberté. Faire le mur a
largement été utilisée dans le milieu des
militaires où le mur serait celui de la
caserne et sortir sans permission,
comme dans celui des lycéens internes
qui sortent de l’établissement sans
Exemple d’utilisation : Le groupe
constatait l’absence de tout : Le
caoutchouc a fait le mur…. Et on se met
la ceinture électrique… (H. Barbusse)
Signification : Sans aucun sens, qui
semble n’avoir ni début ni fin, incohérent
Origine : Expression française du début
du XIXème siècle dont l’origine semble
méconnue mais reste facile à
comprendre et à interpréter puisqu’elle
se baserait sur la métaphore de tout ce
qui semblerait arrondi, en d’autres
termes n’ayant ni début ni fin pour
expliquer un discours ou une histoire
sans suite logique dans leurs
Exemple d’utilisation : Chantent,
chantent sans cesse, à tue-tête, à
cloche-pied, histoire de s’amuser. Les
mots sans queue ni tête qui dansent
dans leur tête sans jamais s’arrêter.
(J. Prévert)
Alliance Française de Townsville • PO Box 383 • Thuringowa Central Qld 4817
email: [email protected]
web: www.aftownsville.org.au
2013 Issue 2
Le Canard
Des Tropiques
Blague / Joke
Un petit esquimau va à la pêche. Il fait un trou dans la glace et il entend
dans un haut-parleur: il ne faut pas pêcher ici, il n'y a pas de poissons! Le petit
esquimau va un peu plus loin et il entend à nouveau : il ne faut pas pêcher ici, il
n'y a pas de poissons! Alors il répond : mais qui est ce qui parle? Ici le directeur
de la patinoire!
Cotisation Annuelle – Membership 2013
The annual membership was due on April 1st.
If you haven’t contribute yet
You can renew your membership on line
by transferring your membership fee to:
BSB 484 -799
Account: 900013498
Please indicate your “Name & Membership” in the reference
Single $25
1 Concession $15
School $50
Family $40
2 Concessions $25
Tertiary $80
Check our website www.aftownsville.org.au for further details
SBS Television – French News
LE JOURNAL – French News
SBS One:
8.40 am (Monday to Saturday)
SBS Two:
5.00 am (Monday to Saturday)
Full details of programs can be found at www.sbs.com.au/television
Triple T 103.9 FM - Radio Française
FRENCH RADIO – International Sunday Program
Make sure that you are tuned into 103.9 fm on your radio or are connected to
listen online at http://www.triplet.com.au every Sunday night from 7-8pm,
where you will experience the sounds of the French program as part of Triple T’s
International Sunday Program.
With new presenters, fun, fresh, French music and information there is no better
way to spend your Sunday night, enjoying all there is on offer!
Phone: 47215333
Alliance Française de Townsville • PO Box 383 • Thuringowa Central Qld 4817
email: [email protected]
web: www.aftownsville.org.au

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Le Canard - Alliance Française de Townsville

Le Canard - Alliance Française de Townsville online at http://www.triplet.com.au every Sunday night from 7-8pm, where you will experience the sounds of the French program as part of Triple T’s International Sunday Program. With new presenters...

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