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Printemps 2016
Printemps : Programme en Bref
Le 2 février, c’était, en France, la Chandeleur et la journée des
crêpes !* Je vous propose un proverbe que les vignerons du Lot
adorent : « A la Chandeleur, si le ciel n’est ni clair ni beau, nous
aurons plus de vin que d’eau ». Selon la tradition, faire sauter les
crêpes, à la Chandeleur, est censé assurer le bonheur à toute la
famille tout au long de l’année !
Dans quelques mois, nous allons célébrer le 40ème Anniversaire
de notre association autour des 5 présidents qui se sont
succédés depuis 1976. Le week-end des 25 et 26 juin 2016, nous
avons prévu plusieurs manifestations : réunion plénière avec les
autorités locales et le Consul Britannique de Bordeaux, une visite
de la ville médiévale de Cahors, une soirée festive avec repas et
musique, un pique-nique « Fish and Chips » et une promenade
en bateau sur le Lot.
J’espère que les membres de l’association viendront nombreux,
avec leurs amis, pour témoigner leur attachement à l’Association
FGB – Quercy.
Celebrations for “Le Chandeleur” or Pancake Day were held in
France on 2 February!** Vignerons in the Lot have a proverb
which they love : “If on the day of the Chandeleur the sky is
neither clear nor beautiful, we shall have more wine than water.”
According to tradition, making pancakes on Le Chandeleur is
believed to bring good luck to the whole family all year long!
In a few months, we shall celebrate the 40th Anniversary of our
Association with the 5 Presidents who have been in office in turn
since 1976. We are programming a number of events for the
week-end of the 25 and 26 of June – an opening ceremony with
local dignitaries and the British Consul from Bordeaux, a guided
visit of Mediaeval Cahors, a celebratory evening with a meal and
music, a fish and chip picnic and a boat trip on the Lot.
I hope that as many members as possible will come, and bring
their friends, to show their loyalty to L’Association FGB – Quercy
After this AGM, we welcome our new Membership
Secretary, Lucie Poncet. To contact her, please email her
at [email protected] or write to her at
Éspace Clément Marot (as shown on page 2). To continue
to receive the Bulletin and to take part in events at the
membership rate, please post your subscriptions to Lucie
by the end of March 2016.
Après cette AGM, nous accueillerons notre nouvelle
Secrétaire, Lucie Poncet. Pour la contacter par courriel :
[email protected] ou lui écrire : Espace
Clément Marot (comme indiqué en page 2). Pour
continuer à recevoir le Bulletin et prendre part aux activités
au taux privilégié, pensez à lui envoyer votre cotisation
avant fin mars 2016.
* Au Royaume-Uni, en Australie, au Canada et en Irlande
« Pancake Day » est célébré le mardi gras, qui tombe cette
année le 9 février.
** In the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Ireland Pancake
Day, is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday, which falls this year on 9
As a keen stamp collector, I thought it might be a good idea
to invite members who share the same interest to meet on
a regular basis. It would be an informal group, meeting in
the Room 22 (Library) of the Espace either monthly or bimonthly to ‘talk stamps’ – our specialities, admiring each
others’ collections and making swaps.
If anyone is
interested, please contact Margaret York
and we can take it from there. Dates and times would be
decided once we know who is interested
En tant que collectionneur passionné, je pensais que cela
pourrait être une bonne idée d'inviter nos membres qui
partagent le même intérêt à se réunir régulièrement. Ce
serait un groupe informel, se retrouvant Salle 22
(Bibliothèque) de l'Espace soit mensuellement, soit 2 fois
par mois pour causer « timbres » - nos spécificités,
admirant chacune des autres collections et faisant des
échanges. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez Margaret
York et nous pourrons commencer comme
cela. Une fois que nous connaîtrons les personnes
intéressées, nous déciderons des dates et heures.
Michel Bellanger
[email protected]
Angela Dunn, aussi
Activités socio-culturelles:
[email protected]
Any news items, classified ads, etc. for the Bulletin should be sent to the Editor, Margaret
York; contact details are on this page.
The deadline for the next issue (summer) is 22 April 2016
Veuillez envoyer les infos, petites annonces, etc. à l’éditrice, Margaret York; ses coordonnées
sont en-dessous.
Date limite pour le prochain Bulletin (l’été) le 22 avril 2016
2016: 2 MARS, 6 AVRIL, 4 MAI, 1 JUIN
Trish Milton
10h à 11h30 Le Bordeaux, Boulevard Gambetta, Cahors
The informal “causettes” at the Bordeaux Brasserie, opposite the Place Charles de Gaulle car
[email protected] park, take place on the first Wednesday of every month. The times have been chosen so
Patricia Barker
[email protected]
Mireille Chauzit
[email protected]
Responsable des Adhésions:
Lucie Poncet
[email protected]
that you can drop in between trips to the market and to the FGB library. They are a great way
to keep in touch with old friends, meet new ones and, of course, practise your language skills!
So please come along; everyone is welcome.
Les causettes informelles au Bordeaux, qui se trouve en face du parking Place Charles de
Gaulle ont lieu le premier Mercredi de chaque mois. Les Horaires ont étè choisis afin que
l’on puisse y passer entre les visites au marché et celles à la bibliothèque FGB. Ces
causettes sont un très bon moyen de revoir les anciens amis, d’en trouver de nouveaux et,
surtout, de pratiquer l’autre langue! Venez nous rejoindre; vous serez les bienvenus.
If you would like to join the FGB team of facilitators in helping a group, either in English or in
French, you will be most welcome to join our team. Please contact Claudine, coordinatrice
des ateliers de langue. / Si vous avez envie de rejoindre l'équipe d'animateurs de FGB pour
éventuellement animer un atelier en Anglais ou en Français, veuillez contacter Claudine.
Claudine Cambres at [email protected]
Responsable d’Ateliers
des Langues:
Claudine Cambres
[email protected]
We welcome two animatrices in the team / nous accueillons deux nouvelles animatrices dans
l'équipe des ateliers de langues :
A reminder that there is an opportunity for someone to take over the Editorship of the
Bulletin, Microsoft Publisher is currently used for this quarterly publication. The Bulletin is
mostly transmitted electronically in pdf format. The rest are printed and sent by post
(typically 50 copies for each issue).
If you think you might be interested in this role, please email me: (Margaret York) using the
Editor’s email address. Full training will be given and we have members who will translate the
copy into French or English as required. We also have a proof reader.
Nous vous rappelons que nous cherchons une personne pour assurer l'Edition du Bulletin
trimestriel. C'est Microsoft Publisher qui est utilisé. Le bulletin est en grande partie transmis
par courriel au format PDF. Le reste est imprimé et envoyé par La Poste (50 exemplaires
pour chaque numéro).
Si vous pensez être intéressé par ce poste, contactez-moi svp par courriel en utilisant mon
adresse d’Editrice (Margaret York). Une formation complète est assurée et nous avons des
membres qui assurent la traduction en français ou en anglais. Nous avons également un
Nicolas Schweisguth
[email protected]
Véronique Baudin
Margaret York
[email protected]
Site Internet:
Les Dunning
[email protected]
Margaret York
[email protected]
Siège Social:
Salle 22
Espace Clément Marot
46000 Cahors
Katrina MacDonald and Jill Etherington
The post of Librarian is still available to someone who is prepared to take overall control of
the running of the library, working with the library volunteers, ordering new books, preparing
the accounts for the Treasurer at the end of each month, reporting to the main committee
and maintaining the cataloguing system.
Full training will be given and I’m happy to work in tandem with the new Librarian until they
are comfortable with what they are doing.
Email: [email protected]
Le poste de Bibliothécaire est toujours vacant, il nécessite une personne capable d'assurer le
contrôle total du fonctionnement de la bibliothèque, travail avec les bénévoles, commandes
de nouveaux livres, préparer les comptes pour la Trésorière à la fin de chaque mois, informer
le Comité et maintenir le catalogue.
Formation complète assurée ; je serai heureuse de travailler en tandem avec la nouvelle
Bibliothécaire jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit à l’aise avec le travail à accomplir.
Library News / nouvelles de la bibliothèque
Library News / Nouvelles de la bibliothèque
Below are reviews of the new books added to our shelves in January 2016. During 2015, 422 books were added to the shelves. We
have held our annual clearance of books from the shelves but are certain that they will be full to overflowing again very soon! At the
library, we aim to offer our borrowers as many new and diverse titles that we can. However, not many of the Membership are using
this facility which is currently being supported by 22 regular borrowers for whom we are very grateful. It’s difficult to know how to
increase the numbers so if any of you have some ideas, please do contact me. We are still looking for new Volunteers as well as for
someone to take over my role as well - it’s just a few hours each month.
Ci-dessous vous trouverez la liste des nouveautés de Janvier 2016. En 2015, nous avons ajouté 422 livres sur nos étagères. Même
après nos soldes annuelles, il est certain qu'elles seront très bientôt surchargées. A la bibliothèque, notre but est d'offrir à nos
emprunteurs autant de titres nouveaux et diversifiés que possible. Cependant peu d'adhérents utilisent cette disposition qui est
actuellement encouragée par 22 emprunteurs réguliers pour lesquels nous sommes très reconnaissants. C'est difficile de savoir
comment en augmenter le nombre aussi si vous avez des idées, faites-le moi savoir. Nous recherchons toujours des bénévoles ainsi
qu'un(e) Bibliothécaire pour me remplacer – cela ne prend que quelques heures par mois.
Margaret York - Librarian
1864 - A war that shaped modern Europe
Tom Buk-Swienty
A fast-paced history of the little known war between Germany and Denmark. This is a story packed with vivid incident and intriguing
characters and which crackles with narrative energy. It shows how a minor regional conflict led to the First World War and
foreshadowed the course of the 20th Century. Now a BBC drama.
Memory Man
David Baldacci
18 months previously Amos Decker's wife and daughter are murdered. Overwhelmed with grief his life spirals out of control, losing his
job as a detective, his house and self respect. His remarkable gift, sustained from a brain injury, helps him hunt for the killer. Brilliant
plotting and heart grabbing action. One of the best.
And the Mountains Echoed
Khaled Hosseini
This is a deeply moving epic novel of heartache and hope. Spanning three continents and sixty years, it's a story of love, separation,
friendship, compassion, exile, memory and the troubled history of Afghanistan. From the author of The Kite Runner, it was a Richard
and Judy Summer '15 Book Club pick.
The Danish Girl
David Ebershoff
Loosely inspired by real events, this novel eloquently portrays the remarkable story of Lili Elbe, a pioneer in transgender history. A
woman torn between loyalty to her marriage and her own ambitions. A first novel of startling refinement and beauty. Now a major
motion picture staring Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Vikander.
Waterloo: The History of 4 Days, 3 Armies and 3 Battles
Bernard Cornwell
18 June 1815, the armies of France, Britain and Prussia descended on a quiet valley south of Brussels....the blood-soaked battle of
Waterloo would become a landmark in European history. In his first work of non-fiction, Cornwell combines his storytelling skills with
meticulous research to give a riveting account of every dramatic moment.
The Angel Tree
Lucinda Riley
Greta returns to Marchmont Hall in rural Monmouthshire after an absence of 30 years, but has no memory of her past association
with it as a result of an accident decades earlier. During a walk she finds a child's grave that helps her piece together fragments of
the past. A story of love, loss and family secrets.
Cop Town
Karin Slaughter
Slaughter is simply one of the best thriller writers around. In her first stand-alone novel she breaks new ground with this riveting story
of two young police officers trying to stop a serial killer targeting cops. Vivid and gritty, a terrific whodunit that keeps you guessing.
Colm Tóibín
1950's Ireland. Eilis Lacey's sister arranges for her to emigrate to New York and a crowded lodging in Brooklyn. Here she takes her
first tentative steps towards friendship and something more. Events send her back to Ireland where she has to make a choice
between duty and love. A wonderful novel, now a great movie.
A Spool of Blue Thread
Anne Tyler
Abby Whitshank often tells the story of how she and Red fell in love in 1959. The whole family on the porch, knows the story well.
From the porch we spool back through the generations witnessing events. Tyler takes the ordinary and makes them sing. She has no
You are Dead
Peter James
The last words Jamie Ball hears from his fiancée are a terrified mobile call from a car park in Brighton. Police arrive within minutes
but Logan has vanished. The same afternoon workmen unearth the remains of another young woman. Are they connected? The11th
thrilling crime novel in the Roy Grace series.
Winter Garden
Kristin Hannah
Sisters Meredith and Nina lead different lives but find themselves together again with their when their father falls ill. On his deathbed
he tells them a captivating, mysterious love story that spans 65 years and moves from frozen war torn Leningrad to modern day
Alaska. A gripping, emotional read.
The King's Curse
Philippa Gregory
The riveting story of Margaret Pole, daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, and one of the few surviving members of the Plantagenet
dynasty after the Wars of the Roses. Popular history at its finest, immaculately researched and superbly told by one of the finest
authors of this genre.
Library on-line / Bibliothèque en-ligne
If you would like to join us on the Goodreads site, please contact the Librarian for further details / Si vous voulez nous rejoindre sur le
site Goodreads prenez contact avec la Bibliothécaire. www.goodreads.com

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