Lesson Plan Physical Descriptions Objective: Students will


Lesson Plan Physical Descriptions Objective: Students will
Lesson Plan
Physical Descriptions
Students will comprehend and describe the physical appearance of others.
Elle est…
Il est…
Elle/Il est…
belle vieille grande petite grosse laide mignonne jolie
beau vieux grand petit gros laid mignon
Elle/Il a…
les cheveux…
jeune mince moche chauve
longs courts mi-longs
blonds bruns noirs blancs roux
raides frisés bouclés
et, mais, ou
Materials :
labels (names/vocabulary/connectors)
visuals and cards
activity sheets (input/output)
tape and push pins
paper “points de participation” to hand out
white boards and erasable markers
Procedures :
1. Using images of different characters from movies, I will introduce the new vocabulary. I will describe each
person’s physical characteristics and juxtapose the vocabulary words that change with the gender. As I do this I
will ask questions in order to check for comprehension.
2. Still using the images and characters posted, I will describe each person’s hair color and style. I will then again
ask questions, tying in physical descriptions. As I do this I will be sure to add in connectors and use “très”.
3. After sufficient questioning, I will then ask the students to draw conclusions about the vocabulary and how it
changes when used to describe a male or female. I will draw attention to the irregularities in the adjectives as
Input Activity 1: Bienvenue chez les Robinson!
1. I will pass out the activity sheets. Students will be asked to look at the image of the Robinson family and read
the descriptions below.
2. They must then correctly identify and label the person. (There will be several destracters.)
3. I will then ask for volunteers to come up and label the image.
Input Activity 2: Mes personnages favoris.
1. Students must look at the images on the overhead and listen as I describe 5 different people.
2. They will then write the letter that corresponds with that person in the blanks provided. (There will be several
3. The class will review the correct answers together.
Because they are all women, the students do not have to attend to the endings. HOWEVER there are several distracters,
requiring them to pay close attention to the hair colors and styles.
Elle est jolie et très petite. Elle a les cheveux blonds et courts. (Tinkerbell)
Elle est belle, jeune et mince. Elle a les cheveux blonds, boucles et mi-longs. (Cinderella)
Elle est vieille et grosse mais elle est mignonne. Elle a les cheveux blancs et courts. (Godmother)
Elle est mince, grande et jolie. Elle a les cheveux noirs, raides et très longs. (Mulan)
Elle est petite, belle et très jeune. Elle a les cheveux roux et très longs. (Ariel)
Output Activity 1: C’est toi le réalisateur/ la réalisatrice !
1. Students will be given a card with a stereotypical character in an animated movie.
queen, hero, prince, wizard, henchman, handmaiden, godmother)
2. They must look at the card and create a description of this character.
3. They will be told to give the character a name and write a short physical description.
4. They must be creative and use connectors.
Students will use this in Output Activity 2.
(villain, princess,
Output Activity 2: C’est toi l’animateur / l’animatrice !
1. After they have finished their descriptions students will then share these descriptions with their assigned
2. They must take turns being the artist. They will listen to the description and draw their interpretation of what
the character would look like.
3. Students will then volunteer to share their characters with the class.
Output Activity 3: Les crapules célèbres.
1. Each student will be given a choice of two infamous villains.
2. They must choose one and write a description of them using new vocabulary.
3. Students will be asked to use connectors and be as specific as possible.
The descriptions can be used later on as a class activity (read the descriptions and figure out who it is).
Homework: Mon double.
Students will be asked to think about their gender and their own physical characteristics and then create a description of
their “opposite” or “alter-ego”.
My alter-ego:
Il est mince et grand mais il est moche. Il a les cheveux très courts, noirs et frisés.
Activité 1: Bienvenue chez les Robinson!
Read and label the family members described below
Exemple: Art est grand et beau. Il a les cheveux noirs et courts.
Wilbur est jeune, mince et mignon. Il a les cheveux noirs et courts (comme Art).
Lucille est mignonne, petite et vieille.
Tallulah est belle et mince. Elle a les cheveux courts et roux.
Billie est belle et petite (comme Tallulah) mais elle a les cheveux couts, bruns et frisés.
Carl est grand et très mince. Il est chauve.
Bud est petit et vieux. Il a les cheveux blancs.
Activité 2 : Mes personnages favoris.
Listen as I describe my favorite movie characters.
Write the letter that corresponds with the description.
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
Activité 3 : C’est toi le réalisateur/ la réalisatrice !
You are directing a new animated film and need to create a specific character.
Look at the card you are given and create a description of this character for the artists.
Give the character a name and write a short physical description.
Be creative and specific! Be sure to use connectors.
(Prénom du personnage)
Activité 4 : C’est toi l’animateur / l’animatrice !
With your partner take turns being the artist.
Listen to the description and draw your interpretation of what their character would look like.
Share your characters with the class.
Activité 5: Les crapules célèbres.
Look at the infamous villains you were given and choose one.
Using the vocabulary and connectors you know, write a short description of the person.
VISUALS FOR ACTIVITE 2- You don’t need to print them!
Don’t print them! You only need to choose 1 and describe him/her.