PSM Toolbox - Access to antiretroviral drugs in low
PSM Toolbox - Access to antiretroviral drugs in low
éGORIE - GESTION, POLITIQUE, FIXATION DES PRIX, APPROVISIONNEMENT, ASSURANCE QUALITé, US NOM DE L'OUTIL Access to antiretroviral drugs in low- and middle-income countries SOUS-CATéGORIES VIH/SIDA TYPES DE PRODUIT Médicaments DATE DE MISE à JOUR July 2014 VERSION July 2014 DéVELOPPé PAR WHO QUAND L'UTILISER This report examines global trends in ARV prices and assess how WHO treatment guidelines have influenced the uptake of different ARV formulations. It describes the current constraints limiting the use of second-line and third-line treatments and paediatric treatment, and it explores how the quality of ARVs can be secured and in-country distribution can be improved. LANGUAGE(S) Anglais NIVEAU D'UTILISATION Central FORME pdf file DEGRé DE FORMATION OU D'ASSISTANCE TECHNIQUE REQUIS n/a INPUTS & OUTPUTS n/a COûT free ADVANTAGES n/a CONTRAINTES n/a DISPONIBILITé CONTACT [email protected] (HIV/AIDS Department, World Health Organization)