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Maps: “Ge ng to Perpignan”
Summary ............................................................................................. 1
Organizers / Technical and Scien fic support / Patronages.............. 3
Commi ees .................................................................................... 4
General Objec ves and Topics ........................................................ 7
Technical Visits:
V1: installa on site of the link INELFE: France / Spain ........................ 8
V2: PROMES Laboratory ...................................................................... 9
T1: Performance of the materials used in the development
of HVDC cables .................................................................................. 10
T2: Qualifica on procedures of HVDC cables .................................... 11
Young Researchers Contest ........................................................... 11
Recep ons ................................................................................... 12
General Informa on ..................................................................... 13
Date and venue ................................................................................. 13
Official languages .............................................................................. 13
Proceedings ....................................................................................... 14
Badges ............................................................................................... 14
Prac cal Informa on .................................................................... 14
Meals ................................................................................................. 14
Car park ............................................................................................. 14
Wifi ................................................................................................... 14
Insurance ........................................................................................... 15
Useful ps .......................................................................................... 15
Ge ng to Perpignan ......................................................................... 15
Registra on Procedure & Registra on Fees ...................................... 19
Formali es ................................................................................... 21
Hotel reserva ons ............................................................................. 21
Sightseeing Sugges ons................................................................ 22
Addresses to note......................................................................... 24
Seminar Welcome Desk Opening Hours ........................................ 24
Seminar at a glance ........................................................................... 26
Technical Program ........................................................................ 28
Opening ceremony and official welcome addresses .......................... 29
Session 1: HVDC cable’s development .............................................. 29
Session 2 : Materials, space-charges, interfaces ............................... 30
Session 3: Ageing and reliability ........................................................ 30
Session 4: Modelling .......................................................................... 31
“Young researchers” poster session................................................... 31
Session 5: Tes ng and prospect of modelling of testsopment .......... 35
Session 6: Qualifica on and development......................................... 35
Closing Session .................................................................................. 36
Social Program
Jicable Welcome Cocktail...................................................................28
Jicable dinner and young researcher awards .................................... 34
Map : Perpignan: neighborhood of the congress center .......................
Enc: Booking reply form..........................................................enclosed)
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Canigou mountains
Perpignan - Palais des Congrès
©* : Copyright : Médiathèque RTE/Philippe GROLLIER
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Jicable HVDC’13
European Seminar on materials for
HVDC cables and accessories:
Performance, Modeling, Testing,
Perpignan, France - November 18th - 20th, 2013
Organized by:
 Jicable, Interna onal Conference on Insulated Power
 SEE, Société de l’Électricité, de l’Électronique et des
Technologies de l’Informa on et de la Communicaon
 SYCABEL, Syndicat Professionnel des Fabricants de
Fils et Câbles Électriques et de Communica on
 ERDF, Électricité Réseau Distribu on France
 RTE, Réseau de Transport d’Electricité
 SERCE, Syndicat des Entreprises de Génie Électrique
et Clima que
 CIGRÉ, Interna onal Council on Large Electric Systems
 Prospec ve 21OO, Preparing the future
 UPVD, University of Perpignan
With the Technical and Scientiϐic Support of:
 CIGRÉ, Interna onal Council on Large Electric Systems
 IEC, Interna onal Electrotechnical Commission
 SEE, Société de l’Électricité, de l’Électronique et des
Technologies de l’Informa on et de la Communicaon
 Prospec ve 21OO, Preparing the future
 SFE, Société Française d’Électrosta que
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With the Patronage of
 INELFE, INterconnexion ELectrique France Espagne
 MEDGRID, Opening new channels to power exchanges between Europe and the countries of southern
and eastern Mediterranean
 PRYSMIAN Câbles et Systèmes France
 Communauté d’Aggloméra on Perpignan Méditerranée
Jicable Steering Committee
 TARDIF Laurent, Syndicat Professionnel des
Fabricants de Fils et Câbles Électriques & de
Communica on (SYCABEL)
 DESCHAMPS Lucien, Chairman of Jicable Organizaon Commi ee
 DE GROMARD Hugues, Club Jicable
 DUBREUIL Michel, Réseau de Transport d’Electricité,
 FILLOUX Jacques, Syndicat des Entreprises de Génie
Électrique et Clima que, SERCE
 GERIN François, Société de l’Électricité et de
l’Électronique & des Technologies de l’Informa on et
de la Communica on (SEE)
 KIRCHE Annie, Électricité Réseau Distribu on France,
 PAUMIER Régis, Syndicat Professionnel des Fabricants de Fils et Câbles Électriques & de Communicaon (SYCABEL)
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Organization Committee
DESCHAMPS Lucien, Jicable, Prospec ve 21OO
AMMI Soraya, Réseau de Transport d’Electricité, RTE
BARBAZANGES Sylvie, Prysmian Câbles et Systèmes
BRENAC Alain, Société de l’Électricité, de
l’Électronique et des Technologies de l’Informa on
et de la Communica on, SEE
CHARLES Fabien, Silec Cable
FILLOUX Jacques, Syndicat des Entreprises de Génie
Électrique et Clima que, SERCE
FRUCHIER Olivier, University of Perpignan
LEQUEUX Jean-Michel, Jicable
MESLIER François, Interna onal Council on Large
Electric Systems, CIGRÉ
PAUMIER Régis, Syndicat Professionnel des Fabricants de Fils et Câbles Électriques & de Communicaon (SYCABEL)
VINCLER Béatrice, Nexans
Local Organization Sub-Committee
FRUCHIER Olivier, University of Perpignan
AUSSEL Didier, PROMES CNRS, Perpignan
GACHON Dorian, PROMES CNRS, Perpignan
GAYRAUD Danielle, RTE, Centre Na onal d’Exper se
Réseaux / INELFE
International Scientiϐic and Technical
 TOUREILLE Alain, Consultant, France
 NOTINGHER Pétru, University of Montpellier 2,
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 AGNEL Serge, Ins tut d’Électronique du Sud, France
 ALLAIS Arnaud, Nexans Research Center, Lyon,
 AMMI Soraya, RTE, France
 ARGAUT Pierre, CIGRÉ B1, France
 BECKER Jean, Sart Consult, Belgium
 BEROUAL Abderrahmane, École Centrale de Lyon,
 BOBIN Jean-Louis, UPMC, France
 BOONE Willem, Kema Nederland BV, The Netherlands
 CASTELLON Jérôme, CIGRE D1, IES, France
 DODD Stephen, University of Leicester, UK
 EGROT Philippe, EDF R&D, France
 EVENSET Gunnar, Nexans, Norway
 GOMIS Oriol, University of Catalogna, Spain
 GRANADINO Ramón, Red Electrica Española, Spain
 GUBANSKI Stanislaw, Chalmers, University of Technology, Sweden
 GUDMUNSDOTTIR Unnur Stella,, Denmark
 HJERTBERG Thomas, Borealis, Sweden
 JEROENSE Marc, ABB, Sweden
 KINDERSBERGER Josef, CIGRE D1, Technical University of Munich, Germany
 KRIVDA Andrej, ABB, Switzerland
 LEROY Séverine, CNRS, Toulouse, France
 MAMMERI Mohamed, Silec Cable, France
 MATALLANA Jérôme, Sta net SF, Norway
 MIREBEAU Pierre, Nexans, France
 MONTANARI Gian Carlo, University of Bologna, Italy
 MORSHUIS Peter, University of Del , Netherlands
 PERROT Fabrice, Alstom Grid, Stafford, UK
 OGÉE Emmanuel, Siemens, Germany
 PERROT Fabrice, Alstom Grid, Stafford, UK
 RAKOWSKA Aleksandra, Tu Poznan University of
Technology, Poland
 RAUD Jean-Louis, Serce, France
 RITTINGHAUS Dirk, Energycableconsult, Germany
 ROSEVEAR Robert, Southampton Dielectric Consultant Ltd, UK
 SANTANA José, Prysmian Câbles et Systèmes France,
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 SWINGLER Steve, School of Electronics & Computer
Science, UK
 TEYSSEDRE Gilbert, CNRS, Toulouse, France
 TOUCHARD Gérard, University of Poi ers, France
 VERDU Jacques, ENSAM, Paris, France
General Objectives and Topics
Synthe c materials have been used for over 50 years
for the electrical insula on of high voltage AC power insulated cables. The mastery of these materials has led
to the development of 500 kV links. These links allow
the penetra on in urban areas, crossing underwater or
crossing sensi ve sites. Some of these links are reaching
tens of kilometers.
The use of DC can be considered for power transmission
over long distances with several advantages: no problem of compensa on, two conductors instead of three,
lower conductor losses ... For cons, the implementa on
of expensive converter sta ons lead to an interest of DC
only for long links and high power.
The mastery of synthe c materials can now allow the
realiza on of high voltage power insulated cables in DC.
The objec ve of the seminar Jicable-HVDC’13 is to present state of knowledge on the behavior of materials for
HVDC cables and accessories. It will first address the
physical behavior, physic-chemical and electrical proper es of these materials: dielectric, space charges, interfaces, ageing, reliability... It will then discuss the results of modeling studies and the rela onship between
modeling and behavior of materials to clarify the role of
tests: inves ga on, qualifica on, recep on, control in
opera on,...
Finally, the seminar will show how these scien fic and
technical informa on and results are taken into account
by the system operators (TSOs) to demonstrate and evaluate the equipment over me.
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The following topics will be discussed:
1. Dielectric behavior
2. Materials characteriza on (electric, physical and
3. Phenomena associated at the interfaces, cables and
4. Space-charge measurements (interfaces and materials)
5. Aging and reliability
6. Simula ons and numerical models
7. Tes ng: Inves ga on, development, qualifica on,
recep on, …
8. Qualifica on procedures of Europeans TSO
9. Opera onal experience
Technical program
The technical program is detailed below.
Technical Visits
Wednesday, November 20th 2013 - 14:00 – 18:00
V1 - Installation site of the link INELFE:
France / Spain
A technical visit of the installa on site of the link INELFE
“France-Spain” (electrical interconnec on through the
Catalan Pyrenees) will be organized for par cipants.
This link, under construc on, 64.5 km long, connects
the substa ons of Santa Llogaia (near Figueras, Spain)
and Baixas (near Perpignan, France). The link is underground: the sec on that crosses the Pyrenees by the Albères, 8.5 km long, is laid in a tunnel while the rest of the
link is undergrounded by means of trenches.
The DC link of 2 x 1000 MW achieved with ± 320 kV polymer insulated cables, the converter sta ons are installed
at Santa Llogaia and Baixas. This link, which should be
in service in 2015, aims to ensure greater safety of the
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electrical system and the quality of the electricity supply
in both countries as well as the exchanges of the renewable energies on the European grid.
The technical visit will show the works in progress, specifically the cable laying and the converter sta on.
The number of places is limited to 50 par cipants.
V2 - PROMES Laboratory
A visit of PROMES (PROcesses, Materials and Solar Energy), a research laboratory is proposed. PROMES belonging to the French Na onal Centre for Scien fic Research (CNRS), is a laboratory that closely operates in
partnership with the University of Perpignan via Domi a
(UPVD). PROMES depends on the “INSIS” Ins tute of
CNRS (Ins tute for Engineering and Systems Sciences).
The laboratory aims at developing scien fic knowledge
and technology in the field of solar energy conversion
and use, par cularly dealing with concentrated solar
energy. Researches at PROMES include all the scales of
systems, from nanomaterials to energy networks. They
address two main fields: “Materials and extreme condi ons” and “Transforma on, storage and transport of
The visit will focus primarily on the themes: plasma deposi on, thin layers and energy conversion system for
The number of places is limited to 50 par cipants.
Delivery of the shield for the TBM «Canigou» ©*
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Tutorials (two parallel tutorials are organized as a prelude to the seminar)
Monday, November 18th 2013
15:00 – 18:30 (break from 16:00 to 16:30)
T1: Performance of the materials used in
the development of HVDC cables
by Petru NOTINGHER, IES Montpellier, France and Gilbert TEYSSEDRE, Laplace Toulouse, France
Demands and challenges for materials to be used in
HVDC cable development are mainly focused on synthetic insula on. Polyethylene materials have been successful in replacing other cable technologies for HVAC undersea or underground cables, and the trend is actually to
adapt materials compounding and extrusion processes
for HVAC cables to the case of HVDC.
In this tutorial, the constrains driven by the DC cable
condi ons and construc on on the materials cons tuting cables, being insula on as well as field grading materials, will be given, with considera on of cable junc ons
and the differences with AC stress. Despite a generally
higher dielectric strength under AC than DC stress, issues related to resis ve field grading and to space charge
phenomena under DC stress mark the real challenges for
the reliability of HVDC links.
These features will be an opportunity to revisit dielectric physics in general, physics of organic dielectrics in
par cular, polyethylene in specific, with focus on the nature of charge carriers involved in transport processes
(conduc vity), and the nature of sites providing charge
stabiliza on and trapping in materials (long las ng space
charge effects). The approaches for understanding and
evalua on of materials behavior ranging from molecular
scale approaches to experimental characteriza on in flat
specimen and to cable scale tes ng will be reviewed.
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T2: Qualiϐication procedures of HVDC
by Marc JEROENSE, ABB AB High Voltage Cables,
Simplified one can state two major types of HVDC cables
exist: MI and extruded cables.
Also converter sta ons come in tow flavors, Line Commutated Converter sta ons (LCC) and Voltage Source
Converter sta ons (VSC). Both sta on types, LCC and
VSC have their own characteris cs relevant for the cable
system connected to them.
Qualifica on of cable systems covers the whole range
of development tests, pre-qualifica on test (also called
long-term tests), type tests, sample tests, rou ne tests,
factory acceptance tests and a er-laying tests.
Three major CIGRE recommenda ons exist relevant for
our topic. Electra 171 Recommenda ons for mechanical tests on sub-marine cables, Electra 189 Recommenda ons for tests of power transmission DC cables for a
rated voltage up to 800 kV, for MI cables and TB496 Recommenda ons for tes ng DC extruded cable systems for
power transmission at a rated voltage up to 500 kV.
The tutorial will cover the principles of the fundamental
sets of tests, when to use them and when not to use
them (that is, the list star ng with development tests
and ending with a er-laying tests).
Furthermore the tutorial will cover step by step the
three major recommenda ons and their contents. It will
be high-lighted how these tests relate to the usage of
the cable systems from an installa on perspec ve (Electra 171) as well as from the use of LCC or VSC sta ons
(Electra 189 and TB 496).
Young Researchers Contest
The Organizers of Jicable-HVDC’13 are se ng up a
Young Researchers Contest to encourage the par cipaon of students and young researchers and to promote
professions of the cable.
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The call for papers sent to engineering schools and universi es was based on 7 main topics:
A. Dielectric behavior
B. Materials characteriza on (electric, physical and
C. Phenomena associated at the interfaces
D. Space charge measurements (interfaces and
E. Aging and reliability
F. Simula ons and numerical models
G. Tes ng: inves ga on, development, …
Authors of selected papers will be exempt from conference registra on fees; they will also receive a grant to
help their par cipa on. The authors of the three best
papers / posters, will receive prizes respec vely of
€ 1,500 (first prize), € 1,000 (second prize) and € 500
(third prize).
Selected papers will appear in the Jicable-HVDC’13
Monday, November 18th 2013 - From 19:00
The Welcome dinner cocktail will be held at the Congress Center (7th floor)
Tuesday, November 19th 2013 - 20:00
The Jicable-HVDC’13 dinner will be held at Château
Please do not forget the invita on you received with
your seminar bag. It will be requested.
A coach service will be provided (coaches will be parked
beside the Congress Center on Boulevard Thomas Wilson and will depart at 20:00)
Ideally located between sea and mountain, the château
Nadal-Hainaut (an ancient Cistercian priory) is at 10 kilometers from Perpignan. Benefi ng of a fer le ground
for the development of sun-soaking wines, the 92 ha
vineyard produces local and AOC wines “Côtes du Roussillon”.
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The pre-dinner cocktail will be held in the tes ng cellar where those interested would have the opportunity
to par cipate in wine tas ng. Then the dinner will be
held in Sainte Eulalie building, which is actually the old
sheepfold. Beamed ceilings and small windows that line
the stone wall give the room a par cularly warm atmosphere.
The dinner will be closed with the “young researchers’
award” ceremony.
General information
Date and venue
Jicable-HVDC’13 will be held at Perpignan Congress
Address :
Place Armand Lanoux*
Or GPS 42° 42’ 10.88” N
*As Place Armand Lanoux is not known on google map
or by the gps, you should look for: 25 Boulevard Thomas
Wilson (car park address) or Cours François Palmarole.
The seminar will be held inside the Congress Center from
November 18th to 20th (1st floor, auditorium J.C Rolland)
Tutorials will be held inside the Congress Center on
Monday, November 18th (1st floor, room 11C and 12) and
technical visits are planned on Wednesday, November
Ofϐicial languages
The official languages at Jicable-HVDC’13 will be English.
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On arrival at the Welcome Desk, each par cipant will
receive a seminar bag, the program, and a usb flash
drive containing the program and the text of the papers
presented during the seminar (both oral and poster sessions).
An admission badge will be delivered to each par cipant,
giving access to the seminar sessions and to the audiovisual presenta on room. It must be worn throughout the
seminar period at all mes.
Practical Information
All meals will be organized inside the Congress Center
itself (7th floor) except the Jicable-HVDC’13 dinner organized on Tuesday, November 19th.
Car park
Parking Wilson is a public car park which offers a direct
exit to the congress center. Open 24h/24h
25 Boulevard Thomas Wilson
66000 Perpignan
Nb: the Congress Center’s car-park won’t be opened
during the seminar.
WiFi space
Free Wifi access in the Congress Center.
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The organizers cannot be held liable for any personal
accident or for damage to, or the loss of any personal
property, howsoever caused. Par cipants should therefore make their own insurance arrangements.
Useful tips
In the month of November, the temperature in Perpignan is usually around 15°C.
In France, the electric current is 220 V / 50 Hz. It is advised to consider the use of an electric adaptor.
Hotel bookings
A range of accommoda on, from 2 to 4 stars and at
walking distance from the Congress Center is available
on page “addresses to note” or on the website.
In order to get more choice, we advise you to book your
hotel as soon as possible.
Getting to Perpignan
By train
Trains from the following French ci es:
Paris : direct 4:50 (tgv)
Toulouse : direct 2:20 (intercités)
Lyon : direct 3:30 (tgv)
Marseille : direct 3:50 (ter)
Bordeaux via Narbonne : 4:10 (intercités and tgv)
By car
From Toulouse: Take A61, follow A9/E15 and exit 41 to
Perpignan City Center
From Marseille: Join A55 (direc on of Aix), take exit A7
and then con nue on A54. Follow on N113 then N572
to join A54 and A9/E15. Take exit 41 to Perpignan City
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By plane
► Perpignan airport (France)
Perpignan is served by an interna onal airport, “Rivesaltes” located just 7 km north of the city.
The following companies opera ng at Perpignan airport
 Air France : or tel. 36 54
 Hop :
With Hop you can obtain interested prices depending of the chosen services for Paris-Perpignan for
 Flybe : tel. +44 13 92 36 01 40
 Ryanair : tel. +33 (0) 892 232 375
With Ryanair you can travel to Perpignan from the
following ci es:
Birmingham / Bruxelles-Charleroi / Londres Stansted
 Iberia : tel. +33 (0) 825 800 965
 Volotea : tel. +33 (0) 821 610 752
Volotea offers direct flight Nantes-Paris
 Aer Lingus: tel. +33 (0) 821 23 02 67
As an example, available flights to Perpignan airport on
Monday, November 18th are:
 From Paris Orly : 4 direct flights
 From London : 2 flights with a short stop at Paris
For more informa on:
Perpignan airport to the congress center
By car or taxi: 8 kilometers / 12 minutes
The taxi fare to Perpignan centre is approximately 20€
Taxi sta on in Perpignan:
Phone +33 (0)4 68 35 15 15
► Béziers airport (France)
Béziers is served by a European airport, “Cap d’Agde”
located just 95 km or 1 hour from Perpignan (A9 motorway)
The main company opera ng at Béziers airport is
Ryanair : - tel. +33 (0) 892 232 375
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With Ryanair you can travel to Béziers from the following
ci es:
Bristol / Dusserldorf Weeze / London Luton / Manchester
/ Oslo Rygge / Paris Beauvais / Stockholm Skavsta /
For more informa on:
► Carcassonne airport (France)
Carcassonne is served by a european airport, “Salvaza”
located at 114 kilometers or 1h10 from Perpignan
(A61+A9 motorway)
The main company opera ng at Carcassonne airport is
Ryanair : ou tel. +33 (0) 892 232 375
With Ryanair you can travel to Carcassonne from the
following ci es:
Billund-Denmark / Bournemouth / Bruxelles-Charleroi
/ Cork / Dublin / East Midlands / Eindhoven / Glasgow
Prestwick / Liverpool / London Stansted / Paris Beauvais
/ Porto
For more informa on:
► Barcelona airport (Spain)
Barcelona airport “El Prat” is an interna onal airport located at 210 kilometers (Motorway) from Perpignan.
Many airlines operate at Barcelona Airport since it is
connect with America, North Africa, Asia c Southeast
and obviously Europe. If you are looking for cheap flights
to Barcelona you can compare prices online with a comparison site such as Cheap Flights.
For more informa on:
► Girona airport (Spain)
Girona airport is located at only 100 kilometers from
Perpignan and can also be an alterna ve when you depart from the following countries such as the UK, Italy,
The Netherlands, Denmark, Slovakia, Ireland, Belgium,
Germany, Ukraine, Sweden, Turkey, Cyprus, Malta, Morocco, France, Poland, Estonia and Lithuania.
The most important company opera ng at Girona airport is Ryanair.
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For more informa on:
Barcelona or Girona airport to the congress center
By car:
 While in Spain : motorway AP7, direc on France
 While in France: motorway A9, exit 42 Perpignan
South, then direc on “centre ville”.
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Registration Procedure &
Registration Fees
Registra on fees for the en re conference are as
Rates (2)
up to
Sept 30th 2013
Rates (2)
Oct 1st 2013
Standard rate
350 €
400 €
Member (1)(3)
300 €
350 €
300 €
350 €
260 €
300 €
University staff
Academic non member
University staff
Academic member (1)(3)
Invited speaker
(First author only)
Free of charge Free of charge
Young researcher (4)
(first authors
and students
≤ 28 years old)
Free of charge Free of charge
(1) Individual Members of Scien fic suppor ng
organiza ons
(2) VAT included
(3) a copy of ID membership should be sent by email
a er registra on
(4) a copy of iden ty card should be sent by email a er
registra on
These fees include:
 Access to the conference (with badge, seminar bag
and program)
 A USB flash drive containing the program and the
text of the papers presented during the conference
(both oral and poster sessions)
 A CD Rom which will be sent a er the seminar
 All meals (welcome recep on on 18th, lunches on
19th and 20th, and the coffee breaks)
 The Invita on to the Jicable-HVDC’13 dinner
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The Jicable-HVDC’13 dinner is included in all registraons: this recep on will be organized on Tuesday evening, November 19th 2013.
The technical visits and the tutorials are both op onal,
not included in the registra on fees. The number of
places for technical visits is limited.
on Monday, November 18th (15:00-18:30)
T1: Performance of the materials used in
the development of HVDC cables
T2: Qualifica on procedures of HVDC
180 €
180 €
on Wednesday, November 20th (14:00-18:00)
V1: Visit of the installa on site INELFE
V2: Visit of PROMES/CNRS (processes,
materials and solar energy) research
70 €
70 €
We strongly recommend registering online via the
Conference Website h p://
Authors (except the 1st author of each communica on)
and commi ees members are not exempt from paying
registra on fees.
Registra on is valid only a er the payment is received by
the SEE. If the payment has been made by bank transfer,
the par cipants are kindly required to bring with them
the proof of payment at the conference venue. On-line
registra on will be closed on November 14th. Badges
withdraw and on-site registra on will start on Monday
18th from 14:00, at the Congress Center of Perpignan.
The registra on by purchase order is possible. To do so,
please return the enclosed applica on form by fax together with the purchase order at +33 (0)1 56 90 37 19
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Cancella on policy: refund of all prepaid fees will be
made provided that an advance wri en no fica on is
submi ed by October 18th 2013. No refund will be made
for cancella on received a er this date.
Some foreign na onals may require entry visas to France.
Simultaneously to the comple on of your conference
registra on, check with the French Embassy or with the
French Consulate in your country: they will help you to
complete the necessary visa formali es.
The official form to obtain a visa can be downloaded
Hotel reservations
► 2 stars hotels
Hôtel Alexander
250 meters from the Congress Center
Rates: 50/75€ -
Hôtel Ibis budget Perpignan Centre Méditerranée
500 meters from the Congress Center
Rates: 40/60€ -
Hôtel de la Loge
600 meters from the Congress Center
Rates: 69/80€ - h p://
Adagio Access Perpignan (ex CITEA)
700 meters from the Congress Center
Rates: 85/100€ -
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► 3 stars hotels
Parc Hôtel
100 meters from the Congress Center
Rates: around 90€ -
Hôtel Mercure Perpignan Centre
60 meters from the Congress Center
Rates: around 98€ -
Hôtel Ibis Perpignan Centre
Rates: around 70€ -
► 4 stars hotels
Windsor Best Western
50 meters from the Congress Center
Rates: 100/170€ -
Suite Novotel Perpignan Méditerranée
700 meters from the Congress Center
Rates : 115/125€ -
Sightseeing suggestions
Located in the deep south of France, “Perpinyà,” as they
say in Catalan, is the capital of the Pyrénées Orientales.
It’s a border city, situated in an astonishing environment
with one side on the Mediterranean coast and on the
other side the highest mountains in the French Pyrenees.
Believe for many years to be the highest mountain in the
Pyrenees at 2784 meters, the Canigou Mountain has become the sacred mountain of Catalan Country (the highest mountain is the Vignemale mountain, 3298 meters,
located in the central part of Pyrénées mountains).
Perpignan is a busy place, at the crossroads of two countries, greatly influenced by the Mediterranean cultures
and benefi ng from 2500 hours of sun per year. No
wonder that Salvador Dali saw it as the “Centre of the
Perpignan is also a modern and vibrant city, a great desna on warmly welcoming interna onal visitors.
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Some of the main places to visit in Perpignan:
Le Palais des rois de Majorque
La Cathédrale st Jean-Bap ste
Le Musée Hyacinthe Rigaud
La Loge de Mer
Le Cas llet, Musée d’arts et tradi ons populaires
Around Perpignan:
If you have me, the countryside has many interesting spots and villages worth a visit, such as Elne and its
2,700-year-old citadel, Rivesaltes, renowned for its vineyards, or Thuir which is the capital of the famous aperi f
Byrrh: Byrrh caves with the largest oak vat in the world
a ract thousands of visitors each year.
At 30 km from Perpignan, don’t miss Collioure, an idyllic
place on the rocky coastline, nestling in an unspoilt, protected environment. The small Catalan port is sheltered
by a creek where the waters of the Mediterranean meet
the rocks of the Pyrenees mountains chain.
Sightseeing reservations
Office de Tourisme de Perpignan
Place Armand Lanoux - BP 40215
66002 Perpignan Cedex
Tel :
+33 (0)4 68 66 30 30
Fax :
+33 (0)4 68 66 30 26
contact-offi[email protected]
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Addresses to note
► Before the seminar
Jicable-HVDC’13 registra on:
SEE – Jicable-HVDC’13
17 rue de l’Amiral Hamelin
75783 PARIS Cedex 16 – France
Phone: +33 (0)1 56 90 37 03 or 02
Fax: +33 (0)1 56 90 37 19
Site Web: h p://
E-mail: [email protected]
► During the seminar
All services will be transferred to:
Palais des Congrès
Place Armand Lanoux
66001 Perpignan - France
Phone: +33 (0)4 68 68 26 35
+33 (0)4 68 68 26 30
Seminar Welcome Desk Opening Hours
November 18th:
November 19th:
Wednesday November 20th:
Perpignan - Palais des rois de Majorque
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One of the seven transformers at Baixas power sta on ©*
INELFE - Baixas converter substa on before installa on
of the power modules ©*
INELFE - Technical gallery at Montesquieu des Albères ©*
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Coffee break
10:30 - 11:00
12:30 - 14:00
12:00 - 12:30
Lunch break
Lunch break
Closing Session
Session 6: Qualifica on and development
Session 1: HVDC cable’s development
9:00 - 10:30
Session 2 : Materials, space-charges, interfaces
Coffee break
Opening ceremony
11:00 - 12:00
Session 5: Tes ng and prospect
of modelling of tests
Delegates Registra on
Wednesday, November 20th
8:30 - 9:00
Tuesday, November 19th
7:30 - 8:30
Monday, November 18th
Jicable- HVDC’13 at a glance
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21:00 - 22:00
20:00 - 21:00
19:15 - 20:00
19:00 - 19:15
18:00 - 19:00
17:30 - 18:00
17:00 - 17:30
16:30 - 17:00
16:00 - 16:30
15:30 - 16:00
15:00 - 15:30
14:00 - 15:00
Jicable dinner
Présenta on of the poster session
Young Researchers Poster Session
Session 4: Modelling
Coffee break
Session 3: Ageing and reliability
Technical visits
V1: Visit of the installa on site INELFE
V2: Visit of PROMES/CNRS
(processes, materials and solar energy)
research laboratory
All sessions take place in auditorium J.C Rolland - Tutorials in rooms 11C and 12 (1st floor) - Breaks (7th floor)
Weicome dinner cocktail
2 Tutorials in parallel : T1 & T2 (end)
Coffee break
2 Tutorials in parallel : T1 & T2
Delegates Registra on
Program of the seminar
Monday, November 18th 2013
14:00 – 15:00 - (1st floor, hall)
15:00 - 18:30 - (1st ϔloor, rooms 11C and 12)
T1: Performance of the materials used in the development of HVDC cables
by Petru NOTINGHER, IES Montpellier, France and Gilbert TEYSSEDRE, Laplace Toulouse, France
T2: Qualifica on procedure of HVDC cables
by Marc JEROENSE, ABB AB, Sweden
Coffee break from 16:00 to 16:30
Welcome dinner cocktail
19:00 – 21:00 - (7th floor)
Perpignan - Le Cas llet
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Program of the seminar
Tuesday, November 19th 2013
7:30 – 8:30 - (1st ϔloor, hall)
Opening ceremony and
ofϐicial welcome addresses
8:30 – 9:00 - (1st floor, auditorium J.C Rolland)
Session 1: HVDC cable’s development
9:00 – 10:30 - (1st floor, auditorium J.C Rolland)
Chairman: Jean BECKER, SART Consult, Belgium
Rapporteur: Gérard TOUCHARD, Université de Poi ers,
1.1 Technical challenges linked to HVDC cable’s development
Marc JEROENSE, ABB R&D, Sweden
1.2 DC extruded cable design and its main characteris cs
Laurent BENARD, Prysmian Câbles et Systèmes, France,
Mohamed MAMMERI, Silec Cable, France and Pierre
MIREBEAU, Nexans, France
1.3 Experience in service of HVDC cables, prospects of
extruded polymer insula ons
Thomas KVARTS,, Denmark
Coffee break from 10:30 to 11:00
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Session 2 : Materials, space-charges,
11:00 – 12:30 - (1st floor, auditorium J.C Rolland)
Chairman: Josef KINDERSBERGER, University of Munich,
Rapporteur: Alain TOUREILLE, University of Montpellier,
2.1 Material for HVDC cable
Thomas HJERTBERG, Borealis, Sweden
2.2 Space Charge Measurements in Cable Insula ng
Materials: from Research Laboratory to Industrial
Applica on
Serge AGNEL, Montpellier, France
2.3 Phenomena associated to interfaces
Peter MORSHUIS, University of Del , the Netherlands
Lunch break from 12:30 to 14:00
Session 3: Ageing and reliability
14:00 – 16:00 - (1st floor, auditorium J.C Rolland)
Chairman: Aleksandra RAKOWSKA, TU Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Rapporteur: Gilbert TEYSSEDRE, University of Toulouse,
Laplace, France
3.1 Ageing
Soraya AMMI, RTE R&D, France
3.2 Long term stability
Stanislaw GUBANSKY, University of Technology, Chalmers, Sweden
3.3 Ageing model
Davide FABIANI, University of Bologna, Italy
3.4 Reliability
Massimo MARZINOTTO, TERNA Rete Italia SpA and
Giovanni MAZZANTI, University of Bologna, Italy
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Coffee break from 16:00 to 16:30
Session 4: Modeling
16:30 – 17:30 - (1st floor, auditorium J.C Rolland)
Chairman: Peter MORSHUIS, University of Del , the
Rapporteur: Arnaud ALLAIS, Nexans, France
4.1 Simula on of transport of electric charges in PE
Séverine LEROY, University of Toulouse, France
4.2 Simula on of electrical phenomena in PE
Alain TOUREILLE, University of Montpellier 2, France
Presentation of the “Young researchers” poster Session by its Chairman
17:30 – 17:45 - (1st floor, auditorium J.C Rolland)
“Young researchers” poster session
17:45 – 19:15 - (1st floor, Hall)
Chairman: Stanislaw GUBANSKI, University of technology, Chalmers, Sweden
Rapporteur: Jérôme CASTELLON, University of Montpellier, France
P 01
Conduc on mechanisms and dielectric proper es of
epoxy resins under DC stress
Hanen YAHYAOUI; IES / UM2, France
P 02
Behavior of the DC cable joints interface subjected to
high electric field and temperature
Adelina CERNAT, Alexandra CONSTANTIN; University
POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania
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P 03
Electrical proper es in microvaristor composite
Dimitri CHARRIER, Xavier FESTAZ, Christelle MAZEL,
Arnaud ALLAIS; Nexans NRC Lyon, France
Guillaume ESCAMEZ; Student at ENSE3, France
Chris an FROHNE; Nexans Hanover, Germany
P 04
Simula on on Dynamic Space Charge Behavior in Low
Density Polyethylene under Temperature Gradient
Hui-na CHE; Harbin University of Science and Technology, China
P 05
Space charge measurements and characteris cs of
Hiroki MORI, Hiroshi NIINOBE, Yukihiro YAGI; VISCAS
Corpora on, Japan
P 06
Analysis of mul ple electrical trees incepted at wire
electrode test object by means of PD detec on
E. Markus JARVID, Stanislaw M. GUBANSKI; Chalmers
University of Technology, Sweden
P 07
Influence of ZnO varistor fillers on the nonlinear
dielectric and conduc vity proper es of silicone rubber
polymer composites
Lei GAO, Jingcheng XIE, Jun HU, Jinliang HE; Tsinghua
University, China
P 08
Influence of degassing on electrical proper es of HVDC
insula ng material
Lazhar KEBBABI, Arnaud ALLAIS; Nexans, France
Chris an FROHNE; Nexans Hanover, Germany
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P 09
Interface tailoring for charge injec on control in
electrically insula ng polyethylene by a nano Ag/SiCOH
Laurent MILLIERE, Kremena MAKASHEVA, Gilbert
Chris an LAURENT; LAPLACE - University of Toulouse
and CNRS, France
P 10
Inves ga on of charge trapping parameters in aged
XLPE cables
Ning LIU, George CHEN; University of Southampton, UK
Yang XU; Xian Jiaotong University, China
P 11
Determina on of the transient temperature behavior
of submarine power cables and other power transmission components using FEM analysis
Sebas an STURM, Johannes PAULUS; University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany
Karl-Ludwig ABKEN; NSW, Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke GmbH, Germany
P 12
Inves ga on of the effect of temperature gradient on
field distribu on in polymeric MV-HVDC model cable
by simula on and space charge measurement
T.T.N. VU, Gibert TEYSSEDRE, Bernard VISSOUVANADIN, Séverine LE ROY, Chris an LAURENT ; Laplace,
Mohamed MAMMERI, Isabelle DENIZET; SilecCable,
P 13
Inves ga on on the behavior of dielectric materials in
Lae a ZAVATTONI, Siemens/CNRS, France
Olivier LESAINT, Olivier GALLOT-LAVALLEE; CNRS/ University of Grenoble Alpes, France
P 14
Thermo-mechanical pressure analysis for HVDC Cables
Ziyi HUANG, James A PILGRIM; University of Southampton, UK
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P 15
Development of a HVDC prototype cable system
Dominik HÄRING, Gero SCHRÖDER; Südkabel GmbH,
Jicable dinner and
Young Researchers’ award ceremony
20:00 - (Château Nadal Hainaut)
The Jicable-HVDC’13 dinner will be held at Château
Nadal-Hainaut (10 kilometers from Perpignan)
Please do not forget the invita on you received with
your seminar bag. It will be requested.
A coach service will be provided (coaches will be parked
beside the Congress Center on Boulevard Thomas
Wilson and will depart at 20:00)
Château Nadal Hainaut
Vineyards of the area
“Le Canigou”, view from Perpignan
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Program of the seminar
Wednesday, November 20th 2013
Session 5: Testing and prospect of
modeling of tests
9:00 – 10:30 - (1st floor, auditorium J.C Rolland)
Chairman: Dirk RITTINGHAUS, Enerycableconsult, Germany
Rapporteur: Nathalie BOUDINET, RTE, France
5.1 Cable research tes ng
Ludovic BOYER, Nexans, France
5.2 Qualifica on tes ng
Pierre HONDAA, RTE, france
5.3 Development tes ng
Stefano Franchi BONANI, Prysmian Group, Italy,
Mohamed MAMMERI, Silec Cable, France,
Pierre MIREBEAU, Nexans, France
Coffee break from 10:30 to 11:00
Session 6: Qualiϐication and development
11:00 – 12:00 - (1st floor, auditorium J.C Rolland)
Chairman: Pierre ARGAUT, CIGRE B1
Rapporteur: Kevin TARDY, RTE, France
6.1 Qualifica on procedures of European TSO
6.2 Presenta on of the INELFE France/Spain’s project
Yves DECOEUR, INELFE, France / Spain
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Closing Session
12:00 – 12:30 - (1st floor, auditorium J.C Rolland)
Future prospects of HVDC power insulated cables in
Europe, conclusion.
Round table chaired by Paul PENSERINI, RTE, France,
with the par cipa on of (tbc):, Medgrid,
REE, Statne SF, SvK and TERNA
Lunch break from 12:30 to 14:00
Technical visits
14:00 – 18:00 - (On sites)
V1 - Visit of the installa on site INELFE “France-Spain”
V2 - Visit of PROMES/CNRS (processes, materials and
solar energy) research laboratory
Delivery of the cables © Copyright
Delivery of the cables © Copyright
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