Methodological note « SFR Business Conferencing » module


Methodological note « SFR Business Conferencing » module
Reduce your CO2 emissions and save money.
Let’s calculate.
Methodological note
« SFR Business Conferencing » module
€cobySFR is a simulating tool helps evaluating environmental and financial savings thanks
to the use of SFR Business Team solutions.
Protecting the environment is becoming a key issue for the digital business. SFR has a double challenge. On one
hand, to stabilize energy consumption in a booming market. On the other, to help reducing French greenhouse gas
emissions by massively spreading information and communication technologies.
Hence SFR rolls out tangible solutions for companies and local authorities (remote reading, tele-interventions,
cloud, computing, visio/telepresence…).
SFR Business Team is willing to reinforce this commitment by proposing a tool that enables its clients to simulate
CO2 and financial savings made by using “SFR Business Conferencing” solution. This tool is based on a reliable
methodology created in collaboration with Ernst & Young.
This methodology specifies the calculation hypotheses. Your result is thus fully transparent!
A simple example is presented at the end of this document.
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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The simulation is performed in 3 steps:
 Up to date characteristics entry
 SFR business team solution simulation
 Savings synthesis: CO2 emissions, time and money savings
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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1. Presentation of the « SFR Business Conferencing» module
« SFR Business Conferencing» module will provide you with an estimate of the savings realized by your company in
terms of time, money and CO2, using SFR Business Team virtual conference solutions instead of organizing a
physical meeting with several employees.
Some parameters must be entered in order to specify the characteristics of such meetings and obtain a realistic
simulation for both virtual and physical meetings.
« SFR Business Conferencing » parameters are the followings:
 Type of meeting
 Average duration of the meeting
For physical meetings scenario:
 Location of the meeting
 Number of attendees
 Geographic distribution of the attendees
 Characterization of the average transportation mode
 Number of nights in each hotel category
For virtual meeting scenario:
 Number of places equipped with video conference or telepresence rooms
 Number of attendees per solution
o Audio/Web conference
o Video conference
o Telepresence
 Number of such meetings realized per year
Based on these parameters, « SFR Business Conferencing » module simulates both scenarios and thus evaluates,
for these meetings:
 Avoided wasted time of travelling
 Avoided costs due to transport and hotels
 CO2 savings
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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2. Travelling time modelling in « SFR Business Conferencing » module
Travelling time modelling is based on the average travelling distance per transportation mode combined with the
average observed speed per transportation mode.
To evaluate realistically the travelling time, following hypotheses have been selected:
Speed modelling data
Regional ratio schedule TC/Train
Regional ratio schedule Car
National ratio schedule airplane
National ratio schedule TC/Train
National ratio schedule Car
Continental ratio schedule airplane
Continental ratio schedule TC/Train
Intercontinental ratio schedule airplane
Distance modelling data
Average distance for a two-way regional travelling
Average distance for a two-way national travelling
Average distance for a two-way continental
Average distance for a two-way intercontinental
Eco-calculatrice ADEME
Eco-calculatrice ADEME
Kelkoo 2011 index
Eco-calculatrice ADEME
Eco-calculatrice ADEME
Kelkoo 2011 index
SFR BT estimate
Kelkoo 2011 index
50 km
√i x √i country surface area)
SFR BT estimate
SFR BT estimate
√i x √i Continent surface area)
SFR BT estimate
8 000 km
SFR BT estimate
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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3. Modelling of travelling and hotel costs in « SFR Business Conferencing »
The following travelling and hotel costs, related to such meetings during the year, are included in the evaluation
and modeling scopes:
 Travelling costs
o Regional travelling with public or train transports (Tube, Streetcar, Bus…)
o Regional car travelling
o Airplane national travelling
o National travelling with public or train transports (High-speed train, Bus,…)
o National car travelling
o Continental airplane travelling
o Continental train travelling (ex : Eurostar, Thalys,…)
o Intercontinental airplane travelling
 Hotel cost
Cost modelling hypotheses
In order to obtain an exhaustive cost evaluation, some hypotheses have been selected for the following data:
Cost modelling ratios
Regional euros ratio TC/Train
Regional euros ratio Car
National euros ratio Airplane
National euros ratio TC/Train
National euros ratio Car
Continental National euros ratio Airplane
Continental euros ratio TC/Train
Intercontinental euros ratio Airplane
Euros ratio "2 star" hotel
Euros ratio "3 star" hotel
Euros ratio "4 star" hotel
Euros ratio "5 star" hotel
0,15 euros / km
0,35 euros / km
0,19 euros / km
0,15 euros / km
0,35 euros / km
0,08 euros / km
0,15 euros / km
0,08 euros / km
60,00 euros / night
120,00 euros / night
180,00 euros / night
240,00 euros / night
Eco-calculatrice ADEME
Eco-calculatrice ADEME
Kelkoo 2011 index
Eco-calculatrice ADEME
Eco-calculatrice ADEME
Kelkoo 2011 index
SFR BT estimation
Kelkoo 2011 index
SFR BT estimation
SFR BT estimation
SFR BT estimation
SFR BT estimation
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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4. CO 2 emissions modelling in « SFR Business Conferencing »
To evaluate CO2 emissions, the following items are included in the scope:
For physical meeting scenario
 Energy
o Electricity used by attendees’ computers and video projector
 Travelling
o Business travels to come to the meeting place
o Hotel nights booked by the attendees and associated services (electricity, heating, air
conditioning, furniture, breakfast…)
 Equipments
o Manufacturing of IT equipments (laptop, video projector)
o Manufacturing of non IT equipments (furniture in the meeting room)
 Services
o No «service» item for physical meetings
For the remote meeting scenario
 Energy
o Eletricity used by attendees’ computers
o Electricity used by other attendees’ terminals (screens, telephones…)
o Electricity consumed by IT equipments used for the digital conference service (servers, switchs…)
 Travelling
o No « travelling » item for remote meetings
 Equipments
o Manufacturing of IT equipments (laptops, servers, switchs, screens…)
o Manufacturing of non IT equipments (furniture in the meeting room)
 Services
o Equipment manufacturing and electricity consumption for an internet connection
o Staff annual travelling for installing and caring out the maintenance of IT equipments hosted in
Data Center, and terminals used by attendees.
The following items are not included in the modelling scope:
 Waste treatment, including WEEE produced by Data Centers and attendees terminals during the year. In
fact, their emissions are negligible in comparison with other items.
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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 Documents and sheets of paper manufacturing emissions, as they are negligible in the case of a meeting.
 Snacks, coffee and other beverage manufacturing and transportation emissions, as they are limited in
comparison with other emission items in a meeting.
CO2 emissions modelling hypotheses
To obtain an exhaustive evaluation of CO2 emissions, the following hypotheses have been selected:
Emission modelling hypotheses
Average electricity consumption of a >15 inch laptop for a
one hour use
Average electricity consumption of a video projector for a one
hour use
Average kWh of electricity consumption in a one hour audio
conference meeting, for IT equipments specific use by
Average kWh of electricity consumption in a one hour audio
conference meeting, for IT equipments mutual use by
Average kWh of electricity consumption in a one hour video
conference meeting, for IT equipments specific use by
Average kWh of electricity consumption in a one hour video
conference meeting, for IT equipments mutual use by
Average kWh of electricity consumption in a one hour
telepresence meeting, for IT equipments specific use by
Average kWh of electricity consumption in a one hour
telepresence meeting, for IT equipments mutual use by
Average lifespan of a laptop
Average lifespan of a videoprojecteur
Average lifespan of a audio equipments installed
Average lifespan of video equipements installed
Average lifespan of telepresence equipements instaled
kWh / h / person
SFR BT estimate
kWh / h
SFR BT estimate
kWh / h / audio meeting
SFR BT estimate
kWh / h of audio meeting
SFR BT estimate
kWh / h / video meeting
SFR BT estimate
kWh / h of video meeting
SFR BT estimate
kWh / h / telepresence
meeting attendee
SFR BT estimate
kWh / h of telepresence
SFR BT estimate
5 280
5 280
SFR BT estimate
SFR BT estimate
SFR BT estimate
SFR BT estimate
SFR BT estimate
Emission factors used
Emission factors selected in the €cobySFR « SFR Business Conferencing » module are used to evaluate CO2
emissions due to physical and cash flows (in kg, km, number of nights, euros). They enable you to calculate all the
main items emitting CO2 in a physical meeting organized by your company or a digital meeting organized with the
digital conference solution proposed by SFR business team.
Emission factors are sourced from scientific papers, especially:
 ADEME sector guide about Digital Information and Communication Technologies “Guide sectoriel Bilan
 Database « Base Carbone » associated to Bilan Carbone® methodology developed by ADEME
 CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion (2011 Edition), IEA, Paris.
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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5. Example
The following example gives you roughly an idea of the savings made thanks to « SFR Business Conferencing »
solution proposed by SFR Business Team.
The simulation situation is a quarterly meeting, traditionally based in Paris, organized by the Client relationship
Director of a big food industry company and gathering for one day 11 managers of his team.
The company decides to use a video conference solution 5 rooms, based in the business units and the head office.
For this example, « SFR Business Conferencing » Module parameters are the followings:
« Conference service » module parameters
Type of meeting
Average lengh of the meeting
Physical location of the meeting
Number of attendees
Including « Regional » distribution
Including « National » distribution
Including « Continental » distribution
Including « Intercontinental » distribution
Number of nights booked for each hotel category
Value related to this case study
Europe – France
(Mainly public transports + some cars),
with a total distance of 150 km travelled
(Some by airplane (Bordeaux) + mainly by
train (Nantes+ Lyon),
with a total distance of 6 800 km travelled
( from London - all by train),
with a total distance of 2 000 km travelled
4 nights (2 persons from London + 2
persons from Bordeaux) in a « 3 stars »
Number of sites to be equipped with visioconference or telepresence
12 persons split in 5 video conference
Attendees distribution per type of solution used
Annual number of such meetings
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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Decrease of CO2 emissions by 87 % due to avoided business travels thanks to SFR Business Team unified
communications offer.
18 000 Euros saved avoiding travelling.
660 hours saved annually, ie 82.5 man-days in total (only time spent in travel consecutive to a physical
meeting is accounted)
SFR Business Conferencing solutions enable you to reduce CO2 emissions mainly generated by travelling
for internal and external meetings or events. The CO2 emissions generated when implementing these solutions
are far less important than the travelling emissions saved.
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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6. Appendix – Selected emission factors
Emission factor (EF)
EF physical factor
85 kgeq CO2/ kg physical server
EF used switch
80 kgeq CO2/ kg used switch
EF pool of routers
80 kgeqCO2 / kg pool of routers
EF laptop
EF video projector
392 kgeq CO2 / unit of laptop
94 kgeq CO2/ unit of video projector
Guide sectoriel Bilan GES TNIC,
Guide sectoriel Bilan GES TNIC,
Guide sectoriel Bilan GES TNIC,
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF Mobilier)
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF Mobilier)
EF chair
1,83 kgeq CO2 / kg de chair
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF Mobilier)
EF meeting room table
1,83 kgeq CO2 / kg of meeting room table
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF Mobilier)
EF projection screen
1,83 kgeq CO2 / kg of projection screen
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF Mobilier)
EF Regional TC/Train
0,04 kgeq CO2 /
SFR BT estimate based on Bilan
Carbone ADEME data
EF Regional Car
0,26 kgeq CO2 /
Bilan Carbone ADEME
EF National Airplane
0,24 kgeq CO2 /
Bilan Carbone ADEME
EF National TC/Train
0,03 kgeq CO2 /
Bilan Carbone ADEME
EF National Car
0,22 kgeq CO2 /
Bilan Carbone ADEME
EF Continental Airplane
0,21 kgeq CO2 /
Bilan Carbone ADEME
EF Continental TC/Train
0,06 kgeq CO2/
SFR BT estimate based on Bilan
Carbone ADEME data
EF Intercontinental
0,21 kgeq CO2 /
Bilan Carbone ADEME
EF Dialogic IMG 1010
0,92 kgeq CO2 / euro
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF info)
0,92 kgeq CO2 / euro
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF info)
EF Telephone
0,92 kgeq CO2 / euro
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF info)
EF Webcam
0,92 kgeq CO2 / euro
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF info)
EF RMX1500
0,92 kgeq CO2 / euro
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF info)
EF CMA4000
0,92 kgeq CO2 / euro
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF info)
0,92 kgeq CO2 / euro
Bilan Carbone ADEME (FE info)
EF set [HDX7000 + 42''
screen + screen support]
0,92 kgeq CO2 / euro
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF info)
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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EF hotel rooms « 2
stars »
0,92 kgeq CO2 / euro
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF info)
0,92 kgeq CO2 / euro
Bilan Carbone ADEME (EF info)
2 kgeq CO2 / night
EF hotel nights « 3 stars »
4 kgeq CO2 / night
EF hotel nights « 4 stars »
8 kgeq CO2 2 / night
EF hotel nights « 5 stars »
16 kgeq CO2 / night
SFR BT estimate, from the value
observed on a « 3 stars » hotel
SFR BT estimate based on data
extracted from a hotel participating
to the environmental
SFR BT estimate, from the value
observed on a « 3 stars » hotel
SFR BT estimate, data extracted from
a « 3 stars » hotel
This methodology has been set up with Ernst & Young support, in accordance with ADEME data – French Environment and Energy Management Agency,
and with Bilan Carbone®, 7th version.
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