Parish web site…. and http://www


Parish web site…. and http://www
Saturday / samedi
October 1
Pro Populo
Esther Lalonde by the Family
Sunday / dimanche
October 2 octobre
Yvette Leroux by son époux
Lorraine Plue by Evelyn McDonell
Tuesday / mardi
October 4 octobre
Wednesday / mercredi
Bernadette Frechette par Fernand & Lilliane Carrière
Thursday / jeudi
October 5 octobre
October 6 octobre
Msgr Rudy Villeneuve par La Paroisse
Friday / vendredi
October 7 octobre
Eucharistic ADORATION Eucharistique
Percy Dupuis by Joe & Virginia Charland
Saturday / samedi
October 8
Pro Populo
Leoda & Narcisse Deschamps by Darquise Lalonde
Sunday / dimanche
October 9 octobre
Jennifer Valade by The Family
Rick Perkins by Bernadette & Jake Lapierre
Parish web site…. and
Come Join Our Book Club
This October 6th, the Diocese is launching a book club with a Catholic spin. Books will
range from theological, to biographical, to suspense, and much. The group will meet once
a month to discuss the latest pick, enjoy conversation and a coffee, all while learning more
about our faith. Meetings will be held at St. Peter’s church on the first Thursday of each
month. If you are interested contact Diane Gilligan at 613-933-1138, ext.31 or
[email protected]. Our first book is “Rome Sweet Home” by Scott &
Kimberly Hahn. The book is available at the Catholic Information Centre located at 146
Chevrier St. in Cornwall. Both Chapters and Amazon also carry the book.
Devenez membre de notre club de lecture
Le 6 octobre prochain, le Diocèse commencera un club de lecture à contexte catholique.
Les livres traiteront de théologie, de biographies, de suspense et de bien d’autres sujets. Le
groupe se rencontrera une fois par mois afin de discuter des derniers choix, de partager avec
d’autres tout en prenant un bon café. Si cette activité vous intéresse, communiquez avec
Diane Gilligan: Tél.: 613-933-1138, poste 31 ou: [email protected] Notre
premier livre s’intitule «De la foi de Luther à la foi de Pierre» par Scott & Kimberly Hahn.
Ce livre sera disponible au Centre d’information catholique, 146 rue Chevrier ainsi que
chez Chapters et Amazon.
Père Éric Robichaud et les membres de la Paroisse Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire vous invitent
à leur SOUPER PAROISSIAL, le dimanche 2 octobre, 2011 de 16h00 à 18h30 au
Centre Communautaire de Crysler. MENU: dinde, farce, jambon, pommes de terre,
sauce, légumes, fèves au lard, tomates, marinades, fromage, petits pains, salade du chou,
tartes et desserts assortis, thé, café, jus. ADMISSION : adultes - $12.00, enfants de 6 à 12
ans - $5.00, enfants de 0 à 5 ans gratuit. Bienvenue à tous et toutes!
Father Eric Robichaud and the members of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish invite you to
their PARISH SUPPER, on Sunday, October 2nd, 2011, from 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm at the
Crysler Community Centre. MENU: turkey, stuffing, ham, potatoes, gravy, vegetables,
beans, tomatoes, pickles, cheese, buns, coleslaw, pies & assorted desserts, tea, coffee,
juice. ADMISSION: adults - $12.00, children from 6 to 12 – $5.00, children from 0 to 5
– free. Everyone welcome!
“Put Out Into the Deep” – New Project for Young Adults (ages 19-30)
Did you ever ask yourself, “What am I doing with my life? How can I discern what is best?
How do I find out what God wants me to be and do? How can I respond to God’s call to
happiness?” If yes, you might be interested in joining a group of young adults that have the
same questions in mind and meet 8 times over one year in a very supportive environment.
We call this journey “Duc in Altum – Put Out Into the Deep”(available in French)is for you.
An info session is offered on Wednesday, October 5th at the residence of the Salesian
Sisters (300 Montreal Rd). For more information, please call 613-361-2431 or e-mail
[email protected] or visit the web site:
Avance au Large! – Nouveau projet pour jeunes adultes (19-30 ans)
T’es-tu déjà demandé des questions comme: « Qu’est-ce que je vais faire de ma vie?
Comment puis-je faire les bons choix? Et Dieu, dans tout cela, que veut-il que je devienne
et que je fasse? » Eh bien, si ça t’intéresse de cheminer pendant un ans (8 rencontres) avec
d’autres jeunes qui se posent les mêmes questions, dans un environnement qui te permet
d’apprendre, de grandir, de discerner et d’être accompagné, le programme « Duc in
Altum » - Avance au large (offert en anglais) est pour toi! Une session d’information aura
lieu mercredi le 5 octobre prochain à la résidence des Sœurs Salésiennes, au 300 chemin
Montréal. Pour plus d’informations, s.v.p. contacter Sr. Françine (responsable de la
pastorale jeunesse diocésaine) au 613-361-2431 ou [email protected] ou
site web
A Biblical Walk through the New Mass Translation is being offered to women starting
Wednesday, September 7th and continuing on September 19th and October 5th from 7:15 –
9:00 pm at the Agape Centre (upstairs). The cost is $25.00. This adult faith formation
program explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience at mass and
explains their significance. It is based on the revised translation which goes into effect
Advent 2011. To register call Heidi at 613-347-7561 or Marilynn at 613-537-2021.
Precious Blood Parish in Glen Walter will be holding regular BINGO nights starting in
September. Our next bingo will be on Wednesday October 12th, 2011 in the church hall
starting at 7:00p.m. We will be starting the Bonanza Game! Tell your family and friends.
Hope to see you there.
La Paroisse Précieux-Sang, de Glen Walter, planifie des soirées de BINGO qui débute au
mois de septembre. La prochaine soirée aura lieu mercredi le 12 octobre à 19h00. Nous
débuterons le «Bonanza» aussi! Dites-le à vos parents et amis.
Nous espérons vous voir des nôtres.
The Spiritual Direction Group will resume this fall on Friday September 30th 2011 at St.
Joseph's Church after the 9:30 A:M: mass. There will be 5 sessions this fall and 6 sessions
this winter on every 2nd Friday. All are welcome to experience and contemplate the
evangelizing spirit of Blessed John Paul 11. How is the Holy Spirit part of your life? Please
contact, Cathie Jarvis at 613-347-1754.
Confess our sins to God (Psalm 32)
(Please read the following passage to help you grow in your spiritual life)
Des leçons de piano à prix très abordables seront offertes à partir du 11 octobre par Sœur
Roberte Johnson, FMA (une sœur salésienne nouvellement arrivée à Cornwall) dans le but de
développer les talents musicaux des enfants, des adolescents et des adultes. Les cours auront lieu
à la résidence des Sœurs Salésiennes à côté de la Co-cothédrale, 300 chemin Montréal et seront
offerts après l’école pour les étudiants du primaire et du secondaire et en soirée pour les adultes.
Pour des renseignements supplémentaires et pour inscription, adressez-vous à Sr. Roberte au
613-937-4956 ou par courriel [email protected].
Affordable piano lessons will be given beginning October 11th, by Sr. Roberta Johnson (a
newly arrived Salesian Sister of St.John Bosco). The goal is of course to develop the musical
abilities of children, teenagers and adults. The lessons will be given at the residence of the
Salesian Sisters next to the Co-cathedral at 300 Montreal Road, afternoons for children and
teenagers and evenings for adults. For more information and to register for the year please call
Sr. Roberta at 613-937-4956 or email [email protected].
Scrooge and Jorge Valdez
Have you ever seen a lawn that hasn't been cut for a couple weeks? The soul that
separates itself from God ends up in a similar state, because God is the source of
existence, and order, and wisdom, and purpose - all that makes a life fruitful and
meaningful. Cut yourself off from the source and everything good withers, while
weeds flourish. Scrooge [the character from Charles Dickens's famous Christmas
story] is the perfect representative of what sin does to our souls and communities. His
life was full of immense potential, but his self-centeredness caused it to be wasted and
withered. He made himself into a miserable man, and he spread misery to all those
around him, cutting off the flow of God's goods to persons in need, all because of
selfishness. Sinful attitudes and habits make us into Scrooges: shriveling up
ourselves, making others suffer, choking the flow of grace and goodness that makes us
and those around us happy. Jorge Valdéz [HOR-hay Vahl-DEHSS] is Founder and
President of "Coming Clean Ministries." Jorge spent his youth building up the
American branch of the Colombian drug cartel. At one point he was raking in almost
2 million dollars a month. But it tore apart his life and family. He went through three
wives, put his immigrant parents through moral torture, destroyed countless other lives
through his imported drugs, and even indirectly caused the death of the few real
friends he had. In prison he began to discover that Christ is the true source of
fruitfulness. He eventually converted, earned a PhD in Scripture studies, and turned
his life around. Now, instead of wreaking havoc and destruction, his "Coming Clean
Ministries" is saving young people from the hell he himself experienced. Sin matters,
but with Christ, it's never the end of the story.
Admitting Our Sins
The most essential step in purifying our life from sin and its destructive repercussions
is the step we most often skip over: admitting that we commit sins. This is not
popular. It is much more fashionable to blame our selfishness on other people or
social circumstances. But the Bible and the Church are very clear about this. We are
all sinners, we have all "fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23), and if we say
we haven't, we are "deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us" (1 John 1:8). This
is no cause for depression or discouragement - this is the reason Jesus came to save us
- and he can save us; that's the whole point of Christianity! We admit this publicly at
the beginning of every Mass: "I confess to almighty God..." The greatest saints have
accused themselves of being the greatest sinners. St Francis of Assisi called himself
the worst sinner he knew. One of his followers objected: "Oh c'mon Francis, you
know you're holier than all the rest of us combined." St Francis looked at him and
responded: "If anyone else had received half the grace I have received, they would be
twice as holy as I am." He knew he was a sinner. If we think we're not so bad, it's a
sure sign that we have been infected by the lies of popular culture, and that we need to
ask for some help to find out how bad we really are. Until we learn to take
responsibility for our selfish actions and tendencies, God will not be able to really
rejuvenate the garden of our soul with his grace. But once we do, and once confession
becomes a regular part of our lives, then we will begin to experience what St Paul
called in today's Second Reading, "The peace of God that surpasses all
understanding." Jesus wants to give us that peace. Let's give him the chance.