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Portions of the introduction and individual lesson plans were created using guidelines from the
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education Core French curriculum. I acknowledge that the Saskatchewan
Ministry of Education is the copyright holder of that material. I have received authorization from the
Honorable Donna Harpauer, Saskatchewan Minister of Education, to use the curriculum to develop my own
program for non-commercial use.
Louise H. Tanguay-Ricker
Elementary School French Language Lesson Sample
Suggested grades: 1st – 5th
Topic to be Developed :
Objective :
Louise Tanguay-Ricker
Spring/Summer 2011
Les Vêtements (Clothing related to the weather)
Select clothing according to the weather and make a collage.
Prepare/present a fashion show.
Story: Marie s’habille (attached)
Annexe 1: Mes vêtements préférés (copies for all students)
5 large white poster paper
plain paper (3-4 pages per student)
colored pencils and/or felts
scissors and stick glue for all students
For fashion show:
Music CD (with CD player)
Suggested Steps:
1. Read the story, Marie s'habille. (attached)
2. Talk about some of the clothing Marie is wearing.
3. Discuss what the students are wearing.
4. Discuss the favorite items of clothing of the students.
5. Students draw a picture of themselves wearing their favorite clothes.
6. Discuss the weather and clothing worn according to the weather.
7. Draw and label various clothing items and do a collage for each season.
8. Bring items of clothing to school. Do a fashion show.
Learning Objectives:
Students will participate in a variety of language activities on the topic of clothing in relationship to
the weather.
Students will respond sensitively to the ideas, comments, and products of others.
Students will present to the class: the fashion show.
Students willstrive for more accurate and effective use of linguistic structures and vocabulary.
1. Read the story: “Marie s'habille”
Teacher will read the story, and encourage students to read each sentence after her/him.
Students may guess meaning of each sentence.
Suggestion for younger students:
Teacher might choose to have younger students re-enact
the story as she/he reads it again.
2. Talk about some of the clothing Marie is wearing
Teacher engage students in a conversation about what Marie is (or is not) wearing and writes
(or draws) a few clothing items on the board:
Qu’est-ce que Marie porte?
Elle porte une jupe?
(teacher could draw a skirt on the board to help comprehension)
Elle porte des souliers? (teacher points at her/his shoes)
Est-ce que Marie porte des pantalons? (teacher points at a student’s pants)
Non, Marie ne porte pas des pantalons.
Est-ce que Marie porte un chapeau? (Teacher pretends to be wearing a hat)
Non, Marie ne porte pas de chapeau.
Est-ce que Marie porte un chandail?
Oui, Marie porte un chandail.
3. Discuss what the students are wearing
Teacher initiates a discussion about what students are wearing in the classroom.
Lauren porte un pantalon et un chandail.
Moi, je porte_______ (teacher points at what she/he is wearing)
Quel couleur est le chandail de Lauren? (encouraging students to use full sentences)
Le chandail de Lauren est __________.
Qui porte un pantalon? (counting with students how many of them are wearing pants)
Il y a ______ élèves qui portent des pantalons.
Qui porte des souliers?
Note : Teacher will use simpler or more advanced vocabulary, depending on the students’ age/grade.
Suggested Vocabulary
- le chandail
- le pantalon
- les jeans (m)
- le t-shirt
- la chemise
- la blouse
- la jupe
- la robe
- le short
- les souliers (m)
- les espadrilles
- les bas (f) - les chaussettes (f)
bathing suit
- le costume de bain/le maillot
- les sandales
- les lunettes de soleil
- l'imperméable
- les bottes
winter hat
- le chapeau
- la tuque
- la casquette
- le manteau
- les mitaines (f)
- les gants (m)
- le foulard
- les pantoufles
- le pyjama
- la ceinture
- le collier
4. Discuss the favorite items of clothing of the students
Discussion evolves into a conversation about students’ favorite clothes. Answers may vary
according to style, comfort, warmth, a “cool” look, or perhaps wearing a favorite sport’s team
Qu'est-ce que tu préfères, une jupe ou des jeans?
Toi, Jacob, tu préfères un T-Shirt ou un chandail?
Est-ce que tu aimes porter un beau chapeau (pretending to wear a really fancy hat)
ou une casquette des Bostons Red Sox?
En français on dit Les Bas Rouges De Boston!
Students :
Je préfère porter.....
Discuss items of clothing worn for special occasions. i.e. church, concerts, a ball game etc.
Teacher :
Quand tu joues dans la neige, qu'est-ce que tu portes?"
Quand tu vas dans un party, qu’est-ce que tu portes?
Quand tu vas à la messe, qu'est-ce que tu portes?"
Students :
Je porte....
5. Students draw a picture of themselves wearing their favorite clothes
Distribute Annexe 1: « Mes vêtements préférés »
Students draw themselves wearing their favorite clothes.
(Older students could label the clothes.)
Students present their drawings to the classroom. Guided by the teacher, they form full
ex :
Je porte un pantalon bleu, une robe rouge, etc.
6. Discuss the weather and clothing worn according to the weather
Teacher introduces students to vocabulary related to the weather.
Quel temps fait-il dehors? (teacher looks outside)
Est-ce qu’il fait soleil? (teacher draws the sun on the board/uses gestures to depict the sun)
Est-ce qu’il fait froid? (teacher pretends to be cold)
Ou est-ce qu’il fait chaud? (pretending to be really hot)
Oui, il fait __________.
Quand il fait froid, on met un costume de bain?
Non... on met un manteau chaud!
Est-ce qu’on met un chapeau aussi?
Oui. On met un chapeau.
Est-ce qu’on met des mitaines? (pretending to put on mittens)
Teacher engages students to form full sentences using new vocabulary.
Teacher draws a graph on the board with following columns:
Quand il fait
beau, je porte...
Quand il fait
chaud, je porte...
Quand il fait
froid, je porte...
Quand il neige, je
porte ...
Quand il pleut, je
Students will brainstorm with teacher about what clothes should be worn according to the weather.
Teacher will write each clothing item (limiting perhaps each column to a set number of items.)
Students will practice saying the vocabulary.
7. Draw and label various clothing items and do a collage for each season
Teacher divides students in 5 groups. Each group will be assigned one of the columns. Their
assignment will be to draw clothes that belong in that category on plain paper. Color them, cut them
out and glue them on the poster.
Older students should also label the clothes.
Each team will be given a large blank poster sheet. At the top of the poster, the teacher should have
already written the column title: (ex: Quand il fait beau, je porte...)
One students could draw a picture next to the poster’s title (ex: draw a sun next to “Quand il fait beau,
je porte...” to help identify what the group’s poster will represent.)
Instead of drawing clothing items, students could bring magazines from home and cut
and glue clothing items on their poster. Teacher should emphasize that items need to
be fairly small or they will take too much room on the poster.
This is an opportunity to use previously learned vocabulary: petit et grand.
8. Bring items of clothing to school. Do a fashion show.
Students are asked to bring and assemble an outfit of their own. It could be fitting of any
occasion or it could be a bizarre costume. In pairs, students must prepare a description of
their outfit.
After a conference with the teacher, a description is written on a recipe card. This will be
used in the fashion show. Teacher (or older students) will pick a card at random and will
provide the commentary for that particular outfit for the fashion show.
Present the fashion show. Be as creative, use lights and music to make it more fun.
Note: If male students prefer not to take part in the show, they could serve as the commentator,
pretend photographer, journalists, sound technician, etc.
Bonjour Marie. C'est le matin.
Marie se lève.
Marie s'habille.
Elle met sa jupe.
Elle met son chandail.
Marie met ses souliers.
Marie se lave les mains et le visage.
Elle brosse ses dents aussi.
Marie brosse ses cheveux.
Elle met un ruban rouge dans ses cheveux.
C'est le petit déjeuner. *
Marie mange les céréales d'alphabets.
Elle cherche "M" pour Marie.
* Les Francos-Américains et les Canadiens Français disent : Déjeuner, Diner, Souper.
"Bonjour Annette," dit Marie.
"Bonjour Marie," dit Annette.
Annette est l'amie de Marie.
Elles vont à l'école ensemble.
Annexe 1
Mes vêtements préférés

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