Solar Thermal Technology for the Destruction of - Purdue e-Pubs


Solar Thermal Technology for the Destruction of - Purdue e-Pubs
Purdue University
Purdue e-Pubs
International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
School of Mechanical Engineering
Solar Thermal Technology for the Destruction of
CFC Wastes
D. M. Blake
Solar Energy Research Institute
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Blake, D. M., "Solar Thermal Technology for the Destruction of CFC Wastes" (1988). International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Conference. Paper 58.
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Complete proceedings may be acquired in print and on CD-ROM directly from the Ray W. Herrick Laboratories at
Danie l M. Blake
Solar Energy Resea rch Instit ute
1617 Cole Boule vard
Golde n, colora do 80401
Abst'C act
The Montr eal Proto col on Subst ances
that deple te the ozone
layer wj.ll requi re signi fican t chang
es in the use of
chloro fluoro carbo n (CFC) over the next
ten years .
The EPA propo sed
rule on CFCs close ly follow s the Montr
eal proto col but it is not
known wheth er there will be additi onal
requir ement s and regul ations
introd uced by the U>S> congr ess.
A signi fican t issue is what can be
done to contr ol the ultim ate releas e
of cFcs from machi nery and
applia nces that will be discar ded at
the end of their servic e life.
option s can includ e, for examp le:
doing nothin g; collec tion and
recyc le of CFCs; or collec tion and destru
ction of the CFCs.
paper will focus on the collec tion and
innov ative destru ction option
and possi ble proce sses that might be
used to accom plish the
conve rsion of CFCs to substa nces which
are at least benign or,
ideall y, econo micall y v~luable.
Proce sses to be discus sed will
cover refrig erant s, as well as CFCs
conta ined in foam insula tion.
These will includ e solar therm al or
techn ologie s that can increa se the effici energ y-con servin g
ency and decre ase the cost
of the destru ction of CFCs.
Le Protoc ole de Montr !al sur les substa
nces attaqu ant la
couche d'ozo neexi gera des modif icatio
ns impor tantes dans !'utilisati on des chloro fluoro carbo nes (CFC)
au cours des dix proch aines
annee s. La regle propo see par l.'EPA
sur les CFC suit etroit emen t le
protoc ole de Montr eal., mais on ne sait
pas s'il y aura de nouve lles
exigen ces et reglem entati ons introd uites
par le Congr es des Etats Unis.
Un probl.e me impor tant est ce qu' on peut
fairG pour lJ.mi ter le degagemen t final de CFC des machi nes et
appar eils qui seron t mis au rebut
! la fin de leur servic e. Les option s sont
par exemp le
ne rien
fa1re ; recup erer et recyc ler les CFC
ou recup erer et detru ire les
CFC. Cette commu nlcatio n se conce ntrera
sur 1•opti on innov atrice de
recup eratio n et de destr. uction et les
preced es gu'on pourr ait utilis er
pour accom plir cette transf ormat ion
des CFC en substa nces qui, au
mains , ne sera~ent pas nociv ss ou,
m1eux , auraic nt une valeur economiq ue. Lcs preced es ! exam1 ner porter
ont sur les frigor igene s ainsi
que sur les CFC conten us dans les mouss
es isolan tes. Ces preced es
compr endron t les techni ques therm iques
solair es ou autres techni ques
econo misan t l'ener gie qul peuve nt augme
nter le rendem ent et reduir e
le coBt de la destru ction des CFC.
This papGr appea rs in the July 1988
issue of tho IJR
on page 239.