special report - Research by Natixis


special report - Research by Natixis
July 30, 2014 - No. 100
Jésus Castillo, Alan Lemangnen
Postponement of budgetary targets: Will history repeat itself?
Matteo Renzi, supported by his European social democratic counterparts, has for several weeks championed
a policy mix aimed at boosting growth, advocating more flexibility in the budgetary field for governments that
carry out structural reforms. Would Germany be prepared to agree to such a relaxation? Several governments
benefited from a postponement of their budgetary targets already in 2013. While the motivations were purely
economic at the time (to pull the EMU out of recession), they could be of a political nature this time around:
while in Spain, Portugal and possibly Greece, the governments in power (political allies of Angela Merkel) are
facing upcoming elections in 2015, another postponement (until the spring of this same year) could be
beneficial in a context of significant erosion in their electoral base. Also, this could be a first stage towards a
launch of discussions on a strengthening of the EMU (own budgetary capacity), an agenda that Matteo Renzi
and his allies are calling for.
Why is Italy defending a relaxation of budgetary rules?
Spurred on by the very good results for his party in the
European elections on 22-25 May this year (41% of the votes
cast), the President of the Italian Council of Ministers Matteo
Renzi has for several weeks championed an economic policy
aimed at boosting growth and investment instead of merely
fiscal austerity. Supported by François Hollande and other
heads of state and social democratic governments, he was
therefore able, during the European summit on 26-27 June,
to negotiate a more "flexible" interpretation of the budgetary
rules set out in the Stability and Growth Pact .
What explains this pressure from Italy? Did it not succeed in
keeping its deficit in check at 3% in 2012-2013 and,
accordingly, exit its excessive deficit procedure with
Brussels? Certainly, but the 3% rule is only one of the
numerous obligations that Italy must now comply with
according to the Treaties: the fiscal compact, which entered
into force on 1 January 2013, also commits the country to
reducing the part of its debt that exceeds 60% of GDP by
1/20 per year on average over three years. With a stock of
debt that amounted to 132.6% of GDP in 2013, this translates
into a debt reduction of 10.9 percentage points of GDP in
three years to reach 121.7% by 2016. That represents 3.6
percentage points of GDP in additional primary surpluses
each year (Charts 1A and B), i.e. a budgetary and political
effort that is virtually unachievable.
This is why Matteo Renzi’s "pro-growth" message in our view
is part of a strategy that primarily aims to convince Brussels
(and, indirectly, Berlin) to agree to a postponement of its
public debt reduction objectives. Besides, if the forecasts
presented in the Stability Programme for 2014 are to be
believed, a one-year postponement of the application of the
“Structural reforms that enhance growth and improve fiscal
sustainability should be given particular attention, including through
an appropriate assessment of fiscal measures and structural reforms,
while making best use of the flexibility that is built into the existing
Stability and Growth Pact rules.”
1/20 rule already seems to have been factored into the
Tesoro’s expected debt reduction trajectory (Chart 1).
Is Germany prepared to make concessions?
In 2013, Germany gave its green light to the postponement of
budgetary targets for several euro-zone countries, including
France, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands. This relaxation
– and disinflation – enabled the EMU to pull out of six straight
quarters of recession. After the lull in the financial markets
prompted by Mario Draghi’s "whatever it takes" in July 2012,
the budgetary relaxation in the spring of 2013 gave the real
economy a shot in the arm.
Chart 1
Italy: Public debt trajectory and 1/20th rule (% GDP)
Sources: Eurostat, Natixis
Govt. forecast
1/20 rule (base = 2013)
1/20 rule (base = 2014)
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
But since then, Germany has been firmly opposed to any
further postponement of the budgetary targets, arguing that
nothing could justify such a relaxation. Berlin can also point to
the conclusions of the last European summit, which explicitly
stated that deficit correction and public debt reduction remain
the governments’ priority and without any revision of the
current rules .
“Given the persistently high debt and unemployment levels and the
low nominal GDP growth, as well as the challenges of an ageing
But it is still very likely that Germany will be driven to review
its stance for strictly political reasons this time around (and
not economic ones as in 2013). The reason is the
deterioration in the political situation in several peripheral
economies, as demonstrated by the European elections on
22-25 May . This is a deterioration that ultimately could be
detrimental for Germany's interests.
Greece: The coalition soon in a deadlock
We first look at Greece, where the radical left coalition
SYRIZA, by winning the European elections, unsurprisingly
confirmed that it would from now on be a key actor in the
political landscape. Admittedly, the results do not show a
sufficiently positive momentum (stable results compared with
the 2012 general elections, see Chart 2) to unseat Antonis
Samaras’ fragile coalition (152 seats out of 300). Thanks to
better results than expected (8% versus 5.5% initially
expected), PASOK (socialists) has avoided the scenario of a
party collapse for the time being, whereas the collapse of
DIMAR (social democrats) currently under way after a
catastrophic performance (1.2% of the votes cast) should
make it possible to add a few seats to the PASOK bench.
Chart 2
Greece: General and European elections
(% of votes cast)
(Izquierda Unida - IU) and, second, the entrance of Podemos,
a movement growing out of the “indignants”, which between
them obtained 18% of the votes (Chart 3A). In Portugal, in
addition to the fact that Pedro Passos Coelho’s conservative
coalition PSD-CDS was punished (the PSD recorded its
worst result since 2004), we see the same decline in the
traditional parties (59% of the votes during the 2014
European elections versus 80% on average since 2004), to
the benefit of the Democratic Unitarian Coalition (CDU) which
groups together the greens and the communists (Chart 3B).
Chart 3A
Spain: General and European elections
(% of votes cast)
Source: Natixis
Izquierda Unida
Source: Natixis
General '08
Europ. '09
General '11
Europ. '14
Chart 3B
Portugal: General and European elections
(% of votes cast)
Source: Natixis
May 2012 June 2012
But this rather limited consolidation remains insufficient to
reach the two-thirds majority needed to elect a new President
of the Republic (elected by the Parliament) in the first or
second round in February 2015, or the three-fifths majority
needed for a possible third round. It is therefore very likely
that the Parliament will have to be dissolved and new general
elections organised . But given the results of the European
elections, no formation would obtain the 151 seat majority
needed to govern: even by taking into account the 50 bonus
seats granted to the victor, SYRIZA would not obtain more
than around 120 seats.
Spain-Portugal: Eroding support for the government
parties in the run-up to the 2015 general elections
In Spain, PSOE (socialist) and the Popular Party (PP, centreright), which between them traditionally get 80% of the votes
at elections (general as well as European elections), obtained
only 49% of the votes in the European elections. The flipside
of this erosion is, first, the surge of the communist party
Europ. '04 General '05 Europ. '09 General '09 General '11 Europ. '14
At first sight, this decline for the government parties could be
interpreted as a one-off protest. But the polls for the general
elections - which will take place in the autumn of 2015 in
Spain and Portugal - confirm this transformation of the
political landscape in the two countries: not only would the
current coalitions lose power in Spain as well as in Portugal,
but the emergence of new actors would make it extremely
difficult to form a homogenous coalition (Charts 4A and B).
Opportunities could appear on the left, but in the form of very
heterogeneous alliances from the extreme to the centre, and
sometimes with only a relative majority as in Spain.
society and of supporting job-creation, particularly for the young,
fiscal consolidation must continue in a growth-friendly and
differentiated manner.”
“The possibilities offered by the EU's fiscal framework should be
used to balance fiscal discipline with the need to support growth.”
For further details, see Special Report No. 56: More Eurosceptics in
Strasbourg: Watch out for national repercussions and Data Snap
no.191: European Elections: no surprise, don’t panic!
Article 32.4 of the Constitution
N° 100 I 2
Chart 4A
Spanish Congress of Deputies: 2011 general
elections vs. polls for 2015 general elections
Hence the feeling that Berlin in the short term could accept to
soften its stance on budgetary issues, in anticipation of the
upcoming elections in 2015: by allowing Italy - or even
France (and other countries) - to postpone the budgetary
consolidation targets with a view to boost activity in the entire
EMU; and by granting countries that have received - or are
still receiving - European aid (Greece in particular), a
renegotiation of their loans from the official sector, something
the outgoing governments could use to their advantage in
addressing the voters.
11 12 13
GESOP poll 9 June
IU-ICV (communists and greens)
ERC (centre-left, Catalan)
CiU (Catalan nationalists, centre-right)
C's (Catalan, apolitical)
UPD (centre-right, close to PP)
Germany could therefore gradually become more isolated
despite all its influence within the euro zone.
Table 1
What change in political power balances in the euro
zone if Greece, Spain and Portugal move to the left in
Government’s political orientation*
Sources: GESOP, Natixis
Chart 4B
Portuguese Assembly of the Republic: 2011 general
elections vs. poll for 2015 general elections
Eurosondagem poll
(3-5 July 2014)
BE (left front)
CDU (greens and communists)
MPT (greens)
Sources: Eurosondagem, Natixis
What implications for Germany?
Votes at
= Social democratic
= Centre-right
Angela Merkel’s government would first lose its political allies
in the three countries in question, which have been doing
their best to defend the adjustment policies ordered by the
Troika and which it supports. According to current opinion
polls, their departure would lead either to the arrival of
potentially unstable left-wing coalitions, or to a deadlock
situation where it would be impossible to form a government.
In any event, support for consolidation of public finances and
structural reforms would certainly be significantly reduced.
What timetable?
Given the possible defeat for the right in Spain, Greece and
Portugal, virtually all the "Southern" countries (after France in
2012 and Italy in 2013) would fall into the "social democratic"
camp, or even in that of a more radical left (Greece). At the
euro zone level (the Eurogroup), that would mean that the
balance of power would swing to the left, both in terms of the
number of governments and in terms of votes within the main
European institutions (Table 1). In a context where, because
of the conditions set by Matteo Renzi and François Hollande,
Jean-Claude Juncker will have to be more flexible in the
interpretation of the budgetary rules and where the
presidency of the Eurogroup should soon fall to Spain,
In addition, we cannot rule out that this relaxation may be a
first stage towards a start of discussions around a
strengthening of the EMU and the issue of budgetary
capacity for the euro zone, an agenda that Matteo Renzi and
his allies are calling for.
Sources: EU, Natixis
* For coalition governments we use the political orientation of the head
of government
In terms of possible relief for Greece’s official public debt, an
agreement on another maturity extension would have to be
found with the Eurogroup before the end of the year. On the
other hand, with respect to the postponement of budgetary
targets, nothing should be expected before the spring of 2015
as most of the governments are already working on the 2015
budgets on the basis of current targets.
N° 100 I 3
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N° 100 I 4