Programme d`échanges d`expériences de GIZC dans la région de l


Programme d`échanges d`expériences de GIZC dans la région de l
Programme d’échanges d’expériences de GIZC dans la région de l’océan indien
ANNEXE 2 - Formulaire de rapport d’opération d’échange de bonne pratique de GIZC
demandeur :
Seychelles National Parks Authority (SNPA), Allen Cedras,
Bernard Bijoux, Roland Quatre
Adresse postale P.O.Box 1240 Victoria Mahe Seychelles
Adresse mail : [email protected]
Numéro de téléphone (+248) 2726109
Bonne pratique
concernée par
l’échange :
Gestion des aires marines protégées.
Intitulé précis de l’opération : Sustainable Financing of MPAs,
Enforcement Strategies, Demarcation and Moorings
Porteur d’expertise
de la bonne pratique :
Détails du voyage :
Gestion Durable
des Zones côtières
des iles de l’Océan Indien
Nom et coordonnées Reserve Naturelle Marine de La Reunion.
Nombre de personnes concernées par le voyage :3
Pays/ville d’origine – pays/ville de destination : Seychelles
Dates du voyage 19th October 2015
Coût total de l’opération Euro : 5250.00
1- Rappel du contexte de l’opération d’échange de bonne pratique de GIZC
The general objective of the project GDZCOI is to consolidate, capitalize and desseminate approaches
validated by field experiences in the areas of ICZM and the protection of marine and coastal
biodiversity based on active partnerships of local and regional actors
2- Description du déroulement de l’opération
Three staff from the Seychelles National Parks Authority (SNPA) exchanges practical experiences in
the field of (i) Enforcement, demonstrating our several strategies and approaches with illegal users
and enforcement planning when going out in the field. (ii) Demarcation and Mooring, show casing
the types of buoys we used, the techniques for placing buoys and the type of pins and anchors used.
(iii) Sustainable financing of Seychelles MPAs through proper legal framework and procedures for the
collection of funds in the parks.
3- Résultats de l’opération (décrire les bénéfices, le nombre de bénéficiaires, le suivi envisagé
sur cette action, sa pérennisation, son intégration dans le contexte local…)
Both parties learned a lot from the exchange. For the Seychelles delagation we learned from our
Reunion counterpart in the aspect of scientific monitoring This was through a snorkeling site
whereby they were examining the amount of coral recruits in the area through the Ceramic tile
method. Tiles were laid on concrete blocks for a period of 6 months then removed for recuit
identification. Further from the marine operation unit we learned the way demarcation are installed
which is different from ours as they are in the cyclonic Zone. It was also useful to know the different
approaches with park users and illegal activities happening in thier park through their enforcement
plan. For the adminstration and educational parts it was noted that a lot emphasisi is being put on
the outreach programme for all stakeholders. It was a wonderful experiences going on the beach
distributing leaflets to kids which was one method for communicating the importance of coral reefs.
From the feed back of the Reunion teams it was really great to see our sustainable financing
mechanism and the different revenue activities done within our parks. The marine operation wanted
to know more about the types of boats used in our MPAs , After showing them some photos they
were very happy to suggests some improvement with their management for a more appropriate
vessel for their park.
Questions were asked regarding our mooring systems and types of materials used. The information
provided were very appreciated and in turn help the Reunion team with more options in terms of
mooring in their parks.
We are hoping that the Reunion do get the chance in future to visit us and further enhance the great
collaboration that we have started.
Gestion Durable
des Zones côtières
des iles de l’Océan Indien
From the Seychelles team we would definetely suggest more involvement in sceintific activities when
we are in our MPAs. Surely the Reunion team will put into practice what they have learn from us.
4- Difficultés rencontrées (justifier aussi ici les dépenses supplémentaires)
All went smoothly in Reunion, we had a really warm welcome from all members of the Reserve
Naturelle de La Reunion. They attended to all our needs and makes us feel at home.
The only diffuculty is that we came in a high holiday period and we had difficulties in finding an
affordadable accomodation.
Gestion Durable
des Zones côtières
des iles de l’Océan Indien

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