
Dept. of Political Sciences
CERMES (Centre for Refugees, Migration and Ethnic Studies)
New Bulgarian University
21, Montevideo, office 602, 1618 Sofia Bulgaria
Email: [email protected]
Editor-in-chief of the international journal Southeastern Europe (
Address (home)
Bulgaria boul. N 5, 1408 Sofia
Tel. (359 2) 958 88 47
Mobile phone (359) 87 23 95 68
Marital status
married, two children
Educational and professional background
1973 - 1974 - French and Spanish Languages, Sofia University ;
1974 - 1978 - M.A. in Philosophy, Sofia University;
1980 - 1985 - Center for Scientific Information;
1985 - 1986 - DESS, University "Cl. Bernard", Lyon, France;
1988 - PhD at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
1989 – 1999 - research fellow, Institute of Philosophical Studies;
1993 (August-October) - Go-West fellowship of the European Community, Center for
European Studies, University of Trier, Germany;
1996 (June) - visiting professor at Laval University, Quebec, Canada;
1999 (December) - visiting professor at Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Paris, with the French
government grant.
2000 (July) - visiting professor at Laval University, Quebec, Canada.
2004 – assoc. prof. New Bulgarian University
International scientific awards
UNHCR for dedicated refugee service in Bulgaria, 24.04.05.
Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, 15.01.04
UNHCR, Harvard University, European University Institute Award in Recognition
of innovative contributions to the academic refugee studies initiative in Bulgaria,
International scientific responsibilities
Member of Pole International Et Interdisciplinaire. Sociologie Economique, Espace,
Et Mondialisation. Cnrs/Shs. Mondes Et Dynamiques Des Sociétés Modys UMR 5264 CNRS.
Université Lumière Lyon2-Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne ISH Lyon (2008 - )
Independent expert at the European Commsiion evaluating projects (2007 - )
Member of the scientific board of Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique (l’ancien Réseau
National des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme) (2006 - ) ;
Member of editorial board of the series Sociology of the European Institute (2006 - );
Member of editorial board of Nationalism and Ethnic Politics ( 2005 - ) ;
Member of the Scientific Board of Institute for Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe at
the University of Bologna (2001 - ) ;
Member of the Scientific Board of ERMA (European Regional Master in Democracy
and Human Rights), University of Sarajevo (2002 - )
Member of the board of Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue
Française (1996-2004);
Member of the scientific committee of « Europe&Balkans » of Longo Editore,
Ravenna, Italie (2004 - ).
Fields of interest
• Immigration and refugees;
• Ethnicity and citizenship;
• Political discourse.
1 individual and 14 edited books (2 of them published in English, 2 others - published
in both Bulgarian and English, and 2 – in Bulgarian and French). More than 100 papers at
international conferences and articles in books and journals published in Bulgaria, France,
Belgium, Great Britain, Russia, Switzerland, USA, Germany, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey,
Slovakia, Italy, Greece, the Netherlands, Romania.
Krasteva, A. Identities, discourse, power. Sofia: Petekston, 1999. (in Bulgarian).
Edited books
Krasteva, A. and Tolia Stoytzeva (dir). First year European Bulgaria: elections and
images. Sofia : NUB, 2008 (in bulgarian)
Krasteva, A. and A. Todorov (dir) Local elections 2007. Sofia : NUB, 2008 (in
Krasteva A., A. Todorov, K. Hristova, A. Todorov (dir) Francophonie et intégration
européenne. Sofia: NUB, 2007.
Krasteva A. and F. Privitera (eds) Democratisation in postcommunist transition
processes in the 90s: lights and shadows. Ravenna: Longo Editore. 2006.
Krasteva, A. (ed) Figures of refugees. Sofia: NBU, 2006.
Krasteva A. et A. Todorov (dir) Modernisation, démocratisation, européanisation: la
Bulgarie et la Roumanie comparée”. Sofia : NUB, 2005.
Krasteva, A. (ed) Immigration in Bulgaria. Sofia: IMIR, 2005. (in bulgarian)
Krasteva, A. et A. Todorov (dir) Conflits, confiance, démocratie. Sofia : NUB, 2004.
Krasteva, A. (ed) From ethnicity to migration. Sofia: NBU, 2004 (in bulgarian)
Krasteva, A. et A. Todorov (Dir) La mondialisation et les nouvelles limites du
politique. Sofia : EON2000, 2004.
Genov, N. and A.Krasteva (Eds) Recent social trends in Bulgaria 1960 - 1995.
Montreal etc.: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000.
Krasteva, A. (Ed.). Communities and identities in Bulgaria. Ravenna: Longo Editore,
1999. (in English).
Krasteva, A. (Ed.). Communities and identities. Sofia: Petekston, 1998 (in English and
in Bulgarian).
Identities (Co-authors N.Bogomilova, I.Katzarski, P.Makariev), Sofia, 1995. (in
Universal and national in the Bulgarian culture (Co-authors N.Dimitrova,
N.Bogomilova, I.Katzarski), Sofia, 1995. (in Bulgarian).
Chapters in books and articles in journals (the last years):
L’immigration en Bulgarie.- esprit d’entreprise et question d’intégration.- Hommes et
migrations, 2008, N spécial 1274 Minorités et migrations en Bulgarie, 112- 129.
Debating the European public sphere.- In:. Nikolov K. (ed) Adapting integration in an
enlarged European Union. Vol. 2. Adapting the enlarged union to the citizen. Sofia, BECSA,
2008, 264 – 272.
Kolarova R., P.Kabakchieva, A. Krasteva, K. Nikolov. Concluding reflections and
recommendations: what research agenda on the European Citizen and the Enlarged Union?Nikolov K. (ed) Adapting integration in an enlarged European Union. Vol. 2. Adapting the
enlarged union to the citizen. Sofia, BECSA, 2008, 273 – 294.
L’individualisme post-communiste.-Dans : Payet J.-P. et A. Battegay (eds) La
reconnaissance a l’épreuve. Presses Universitaires de Septentrion, 2008, 295 – 302.
Politiques migratoires. Expériences belges et défis bulgares.- Studia Politica, 2008,
vol. VIII, N 1, 91 – 96.
Immigration, gender, labor.- In:The implication of EU membership on immigration
trends and immigrant integration policies for the Bulgarian labor market. Sofia, 2008, 101 –
The new Europeans.- Krasteva, A. and Tolia Stoytzeva (dir). First year European
Bulgaria: elections and images. Sofia : NUB, 2008, 97 – 105. (in bulgarian)
La francophonie des pays de l’Est: identité et/ou politique.- Krasteva A., A. Todorov,
K. Hristova, A. Todorov (dir) Francophonie et integration europeenne. Sofia: NUB, 2007, 2133.
Post-communist discovery of immigration : the case of Bulgaria.-In: Berggren E., B.
Likic-Brboric, G. Toksoz, N. Trimikliotis (eds) Irregular labor and community: a challenge
for Europe. Maastricht: Shaker Publishing, 2007, 104-117.
Le français: enjeu identitaire ou diplomatique en Bulgarie.- Herodote, 2007, N 126,
143 -152.
Identité européenne versus identité nationale.- In: Grigooriou P.(dir) La région
européenne et la question fédérale à l’ère de l’élargissement de l’Union Européenne à l’Est.
Bruxelles et Athènes. Bruyant et Ant. Sakkoulas, 2007, 171 – 182.
Strengthening cross-border cooperation in the Western Balkan regarding migration
management – Bulgaria.- In: Migration flows in South eastern Europe, a compendium of
national perspectives. Belgrade, 2007, 163 – 193.
L’immigre chinois en Bulgarie. Le “protestant” de l’économie post-communiste.-In:
Roulleau-Berger L. (dir) Nouvelles migrations chinoises et travail en Europe. Toulouse:
Presse Universitaires du Mirail, 2007, 71 – 88.
Europeanization and institutionalization of migration policy.- In: Getova M. and A.N.
Uste (eds) The impact of European Union: the case of Bulgaria, the case of Turkey. Sofia:
NBU, 2007.
Krasteva A. and E. Jileva. Teaching ethnicity and migration in Bulgarian
Universities.-In: Jacobs S. (ed) Pedagogies of teaching “race” and ethnicity in higher
education: British and European experiences. Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 2006,
137 – 159.
The post-communist political conflict.- In: Krasteva A. and F. Privitera (eds)
Democratisation in post-communist transition processes in the 90s: lights and shadows.
Ravenna: Longo Editore. 2006, 17 – 26.
The concept of identities.- In : Hogan J. (ed) Cultural identity, pluralism and
globalization. Vol. I. Cultural pluralism and democratic freedom. Washington, D.C.: The
Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2005, 129 – 146
Les élites post-communistes.- Dans: Krasteva A. et A. Todorov (dir) Modernisation,
démocratisation, européanisation: la Bulgarie et la Roumanie comparée”. Sofia : NUB, 2005,
38 – 47.
Identités minoritaires, identités politiques : trois cas de figure.- In : Boucher J. et J.-Y.
Thériault (dir) Petites sociétés et minorités nationales. Québec : Presses de l’Université de
Québec, 2005, 151 – 167.
L’idée de l’Europe, lectures bulgares.- In : Rey, V. et T. Saint-Julien (dir) Territoires
d’Europe. La différence en partage. Lyon : ENS Editions, 2005, 31-42.
Mondialisation et démocratisation: regards de l’Europe et de ses périphéries.- Dans :
Ndaywel e Nziem, I. et J. Kilanga Musinde (dir) Mondialisation, cultures et développement.
Paris : Maisonneuve&Larose, 2005, 147 – 161
Chinese in Bulgaria.- In: Chiodi L. (ed) The borders of the polity. Migration and
security across the EU and the Balkans. Ravenna: Longo Editore, 2005, 59 – 80.
The Bulgarian migration phenomenon.- In: Krasteva, A. (ed) Immigration in Bulgaria.
Sofia: IMIR, 2005, 7-19. (in Bulgarian)
Francophonie et démocratisation post-communiste.- Hermès, 2004, N 40, 201 – 205.
Bulgarian ethnic politics.- In : Krasteva, A. (ed) From ethnicity to migration. Sofia:
NBU, 2004, 30 – 60. (in Bulgarian)
L’étranger – le citoyen du monde globalisé.- Dans : Krasteva, A. et A. Todorov (dir)
La mondialisation et les nouvelles limites du politique. Sofia : EON 2000, 2004, 103 – 112.
La politique ethnique bulgare.-Transitions, 2001, vol.XLII, N 1, 153 – 172.
Langue francaise et société civile.- Le francais, langue du monde. Paris: L’Harmattan,
2003, 103 – 107.
Expérience identitaire.- Construction d’identités, construction de sociétés, Paris:
LSCI-IRESCO, 2003, 41 – 46.
Exclusion et etnicité.- In :Chatel, V. et M.-H. Soulet. Faire face et s’en sortir. vol. 2.
Négotiation identitaire et capacité d’action. Fribourg, Editions identitaires Fribourg Suisse,
2002, 157 – 164.
L'identité culturelle bulgare.- In: Boucher, J., G. Fotev et S. Koleva (dir) Mutations de
société en quête de sens. Sofia: LIK, 2001, 111-124.
Les Pomaks.- Cahiers Balkaniques, 2000, N 30 spécial Les oubliés des Balkans, 129 –
La politique de l’Etat a l’égard des minorités.- Cahiers Balkaniques, 2000, N 30
spécial Les oubliés des Balkans, 187-188.
Integration ou multiculturalisme: dilemmes (post)communistes.- In: Greven-Bore, H.
et J.Tournon (Dir). Les identités en débat: intégration ou multiculturalisme?. Paris:
Harmattan, 2000, 169 - 187.
Identita e potere: il dibattito communista e postcomunista sulle minoranze.-In:
Matteucci, C. (ed) Il nationalismo. Culture politiche, mediazione e conflitto. Ravenna: Longo
editore, 2000, 67 - 84.
Dit et nondit: lequel dissimule davantage. - Petitat, A. (dir) Secret et lien social. Paris:
L Harmattan, 2000, 93 - 103.
Cultural differences and the public sphere.- In: Makariev, P. (Ed.) Intercultural
communication and civil society. Sofia: Minerva, 2000, 81 - 93.
Bulgarian cultural identity.-In: Makariev, P., A. Blasko and A. Davidov (Eds)
Creating democratic societies: values and norms. Bulgarian philosophical studies, II, 205 228.- McLean, G. (General editor) The cultural heritage and contemporary change. Series
IVA, Eastern and Central Europe, vol. 12, 1999.
The idea of Europe in the mirror of Bulgarian cultural identity.- In: Keersmaeker, G.T.
and P.Makariev (Eds). Bulgaria facing cultural diversity. Sofia: IPIS, Access, 1999, 75 - 98.
Attraction and punishment: a case study of minority-majority relations.-In: Mucha, J.
(Ed.) Dominant Culture as a Foreign Culture: Dominant Groups in the Eyes of Minorities.
East European Monographs. Columbia University Press, 1999, 25 - 44.
The Bulgarian cultural identity.- In: Constantopoulou, C. (Ed.) We and the Others.
Athens: Gutenberg, 1999, 203 - 213 (in greek);
Identitiés.- Philosophical forum, 1999, N (5) 1, 18 - 31.
The authoritarian personality.- Philosophical newsletter, 1999, N 16, 20 - 21. (in
Europe and the constituting of modern Bulgaria (coauthor G.Dimitrov).- In: Bianchini,
S. and G.Shopflin (Eds) State building in the Balkans, Dilemmas on the eve of the 21st
century. Ravenna: Longo, 1998, 123 - 135.
Les Bulgares musulmans, une identité crucifiée.- Cahiers Balkaniques, 1998, N 25, 27
- 39.
History, rewriting history, rethinking historicism.- Europe and the Balkans. Occasional
papers, 1998, N 9.
Politics of ideas or politics of presence.- Political studies, 1997-98, N 7-8, 39 - 47.
Informatization and power: communist and post-communist experience.- In:
Lorentzen A. and M.Rostgard (Eds.) The aftermath of “real existing socialism” in Eastern
Europe. Vol. 2. People and technology in the process of transition. London, Macmillan, 1997,
237 - 249.
Cultural identity and intercultural dialogue.- In: Andonov A. and P.Makariev (Eds)
Intercultural education, Sofia, Minerva, 1997, 108 - 115.
End of history? Apology of history.- Sociological problems, 1997, N 4, 53 - 60.
Being different: right, privilege or constraint?- In: Cojenen-Huther J. (Ed.)Bulgaria at
the crossroads, New York, Nova Science Publishers, 1996, 155 - 175.
La voix des minorités dans la transition post-communiste: le cas des Pomaks en
Bulgarie.- In: Gern J.-P. (Ed.) La Bulgarie: une transition menacée, Neuchatel, EDES
Neuchatel, 1996, 133 - 156.
Ethnic minorities in Bulgaria.- In: Janic D. and S.Bianchini (Eds.) Ethnicity and postcommunism, Belgrade, Institute of Social Sciences, 1996, 205 - 215.
Elite, Paternalism.-In: Dictionary of sociology, Sofia, M8M, 1996, 120- 12, 326 - 327.
(in Bulgarian).
Cultural attitudes and rewriting cultural history.- Strategies, 1996, N 2, 55 - 64.
Elite politique ou société civile: un dilemme post-communiste.- Les Balkans et
l'Europe face aux nouveaux défis, Paris, 1995, 44 - 52;
Ethnocultural panorama of Bulgaria.- Balkan forum, 1995, vol. 3, N 12, 235 - 247.
Scientific Projects
• Leader of the project Invisible communities: being a woman abroad, funded by the
Trust for Civil Society, 2007 – 2008.
• Senior researcher in the project Strengthening the administrative capacity of the
relevant state authorities and development of national stakeholders coalition for
formulation and application of new National Immigration Policies in the context of the
accession of Bulgaria to the EU, Manfred Worner foundation, Sofia, 2006-2008
• National coordinator for the international project Labor migration in Southeastern
Europe with the participation of B&H, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania,
Serbia, Montenegro. Directed by Vladimir Petronijevic, Group 484, Serbia. 2007 –
• Participation in the project The implication of EU membership on immigration trends
and immigration integration policies for the Bulgarian labor market of Economic
Policy Institute, Sofia, 2007-2008;
• National coordinator for the international project Strengthening cross-border
cooperation in the Western Balkan regarding migration management. Int. project with
the participation of B&H, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia,
Montenegro. Directed by Vladimir Petronijevic, Group 484, Serbia. 2006 – 2007.
• Leader of the Bulgarian team of HERA - Network for combating human trafficking in
Central and Eastern Europe with the participation of Albania, B&H, Bulgaria,
Cyprus, FYROM, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine. Directed by
Elisavet Papazachariou, European Public Law centre, Athens, Greece. 2006 • National coordinator for the international project “NEWS (Network on ethnicity and
women scientists)”, within the 6th Framework Program, directed by Nouria Ouali
from the Free University of Brussels with the participation of Italy, Germany, UK,
Portugal, France. 2006 • Director of the project Refugees, integration, public administration. Matra project
sponsored by the Embassy of the Nerherlands in Bulgaria, 2004-2006;
• Francophony and european integration.- International project for Agence
Universitaire de la Francophonie, 2003 – 2005.
• Bulgarian coordinator of the international project “Comparative analysis of social
policy: the case of the pensions reform” directed by prof. F. Merrien of the University
of Lausanne, 2002 – 03;
• Leader of the project Immigration phenomenon in Bulgaria, International Centre for
Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations, 2001 – 03;
• Participation in the project Observation du francais de l’AUF, 2000 - 2001
• International coordinator of the Tempus project Bulgamin on ethnicity and minority
integration with the participation of the University of Amsterdam, University of
Bologna and Ecole normale supérieure de Fontenay, Paris;
• Director of the project Ethnicity and national identity for the International Centre for
Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations, Sofia;
• National coordinator of the international project Comparative Charting of Social
Change with the participation of scholars from France, Germany, USA, Canada,
Spain, Italy, Greece, Russia;
• Participation in the project The new political elites in Bulgaria;
Participation in the international network “Europe@Balkans”;
Participation in the project Intercultural communications and civil society;
Senior researcher in the project CEE countries in transition. Coordinator: the
University of Bologna. Participants: Italy, France, USA, Germany, all CEE countries
except Yugoslavia;
Civic network for cultural pluralism and intercultural integration in South Eastern
Europe. Participants: ACCESS Foundation, Center for Interethnic relations in
Transilvania (Cluj, Romania), Europeanists Society (Bucarest, Romania);
International information service on peace problems - Belgium.
Lectures at Foreign Universities
Theories and politics of ethnicity; Theories and politics of migration.-Lectures at the European regional
master in democracy and human rights, University of Sarajevo, February 16-17, 2009.
Balkan migrations.- 14th CEI International Summer school of Cervia “Beyond
enlargement: the wider Europe and the new neighborhood”, Cervia, Italy, 7-20.09.08.
Diaspora and migration in Eastern Europe.- Master in East European studies,
University of Bologna, 5-9.05.08
Ethnicité et politique en Europe du Sud Est.- Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lille, 2125.04.08.
Immigration in Bulgaria.- CRONEM, University of Surrey, UK, 4.02.08.
Diversity management: the challenge for the European governance.- Beyond the
enlargement. The wider Europe and the new neighbourhood. 13th CEI International
summer School of Cervia, 13.09.07
EU enlargement and migration from/to Eastern Europe.- Beyond the enlargement. The
wider Europe and the new neighbourhood. 13th CEI International summer School of
Cervia, 12.09.07
Ethnicité et politique en Europe du Sud Est.- Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lille, 1020.04.07.
Theories and politics of ethnicity; Theories and politics of migration.-Lectures at the
European regional master in democracy and human rights, University of Sarajevo,
February 5 -6, 2007.
Citizenship and ethnicity. Post-communist conflicts. Lectures at the Diplomatic
Academy of Vienna, 25.01.07.
Diversity management: the challenge facing European governance.- Panel discussion
at the XII CEI International summer school of Cervia, Italy, September 12, 2006.
Nationalism and minority rights.- MIREES (Interdisciplinary master in East European
Researches and Studies), University of Bologna, June 5-6, 2006.
Migration and Diaspora in Eastern Europe.- MIREES (Interdisciplinary master in East
European researches and studies), University of Bologna, February 16- 17, 2006
Politics of ethnicity; Politics of migration.-Lectures at the European regional master in
democracy and human rights, University of Sarajevo, February 9 -10, 2006.
L’entretien compréhensif et l’étude de l’immigration.- Ecole d’ été « Méthodes et
techniques d’identification des problèmes sociaux », Iasi, 7-17.09.05
Migration and Diaspora in Eastern Europe.- MIREES (Interdisciplinary master in East
European researches and studies), University of Bologna, June 2005.
Politics of eethnicity; Politics of migration.-Lectures at the European regional master
in democracy and human rights, University of Sarajevo, February 10-11, 2005.
Theories and politics of migration.-X Cervia international summer school “Beyond the
enlargement. The wider Europe and the new neighbourhood”, Cervia, Italy, 14.09.04.
Theories and politics of ethnicity.-X Cervia international summer school “Beyond the
enlargement. The wider Europe and the new neighbourhood”, Cervia, Italy, 13.09.04.
Le modèle ethnique bulgare. Conférence au séminaire de recherche de l’Université de
Paris 10, 8 juin 2004.
Visiting professor at the University Paris 8, may-june 2004.
Conflits post-communistes.- Lecture at the Seminar Philosophie politique de l’Ecole
Normale Supérieure, Lyon, 3.12.03.
Les études ethniques à l’Est et à l’Ouest: normativité et instrumentalité.- Lecture at the
Seminar “Epistémologie et méthodes en sciences humaines” de l’Institut des Sciences
de l’Homme, Lyon, 27.11.03.
Public - privé : entrée par les minorités, sortie par l’épistémologie.- Lecture at the
Seminar Géophile de Ecole Normale Supérieure, 26.11.03.
Visiting professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure, November 2003
Politics of ethnicity.-Lectures at the European regional master in democracy and
human rights, University of Sarajevo, February 18-21, 2003.
Le multiculturalisme: paradigme théorique ou modele politique. Conférence au
Groupe d'analyse socio-politique des Pays d'Europe Centrale et orientale (GASPECO)
de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles. 24. 09. 02.
Anthropologie politique des Balkans.- Conférence à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles.
23. 09. 02.
Le multiculturalisme.- Conférence à l’ERASE (Equipe de recherche d’anthropologie
et de sociologie de l’expertise), Université de Metz, le 2 mai 2002.
Communist and post-communist ethnic politics between in- and exclusion.Conference at “ Inclusion and exclusion in contemporary European societies ”,
Dubrovnik, 22-26.04,02.
Visiting professor at the University of Metz, March – June 2002;
Theories of ethnicity.-Lectures at the European regional master in democracy and
human rights, University of Sarajevo, February 6 - 8, 2002.
Transition post-communiste, changement de valeurs, éducation.- Conférence à l’
Université de Lausanne, juin 2001.
Transition post-communiste et conflits ethniques. Conférence à l’ERASE (Equipe de
recherche d’anthropologie et de sociologie de l’expertise), Université de Metz, le 17
mai 2001.
Visiting professor at the University of Metz, April – July 2001;
Ethnicity and identity.-European regional master in democracy and human rights,
University of Sarajevo, March 27 – 2.04, 2001.
Visiting professor at Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris, February -March 2001.
Multicultural citizenship.- University of Bologna, 20.11.00.
The concept of cultural identity – lecture at the 2 months international seminar
“Cultural identities, pluralism, globalization”, Catholic University of America,
Washington, September-October 2000.
Visiting professor at the University of Metz, Mars – June 2000;
Balkan nationalisms after the Kosovo war.- University of Bologna, 14.02.2000.
Theoretical instruments: minority, identity, community and collective belonging.Summer University, organised by Transeuropéennes and Bilgi University, at Bilgi
University, Istanbul, 5-12 July 1999.
Visiting professor at the University of Metz, February - April 1999;
Theories of ethnicity.- University of Bologna,18.04.99.
Politique des idées ou politique des identités.- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay,
Paris, 20.02. 1998.
Invention de l’identité et de l’altérité; L’ethnicité entre l’identité et l’alterité.- Ecole
d’été “Invention, innovation et créativité dans les sciences sociales”, Cluj-Belis, 19-30
Juillet 1998.
Etre différent: droit, privilège ou contrainte. -Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay,
Paris, 30.05. 1997.
Politics of ideas or politics of identities.- University of Bologna, 3.02.1997.
Le concept de l'histoire: interprétations postcommunistes bulgares.- Ecole d'été "Le
concept de temps dans les sciences sociales", Cluj, Juillet 1997.
Ethnocultural problems of Bulgaria.- University of Bologna, 5.04.1996.
International scientific activity
• Co-organizer of the international conference Migration from and to South Eastern
Europe. Sofia, 2-3 June 2008.
• Co-organizer of the international conference “Integrating (new) immigrants:
European experiences”. Sofia, 16-17 May 2008.
• Independent expert of the European Commission – projects evaluator (2007 - )
Member of the international scientific board of the conference « L’influence belge en
Roumanie et en Bulgarie », Bucarest, 30.11-2.12.06.
Migration and Diaspora in Eastern Europe.- MIREES (Interdisciplinary master in East
European researches and studies), University of Bologna, June 2005.
Member of the editorial board of the series « Europe&Balkans » of Lonfo Editore,
Ravenna, Italy ;
Co-présidente du Comité scientifique international du colloque « La Bulgarie et la
Roumanie ; modernisation, démocratisation, européanisation et leur revers », Sofia,
Membre du Comité scientifique international du XVIIe congrès international des
sociologues de langue française « L’individu social », Tours, 5-9 juillet 2004.
Member of the jury of the PhD defence of Emmanuelle Boulineau “Maillages
administratifs et gestion du territoire en Bulgarie” pour le grade de docteur de
l’Université Paris I, Paris, 4.12.03.
Présidente du Comité scientifique international du colloque Conflits, confiance,
démocratie, Sofia, 5-7.09.03.
Member of CIFLA (Conseil international francophone des langues) de l’AUF.
Meeting : 16.04.03.
Member of the jury of the PhD defence of Vassil Kirov at Institut d’Etudes Politique,
Paris on “Privatisation in Bulgaria”, 28.06.02.
Member of the editorial board of the journal Nationalism and Ethnic Politics (2001 - ).
Executive and scientific board of the European regional master on democracy and
human rights, University of Sarajevo. Meetings: February, June 2001, Sarajevo.
Scientific board of the Instituto per l’Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica, University
of Bologna. Meeting Forli 10-11.06.2001.
Member of l’ERASE (Equipe de recherche d’anthropologie et de sociologie de
l’expertise) à l’Université de Metz (1999 - )
Member of the Board of Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langues
Francaises (1996 -2000; 2000 -2004);
Comité scientifique international du réseau Observation du français et des langues
nationales de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (2000 – 2005).
Comité scientifique international du colloque Transition et (re)construction des
sociétés, Ohrid, 16-18.03.2000.
Scientific board of the 6th Summer school "Post-communist Transition and European
Integration Processes", Meeting 9 February 2000, Bertinoro.
Summer University Scientific Board "Law, Human Rights and Political Institutions",
Bologna, September 1-15. Meeting April 15, Bologna;
Summer University Scientific Board "Community strategies in civil society", coorganised by Transeuropéennes and Bilgi University, Istanbul, July 5-25, 1999.
Meeting March 24-25, 1999, Strasbourg;
Comité pédagogique et de Gestion de la filière francophone en sciences politiques a la
Nouvelle Université Bulgare, Réunion , 2- 5 Juin, 1999, Paris;
Comite scientifique du Colloque " Mutations des sociétés en Bulgarie et au Québec".
Sofia, 30 juin - 1 Juillet 1999;
Comité scientifique du programme "Agir après la guerre. Alterités et construction
démocratique dans l'Europe du Sud-Est". Réunion 23-24 Octobre 1999, Paris.
Summer University Scientific Board "Law, Human Rights and Political Institutions",
Bologna, September 1-15. Meeting April 15, 1999, Bologna;
Summer University Scientific Board "Community strategies in civil society", coorganised by Transeuropeennes and Bilgi University, Istanbul, July 5-25, 1999.
Meeting March 24-25, 1999, Strasbourg;
Comité scientifique du colloque " Mutations des sociétés en Bulgarie et au Québec".
Sofia, 30 juin - 1 Juillet 1999;
Comité pédagogique et de Gestion de la filière francophone en sciences politiques à la
Nouvelle Université Bulgare, Réunion , 2- 5 Juin, 1999, Paris;
Présidente du Comité scientifique "Sociétés du Sud-Est Européen" of Association
Internationale des Sociologues de Langues Françaises (1994 – 2000);
Comité scientifique international du colloque “La démocratie à l’épreuve de
l’exclusion”, Marmara University, Istanbul, July 1997;
Cochair of the workshop “Europe and the Balkans” at the congress of International
Society for the Study of European Ideas, Haifa, August 1998.
Member of the international scientific committee of the conference "Les Balkans et
l'Europe face aux nouveaux défis", Sofia, March 1994.
Papers at international conferences:
Les pays postcommunistes: de la migration comme contrainte à la mobilité comme
liberté.- Les nouvelles configurations de la mobilité humaine, 26-28.11.08, Ponta Delgada.
Participation at the round table “Elargissement et/ou approfondissement de l’OIF,
identité linguistique et politique » at the conference “L’identité francophone a l’heure de la
mondialisation”, Paris, 13.11.08.
Minorities and security in Bulgaria.- Minorities, regional stability and security in
Southeastern Europe, Istanbul, 27-28.10.08.
New minorities, borders and migration.- Empires and nations. Joint conference of
Sciences Po and Association for the Studies of Nationalities, Paris, 3-7.07.08.
Conflit, confiance et démocratie en Europe de l’Est.- La Chine et l’internationalisation
de la sociologie, Paris, 30.06 – 3.07.08.
Labor migration flows in the republic of Bulgaria.- Labor migration flows in South
Eastern Europe, Belgrade, 26-27.06.08.
Balkan migrations in a comparative perspective.- Migration from and to South Eastern
Europe. Sofia, 2-3 June 2008.
Co-organizer of the international conference “Integrating (new) immigrants: European
experiences”. Sofia, 16-17 May 2008.
Integrating immigrants in Bulgaria.- Integrating (new) immigrants: European
experiences. Sofia, 16-17 May 2008.
Organization and moderation of the round table “Being a Bulgarian in Austria” (Red
house, Sofia, 26.03.08).
Organization and moderation of the round table “The political carrier” (NBU, Sofia,
Participation in the British Council Living Together London Summit, London, 1215.03.08.
CERMES : review of gender and Balkan immigrant perspectives.- Engaging NGOs to
facilitate immigrant perspectives, Sofia, 18-19.02.08.
Le scandale politique.-La confiance et le conflit, Paris, 15-16.02.08.
Les femmes immigrées en Bulgarie.-4e Forum Européen de la culture et de la société
« Nationalité, citoyenneté, identité, intégration », 10-11.12.07, Abbaye de Neumünster,
13 paradoxes of the Bulgarian ethnic model.- Political representation and participation
of minorities in the Balkan democratization process, Sofia, 30.11-1.12.07.
Temps, reformes, politiques sociales: avatars (post)communistes.- Les temps des
politiques sociales, Fribourg, 22-23.11.07.
Ordre territorial et ordre politique.- The social construction of European territories :
borders, region-building and performance. Luxemburg, 20-21.09.07.
Espaces publics (Introduction et présidence).- Université européenne d’été Actualités
du concept d’espace (philosophie, arts, sciences humaines), Lyon, 12-21.07.07.
Universities as civil societies actors.- Institutions of research and tertiary education in
Central and South Eastern Europe – developments, structures and perspectives for their
integration into the European higher education and research area, Graz, 29-30.06.07.
European public sphere. What research agenda in an enlarged union?-Adapting to
integration in an enlarged European Union. Sofia, 31.05-1.06.07.
Refugees and immigrants in Bulgaria: between securitarian and human rights
concerns.- Migreurop’ workshop, Ljubljana, 28-28.05.07.
Participation at the round table „Die Europaische Union, Bulgarien und Rumanien
zwischen Euphorie und Katerstimmung – Anfang oder Ende des Reformprocesses?” 24.05.07,
Haus Wittgenstein, Wien.
Migration flows in the Republic of Bulgaria.- Migration flows in Southeastern Europe,
Belgrade, 27-28.02.07
Politiques migratoires: expériences belges et défis postcommunistes.- L’influence
belge en Roumanie et en Bulgarie, Bucarest, 30.11-2.12.06.
The case of Bulgaria.- I n : Institutions of research and tertiary education in East and
South East Europe – developments, structures and perspectives for their integration into the
European higher education and research area, Graz, 24-25 November 2006.
Le français – enjeu identitaire ou diplomatique en Bulgarie.- Géopolitique de la langue
française, Paris, 6-7 novembre 2006.
Nationalism and polulism in Southeastern Europe.- ASN conference “Globalization,
nationalism and ethnic conflicts in the Balkans and its regional context”, Belgrade, 28 –
Europeanisation and institutionalization of migration policy.- The impact of the
European Union: case of Bulgaria, case of Turkey, Izmir, 25-27.05.06.
Comment penser le passage de la société fermée a la société ouverte. L’émergence de
nouveaux domaines en sciences sociales.- La place des lettres et des sciences humaines dans
la société du XXIe siècle, Sofia, 18-20.05.06.
L’individualisme post-communiste.- La reconnaissance dans les sociétés
contemporaines, Lyon, 5-6.12.05.
Immigration in Bulgaria : theoretical and political challenges.- Irregular migration,
informal labor and community in Europe, Istanbul, 1-2.12.05.
Le citoyen post-communiste.- Identité et citoyenneté, Coimbra, 22-23.11.05.
The political leader like a star.- Hypermodernity and education, Sofia, 22.04.2005.
Francophonie et démocratisation post-communiste.- Situation linguistique de
l’Afrique et du monde arabe, Oran et Mostaganem, 10-11.01.05.
Mondialisation et démocratisation: regards de l’Europe et de ses périphéries.- Forum des
écrivains et intellectuels francophones, Ouagadougou, 17-20.11.2004.
De l’ethnicité à l’immigration en Bulgarie.- Les migrations de l’Est vers l’Ouest :
entre mobilité et installation. Bruxelles, 1.10.04.
La sphère publique post-communiste face à la nouvelle diversité culturelle.- XVIIe
congrès international des sociologues de langue française « L’individu social », Tours, 5-9
juillet 2004.
Borders, security and migrations: the European dimension compared.- Functional
borders abs sustainable security: integrating the Balkans in the European Union, Forli, 56.12.03.
Minorities, European integration, immigration: three challenges to the post-communist
nation state.- 35th National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of
Slavic Studies, 20-23.11.03.
Société pluriculturelle et processus d’unification européenne.- Gouvernance et Europe
sociale : les conséquences sociales, économiques et institutionnelles dans la région
européenne la moins favorisée. Molyvos, 31.10-1.11.03.
Identité, ethnicité, appartenance.- La place des sciences de l’homme dans la
construction d’un espace culturel et politique européen. Colloque bulgaro-italien. Sofia, 1819.09.03.
Le conflit politique post-communiste.- Conflits, confiance, démocratie, Sofia, 57.09.03.
Notre Autre: l’Europe vue par sa périphérie.- Altérité et société, Athènes, 7 –
La protection sociale des personnes âgées: les nouveaux défis internationaux. Le cas
de la Bulgarie (co-autheur D. Kanev).- Le défi social du développement, Geneve, 25.02 –
L’organisation administrative des Etats post-socialistes: le défi de la légitimation
démocratique face aux héritages (modératrice).- Refonder les territoires, Lyon, 30 – 31.01.03.
Identités ethno-politiques et ethno-religieuses.- Les autres lieux du politique. Dijon,
Identités minoritaires, identités politiques: trois cas de figure.- Petites sociétés et
minorités nationales, 21- 24 août, 2002, Ottawa.
Discussant of panel 5 “Cultural analysis of contemporary nomadism ” and of panel 36
“ Between conflict and mediation : the Bulgarian ethnic model ”.- Nationalsim, identity and
regional cooperation : compatibilities and incompatibilities ”, 5-9.06.02, Forly, Italy.
Expérience identitaire.- Construction d’identités, construction de sociétés. Abbaye de
Royaumont, 4-5 juin 2002.
Francophonie et société civile.- Le français, langue du monde, Bruxelles, 19 –
Transition démocratique et université.- Enseignement de la sociologie et contextes
locaux , Saint Louis, 27.01 - 2.02.2002.
Corruption and social values.- Corruption and the succes of the transition, Sofia,
Minorities in post-communist states; Ehnic and political identities (discutant).Nationality and citizenship in post-communist Europe, Paris, 9-10.07.2001.
Le modèle ethnique bulgare.- La Bulgarie et l’intégration européenne, Bruxelles,
Intercultural museum and education.-Cultural tourism in Bulgaria, Forli, November 17
- 18, 2000.
Cultural identity.-Cultural identity, pluralism, globalization, Catholic University of
America, Washington D.C., September - November 2000.
Ethnicity and power. Factors for shared identities and exclusion.-Balkan connections,
Turin, October 18 - 20, 2000.
Les problèmes ethniques dans le discours politique bulgare.-Une société monde, XVIe
congres de l'AISLF, Québec, 3-7.07.2000.
Workshop Civil society and cultural diversity, Ohrid, 18-20.03.2000.
Identités communistes et postcommunistes.- Transition et (re)construction des
sociétés, Ohrid, 16-18.03.2000.
Social and political actors of the transition.- Ten years of the post-communist
transition, 10-12 February 2000, Bertinoro.
Cultural differences and post-communist public space.- Intercultural communication
and civil society, Sofia, 30-31.10.99.
Le discours de guerre ou la nostalgie de la pensée binaire.- La pensée binaire,
Louvain-la-Neuve, 13-14.10.1999.
Participation at the Round Table "Ten Years after the Transition: Looking Backward
and Forward".-4th European Conference of Sociology "Will Europe work?", Amsterdam,
August 18 - 21, 1999.
L'identité bulgare.- Mutations des sociétés en Bulgarie et au Québec. Sofia, 30 Juin - 1
Juillet 1999.
Lectures bulgares de l'idée de l'Europe au XX siècle.- Territoires européens,
diversité/différence, différenciation/intégration. Paris, 9 Avril 1999.
Ethnocultural dilemmas of the Bulgarian intellectual discourse.- The ethnocultural
situation in Bulgaria - 8 years later, Sofia, 29 - 30.01.1999.
Public space and citizenship.- Public sphere and individual responsibility, Belgrade,
December 13-15, 1998.
Multiculturalisme ou intégration: dilemmes (post)communistes.- Identité(s):
multiculturalisme, intégration?.- Grenoble, 6 - 9 Décembre 1998.
Is a (post)communist politics of identities possible?- Sixth conference of the
International Society for the Study if European Ideas “Twentieth Century European
Narratives: Tradition and Inovation”, Haifa, 16- 21 August, 1998.
Politique des idées ou politique des identités.- Les sciences sociales face à la question
des minorités et de la diaspora en Europe. Strasbourg, 11 - 14.12. 1997
L’identité culturelle bulgare.- Identité culturelle, coexistence culturelle:
Thessalonique carrefour pluri-culturel, Thessalonique, 1-3 Octobre 1997.
Politics of presence and politics of ideas.- Int. conference Political language in Britain
and Bulgaria, Sofia, 13-14.09.1997.
Ethnocultural difference and power: a Bulgarian case study.- IPSA XVII World
Congress Conflict&Order, Seoul, August 17 - 21, 1997.
Histoire et changement: un nouveau mythe postcommuniste?- L’école d’été en
sciences sociales “Approches des structures temporelles dans les sciences humaines”, Cluj,
Attirés ou exclus: le destin des petits groupes minoritaires.- La démocratie à l’épreuve
de l’ exclusion, Istanbul, 3-5.07. 1997.
Europe and the constituting of modern Bulgaria (in collaboration with G.Dimitrov) .Europe@Balkans international network conference, Bologna, 5 - 7.12.1996.
Les Bulgares musulmans: une identité crucifiée.- Colloque Les oublies des Balkans,
Paris, 24 - 26.1996.
Ourselves as strangers and vice versa.- Nat. conference Bulgaria in XXI century,
Veliko Tirnovo,18 - 20.10.1996.
Attraction and punishment: a case study of minority - majority relations.- Int. congress
Memory, history and critique: European identity at the millennium, Utrecht, 19 - 24.08.1996.
Groupes minoritaires et espace public.- Congrès de l’AISLF, Evora, 8-12.07.1996.
Attitudes culturelles et (re)écriture de l'histoire.- Séminaire de l'Unesco "Interaction
entre l'école et le milieu culturel", Bankia, 1 - 3. 11. 1995.
Identités et différences. - Colloque int. "Les Balkans - carrrefour ethnique et culturel:
aspects culturels et éducationnels", Sofia, 27 - 30.05.1995.
Identités et mémoire.- Séminaire de l'AISLF "Relations interethniques et apparition de
nouveaux acteurs sociaux", Sozopol, 15 - 20.05.1995.