Student Booklet - The Crypt School


Student Booklet - The Crypt School
Student Booklet
Name …………………………………………..
Form ……………..
Welcome to French in the Sixth Form at Crypt. You have chosen to study
not only a fascinating language, spoken in many far-reaching corners of the
globe, but to embrace a culture, a civilisation, a way of thinking that is both
similar and dissimilar to our own.
Teaching Staff
Your AS course will be taught by Mrs Bolton and Mrs Joynson
You will also have a 30 minute session once a week with the Language
 You undoubtedly expect well-prepared lessons at an appropriate level
for your ability and we give you our assurance that this expectation
will be met.
 You are entitled to nine taught lessons a fortnight with appropriate
homework. In addition to this you will be timetabled 1 lesson where
we will set you work . On top of this you are expected to undertake a
certain amount of self-study, which will involve learning grammar and
vocabulary, researching various topics, using on-line learning, as well
as self study CDs and cassettes. As with any course, you will only get
something out of it if you put something in yourself. We therefore
hope for your assurance that this expectation can be met.
Speaking French
 You should use French as much as possible in class, even if it is for
something really minor. Build up your confidence!
 Tip: Try and say simple everyday phrases in French
 It is advantageous but not essential to visit France or a Frenchspeaking country during your course. Any opportunity you have to
make contact with the language should be taken, as it is in practising
it that you will perfect it.
 Be prepared for lessons – bring paper, folder, pocket dictionary, text
 Be organised – divide your folder according to teacher, or vocabulary,
or topic, or devise a system that works for you.
 Ensure you learn all vocabulary from each lesson – test yourself, keep
a record of words relating to different topics.
Self Study
 You will be expected to be familiar with all the grammar points
covered at GCSE and although they will be reviewed at AS, you will
need to plug the gaps in your knowledge yourself. Use the Grammar
pages of your text book, Elan. and use the school intranet where there
is all the practice you will need for the course
 You will be expected to be comfortable knowing the names of various
parts of speech, (eg. noun, verb adjective, past participle etc) so that
you can understand and explain why the language is composed as it
 In the MFL office there are dictionaries. Use them! You should
consider purchasing a reasonable size one of your own. They will
vastly increase your knowledge of how language works.
 Michel Thomas. He was a world-famous linguist who has taught many
of the world’s famous people to speak foreign languages. He has CD’s
which you can buy or borrow from a library – this might help with your
oral work
 If you get the opportunity to read a French newspaper or magazine,
take it. You will not understand everything at the beginning but you
will build up your competence by perseverance.
 Useful websites: See the end of this booklet
 Specification – to refer to the specification/syllabus and to see a full
list of grammatical structures, refer to the online version at and follow the links or look on the languages
 Learning Log. You can use the pages in this booklet to record any
additional work you do. This could be watching a film, reading a book,
discovering a new word, doing an online activity, reading a magazine…
anything! Try to log it according to topic, and be prepared to share
what you do with your teacher.
The Course
We are following the AQA Advanced Subsidiary GCE French
The course units comprise:
Unit 1: Speaking ) a role-play and a topic discussion. It represents 30% of the marks
for AS level (15% of A Level)
Unit 2: Reading, Writing, Listening tasks. It represents 70% of the marks for AS
level(35% of A level)
Course Content
Reading and listening materials used in the AS units are drawn from the following broad
topic areas and are firmly rooted in the culture of a target-language speaking country:
• TV viewing habits
• Range of programmes, eg their appeal and
• Range of channels including satellite and internet
• Benefits and dangers of watching TV
• Purposes of advertising
• Advertising techniques
• Curbs on advertising, eg tobacco, alcohol
• Benefits and drawbacks of advertising
Communication technology
• Popularity of mobile phones, MP3 players, etc
• Benefits and dangers of mobile phones, MP3
players, etc
• Internet - its current and potential usage
• Benefits and dangers of the internet
• Types of film, changing trends
• The place of cinema in popular culture
• A good film I have seen
• Cinema versus alternative ways of viewing films
• Types of music, changing trends
• The place of music in popular culture
• Music I like
• How music defines personal identity
• How we can alter our image
• Does how we look define who we are?
• Lifestyle and leisure activities
• The cult of the celebrity
• Traditional sports versus ‘fun’ sports
• Reasons for taking part in sport / physical exercise
• Factors influencing participation in sport / physical
• Links between physical exercise and health
Health and well-being
• Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs
• Diet, including eating disorders
• The ‘work/life balance’
• Risks to health through accidents
• Types of holiday and holiday activities
• The impact of tourism on holiday destinations
• Purposes and benefits of holidays
• Changing attitudes to holidays
Relationships within the family
• Role of parents and importance of good parenting
• Attitudes of young people towards other family
• Conflict between young people and other family
• Changing models of family and parenting
• Characteristics and roles of friends
• Conflicts with friends
• Importance of friends
• Friendship versus love
• Changing attitudes towards marriage or
• Separation and divorce
• Staying single: benefits and drawbacks
• Changing roles within the home
Bridging the Gap
You are now at the stage in your language learning where you bridge the gap between
GCSE and A Level. You will need to build on prior learning, expand knowledge in
weaker areas and widen your grammatical, lexical and factual knowledge of the French
language and culture.
Complete the following:
I have chosen AS French because ...
I am interested in France and French speaking countries/cultures because…
You may know some of the answers to the items below, but as you increase your
knowledge of French, you will be able to answer all of them.
1. The names of three French newspapers are …
2. The names of three French companies are …
3. The names of three recent French films are …
4. The names of three famous French actors/singers/writers/artists (3 of each) are …
5. The Bac is
6. Un HLM is
7. Le Concubinage is
8. Le PACS is
9. Le SMIC is
Le TVA is
Three famous French dishes/foods are
Three wine-producing areas are
Three French football teams are
Three famous French sportspeople are
The name of the French tennis stadium is
La Francophonie is
The names of 3 DOM/TOMs are
A country in each continent where French is spoken
The name of the French equivalent to British Rail is
TGV stands for
The French Prime Minister is
The French President is
The names of 3 French political parties are
The leader of the Green Party in France is
The French President at the time of World War 2 was
List below any other miscellaneous information you have about France or Frenchspeaking countries.
You have already covered many different grammatical concepts for GCSE. For A level
you need to be confident in all tenses and be able to use negatives, pronouns etc well. If
you are unsure then practice practice, practice on the school intranet
Write a grammar quiz below to show that you understand 5 tenses (perfect, imperfect,
present, immediate future, future), and 5 other grammar points.
You have not done the subjunctive yet can you find
out what it is???
Here is a quiz about France, look at the numbered items and their definition in French.
Can you match them up?
1. La tour Eiffel
a. C’est une boisson rouge, blanche
ou rosé
2. Le Centre Pompidou
b. C’est un grand parc pas loin de
Paris, construit en 1985
3. General de Gaulle
c. Elle a crée ‘la petite robe noire’ pendant les
4. Louis Vuitton
d. C’est un grand parcours annuel à
vélo dont le leader porte le maillot jaune
5. Coco Chanel
e. C’est ce qu’on mange tous les jours
6. La Réunion
Deuxieme Guerre Mondiale
f. Il était President de la Republique pendant la
7. La Martinique
g. C’est un grand monument
construit en 1889 pour une
8. La Tour de France
h. Il était créateur des sacs à main
et des malles de luxe.
9. La Camargue
i. C’est un musée d’art moderne qui
porte le nom d’un ancien président
j. C’est une île tropicale francophone
située aux Caraïbes où on parle le français
10. Le vin
11. La nourriture
k. C’est une région située dans le sud
de la France, célèbre pour ses
12. Amélie
l. C’est un écrivain célèbre pour ses
livres sur les voyages
13. Etre et Avoir
m. C’est un département d’outre
mer, situé dans l’Océan Indien
14. Jules Verne
n. C’est un film célèbre dont la
vedette s’appelle Audrey Tatou
15. Disneyland Paris
o. C’est un film qui s’agit d’une école
primaire pendant une année scolaire
Here is an example of AS Level Reading – how much can you do?L’avenir de la
Lisez les textes ci-dessous et pour chacune des phrases (1-7), notez vrai (V),
faux (F) ou information non donnée (ND) dans chaque case.
7 marks
L’avenir de la télé, c’est quoi, à votre avis?
La télé interactive est une idée
nouvelle et je pense que ça va
intéresser un bon nombre de gens.
Le principe est que le téléspectateur
crée lui-même ce qu’il veut voir et
peut aussi choisir de visionner ce
que les autres ont fait. On pense
déjà aux vidéo blogs personnels qui
permettront aux utilisateurs l’accès
non seulement à l’information mais
aussi à l’opinion des auteurs de ces
blogs. C’est une initiative que je
trouve intéressante
Moi, je ne suis pas certaine qu’il y ait
beaucoup d’avenir pour la télé.
L’ordinateur peu à peu remplace
tout. On n’a plus besoin de radio ni
de lecteur de CD par exemple. Ce
qui passe à la télé, on peut aussi y
accéder en utilisant son ordinateur.
On peut aussi voir les émissions
qu’on a manquées. Heureusement
qu’avec la télé haute définition, la
qualité de l’image est supérieure à
celle de l’ordinateur et heureusement
aussi qu’on a accès à une énorme
quantité de chaines grâce au
Beaucoup de gens sont allés voir
Avatar et ce n’est pas le premier film
de ce genre. Il est déjà possible de
visionner de tels films dans certains
parcs d’attractions. On vous donne
des lunettes stéréoscopiques et vous
entrez dans le monde de la 3D,
c’est-à-dire que ce que vous voyez
est en relief. La télévision
tridimensionnelle est sûrement la télé
de l’avenir. Avec les développements
de la nouvelle technologie, je pense
qu’on n’aura plus besoin de ces
lunettes bizarres pour pouvoir
regarder ce qu’on veut en 3D.
Nicolas pense qu’à l’avenir, pour visionner la télé tridimensionnelle,
on aura besoin de lunettes stéréoscopiques.
Avec la télé en 3D, on verra tout en relief.
Selon Yvonne, à l’avenir, la télé risque d’être remplacée par l’ordinateur.
La qualité de l’image est la même avec la télé haute définition que sur l’ordinateur.
Avec l’ordinateur, on peut regarder le même nombre de chaines qu’à la télé.
Martial n’est pas impressionné par le concept de la télé interactive.
Il a l’intention d’écrire un vidéoblog et de demander à ses amis ce qu’ils en pensent.
SPEAKING – Here is an example of a stimulus card for AS Speaking
The oral exam will last for 15 minutes and consists of a stimulus card with set
questions to prepare, followed by more general questions on the same topic
(5 minutes). This is followed by a conversation which could be based on any
topic covered in the Student Book (10 minutes). You will be given 20 minutes
preparation time.
Choose one of the two questions below and spend 20 minutes preparation time
on it, thinking about how to answer the set questions and how to discuss the
topic more generally.
30 marks
Question 1
1 De
quoi s’agit-il ici?
Quels sont les avantages d’avoir une télé dans sa chambre?
Est-ce que vous passez trop de temps devant la télé?
Quelles sortes d’émissions aimez-vous regarder?
Est-ce que la télé a une grande influence sur vous et sur les jeunes en général?
Question 2
De quoi s’agit-il ici?
Est-ce que vous avez une chaine préférée?
Que pensez-vous des chaines qui ne passent qu’une sorte d’émissions comme par
exemple du sport?
9 Préférez-vous les chaines avec ou sans publicité?
10 Quels sont les avantages d’avoir accès à toute une gamme de chaines?
Could you talk about the topic?
What good phrases can you remember
from GCSE? How could you fit them in?
Useful phrases:
Je viens de trouver –
Si vous aimez,visitez
Si vous avez des enfants,peut-etre une
visite serait..
Vous pourriez essayer/manger etc
Si on a faim/soif
A mon avis les prix sont raisonnables
Par contre/tandis que
Il faut que + subjunctive
Apres avoir visité
Avant de + infinitive
Je crois que
La chose la plus interessante est,a on avis
Il a éte crée/decidé
Prepare a one minute presentation
about yourself to introduce yourself to
your class in September…
Human interest news items
Articles online are the best for this.
Good websites include:
Good search engine:
Learning in this unit is ongoing and cannot be measured accurately in
terms of learning outcomes. Therefore each individual article will have
different learning outcomes depending on its subject content, grammar
and vocabulary.
My Learning Log
Handbook FRENCH 2012