Donald Mcfarlan Concise Pictures of Dynamised Drugs Personally


Donald Mcfarlan Concise Pictures of Dynamised Drugs Personally
Donald Mcfarlan
Concise Pictures of Dynamised Drugs Personally
Extrait du livre
Concise Pictures of Dynamised Drugs Personally Proven
de Donald Mcfarlan
Éditeur : B. Jain
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3d Potency
1. Worse in the morning, and especially after the night's sleep:
This modality is seen in reference to:
a. Stoppage of the left nostril.
b. A very sleepy state.
c. The voiding of lots of flatus.
d. A constant frontal and vertical headache.
e. A polyuria.
f. Vertigo.
g. A painful neck on rotation,
h. A heavy feeling head.
i. Fever followed by thirst.
The condition of headache with the above modality is
very, very common.
2. Worse from motion of the body or its parts. This
modality is seen in reference to:
a. Difficulty in swallowing.
b. A stiffness of the neck.
c. Dull right sided digital pains.
d. Natural forced inspiration.
e. The upper central chest sorer by cough.
f. Right sciatic night pain.
g. A weakness in the left knee.
h. A short walk forces lying down.
i. A forcing up of phlegm causes gagging (feels like vomiting)
j. Weakest when walking.
k. Inability to straighten out the left arm. due to pain at night.
1. Motion causes vertigo in prover.
m. Worse walking in afternoon,
n. Crocheting causes numbness in the left hand,
o. A catching pain in the right side, much worse on bending.
3. Marked thirst for cold water in big amounts, from
morning until midnight. Drinking aggravates the same, and so
does working. Thirst with fever, and at its onset it appears with
dryness of mouth, nose and throat. Fever precedes thirst in
morning after sleep.
Excerpt from Donald Mcfarlan
,,Concise Pictures of Dynamised Drugs Personally Proven”
Publisher: B. Jain Publishers
Excerpted by Narayana Publishers, 79400 Kandern,
Tel.: +49 (0) 7626 974 970-0
Donald Mcfarlan
Concise Pictures of Dynamised Drugs
Personally Proven
28 pages, fascicule
publication 1991
Plus de livres sur homéopathie, les médecines naturelles et un style de vie plus sain