Le Moyen Age en Irlande


Le Moyen Age en Irlande
Le Moyen Age en Irlande
Bibliographie de la Médiathèque du Centre Culturel Irlandais
(mise à jour octobre 2010)
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Cette bibliographie présente une centaine de documents abordant l’époque médiévale en Irlande, à travers
plusieurs grandes thématiques : l’histoire, l’archéologie, l’architecture et l’urbanisme, la religion, l’histoire de l’art
ainsi que la littérature.
Il s’agit essentiellement de monographies. Pour les quelques documents multimédias (CD-ROM et VHS), une
mention le précise explicitement.
Medieval Dublin I : Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 1999 / Sean
Duffy. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2000 - 237 p.
Medieval Dublin II : Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2000 / Sean
Duffy - Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2001 - 256 p.
Medieval Dublin III : Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2001 / Sean
Duffy - Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2002 - 240 p.
Medieval Dublin IV : Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2002 / Sean
Duffy - Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2004 – 368 p.
Medieval Dublin V : Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2003 / Sean
Duffy. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2004 - 301 p.
Medieval Dublin VI : Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2004 / Sean
Duffy - Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2005 - 256 p.
Medieval Dublin VII : Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2005 / Sean
Duffy. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2006 - 249 p.
Britain and Ireland 1050-1530 : Economy and society / Richard Britnell - Oxford : Oxford University
Press, 2004. - 562 p.. - (Economic and social history of Britain)
Hospitality in Medieval Ireland 900-1500 / Catherine Marie O'Sullivan. - Dublin : Four Courts Press,
2004 - 272 p.
Domination and Conquest : The Experience of Ireland, Scotland and Wales, 1100-1300 / Davies,
R. R. : Cambridge University Press, 1990 - 134 p.
Contents :1. Patterns of domination 2. Aristocratic domination 3. Native submission 4. The Kings of
England and the domination of the British Isles 5. The Intensification of Lordship 6. Conquest. Maps,
Ireland and Europe in the Twelfth Century : Reform and Renewal / Damian Bracken. - Dublin :
Four Courts Press, 2006 - 280 p.
Sex and marriage in ancient Ireland / Patrick C. Power. - Dublin : Mercier Press, 1997 - 96 p.
Medieval Celtic Literature and Society / Helen Fulton. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2005 - 304 p.
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Expugnatio Hibernica : The Conquest of Ireland / Cambrensis, Giraldus : Royal Irish Academy,
1978 - 393 p. - (A New History of Ireland - Irish Medieval Texts)
Giraldus (1146-1223), born in Wales of Norman and Welsh parents, was a prolific writer and influential
figure in the twelfth century renaissance. His irreplaceable account of the coming of the Normans to
Ireland was the first Irish history book by a non-Irish author.
Taking Sides? : Colonial and Confessional Mentalités in Early Modern Ireland : Essays in
honour of Karl S. Bottigheimer / Vincent P. Carey / Ute Lotz-Heumann. - Dublin : Four Courts Press,
2003 - 315 p.
Gaelic and gaelicized Ireland in the Middle Ages / Nicholls, K. W. - Dublin : The Lilliput press, 2003
- 238 p.
Cenel Conaill and the Donegal Kingdoms ad 500-800 / Brian Lacey. - Dublin : Four Courts Press,
2006 - 351 p.
The Lordship of Ireland in the Middles Ages / James Lyndon. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2003 256 p. - (Four Courts History Classics)
Ireland under the Normans : 1169 - 1333 / Goddard Henry Orpen ; Sean Duffy - Dublin : Four Courts
Press , 2005 - 633 p.
Medieval Record Sources / Philomena Connolly - Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2002 - 71 p.(Maynooth Research Guides for Irish Local History ; 4)
Early Irish Farming / Kelly, Fergus : Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies : School of Celtic Studies,
2000 - 751 p. - (Early Irish Law)
This book is a general account of the early Irish farm, based mainly on the law-texts of the 7th-8th
Ireland, England and the Continent in the Middle Ages and Beyond : Essay in Memory of a
Turbulent Friar, F. X. Martin, O.S.A. / Howard B. Clarke ; J.R.S. Phillips - Dublin : University College
Dublin Press , 2006 - 360 p.
The Wandering Scholars of the Middle Ages / Waddell, Helen. - New York : Dover Publications,
2000 - 330 p.
Originally published in 1932, the author discusses pagan learning and the break with that tradition,
considers the works of such poet-scholars as Fortunatus, who traveled between the Italian and
Frankish courts, the great Abelard, and the colony of Irish scholars around Liege and Cologne. Other
topics include the revival of learning in France, humanism during the first half of the 12th century, the
archpoet, and the scholars' lyric.
Regions and Rulers in Ireland, 1100-1650 / David Edwards. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2004. 288 p.
The Kingship and landscape of Tara / Edel Bhreathnach - Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2005 - 536 p.
Pawns or Prayers ? / Christine Meek. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2003. - 224 p. - (Studies on
Medieval and Early Modern Woman).
Anglo-Irish and Gaelic Women in Ireland, c. 1170-1540 / Gillian Kenny. - Dublin : Four Courts
Press, 2007. - 218 p.The Vision of Tnugdal / Jean-Michel Picard. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 1989.
- 162 p.
Ireland : Harbinger of the Middle Ages / Bieler, Ludwig : Oxford University Press, 1963 - 148 p.
A pictorial and textual presentation of Irish culture during the period following the fall of Rome, when
Christian learning and faith flourished in Erin and radiated from there to Britain and the continent.
Bieler focuses on the character and expansion of Irish Christianity, the monasteries, Columba and
Columbanus, and the Irish in the Carolingian empire.
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British Sources for Irish History 1485-1641 : A Guide to manuscripts in Local, Regional and
Specialised Repositories in England, Scotland and Wales / Brian C. Donovan - Dublin : Irish
Manuscripts Commission, 1997 - V-XXX ; 381 p.
The Lordship of Ireland in the Middles Ages / James Lyndon - Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2003 256 p. .- (Four Courts History Classics)
Victims or Viragos / Christine Meek. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2005. - 240 p.. - (Studies on
Medieval and Early Modern Women)
Gaelic Ireland c.1250 - c.1650 : Land, Lordship and Settlement / Patrick J. Duffy / David Edwards /
Elizabeth FitzPatrick - Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2001 - 454 p.
The Annals of Ireland by Friar John Clyn / Bernadette Williams - Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2007 303 p.
The Book of Tara / Michael Slavin. - Dublin : Wolfhound Press, 1996. - 173 p.
Irish Kings and High Kings / Byrne, Francis J. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2001. - 341 p. - (Four
Courts History Classics)
2nd Edition. This book is an analysis of the nature of early Irish kingship, using annalistic and
genealogical material to interpret Irish saga and legend. Professor Byrne examines the unique blend
of pagan tribalism and Christian monasticism which characterises the political landscape of early
Ireland in the Middle Ages / Duffy, Sean. - London : Macmillan Press, 1997 - 216 p.
This book places the arrival of the English as its centre piece. It examines society and politics in preinvasion Ireland and the manner in which they were altered by the arrival of the English. Motives and
reactions to the invasion are discussed in detail. By the end of the Middle Ages the English attempt at
conquering Ireland had remained unsucessful: this book seeks to explain why.
A Guide to Early Irish Law / Kelly, Fergus : Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies : School of Celtic
Studies, 1988 - 358 p. - (Early Irish Law)
This book provides a concise description of Early Irish law, based mainly on the law-text of the 7th-8th
Annala Connacht : A.D. 1224 - 1544 / A. Martin Freeman - Dublin : School of Celtic Studies , 1944 854 p.
Handbook and Select Calendar of Sources for Medieval Ireland in the National Archives of the
United Kingdom / Paul Dryburgh. - Londres : Four Courts Press, 2005. - 394 p.
The History and Topography of Ireland / Cambrensis, Giraldus : Penguin Books, 1982 - 136 p. (Penguin Classics)
The History and Topography of Ireland (Topographia Hibernica) by Gerald of Wales (Giraldus
Cambrensis), a twelfth-century Norman, describes the geography, the wildlife, the history and social
life of the country during the Middle Ages.
Illaunloughan Island : An Early Medieval Monastery in County Kerry / Jenny White Marshall :
Wordwell, 2005. - 253 p.
Brian Boru : King of Ireland / Roger Chatterton Newman. - Dublin : Anvil Books, 1983. - 224 p.
Ireland and Wales in the Middle Ages / Karen Jankulac. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2007. - 296 p.
The World of the Galloglass : Kings, warlords and warriors in Ireland and Scotland, 1200-1600 /
Sean Duffy - Dublin : Four Courts Press , 2007 - 219 p.
The Sheela-na-Gigs of Ireland and Britain : The Divine Hag of the Christian Celts : An Illustrated
Guide / Joanne McMahon / Jack Roberts. - Irlande : Mercier Press, 2001. - 192 p.
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Diarmait : King of Leinster / Nicholas Furlong. - Cork : Mercier Press, 2006. - 192 p.
Government, War and Society in Medieval Ireland / Peter Crooks - Dublin : Four Courts Press ,
2008 .- 407 p.
The Vikings in Ireland : Settlement, Trade and Urbanization / Mary A. Valante - Dublin : Four
Courts Press , 2008 - 216 p.
From Kings to Warlords : The Changing Political Structure of Gaelic Ireland in the Later Middle
Ages / Simms, Katharine : The Boydell Press, 1987 - 191 p. - (Studies in Celtic History)
The Norman invasion of Ireland (1169) did not result in a complete conquest, and those native Irish
chieftains who retained independent control of their territories achieved a recovery of power in the later
middle ages. Katharine Simms studies the experience of the resurgent chieftains. The most obvious
signs of change were the gradual disappearance of the title ri (king), and the ubiquitous presence of
mercenary soldiers.
Early Irish Lyrics : Eighth to Twelfth Century / Murphy, Gerard - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 1998 315 p.
Gerard Murphy (1901-59), Professor of the History of Celtic Literature at University College Dublin,
was one of the outstanding Irish scholars of his generation. His Early Irish Lyrics was the first
anthology to present a large number of poems (from eighth to the twelfth century) both in the original
and in translation.
Medieval Tradition : The Enduring Tradition / Michael Richter - Dublin : Gill & Macmillan, 2005 217 p. - (New Gill History of Ireland)
The Deeds of the Normans in Ireland : A new edition of the chronicle formerly known as The
Song of Dermot and the Earl / Evelyn Mullally. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2002. - 179 p.
Ireland and Europe in the Early Middle Ages : Texts and Transmissions / Proinseas Ni Chathain.
- Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2002. - 400 p.
Irish Sea Studies, 900-1200 / Benjamin Hudson. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2006. - 256 p.
War, Politics and the Irish of Leinster, 1156-1606 / Emmett O'Byrne. - Dublin : Four Courts Press,
2003 - 308 p.
Histoire chronologique des pays celtiques / Jakez Gaucher - Guérande : Association Keltica
International, 1990 - 396 p.
Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History / O'Curry, Eugene : Four Courts
Press, 1995 - 722 p. - (Celtic Studies)
Eugene O'Curry (1794-1862). These twenty one Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish
History are an invaluable mine of information upon the ancient Manuscripts of Ireland and their
contents - annals, genealogies, histories, epics, historical tales, saints' lives.
A New History of Ireland II : Medieval Ireland 1169-1534 / Cosgrove, Art : Oxford University Press :
Clarendon Press, 1993. - 1004 p.. - (New History of Ireland)
The Archeology of Medieval Ireland / Barry, T. B. : Routledge, 1988 - 236 p.
Contents : Pre-Norman settlement 1000-1169; Anglo-Norman military fortifications; Anglo-Norman
rural settlement; The growth of medieval towns; The archeology of the medieval church; The later
middle ages : growth or decline ? Future horizons
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The Port of Medieval Dublin : Archeological excavations at the Civic Offices, Winetavern Street,
Dublin 1993 / Halpin, Andrew. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2000. - 189 p.
During the second phase of construction of the new Civic Offices, Dublin, in the early 1990s, an
archaeological excavation revealed evidence 13th century waterfront activity. It also confirmed the
status of Winetavern Street as a major bustling routeway in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Architecture et Urbanisme
The Medieval Castles of Ireland / Sweetman, David : The Boydell Press, 1999 - 218 p.
The great age of Irish castle-building began with the arrival of the Anglo-Normans, traditionally dated
to 1169, and continued right up to the seventeenth century. This book is illustrated with 200 original
drawings and photographs.
Boyle Abbey and the School of the West / Britta Kalkreuter. - Bray : Wordwell, 2001. - 209 p.
Medieval Ireland : The Barryscourt Lectures I-X / John Ludlow / Noel Jameson. - Carrigtwohill. Cork. - Kinsale : Barryscourt Trust : Cork County Council : Gandon Editions, 2004. - 349 p.
Saints d'Irlande : Analyse critique des sources hagiographiques (VIIe-IXe siècles) / Nathalie
Stalmans. - Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2003 - 326 p.
The Eagle and the Dove : the Spirituality of the Celtic Saint Columbanus / Lack, Katherine London : Triangle, 2000 - 148 p.
Early Christian Ireland / Charles-Edwards, T.M.. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000 707 p.
Medieval Irish Saints' Lives : an introduction to Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae / Sharpe, Richard Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1991 - 427 p.
The Modern traveller to the early Irish Church / Hughes, Kathleen / Hamlin, Ann. - Dublin : Four
courts press, 2004. - 135 p.
Saint Patrick : Ireland's Patron Saint / George Otto Simms - Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 2004 - 96
Saint Patrick's Purgatory : A Twelfth-Century Tale of a Journey to the Other World / J-M. Picard.
- Dublin : Four Courts Press, 1985. - 78 p.
Studies in Irish Cisterian History / Colmcille O Conbhuidhe. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 1998. 260 p.
Histoire de l’Art
Croix et bestiaire celtiques / David Balade - Rennes : Editions Ouest-France, 2007 - 119 p.
Art Irlandais / Henry, Françoise. - Dublin : Three Candles / Comité des Relations Culturelles
d'Irlande, 1962 - 64 p.
History of early Irish art from the origins until the eighth century
L'Art médiéval en Irlande / Peter Harbison : Zodiaque, 1998 - 366 p.
The Book of Kells : Reproductions from the manuscript in Trinity college Dublin / Henry,
Françoise. - London : Thames and hudson, 1974 - 226 p.
The Book of Kells / Brown, Peter. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1989 - 96 p.
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The Book of Kells / Sullivan, Edward. - London & New York : The Studio publications, 1952 - 111 p.
The Book of Kells / Simms, G. O. : Colin Smythe : Trinity College Dublin, 1998
A selection of pages from one of the greatest illuminated manuscripts reproduced with a decription
and notes.
Celtic Illumination : The Irish School / Davis, Courtney : Thames and Hudson, 1998 - 96 p.
Courtney Davis recreates portraits of the saints, border designs, Celtic symbols, and elaborate initials
from all the Irish School manuscripts, spanning the period from the beginning of the seventh century
until the twelfth century. His text describes the historical background - the Christianization of Ireland,
the Viking raids, and the monks who fled with their precious books to libraries abroad. The origin of
each manuscript is given, with an account of where and by whom it was made, its purpose, and the
symbolism of its designs.
Croix Sculptées Irlandaises / Henry, Françoise - Dublin : Three Candles : Comité des Relations
Culturelles d'Irlande, 1964 - 75 p.
Contents : General Aspect, The different kinds of Crosses, Iconography, Ornaments, Chronology,
Bibliography, List of sculpted Crosses in Ireland
Gothic art in Ireland, 1169-1550 : Enduring vitality / Hourihane Colum - New Heaven - London :
Yale university press, 2003 - 187 p.
Irish Art in the early Christian period (to 800 A.D.) / Henry, Françoise : Cornell University Press,
1965 - 256 p.
Contents :1. Irish Art in Pagan Times 2. Irish Christian Art : the historical background 3. The Beginning
of Christian Art in Ireland 4. Sites and Architecture (650-800) 5. Metalwork (650-800) 6. Carvings (650800) 7. Decoration of Manuscripts (650-800)
The Irish bardic poet : a study in the relationship of poet and patron as exemplified in the persons of
the poet, Eochaidh O hEoghusa (O'Hussey) and his various patrons, mainly members of the Maguire
family of Fermanagh / Carney, James : Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1985. - 40 p.
Given as the Statutory Public Lecture of the Celtic School of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies,
20 March 1958.
The Book of Kells / Sullivan, Edward. - London & New York : The Studio publications, 1952. - 111 p.
/ Liam De Paor. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 1997. - 220 p.
Ireland and insular art A.D. 500-1200 : Proceedings of a conference at University College Cork,
31 October-3 November 1985 / Michael Ryan. - Dublin : Royal Irish Academy, 1987. - 187 p.
Exploring the Book of Kells / George Otto Simms. - Dublin : The O'Brien Press, 1988. - 72 p.
The Medieval Manuscripts of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin / Raymond Gillespie / Raymond
Refaussé. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2006. - 192 p.
Art and Devotion in Late Medieval Ireland / Rachel Moss / Colman O Clabaigh OSB / Salvador
Ryan. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2006. - 234 p.
The Work of Angels : The Book of Kells / Grigor, Murray : Clarence Irish Classics, 2001. - 57'
This documentary explores how the greatest Irish Manuscript and its great illuminated pages to
survive from the middle ages, and how the monks of the monastery of Iona founded by St Colomba,
combined the influences of the East with Celtic and Pictish craft traditions in metal working and stone
carving, to create a work which was so atonishing in its elaboration that for centuries The Book of Kells
was considered to have been the "work of angels".
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The Book of Kells DVD-Rom / Bill Simpson. - Dublin : Board of Trinity College Dublin, 2006
The Book of Kells / Bill Simpson. - Dublin : Board of Trinity College Dublin, 2002
The Cathach of Colum Cille : An Introduction / Herity, Michael / Breen, Aidan. - Dublin : Royal Irish
Academy, 2003 + livret
The Cathach is the oldest extant Irish illuminated manuscript, dated to c. CE 600. Legend has it that
Colum Cille copied the manuscript from a psalter lent to him by St. Finnian. A full-color booklet
introduces readers to the provenance, art history and biblical content of the manuscript. The
accompanying interactive CD-ROM presents the manuscript in digitized form.
Littérature (poésie, anthologie, critique littéraire…)
Too Small for Stove Wood, Too Big for Kindling / John V. Kelleher. - Dublin : The Dolmen Press,
1979. - 56 p.
Poems and Translations / Robin Flower. - Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 1994. - 176 p.
An Introduction to the Irish Syllabic Poetry of the Period 1200-1600 / Eleanor Knott. - Dublin :
Betaprint, 2005. - 135 p.
Medieval Irish Lyrics : Selected and Translated, With The Irish Bardic Poet : A Study in the
Relationship of Poet and Patron / Carney, James - Dublin : The Dolmen Press, 1985 - 140 p.
Kings, Lords and Commons : Irish Poems from the seventh century to the nineteenth century. /
O'Connor, Franck. - Dublin : Gill and Macmillan, 1909. - 167 p.
Irish Bardic Poetry : Texts and Translations, together with an Introductory Lecture / Bergin,
Osborn : Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1984 - 320 p.
This volume contains Bergin's lecture on Bardic Poetry, delivered to the National Literary Society in
1912, together with the texts and translations of sixty six Early Modern Irish poems edited by him.
Irish Bardic Poetry and Rhethorical Reality / Michelle O Riordan. - Cork : Cork University Press,
2007. - xxvi-458 p.
The Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing. Vol. 1 / Deane, Seamus : Field Day Publications, 1991 1316 p.
These three volumes form the most comprehensive anthology of Irish writing ever published. Its 4 500
pages provide a commanding view of the various traditions of writing from 550 AD to the late twentieth
century in Irish, English, Latin and Norman French. Volume 1 : From Early and Middle Irish Literature
(ca. 550-1600) through the Intellectual Revival (1830-1945).
And as I Rode by Granard Moat / Benedict Kiely. - Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 1996. - 227 p.
Medieval and Modern Ireland / Wall, Richard : Colin Smythe 1988 - 158
Contents : - Introduction / Richard Wall ; - The Image Of The Irish-Medieval and Modern-Continuity
and Change / F.X. Martin, O.S.A. ; - John Bull's Other Ego : Reactions to the Stage Irishman in AngloIrish Drama / Heinz Kosok ; - Contemporary Irish Poetry and The Matter of Ireland-Thomas Kinsella,
John Montague and Seamus Heaney / Brian John ; - Early Irish Literature and Contemporary
Scholarly Disciplines / Ann Dooley ; - Brian Friel's Translations : National and Universal Dimensions /
Wolfgang Zach ; - Brian Moore and The Meaning of Exile / Hallvard Dahlie ; - Medieval Irish Poetics:
Linguistic Interaction and Audience / Toni O'Brien Johnson ; - The Artifice of Eternity: Medieval
Aspects of Modern Irish Literature / John Wilson Foster;
The Irish Tradition / Robin Flower. - Dublin : The Lilliput Press, 2001. - 180 p.
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King of Mysteries : Early Irish Religious Writings / John Carey. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2001.
- 304 p.
Myth in Celtic Literatures / Joseph Falaky Nagy. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 2007. - 166 p.. (CSANA Yearbook)
Early Irish Literature / Myles Dillon. - Dublin : Four Courts Press, 1994. - 191 p.. - (Celtic Studies)
Early Irish Myths and Sagas / Jeffrey Gantz. - Londres : Peguin Books, 1981. - 279 p.
Tales of the Elders of Ireland : Acallam na Senorach / Ann Dooley. - Oxford : Oxford University
Press, 1999. - VIII-XLIII ; 245 p.. - (Oxford World's Classic)
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