CIMPA synthesis 2013-14


CIMPA synthesis 2013-14
CIMPA synthesis 2013-14
CIMPA works now in the conventional manner for an association; each body is
exercising exactly its responsibilities. So far I have willingly taken care of some of the
tasks of the Bureau in coordination with it. Recent developments show that this is no
longer desirable, moreover CIMPA almost doubled in size; this is also why an
institutionally consistent operation is required. My enthusiasm and dedication to
CIMPA in my functions are renewed. I’m also working in order entrust to our
successors in 2016 a dynamic CIMPA and in good working order.
Due to the increasing of CIMPA activity I have almost no time left for research by
now; since three months I didn’t had any time available for writing a paper that I
have in mind. Being Director of CIMPA takes clearly more time than the teaching load
replaced by the “delegation” status.
CIMPA is doing well, we organise close to 20 Research Schools (RS) each year. They are well
supported, balanced and useful. Work by Scientific Council (SC) and then by the Steering Council
(StC) helps a lot, increasing our credibility and reliability, also with respect to our supporting
Ministries or institutions.
Ongoing call for projects for Research Schools in 2016:
Please help for building more good projects before 1st of October.
We have three principal tools:
- Research schools, clearly the most important,
- Schools in partnership, lesser level schools initiated and organised locally, of type
EMALCA, EMA or SEAMS, in partnership with mathematical unions. We contribute to
reinforce them.
- Support for training in research has been established following StC recommendations.
The procedure has been worked out with our accountants, with invitation and final letter
by a “third party”.
The specific operation with Cambodia is confirmed following the Stc decisions, and receives
an increased support. Thanks go to Brigitte Lucquin, she is in charge in my management
Special thanks to the renewed SC. Several members have their own funding for their ticket.
RS for 2015: 20 have been selected
SEAMS have now introduced schools in partnership and is managing with CIMPA, my special
thanks to Edy Baskoro, President of SEAMS and member of our SC.
The SC is informed about EMAs, EMALCAs and now SEAMS schools.
Mathematicians from Norway, Switzerland and Nice are requested to participate and to
organize Research Schools with positive results. Those from Spain are completely integrated.
The road map of a RS underwent small changes; it is a crucial tool for our work.
The small administrative team (two secretaries, one half-time) is very efficient in Nice.
There is a completely renewed personal space for candidates to register for RS. On-line files
can be reviewed at any moment, this is extremely convenient. Lot of work have been done
with the Information Technology Responsible Alfonso Perez. Recommendation letters are
now automatized.
Agreements ok (Argentina, Morocco, AIMS South-Africa). Informal (Brazil IMPA, Mexico).
With India - National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) often efficient but intricate.
More local support. Better and better, Mathematics is recognized as an engine or vector for
development. CIMPA is better known, due to Europeanization, the number and the quality of
RS, and also through our participation to the “laboratory of Excellence” with IHES, IHP and
Perfect work with ICTP and its new director Fernando Villegas.
IMU answers positively to almost all our requests for financial support for each RS.
The subventions for 2014 of all the countries are arriving. Norway was the first.
Unfortunately there is a 7% cut in the subvention by MESR (DGRI) of France.
Management team conducted by myself is doing well; one CIMPA officer is present at each
Some lecturers prefers to stay just the time of their course and do not participate to the rest
of the Research School; it is difficult to convince them to have a more active implication.
For some youths participation is « à la carte »: they choose some courses or they stay only
one week. The reimbursement can depend on their complete participation but only until
some point.
In June, a last minute proposal at the Governing Board and at the General Assembly required
that CIMPA give long term grants. I wished to avoid a difficult vote independently of its
result. Therefore a Commission have been proposed in order to study first the feasibility of
such an action. The Bureau has nominated this Commission; I regret not being a member of
As director of CIMPA I think it is crucial to let know my analysis with respect to the possibility
of long term grants by CIMPA, independently of their feasibility. CIMAT in Guanajuato,
VIASM in Hanoi, Germany, Switzerland and IMU are already providing grants for Masters in
developing countries. CIMPA can work with them and impulse their projects without being a
substitute to them. We have to enhance our present activity, for which we are financed. In
any case our accountants wrote that a change of statutes is required first.
My complete analysis can be found in la Gazette des mathématiciens 140, interview “Où en
est le CIMPA” or on my personal page.
Synthesis of Research Schools 2013-14
Two complete reports are available for each RS at CIMPA web site, as well as the number of
Statistical Methods and applications in Insurance and Finance
Marrakesh MAROC, April 8-20 - AES
Josep Vives - Barcelona
102 participants conférenciers compris, 42 de l’extérieur du Maroc dont 15 algériens. Six d’Afrique
Subsaharienne grâce à la politique ciblée du CIMPA. Un tiers de femmes. Soutien effectif du Maroc,
en particulier de l’Académie des Sciences Hassan II. Il existe un réseau important au Maghreb sur le
Graphs, Codes, and Designs (GCD)
Bangkok THAILAND, May 20-31 – CM
Simeon Ball -Barcelona
Many colleagues from Thailand despite of teaching duties. Lectures were very good prepared and
adequate, in a coherent RS. Work for the organization was impressive.
Computer Algebra and its Applications
Abuja NIGERIA, June 10-22 CANCELED for security reasons
Equations aux Dérivées Partielles en Biologie et Médecine
La Havane CUBA, 24 juin-5 juillet – MS
Stéphane Mischler – Paris
26 participants autofinancés, 62 participants dont 16 financés par le CIMPA. Interaction scientifique
élevée et horizons mathématiques élargis. Renforcement des maths à Cuba. (
Current Trends in Computational Methods for PDEs
Bangalore INDE, 8-19 juillet – JJU
Blanca Ayuso de Dios – Barcelona
Organization really well prepared up to the last detail. There were some presentations by students.
NBHM support effective but late. Successful and useful.
Partial Differential Equations in Mechanics
Ulaanbaatar MONGOLIE, 15-28 juillet –AD
Doina Cioranescu, Paris
First RS in Mongolia, 30 regular participants. Eight selected to get CIMPA support but only four could
come. Good quality and level.
Equations d’évolution et applications aux sciences de la nature
Muizenberg AFRIQUE DU SUD, 22 juillet-2 août – MA
Mokhtar-Kharroubi, Besançon
Ecole remarquablement préparée par les organisateurs. AIMS a Cape Town a soutenu efficacement
l’ER. Cours intensifs illustrant le sujet mathématique et incitant les participants à approfondir.
Méthodes Modernes de la Combinatoire
San Luis ARGENTINE, 22 juillet-2 août – CC
Shalom Eliahou – Calais
Some difficulties in order to raise up the project, too many hours and lecturers, lack of focus. At the
end they succeed with an enthusiastic organization and well prepared courses. ()
Courbes algébriques sur les corps finis et applications
Manila PHILIPPINES, 22 juillet-2 août – JJU et MW
Ecole de recherche en commun avec l’ICTP
Michel Waldschmidt – Paris
Courses from very basic to recent research. All participants in the same guest house with intense
mathematical activity. Good organization at the strong mathematical department of the national
Fonctions hypergéométriques et théorie des représentations
Ulaanbaatar MONGOLIE, 5-16 août – MJ JJU
Michel Jambu – Nice
Environ 30 participants, avec présentations des travaux de tous. Excellente ambiance. Des dortoirs
étaient prévus pour les étudiants, et les conférenciers dans un très bon hôtel. Le CIMPA a modifié
cela. Très bonne organisation. En 2014 sera créée l’Asian Math. Soc. et la SMM devrait en devenir
New Trends in Applied Harmonic Analysis : Sparse Representations, Compressed Sensing and
Multifractal analysis
Mar del Plata ARGENTINE, 5-16 août – SJ
Stéphane Jaffard – Paris
Constant attendance to the courses. Lecturers have been warmed to adapt the level. Some talks of
important mathematicians were not adapted for students. Important participation of recent PhD also
from developed countries.
Méthodes numériques en mécanique des fluides, épidémiologie mathématique et systèmes de
Saint Louis SENEGAL, 2-13 septembre – MSM
Ecole de recherche en commun avec l’ICTP
Daniel Le Roux, Lyon
Cette ER est dans la continuité du travail réalisé par le CIMPA depuis quelques années. Thèmes bien
choisis. Commentaires positifs de tous quant aux effets des ER CIMPA. Répercussion dans les médias.
Processus de Lévy et Autosimilarité
Tunis TUNISIE, 28 octobre-8 novembre – AS
Sonia Fourati, Rouen
Bonne participation de la Tunisie. Le Sénégal a payé le voyage de 6 jeunes mathématiciens. Le
ministre Mary Teuw Niane est un mathématicien, diplomé de Nice. Contexte favorable pour un
partenariat avec le Sénégal.
L’analyse de Fourier sur les groupes et la combinatoire
Shillong INDE, 18-30 novembre – MW
Gautami Bhowmik, Lille
Long standing collaboration of Bhowmik with the mathematicians from this university. The level of
the participants was uneven. Only two participants from abroad due to substantial visa problems.
Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems, Bilevel programming and MPEC
New-Delhi INDE, 25 novembre-6 décembre - JJU
Didier Aussel, Perpignan
Around 70 participants, and 11 foreign participants from Chile, China, Ethiopia, France, Italy,
Mongolia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam. The level of the talks of the school is appropriate.
However it is unclear what the participants get out the talks. Some of them were mentioning that the
talks are easy, but when asking for details they don’t know to answer.
Géométrie et Topologie des Variétés Singulières. Théorie et Applications
Hanoi VIETNAM, 2-14 décembre – BL CM
Jean-Paul Brasselet, Marseille
60 people including 13 women. 11 young mathematicians coming from the region supported by
CIMPA (4 women) : India, Indonesia, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia and Thailand. Some accepted but
could not come (1 from Iran, 1 from Iraq and 1 from Senegal). Lectures prepared with a great
attention starting from elementary concepts and sometimes ending with open problems.
Algèbre, Combinatoire et Physique
Valparaiso CHILI, 20-31 janvier – CC
Muriel Livernet, Paris
Une moyenne de 60 participants, intéressés et posant des questions. Dix jeunes argentins pris en
charge par le MINCyT, sauf leur hôtel. Quatre autres ont été entièrement financés par le CIMPA.
Cours soignés, avec des sujets complémentaires et parfois distants les uns des autres. Participation
locale remarquable.
Problèmes elliptiques et applications en géométrie
Beyrouth LIBAN, 24 février - 6 mars reportée pour raisons de sécurité
Analyse et Probabilités
Abidjan COTE D’IVOIRE, 17-28 mars – CC
Anne Estrade, Paris
Première en Côte d’Ivoire. 70 personnes ont assisté au cours dont 20 financés par le CIMPA, tous
intéressés et intéressants (Bénin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Mali, Maroc, Niger, et Sénégal). Un
effort particulier a été fait par le CIMPA pour des jeunes participants du Maroc. La participation
féminine a été inférieure à ce que nous aurions voulu. Mais plusieurs mathématiciennes d’Abidjan
ont participé.
Contrôle géométrique, stochastique et des équations aux dérivées partielles
Tlemcen ALGERIE, 12-25 avril

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