

S&P/TSX 6 979.12 DN 12.28
TSX/Crois 1 107.62 UP 1.02
DJIA 8 989.05 DN 89.99
NASDAQ 1 625.26 DN 8.75
tonight clear sky 23C 10Wkm/h 42%
sunday storm 28C 15S km/h 40%
sunrise 5:08am sunset 8:47pm
George Radwanski se serait fait
28 juin
La démission précipitée du
commissaire à la protection de la vie privée,
George Radwanski, n'aura
pas mis un terme à l'enquête du comité des
Le rapport du comité des
opérations gouvernementales et des prévisions
budgétaires, déposé vendredi, fait état de nom breuses interrogations et
s'engage à étudier le
processus de nomination
des hauts fonctionnaires, y
compris leurs salaires et
avantages, leur indépendance et les méthodes de
reddition de comptes
Le comité soulève aussi
plusieurs interrogations
sur les dépenses en frais
de repas et de déplacements de l'ex-commissaire
et de sa directrice des
somme qui approcherait
les 500 000 dollars sur une
période de deux ans.
Le comité n'émet pas de
recommandations directes
sur ces aspects, préférant
attendre les conclusions
générale, Sheila Fraser,
qui déposera un rapport
sur la gestion du bureau
de M. Radwanski en septembre.
Pour ces raisons, le
comité tient à recommander le renvoi de M.
Radwanski, et ce, même si
le principal intéressé a
démissionné en catastrophe lundi. Dans sa lettre
de démission, l'ex-commissaire
soutenir qu'il fait l'objet
d'une chasse aux sorcières et qu'il n'a rien à se
Montreal | Saturday June 28 2003 | Volume 1, issue 7
pessimum genus inimicorum laudantes |
Cauchon break-ins a mystery
The Gazette
June 28
Police aren't sure why a
man smashed his way into
the Montreal offices of
Justice Minister Martin
Cauchon late Thursday,
leaving a threatening letter
and a trail of destruction in
his wake.
Daniel Guibord, 57, was
charged yesterday with
two counts of breaking
and entering, mischief and
possession of break-in
implements after two
break-ins at Cauchon's
offices in the last four
The clean-shaven, balding
Guibord, wearing a torn
white T-shirt that was
knotted together, was
silent as his lawyer
entered a plea of not guilty
and requested trial by
judge and jury.
The Crown objected to his
release, so Guibord is due
back in court Monday for a
bail hearing.
“We haven't had a chance
to look at the charges or
the evidence," defence
lawyer Catherine Haccoun
said. She was unable to
Cauchon's office was tar geted.
Luce Asselin, Cauchon's
chief of staff for Quebec,
said initial damage esti mates
$100,000. "The office is a
mess," Asselin said.
When asked about a
motive for the two breakins, Asselin said she's
waiting to hear from
"We don't know any more
than you do," Asselin said
Montreal police caught the
accused in the minister's
third-floor offices of the
Queen Mary Rd. building
while they were responding to a burglar alarm. The
office is next door to
neighbourhood police station 26.
The Gazette, Aislin, June 14, 2003 - mood in Toronto
Cauchon, the member of
Outremont riding, was not
at the office when the
break-in occurred about
9:30 p.m. When police
arrived at the scene, the
office had been ran sacked; computers and
other office equipment
had been destroyed.
A knife and an iron bar
were found at the scene.
The suspect when police
tried to arrest him, said
The threatening letter
was also found pinned to
a wall with a hunting
knife next to a Quebec
flag. Police declined to
reveal the contents of
the letter. Employees
were picking up the
pieces at the office yesterday. Asselin said both
Cauchon and his staff
will be under tight security for an undetermined
page 1
Montreal Cops' Crack Down on Gang
Violence Backfires
Dubois was sadly mistaken when he claimed "We
will win our streets back
from gang violence within
a few months time,"
because it has become
painfully obvious just who
is in control of the streets.
The Gazette
June 8
Police Commissioner Yves
Dubois was speechless
today as he tried to make
a statement to the public
about Montreal's gang
problem. Just last month it
had seemed the police
force had turned the city
around, having an entire
month free of gang activity.
However, this month, gang
activity and violence has
come rip-roaring back into
Apparently the
police's new system to
crack down on gang violence has major flaws. It
Over the past month there
have been three fires
allegedly started by arsons
with gang connections,
eleven shootings in various districts including two
police officers, and one
possible car-bombing currently under investigation.
It was almost as if
Montreal's gangs had
lured police into a false
sense of security only to
blow it all away with an
explosion of violence.
Canadian Tire pourra offrir
des services bancaires
Le Devoir
13 juin
Canadian Tire offrira dès la
semaine prochaine ses
propres services bancaires
maintenant que la principale autorité financière
canadienne lui a accordé
son feu vert, a indiqué hier
la compagnie.
Le premier détaillant de
biens durables au pays a
précisé que la banque
aidera sa division de services financiers, qui offre
des cartes de crédit, à
réduire ses coûts. La
Banque Canadian Tire a
Bureau du surintendant
des institutions financières
et prévoit démarrer ses
activités le 1er juillet.
La banque n'offrira pas la
palette complète des services financiers traditionnels. La création de la
banque permettra à la division
Canadian Tire d'exploiter
ses activités sous la même
que d'autres compagnies
de carte de crédit.
Recrudescence des attaques antiaméricaines
centriques. Certains sont
très visibles, d'autres plus
discrets «Je crois que par
rapport à l'Amérique du
Nord, le Québec au grand
complet est une excentricité, Anne Dandurand. Le
simple fait que nous
soyons les seuls à parler
français parmi tous ces
anglophones est excentrique au niveau culturel.
23 boroughs face cuts. Council chairpersons
want restored funding and a new formula for
dividing money
June 27
Montreal libraries are losing up to $2.8 million in
funds to buy new books,
13 borough council chairpersons said yesterday.
"We will not be able to provide what we did before,"
Karin Marks of Westmount
said at a news conference
in St. Laurent.
Of Montreal's 27 boroughs, 23 face severe
library cuts, the hardest hit
being Pointe Claire, Côte
St. Luc, Beaconsfield and
Mount Royal, officials said.
assures, "We will get to
the bottom of this. It is a
major setback, but not one
that we can't overcome.".
Les excentriques s'amusent
L'excentricité est-elle un
vaccin contre le conformisme ambiant? Une
façon de lutter contre la
morosité? Alors que la
majorité de leurs concitoyens s'habille chez Gap
et se meuble chez Ikea,
les excentriques, eux,
résistent. Serait-elle le
dernier luxe accessible?
Montréal est peuplée d'ex-
Library book budgets slashed
Agence France-Presse
chaque jour plus préoccupante pour les forces de
la coalition américano-britannique en Irak après
l'annonce de la mort d'un
nouveau soldat améri cain, de la disparition de
deux autres GI avec leur
blindé léger et d'une
lanceroquettes contre le QG
américain à Fallouja.
Un soldat américain a été
tué jeudi soir dans un
affrontement avec des
«bandits» près de Najaf,
à 130 km sud de Bagdad,
ont indiqué des sources
américaine et irakienne.
After a citywide library
budget reduction of nearly
$6 million since 2001, the
boroughs were given $4.4
million by the provincial
government this year to
buy new materials.
This is not nearly enough,
said Suzanne Caron of
Mount Royal. Her library
can't afford any new books
this year, she said. Bill
Claire said he has $70,000
for new books this year, far
below his usual book
budget of $300,000.
Marks said Westmount will
have $70,000 to $100,000
less for new books - a 40
per cent cut.
Manon Barbe of LaSalle
said the cutbacks are
being made at a time when
more people are using
public libraries.
LaSalle has many recent
immigrants who need
books in both official languages and can't afford to
buy them, she said.
Patricia Tchokdhé, a frequent visitor to the St.
Laurent library, said she is
worried the cuts will limit
her access to books she
uses to learn English."It
would cost me much more
to buy them," she said.
The chairpersons called
for restored funding and a
reformulation of the way
funds are divided among
page 2