KEOLIS LILLE promotes the use of public transport by


KEOLIS LILLE promotes the use of public transport by
KEOLIS LILLE promotes the use of public
transport by persons with intellectual
A subsidiary of KEOLIS for the public transport system of Lille Metropole, Keolis Lille is a transport company
6. Clients / Consommateurs
social connection by offering employment and services to its passengers (170 million voyages in 2013, 60 metro
Relations client et consommateur
mobility of persons with intellectual disabilities.
Taille de l'entreprise
Entreprise de plus de 500 salariés
Chiffre d'affaires
310 M€ (2013)
2850 (2014)
24 bd Carnot
59000 LILLE
engaged in Sustainable Development in its work in inner cities, both in terms of the environment and as creator of
stations on 2 lines, 45 bus lines and 2 tramway lines). Keolis Lille has established an initiative to promote the
> Anticipate meeting the requirements set by law regarding accessibility of the of the network to Persons of
Reduced Mobility (PRM) beginning in 2015 (law applicable on 11th February 2015).
> Promote current and future mobility on behalf of the mentally impaired across the public transit network.
> Stimulate a network of specialized facilities geared towards accommodating individuals with social disorders in
order to better identify the expectations and constraints on both sides.
> Encourage internal awareness-building of the specific difficulties experienced by this population segment,
especially in the case of degraded service operations.
Awareness about the use of public transit services is raised through a partnership established with the facilities
assigned to handle this population segment (i.e. IME - Medical-Educational Institutes, and IM Pro Medical-Professional Institutes). In each structure, Transpole employees, all volunteers involved in different jobs
(conductors, controllers, sales personnel, etc.) and called ??godparents'?, run pedagogical interventions
throughout the year with the help of specialized educators to raise awareness, both for the children with
intellectual disabilities and the educators, on how to best use the public transport network. These interventions
also address signing, the construction of routes, the various people available on the network (mediators, sales
agents, controllers...), the tools for security and safety (emergency phones), the equipment, etc.
These pedagogical actions are completed by mobility experiences, in which the godparent accompanies his/her
Entreprise Partenaire du World Forum
Lille 2014
reference group (for this type of public, the fact of having the same agent each time is reassuring and promotes
listening) on the transport network by following a path predefined during an intervention within the structure.
In addition to these interventions in the structures, an event called Mobi'Defi, is organized once a year and brings
together all the partner structures: in the morning, accompanied by their godparent, the children follow a map of
Thierry DUC Director of Quality and
Sustainable Development
Mise à jour le
Jeudi, 26 Mai 2016
the network that they will have prepared beforehand. They then meet up with members from the other structures
of the project to share a meal, watch a show related to mobility and receive a medal symbolizing their
participation in the Mobi'Defi.
At present, 7 such facilities have become partners, spread across the Lille Metropolitan Area, while several others
have expressed interest in being affiliated with this network. 5 sponsoring employees have received training and
been participating for the past few years in the effort. Other volunteer employees are currently undergoing
Best Practice spotted by the World Forum Lille in 2013 and updated in 2014.
Facteur(s) clés du succès
> Engagement of Transpole: internal mobilization, management of the initiative
> Synergies with the different partners involved
Contribution à la performance de l'entreprise
> Improvement of the image of the enterprise to parents of persons with intellectual disabilities and their
> Change in the way employees regard disabilities, which helps in their daily jobs
Cette oeuvre de Réseau Alliances est mise à
disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative
Bénéfices sociaux, environnementaux et/ou de gouvernance
> Enhancing mobility of the disabled, as a key factor favoring social integration.
Pour en savoir plus
Winning CSR policy at Trophées de l'Economie ResponsableWinning CSR policy at (2012) Read the
document Dossier Démarche RSE Détaillée

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