„Modernity and tradition in adult education”


„Modernity and tradition in adult education”
„Modernity and tradition in adult education”
Grundtvig in-service training course organized by “Initiative Fund” Foundation in Lublin, September 26 – October 1, 2011
Rui, Portugal:
First of all I would like to express, once again the gratitude we have
towards your organization. It was a great week of work, joy and incredible
partnership. Congratulations for your amazing work.
Daniel, Portugal:
We have just finished a long report in Portuguese language to our NA,
and all I can say is that your organization did a very good job. There was
definitively a lot to learn from all the participants, from the tutors but there
was also a lot to learn from the organization as a whole and from each one
of you who did a very professional work and even an affectionate approach
to our staying in Lublin.
Marine, Belgium:
Je voudrais remercier très vivement pour l'accueil particulièrement
sympathique qui nous a été réservé et pour la parfaite organisation de ce
séminaire. Tu as pu constater combien l'atmosphère était sympathique et
“Initiative Fund” Foundation has published new courses
into Grundtvig Training Database.
We invite you to participate in our future courses!
„Initiative Fund“ Foundation
Registration address:
Sierpińskiego 24/5 Street
20-448 Lublin, Poland
www.ffi.org.pl, [email protected]
Phone/fax: 00 48 81 532 10 30, 81 532 10 32
Narutowicza 57/4, 6 Street
20-016 Lublin, Poland
“Initiative Fund” Foundation – courses that bear fruits
Six participants from three European countries: Austria, Belgium and
Portugal attended the training “Modernity and tradition in adult
education staff” organised by “Initiative Fund” Foundation in Lublin.
The key aim of the course was to present, analyze and compare
different method of teaching adults taking into account traditional and
modern aspects of this field. Participants gained thorough knowledge and
practical skills concerning diverse methods, aids and tools implemented
in the process of adult teaching in education institutions.
The course aimed also at enabling participants to learn and interact in
intercultural context, as well as introduce fresh ideas and solutions into
their day-to-day work.
Here are some opinions of participants describing the course:

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